"Just Like Homemade" Social Video Recipe for Success

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of "Just Like Homemade" Social Video Recipe for Success

  • 1. Aunt Jemima Frozen BreakfastHow Social Video Brought An Underdog Brand To Life

2. Aunt Jemima Frozen Breakfastfaced some serious challenges.> Limited awareness and recognition> Small market share (regional productdistribution only stores east of theMississippi)> Limited budgets 3. They came tosome difficult conclusions.> Could not compete with Eggo on their terms> Budget did not exist for full-fledged traditional ad campaign> The product lacked a unique selling proposition, and therewas nothing to differentiate it> Some major changes would have to be made 4. A decision was madeto fundamentally change the product.> Connect with the people that made the product every day at the plant> Strip out all artificial ingredients> Create a more wholesome, honest product to which people wouldnaturally respond 5. Consumers gave us a nugget of insightthat couldnt be ignored.Once people SAW how the products were actually made with realingredients, by real people and flipped on a hot griddle just like thepancakes mom makes at home they had a higher intent to purchase.It was anAH HA! Moment. 6. Our approach wasequally bold and unorthodox.> The program we envisioned would have:NONO NO NONO NOscriptactors actorscopywriterart creativedirector agency 7. Live from the Linewould be a genuine, heartfelt message from the peoplewho made Aunt Jemima Frozen Breakfast every day.> Shot on location at the Tennesseeplant> A competition to select the workersto become the face of the brand> Jun Group was brought onboard todevelop the content and thedistribution strategy 8. We worked with Weber Shandwick and thebrandto create a series of original videos.> Varying lengths from :30s-1:20> All featuring the selected plant workers> Shot with the Obama Girl director and crew 9. Optimediawas put in charge of the overall digital campaign.> Pre-roll> Display> Editorial placements 10. Given the limited budget,the social component was at the heart of the program .> Deliver a large number of opt-in views> Specifically target moms east of the Mississippi> Generate sharing, Facebook visits, and other earned media> Track everything in real time and optimize on the fly 11. The challenges:> Generate millions of opt-inviews of long-form content> Target moms (with an African-American skew)> Place the videos in brand-safe,relevant environments> Limit the scope to certain areasof the country 12. The solution:> Placements in the leading social games, such as Mall World, It Girl andHappy Aquarium 53% of Facebook users login specifically to play social games Over 290MM people regularly play social games (19% say they are addicted) 88% of mothers say they are most likely to use social media to engage with brands in categories of food and recipes 55% of people playing social games are women The death of daytime television is due in large part to social gaming on social media sites such as Facebook, with middle aged women being the primary user 13. The social exchange model. Americans are expected to spend over $2.1 billion this year on virtual goods Spending on virtual goods has increased 245% since 2007 Total global spending on virtual goods is estimated to be more than $7.3 billion 14. Reaching consumers on their terms 15. Providing the tools for earned media 16. We also distributedthe Aunt Jemima videos on mobile devices. Videos play full screenBrand in the handat key moments Interactive player promotes social activity 17. The campaignwas a resounding success.238,000Facebook likes 10.4MMvideo views 138MM 100% media impressions positive/neutralearned messaging 18. Some additional insightsabout the social portion of the program.> 99% of users completed the video> 77% of the audience was female> 83% of total users were 25+ 19. Thank you!Brandi Unchester Mitchell ReichgutBrandi.unchester@pinnaclefoods.com mitchell@jungroup.com