Kalbar State School Newsletter 3 (5th March, 2021)...2021/03/05  · Chris Richards Kalbar State...

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Transcript of Kalbar State School Newsletter 3 (5th March, 2021)...2021/03/05  · Chris Richards Kalbar State...

Once again thank you to the whole community for your efforts over the last five weeks. As I walk around the school, I am constantly impressed with the out of the box ways our teachers are engaging students in learning. This week I have seen students writing number sequences on a concrete walkway, collaborating in groups and communicating with each other on the next number to write. These are important skills to develop and will provide a strong basis for learn-ing in high school but also as they move into work situations. As I have spoken about previously, our school is privileged to have educational expert Tony Ryan working with our staff and stu-dents. Tony talked on Wednesday with our staff about the importance of teaching thinking and problem solving skills as well as group collaboration. I am also impressed with the creativity our students are showing at lunchtime, building forts and playing games that require imaginative play. This type of play is important in the development of the student’s ability to concentrate and take on new knowledge. It is also a pleasure to walk past the rock band room on a Wednesday and see the real enjoyment that our students are gaining from lunchtime jam sessions with Mr Robinson and from singing and dancing along to the band playing. It is a magical experience to witness students from all grades wanting to partici-pate and seeing our ‘experienced’ rock band students passing on their knowledge to our younger students. Could I please encourage you to talk to your student’s teacher if you have a question relating to their learning. It is important to have consistent communication between the parent and the school to allow for engaging learning experiences relevant to your student's interests to be developed. Another way to keep up to date with what is going on in the life of our school is you can follow our school Facebook page, we place community messages, photos and updates regularly. We ask that this platform be a positive one and that you refrain from any negative comments. I know I have spoken about this previously but I add this as a reminder to all about the way we communicate with each other. Although this is focussed on digital platforms, the THINK acronym applies to all types of communication. Social Media can have both positive and negative effects on our students, our teachers, our school and community. We need to be proud of our school and confident that issues will be dealt with. I ask parents and community members to think carefully before they choose to go to social media to voice their opin-ions. Have you given the school an opportunity to resolve your concern? We all have the right to our opinions; it is how we share them that makes a difference. The wearing of school uniforms at Kalbar State School is something that I feel strongly about. Not only does it create a sense of belonging for our students, it also sends a very clear message to our community and visitors to our school that we have a high expectations culture and we are a school that takes pride in all that we do. I ask that all parents and carers ensure that your child / children are dressed in the correct school uniform each day. As always, if you have any issues or concerns please come and speak to us directly. You are welcome to drop in and see me, telephone me on 5469 9333 or email me on principal@kalbarss.eq.edu.au. Take care and have a great weekend Kalbar family!

Chris Richards

Kalbar State School Newsletter • Issue No. 3 (5th March, 2021)

Date Claimers March 5 Swimming 8 Office Closed 12 Swimming 19 Swimming 26 Swimming Carnival April 1 Last Day of Term 2 Good Friday

We have been learning lots of sounds! We can blend them together to make simple words.

We have had a great start to the year in Prep/1!

During this term, the Prep/1 class have been learning about how to retell a story. The

story that we have been focussing on is called Pig the Fibber. Our class has loved telling

their peers about their favourite parts of the story.

In Maths, students have been working hard. The Preps have been learning about num-

bers and sorting. They have been practicing sorting different items into groups. The Year

1’s have been learning all about teen numbers and how we can represent them in differ-

ent ways.

Have a great week!

All aboard to Tech Town!

1B has been learning so much during our Tech lessons with Miss

Rosin. We have been learning all about QR codes. Back in the class-

room, Eddie and Liam both found QR codes on our toy chimpan-

zee “Cha-Chi” and toy “Snake”. We scanned them and found extra

information on these incredible creatures and a video of them both

in their natural habitats!

In Year Two, we have been busy learning how to become brilliant writers. We are learning

about different ways to make our writing more engaging and interesting by adding adjectives

and noun groups. In class, we looked at lots of picture books and found all of the inter-

esting adjectives and noun groups our favourite authors had used. Then we practised

writing our own noun groups about the Very Cranky Bear and practised writing sentences

with lots of amazing adjectives.

In 3/4B we are learning a traditional Greek dance called the Zorba. It is a celebratory

dance that is performed at weddings and festivals. The students have been practising hard

and are now working on timing the steps to the music as the music increases in tempo.

Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda is the Quest Novel

Year 4W have been examining this term.

I like the main charac-

ter Rowan. He goes

from being shy at the

beginning of the book

to really brave at the

end. He becomes a


This book was incredi-

ble. Emily Rodda used

great describing words.

The dragon at the end

was scary and fierce

and I love dragons.

My favourite chal-

lenge was when

they had to go

through the nar-

row tunnels. They

had to decide

which way to go.

One was a trap.

This book was amazing.

The characters go on a

Quest to save the village

of Rin. There’s even a


My favourite part of the book is

when Rowan defeats the Dragon

and helps Strong Jonn get away

from the Dragon.

5F Classroom News

We are seeing some great reading in our

reading groups so far this term. So many

children are putting in the extra effort read-

ing in their spare time. Our homework this

term is amazing, which has led to great re-

sults in spelling. Top work KIDS!!

Wow it is week six already! We have been very

busy in our room the past few weeks. Currently

we are working on our narrative piece of writ-

ing. We finished our classroom novel, which

was very exciting. Many students have begun

reading the 2nd book in the series.

Our latest charcoal artwork.

Kids Writing

Here is an excerpt from

a student’s writing

book, can you guess

who the author is?

Swoosh! Multiple twigs

started cracking and

snapping, something

was coming. A large

tree branch fell in to a

net of vines, snapped it

and went crashing to

the green, lush, forest

floor. The deer ran in

every direction in a fit of

fear. Suddenly, a frail

rotten cottage was

blown down by a strong

gust of wind. Whatever

was coming the forests

way, seemed to control

the wind. Because

plainly, the biggest

storm of the century was

coming. Soon the for-

est’s world will be com-

pletely turned upside


Year 5/6

Year 5/6 have continued working hard in all our subject areas. We have been looking at

improving our writing by engaging our reader with some sizzling starts, using other words

for said and adding in dialogue in our short stories. We’ve been looking at perspective

drawing in art and have completed our practice bedrooms ready to add colour and create

a whole new room independently.

Scholastic Book Club booklets have been delivered to students to take home. This is the first Book Club for the year. We will participate in one Book Club order per term. All orders and payments need to be returned to the school LIBRARY by Thursday 18th March 2021.

Cash Correct monies must be enclosed with the order form in a sealed envelope with child’s name and class on the front.

Credit using Book Club Loop – follow instruction on back of order form The School is in the loop! When you order and pay by LOOP, do not fill in the order form or return anything to the school

Cheques All cheques MUST be made out to Scholastic BookClub and enclosed with the order form in a sealed envelope with child’s name and class on the front.

EFTPOS is NOT available at the school When orders arrive they will be processed and handed to the students Friday afternoon of the week the order arrives.

Visit by Registered Nurse for Free Prep Vision Screening Good vision is important for a child’s educational, physical and social development. Vision screening checks for common eye conditions that may impact your child’s ability to see and therefore impact their learning and development. A Registered Nurse will be visiting the school on 12/5/21 to conduct vision screening for children in their prep year. Your child does not need a Medicare card in order to participate in screening. If you wish to have your prep child participate in this free vision screening program, please complete a consent form by 22/3/21. Online or paper consent forms are available and will be distributed to you. Parents do not need to be present for screening, however if you would like to be, please contact the school to arrange this. If your child’s vision is screened, you will be advised of the results in writing. If a vision concern is found, you will receive a phone call from the nurse to discuss referral to an eye health professional for further assess-ment. If a vision concern is identified and your child requires glasses, eligible health care card holders may be assisted with free basic glasses through the Spectacle Supply Scheme. Participation in vision screening is not compulsory. If you do not wish for your child to participate in screening, please complete the consent form and indicate that you wish to decline screening. If you have any questions, please contact the Primary School Nurse Health Readiness Program on 1800 687 372.

The online consent form link will be emailed next week.