Kaizen the way of the Samurai

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Kaizen the way of the Samurai

Kaizen - The Way of the Samurai

Why traditional Motivation most probably

is De-motivation?

- One, people are good.

It is written on Business Guru's E.

Goldratt grave!

Does that mean that business

organizations think opposite?


Good employees do not resist to changes and always are looking how to improve their organization!

But where to find them?

Resistant to changes does not exist - people do not accept changes because the management is incompetent to show

them what the people will get from these changes.

The main assumption of ТОС:

What affects the formation of undesirable results?

undesirable results

undesirable actions / behaviors

Bad person? Conflicting “rules” or measurements

Bad assumptions

Two types of undesirable actions

• Doing what they should not do • Do not do what must be done

Usual faith TOC faithWhy?


Where the bad assumptions are hiding?

He who sees from the side has eight eyes

The Book of the Samurai Hagakure

Yamamoto Tsunetomo 1716

To understand how to foster creativity in the workplace, it

is necessary to understand the

reasons why with the current conditions,

creative spirit does not exist.

How efficiency of the workplace is measured?

Usually  quantitative indicators are used, such

as: - units,

- kg, - meters, - hours, and etc.

That is to say - can be improve with  the

development of skills.

How to measure the effectiveness of the specialist?

Talking about more "complex" positions - it

is suggested to use Competency Assessment.

In terms of competency development:

The most perfect man is that, who “truly knows his own insufficiencies and never in his whole life thinks that he

has succeeded.”. Hagakure


To achieve highest level of efficiency, one must repeat

the same action

day - to - day

Pursuit of efficiency kills effectiveness and


because everyone wants to do only his tasks;

to help others means losing personal effectiveness;

sharing working tools is the risk of loss of efficiency;

teach the beginner - is to lose efficiency;

confer - is to lose efficiency;

and etc.

This disease appears as a employees shortages symptoms, which in turn leads to a sense that in the

market there is a shortage of good workers…

Daily measurement of individual effectiveness

- create slavery! Darius Radkevicius

Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison.

Michel Foucault

And then, many think that the staff is a patchwork of individualities!

Hired to work the last remnants!




Sekant kvantine fizika, superpozicijų būsena egzistuoja tik tada, kai sistema yra nestebima ir nematuojama. Vos tik ją pradedama matuoti, visos kitos būsenos prapuola ir lieka tik vienas rezultatas. Ką tai reiškia kiekvienam vadovui? Turėdami galvoje ankstesnę citatą, susitaikykite su mintimi, kad kvantų teorijoje dalelė neturi apibrėžtų savybių, kol jos nėra išmatuotos. Taigi ar gerai dirba dar-bininkas, ar blogai, negali pasakyti, kol jis nėra išmatuotas.

Gaila, bet reikia susitaikyti ir su mintimi – daugiausiai kenkia tas, kuris dirba iš visų jėgų. Jeigu Jūs matuosite darbininką, kaip Va-karų kultūroje įprasta, pagal jo asmeninio efektyvumo rodiklį, tai darbininkas stengsis visą laiką gaminti, o tiesioginis vadovas aprū-pinti darbu, neatsižvelgdamas į tai, ar reikia tai daryti, ar ne. Įsivy-ravus globalizacijai ir perprodukcijai, dėl greitai kintančių rinkos poreikių ir trumpo prekės gyvavimo ciklo, vadovai supranta, kad nebegalima leisti darbininkui dirbti maksimaliai efektyviai, o rei-kia jį laikas nuo laiko stabdyti.

Paradoksas: norint būt efektyviems, kenksminga maksimaliai iš-naudoti kiekvieną resursą! Kaip ir simfoniniame orkestre, būgnai turi groti tik tada, kai reikia.

“The one who works with all his might

does the most damage!”

Second theorem by W. Edwards Deming

Drum in orchestra, as well as company employee should only play when


The essentials of oratory are in not

speaking at all.

The same also applies to efficiency - most

important ability - it is not to force the fighter

continuously waving a sword but to use his

thinking power.

Individual performance on a giving day is the result of coincidence.

Victory and defeat are

matters of the temporary force

of circumstances.


He  is  a  good  person  or  bad  depends  on  the  circumstances  in  which  you  both  find  yourself  at  the  moment.  

Conclusion Nr.1 In our time, when all employees

are part of one or other process, quantitative individual

measurement, are more damaging than helpful!

Next question:

Motivation - the mysterious creature -

the quantitative or qualitative


If quantitative, then the numbers (money, cars, hours of rest, and so on.) it has to motivate!

But in 99.9% of cases, it doesn't!

I want a lot of money,

work do not offer!

Human nature does not obey only  the laws of personal gain.

(The Theory of Moral Sentiments).

Adam Smith, the prophet of


If motivation is qualitative than to

stimulate it materially is the

same as flying to the moon in search for a

light source!

How many people know what motivates them?

By its nature, the Russian people are not inclined to metaphysical search and

content to alcoholism mixed on atheism, which, to tell the truth, and is our main

spiritual tradition. V. Pelevin

To grasp the Motive, the inner work is necessary

It is preceded by unconscious desire to eliminate discomfort..

Who from managers know

how to turn "unconscious"

into “conscious"? How many days for this kind of

"psychotherapy" will be needed?

"Come to yourself" means "to come to the

others," becausethese others since birth

explain to you how much effort you have

to perform on itself to make them convenient

form. V. Pelevin

Job description is build to search for Biorobots not the Creative Rebels

For the majority of people to do things they love is a luxury rather than the norm.

Robert Fritz


HR will help the employees with self-realization!

Which of You or Your employees are aware of what lies in yours or their

self-realization? And if you know,  how many % of this is related to the current job?

The tragedy is not happening with

 the artist and not with the train

driver, but in the artists and the drivers mind.

V. Pelevin

It is foolish to live within this dream of a world seeing unpleasantness and doing only things that you do not like.

But it is important never to tell this to young

people as it is something that would be harmful if incorrectly understood..


Conclusion Nr.2 In our time, when all employees

are part of one or other process, individual evaluation

and motivation are more demotivation than motivation!

A samurai with no group and no horse is not a samurai at all.


Kaizen, or continuous

improvement is only possible through the

corporate efforts, rather than individual.

If an individual is not

measured, perhaps it is

good to measure the process or


System A System B

Why are most likely to act and measure as if the company is a system A?

Company is system A or B?

Functional manager often does not know what he is doing!

Although he is a specialist in this particular function!

• Because he is not a specialist in other areas.

• A fact of life - the other areas are much more!

• And because he rarely understands how it affects the other areas, it makes sense that he does not know what he is doing!

Conclusion Nr 3. To measure separate process or unit performance is more damaging than

helping! The fact is - it doesn’t matter that a separate unit or process is effective, because it  does not mean that the

whole company is effective and vice versa..

An ideas born in a separate unit, will

not bring the expected economic

benefits, if the other units will not be involved in the


Learning from books is a good thing, but more often it leads to


Need to observe life itself.



• Hierarchical structure

• Balanced Scorecard

• АBC and other cost allocation methods

• Profit and Cost centers

• etc.

Psychology of Lies in Business:Malign Infinity

If things become too complex, it is necessary to step back a few steps, you will see more

and find innate, inherent nature, simplicity.

Source – “God, Quantum physics, Organizational structure and Management style”

34 35

Savo  pavardę  jėgos  vienetui  padovanojęs  fizikas  Izaokas  Niutonas  (1643-­1727)   dienoraštyje   rašė:   „Natura   valde   simplex   est   et   sibi  consonata“  (Gamta  iš  esmės  yra  paprasta  ir  pati  pajėgi  save  paaiš-kinti).  Kalbėdamas  apie  gamtą,  seras  Niutonas  taip  pat  turėjo  ome-nyje  ir  visą  mus  supančią  aplinką,  įskaičiuodamas  ir  visatą.  Pirma-sis  inercijos  dėsnis:  „Jei  kūno  nepaveikia  išorinės  jėgos,  tai  kūnas  išlaiko  turėtą  greitį“.

Šis  dėsnis  atskleidžia  tai,  kad  jeigu  pavyktų  sukurti  aplinką,  kurio-je  neveiktų  absoliučiai  jokios  jėgos,  kūnas  galėtų  judėti  nesustoda-mas  visą  amžinybę.  Taigi  tobulomis  sąlygomis  judėjimui  palaikyti  nereikalinga  energija.  Todėl  ir  įdomu:  ar  pavyktų  sukurti  tokias  są-lygas  verslui,  kad  jo  neveiktų  jokios  pašalinės  jėgos?


Natura valde simplex est et sibi consona Nature is exceedingly simple and

harmonious with itself

So, in the end how to

motivate your employees


With small stepstoward the lofty goal

People will become your enemies if you become eminent too quickly in

life, and you will be ineffectual.

Rising slowly in the world, people will be your allies and your

happiness will he assured.


The Tortoise and the Hare

Paradox - the more haste, the worse speed..

or thoughtful craftsman

prostrate under the foot of a rushing leader

Zeno’s of Elea paradox “Achilles and the Tortoise"

The hero gives the Tortoise a head start in

a race. Even though Achilles runs faster than the Tortoise, he will never catch up

with her..

Five, every person can reach full

meaningful life.

What is the meaning of senior management job?

To seek how better exploit “human

resources” or help employees live a meaningful life?


What if we will start to climb to motivation and self-realization Peak from a simple questions, Interesting

on work or Not?

In all dealings with people it is essential to have a fresh approach. One should constantly give the impression that

he is doing daily something exceptional.

It is said that this is

possible with but a little understanding.


Road always starts with a question - understandable or not?

If you can understand one affair, you will

understand eight.


Company achieves the highest efficiency not  when it maximally

exploits the physical work, but when

employees daily come with improvement ideas and daily install them.

The main lesson of Hagakure "Hidden by leaves”

As for the things that we don't understand,

there ere ways of understanding them.

Those things that are easily

understood are rather shallow..


In the long run, whether you are fast

or slow, as long as you have people's

understanding there will be no danger.

It is said that fortune that is urged upon you from others is the most effective.

Hagakure Yamamoto Tsunetomo


If you’ll start to measure creativity, it will kill the creativity!

Zeno of Elea paradoxIf I, Zeno of Elea

certify that all Eleans are liars,

than I, Zeno of Elea, I am a liar. If I,

Zeno of Elea,  am a liar, then Eleans are not liars. If Eleans

are not liars, than  I, Zeno of Elea, am not a liar. Then…

Up to Curt Godel’s theorem

Every logic has a defect.

Complex problem solving do not born in a

way of direct thinking, they are born in a state without


To Measure without

measuring - that is where the

solutions essence.

Conclusion Nr 4.

To motivate, by executing number of planned ideas is a forced way to

achieve creativity.

To be forced to be creative - direct way to create a total resistance and to

compromise a great approach.

The mind is in the heart, the brain act as

blood cooling device.

Aristotelian illogical logic!

The changes starts from a discussion what is the Meaning of your business to your Clients,

this will activate Seva, the Law of Nature

The Goal - (make Money) and Meaning are two sides of the same coin. If one side is empty, the coin is fake!


Meaning for clients

Meaning for employees

The Meaning is in front and The Goal at the back

Seva is a Sanskrit word that means more than

just service or to serve. It means to serve without

the existence of one’s own identity – to serve


The Seva is a Law of Nature, without which

people cannot live in the society.

It is necessary to liberate rather than frustrate

with incorrect individual assessment system.

Systematic organized happiness

Other knowledge, a different approach.




Darius Radkevičius, author of the book "God,

Quantum physics, Organizational structure and

Management style."

You can order with an authors signature at darusinmac@mac.com !