June inservice2011

Post on 19-May-2015

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Creating a Learning Experience

Transcript of June inservice2011

Learning Experience Design

A Collaborative Effort

What is it that you want the students to learn?

How will they learn it?

Do you know that they learned it?

Literature /Story

K-2 KerPoof

3-5 StoryBird Video Tour

6-8 Glogster and/or Wall Wisher

KerPoof Tour- “How to Play”

Try them all!

Written lesson design the describes learning experience you have created for your students

Clearly indicate what they are to learn

How they will learn it

How you will be sure they have learned it

Example of My Plan for this Inservice

Title:                Inservice Lesson Experience Intended Audience:    This in-service is intended for the professional growth of the teachers at Emanuel

• The content of the lesson is a piece of literature or story from the appropriate grade level, chosen by the group. Particular web 2.0 tools have been introduced for investigation by the group. Participants are expected to learn how to create an account for the tool and proceed to understand how the tool works. They then will be able to use the content of their choice along with the Web 2.0 tool given to them, to create a product similar to what they would expect from their students. The connection between the content and the tool will provide the basis for the learning experience they will design.                        

2. Teachers will investigate the web 2.0 tool within their

collaborative group until they understand how it can be

used.  Then they will need to brainstorm ideas of how the

tool might be used to aid in understanding of the literature

piece chosen by them above. The integration of the 2.0

technology into the literature content will serve as the basis

for the lesson experience they will create.

3. Teachers will present  the product created – one they

would be expecting their students to be able to create. This

will be presented for the group so all can benefit from the

their lesson experience design via a shared Google Docs


Create or upload your document to Google Docs and share it to me - gail.potratz@gmail.com

Share links or embedded info with all of us so we can go to your project - The link can be included in your google doc.

Be ready for your group to share this plan with your colleagues

Have some fun and learn something new!

....for being the greatest staff ever and loving to learn!

Collaboration - Is it overrated?