Kalori Henty Public School Week 1 Term 3 · Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform....

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Transcript of Kalori Henty Public School Week 1 Term 3 · Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform....

Kalori“Message Stick”

Term 3Week 1

Principal’s Message

Kalori / 1

24th July 2018

Henty Public School

43 Sladen Street Henty NSW 2658

T 02 6929 3184

F 02 6929 3057

E henty-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au W henty-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

“Achievement for All in a Safe and Respectful Environment”We are Responsible, We are Respectful, We are Learners


Tue 24th: Term 3 resumes

Tue 24th: Catering Meeting 5:30pm

Fri 27th: Mufti Day

Thu 26th: Premier’s Debating

Tue 31st: English UNSW Exam


Wed 1st: Assembly 2/3

Wed 8th: Band - Eisteddfod (Albury)

Wed 8th: P&C Metting 5.30pm

Thu 9th: Book Parade

Wed 15th: Assembly 1/2

Thur 16: Premiers Debating (The Rock)

Mon 20th: School Open Day 10:30am

Fri 24th: Bernie O’Connor Carnival

Wed 29th: Assembly (no item)

Fri 31st: Riverina Athletics


Wed 5th: Riverina Todd Woodbridge Tennis

Thur 6th: Wagga Eisteddfod

Tue 11th: Gala Night - Aladdin

What’s On at HPS?

Henty Public School

Welcome back to Term 3. I hope everyone is refreshed and ready for another big term. This term we have many significant events for our school including Education Week, Book Week, our gala whole school production of Aladdin as well as the Henty Field Days just to name a few!!

Welcome to our schoolThis term, we welcome two new families to our school. We welcome the Johnson family with Jake in Year 1 and the Hossain family with Muhtasim in Year 4. We know they will enjoy their time at HPS.

State Representative- Good Luck AngusWe wish Angus White all the best as he represents Riverina at State Cross Country this Friday, we are sure he has been out training all holidays. Good Luck!

Creative & Performing Arts & Sports UniformStudents will be involved in dance and drama sessions each week with their classroom teacher in preparation for our whole school production of Aladdin. It would be appreciated if students could wear their sport uniform on the following days to assist in movement. Bluearth will also continue this term and sports uniform is recommended for this activity too. K/1 Blue- Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1/2 Red- Monday & Friday 2/3 Green- Monday & Friday Year 4- Monday & Friday Year 5 - Monday & Friday Year 6- Monday, Thursday & Friday

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook by searching Henty Public School and download our school app via School Stream to keep up to date with events and happenings throughout the term.

Claire Ross

Relieving Principal


SCHOOL CANTEEN ROSTER COULD ALL VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE BETWEEN 900AM & 930AM 30/07/2018 - Simone Brown 06/08/2018 - Debbie Klemke 13/08/2018 - Heidi Weston 20/08/2018 - Melissa Male 27/08/2018 - Amanda Bahr 03/09/2018 - Toni Hasler 10/09/2018 - Julie Milton 17/09/2018 - NO CANTEEN HMFD24/09/2018 - Cathy Coe 15/10/2018 - Julie White 22/10/2018 - Laura Murphy 05/11/2018 - Chantelle Osman 12/11/2018 - Jenny Zweck 19/11/2018 - Jennifer Haines 26/11/2018 - Sonja McCallum03/12/2018 - Kristel White10/12/2018 - Tania Corrigan

Kalori / 2

EMPATHY - Value Awards 4th July 2018

K/1 Blue - Lily Howard Simmons

Year 1/2 Red - Claire Eulenstein

Year 2/3 Green - Jean Paton

Year 4 Purple - Khyla Gardiner

Year 5 Black - Anarchy Twentyman

Year 6 Pink - Helena Brown

Statement of Accounts: Statement of Accounts went out last term. For your convenience, payments can now be made online. Please go to our school website to make these payments.

Thank you Chris White: After 16 years as a Scripture teacher Chris White is retiring. We thank her for her wonderful teaching and support over all these years.

Afternoon Bus Travel: A separate PINK note has gone home with all families requesting movement of students on afternoon buses. Could all families who have children travelling on a bus in the afternoons please complete and return the form ASAP.

Australian Early Development Census: This week Kindergarten students will be completing an Australian Early Development Census with Miss Ross. Parents/Carers received information about this at the end of last term.

Band: The band will be performing at the Albury Eisteddfod on Wednesday 8th August. Please note that band members are required to wear long black pants, black socks and black shoes (no coloured markings or logos). The school band shirt will be given to the students prior to the day. A permission note for the performance will be provided closer to the date. Please ensure that your child has the correct uniform.






Kalori / 3


Mufti Day This Friday 27th July: Wear Mufti for a gold coin donation. All Proceeds to the CRAD Fundraising to Mission Australia to help end homelessness. This Fundraising campaign has been organised by Year 4 students Chayse, Ryan, Ashton & Darcy.


Kalori / 4

Welcome Back to Term 3.

I hope everyone has had a lovely holiday break.

This term, we welcome Jake to our class. Jake is in Year 1 and I know he will enjoy his time in our class.

We will begin dance lessons each Wednesday this term as well as Monday for Bluearth and Friday for class sport. Students will be required to wear sport uniform on Wednesday.

I will send a class letter this week outlining any extra information for the term. If you would like to volunteer for reading in the classroom please return the slip given to students today. This week students will be taught by Mrs Noske and Ms Byles while I am relieving Mrs Roworth in the principal role.

This week we will celebrate a very special day in our classroom. We have been at school for 100 DAYS this Thursday!!! Each day we count the days in our class and we are very excited to be reaching 100. We will celebrate with some special 100 day activities and even have a class party.

Have an enjoyable Week 1!


Welcome back to Term 3! This term is already shaping up to be a busy one with preparations for Gala night starting early. On that note, students in 1/2 Red will be required to wear sport uniform on Monday and Friday.

This term we will be using both Class Dojo and SeeSaw. Class Dojo will be utilised as a communication tool whilst SeeSaw will allow students to independently take photos and share their learning with you.

Late last term, the students were allowed to take photos of anything they wanted to share. This term howev-er, there will be a more directed approach with guided activities which will show you a snippet of their school world. I will send home a copy of both login details with children this week so keep a look out for these if you haven’t signed up already.

Home learning will go back to going home on a Monday and being returned on a Friday. This will begin from week 2 so please ensure your child’s home learning bag is returned this week.

If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Here is to an amazing term.

Mrs Perkins

Library Borrowing Don’t forget your library bag to borrow great books!!!

Opening Times - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Class Library Class library borrowing days, with Ms Byles, are...

K/1 Blue – Thursday 1/2 Red – Tuesday 2/3 Green – Tuesday 4 Purple – Tuesday 5 Black - Wednesday

6 Pink – Wednesday

Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge 5th of March until the 31st of August... 6 WEEKS TO COMPLETE!!!

Don’t forget to get Ms Byles to update your reading logs online! Congratulations to the children who have completed the challenge.

Enjoy reading!!! If you have any questions/ concerns/ comments, please come and visit.

Our library is for everyone!!! Thank you, Ms Byles



Thursday 9th August

Book Fair Book Parade Competitions Open Classrooms

And much more… please come and join us!!!

Kalori / 5


Kalori / 6

Welcome back to Term 3! I am so excited to be teaching full time this term and can not wait to continue to build connections with students, classroom routines and expectations.

This term alot of our learning will be focused around the theme of imagination, particularly in English and Visual Arts. As a part of this unit I will be reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling to the class.

Students will be developing their own reading, writing, maths and personal goals this week that they will focus on achieving this term. Once they are written we will share them on SeeSaw. If you need help connecting to SeeSaw please come and see me, as it is a great tool to see and discuss the learning that is occurring within the classroom.

Our Gala Night preparation will begin this term and our allocated practice time will be on Monday afternoons. Students will continue to do Personal Development/Health with Mrs Liston on Wednesday mornings and Library and Technology with Ms Byles will be on Thursday mornings.

Home learning will start next week, please encourage students to read every night and record it in their Reading Journal.

Thank you,

Mrs Emma Quinn


Welcome back to another busy term in Year 4. I hope everyone has had a well earned and relaxing break. We are going to be very busy this term with eisteddfods, sporting events, and of course Henty Public School’s fa-mous Gala Night. The children are already super excited to learn and perform our dance after we had a sneak peek into what we are going to be doing at the end of last term.

In class we are going to have a main focus on information texts in Literacy. The children will be given the opportunity to explore a range of informative texts and understand the structure and purpose of this text type. Students are going to be taking a lot more control of their own learning this term by using a range of multimodal devices to research a variety of information related to our geography topic of ‘The Earth’s Environment’. We will be looking at how we are able to use sustainable materials in our world, the natural resources of the earth and the relationship we have to our neighbouring Asian countries.

Home learning is going to change slightly this term as the children will be given a short times table activity on a weekly basis to help enhance their quick mental maths skills and our overall arithmetic knowledge in class. Please continue to encourage your children to complete their spelling activities and read every night.

I look forward to a very busy and fun filled term!

Have a great week,

Mr Davis

Kalori / 7

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Mia Doughty if you don’t know.

Today I will be talking about what Australia Day means to me.

Well this is what it means to me. Australia Day is the official National Day of Australia, celebrated annually on 26th January; it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British settlers on ships at Port Jackson.

Australia Day is important to me because it marks the beginning of hundreds of years that my cultural people have been suffering. To me it means that my cultural people, that were suffering, are now living the best life, like me so I want to help my people for the best. Also, it is a sad day on Australia Day because it is the end of freedom for me and other Aboriginal men, women and children.

We have been protesting for a long time and in recent years the tide appears to be shifting. My people are not treated nicely at Australia Day, so that’s why my people and I do not like to celebrate Australia Day.

It is unfair that everyone gets to wreck our homes, like people do at Uluru so we march to stop it. Some people don’t like us on Australia Day marches but we ignore and worry about what we must do for our people to make sure nothing bad happens to them. We don’t mind participating in the marches and activities.

I still believe that Australia means that the aboriginals march because it’s the end of our freedom. Just 30% of the general Australian community socialise with Indigenous people.

When it is Australia Day what it means to Australian people is different to Aboriginal people. To Aboriginal people it is called survival day. Now I am going to talk about what it means to me in the Australian way. I don’t really march on Australia Day but I still like to celebrate it. I am a little Aboriginal girl but I still have Australian Heritage so I think Australia Day means that we try to become friends with the Aboriginal people so we don’t have to be so mean. Some people have difference of opinions. That doesn’t mean you can make fun of peo-ples’ skin it is really mean. I reckon on Australia Day we should change it a little. What I mean is that everyone that marches has to become friends with different people and cultures. So we don’t be mean.

Raise your hand if you are Aboriginal or you have that culture in you. That’s all for today hope you enjoyed my speech.


Kalori / 8


Welcome back to school for Term 3 and welcome to the most hectic Semester for Year 6.

In Week 8, our Gala performance will take place and leading up to this event the students will be spending many hours rehearsing and honing their acting and backstage management skills. We ask that the students take care of their own costume and props if possible. Please contact us if you have trouble sourcing the neces-sary items.

If you are a sewer and/or an artist and am willing to donate some time to prepare props and costumes for Aladdin, please make yourself known to us and we may put your skills to use. Strong attendance this term is most important as we have limited time to put the performance and dance together.

Later this term, you will receive information regarding the dance costume and as usual, we will attempt to keep this costume as simple as possible. We know that the students are very excited about this term and we look forward to sharing this experience with them. In between all the hype, we will continue to provide the students with quality English and Mathematic lessons while continuing with Bluearth, debating and music.

Mrs Malmo

Welcome back to Term 3 and what a busy one we have installed. We have well and truly settled into our class-room and have learnt the expectations within the class. This term we are going to have a strong focus about ourselves as learners, where we will be creating our own learning opportunities by setting achievable goals and challenging ourselves each lesson.

This term the school will be hosting our Gala Night in week 8, we will be busy rehearsing our dance performance each Friday so please make sure you are in sport uniform as well as Mondays for our Blue Earth activities.

During Literacy this term we will begin to look at informative texts. We will look closely at the structure and different ways to present information before creating our own informative text on their own choice of topic. This will also link to our Science topic ‘Physical World’ and our Geography topic ‘Diverse and Connected World.’

Please try to allow time for your child to look over their spelling words, practice their times tables and do some reading each night. Please feel free to get in contact with me if you have any concerns throughout the term. I look forward to another fun filled term!

Miss Watson.



Konnar Betts

WINNER of the

Multicultural Public Speaking Competiton


Kalori / 9

Hi all,

At the last meeting of the P&C it was raised that there is a need to have a goal in mind as we embark on this year’s job of fundraising at the Henty Machinery Field Days, as well as at the Miss Muddy event. In November last year a wish list was made and then used to inform how P&C funds might best be prioritised. The following ideas from that wish list have been executed, either entirely through P&C funding, or in collaboration with the school:

1. Library furniture and fittings2. New sandpit3. Experiential educational programs - Mathletics4. Technology upgrades - five iPads in every classroom5. Blue Earth program – A wellbeing program using movement based learning to increase resilience and self-esteem, and improve kids’ physical, social and emotional health6. Upgrade to seating in lunch areaAs well as funding for our ongoing commitment to programs such as:

7. Art program 8. Music program – Alternative music program 9. Help subsidise transport of students to excursions, eg Year 6 camp10. Other incidental opportunities eg. sending children to Lion’s camp

The remaining items from the list included:

1. Recycle centre – educate about our ‘War on waste’2. Hands on maths resources, eg trolleys3. Alternative play facilities for a range of students4. A fund for educational experiential programs, eg Mrs Stein’s speech program available to a wider audi ence.5. Interactive and tactile Sensory garden/ Outdoor learning centre 6. Mural on existing COLA stage7. Art room revamp, and functioning at its best (already underway by the school)8. Sign for front of school9. Paid programs in the future such as gymnastics, tennis, dance.10. Cover the cost of transport of students to events where a large number of children are participating11. New COLA adjacent to lunch seating area (this is a more recent addition to the list)

We appreciate that as the school evolves, and its children with it, that it will have different needs. We’d be delighted to hear your thoughts and views on where you think the funds might best be invested for the benefit of your children. Feel free to use the ‘remaining items’ as a starting point, or you may have new ideas you’d like to send in. Please chat to, or email, any of the committee members with your thoughts and a new list will be collated for discussion at the next meeting of the P&C , where we would love you to join us on

Wednesday 8 August 2018 at 5.30pm in the school library.

Kind regards, Cindy Scott, Secretary HPS P&C

Kalori / 10


Henty Park Tennis Club AGM

Wednesday 8th August at 7.30pm

At The Henty Park Tennis Clubhouse

All members encouraged to attend.

Pleasant Hills Tennis Club

Free Tennis Day

Friday the 27th of July 2018 @ Pleasant Hills Tennis Club,

Crawford St, Pleasant Hills Visit anytime between 4pm - 6pm

Whether you are just beginning or have been playing for years come down, check out the club and see what it has to offer you coming into

the summer of tennis!

Brendan Lee from Tennis NSW will be on court at this event!

Jumping Castle, Hit the Target, Prizes & Giveaways, Afternoon Tea for the kids

Any Questions call Renae on 0428 296 147