Justin Fenwick Creativity and Right Livelihood Portfolio

Post on 20-Oct-2014

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Created as part of leadership class in MBA program

Transcript of Justin Fenwick Creativity and Right Livelihood Portfolio

Justin FenwickCreativity and Right Livelihood Portfolio

A Child Again

It’ll be important to journal differences, capture new learnings, and track them as I go. I must also, essentially, adjust my interactions with others to allow for authenticity, seek feedback, share my ideas and validate theirs, and play with the management of time.

Learn to discover identity...

On my plane ride home, I was caught with a bug to furiously sketch. What I sketched was very “Justin” instead of trying to draw

something that I thought I should be drawing. I drew energetic diagrams discussing social movement and

information sharing and management. Six in total, I found myself surprised at what had been turned on inside of me.

Permission just to go with it...


"My question is how can we work the hyphen to our benefit and make it a symphony of our life instead of something that creates conflict? As you try to market both a hyphenated and focused self. how can these part become bigger than the sum total? Working the hyphen and making it AND" ~Taj Johns

a vibrant attempt to recreate something new without fear of throwing away something old

“What I love about the ride is that the only rule is 'if your not having fun lower your standard'. Anything goes and is encouraged.” ~Cheryl Schneiderhan

“I will learn the lessons of that world and if I return, haggard and wan, I will share the lessons. For her, for her ilk.” ~Ryan Brown

“It has been a good practice to lighten the heck up *smile*”

-Beth French

When going to aparty, first be yourself; then,

dress accordingly.-Douglas hendren

Projects that mesh best with my leadership skills are ones that require protection

from the normal elements, a smooth touch, and a vibrant attempt to recreate

something new without fear of throwing away something old. Old, my friend, is a

resource best used for nurturing new growth. I am a creator of offshoots bending,

reaching, and straining for potential that is unseen by others. I lead by holding space

for this, I lead by reaching for inquiry over and over again that might enrich

possibility. I will and can easily take risk when the fertile ground is right.

My joy is growing. My heart is hanging. When I reflect on my creative growth I’m searching for new inspiration

and commitment.

I now bring much more attention to life.

As I progressed through the class, I deeply challenged

the meaning of creativity. My assumption was that I was a creative guy and that struggling to be so would not be difficult. But this was business school, a whole new

context for my creative mind.

Creativity is hard work, especially in the context of contexts that do not usually allow it.

What I have is tools to progress further into my right livelihood. Holiday break will be very healthy for me. I must

hold true to commitments to try it the “flow” way, the way of my greatest story of right livelihood that is within me.

I will need to take pause often and asses what the world is telling me. To me, living is the unreachable

goal that inspires daily action.