June 7, 2020 The Most Holy Trinity 7 de junio, 2020 La Santísima Trinidad€¦ · 7 de junio, 2020...

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Transcript of June 7, 2020 The Most Holy Trinity 7 de junio, 2020 La Santísima Trinidad€¦ · 7 de junio, 2020...

Corpus Christi Parish Office: 3304 4th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA 51501

June 7, 2020 The Most Holy Trinity 7 de junio, 2020 La Santísima Trinidad

Corpus Christi Church Queen of the Apostles 3304 4th Avenue Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Corpus Christi Our Lady of Carter Lake 3501 North 9th Street Carter Lake, IA 51510

The Blessed Trinity

Today, we celebrate The Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is the Creator, the Son is the Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier. Although three Persons in one, in essence they are all divine: reflecting unity in diversity. The Trinity is also described as the Lover, the Beloved, and the Love (the Father the Lover, the Son the Beloved, and the Holy Spirit the Love itself). In the Bible we find various appear-ances of the Trinity, although the very word Trinity is not in the Bible. The Blessed Trinity is fundamental to our faith; every prayer, the sacraments, and our worship begin and end in the name of the Trinity. We live, move, and have our being in the Trinity. In the book of Exodus, we find God the Father stooping down to meet with Moses and giving him the Ten Com-mandments. Moses hears God’s voice, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fideli-ty” (Exodus 34). Moses replied, “This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins and re-ceive us as your own.” How relevant is this passage when we witness the wickedness of police brutality on the streets of U.S. cities that led to many deaths in recent times due to the sin of racial prejudice. On the other hand, there is the wickedness of the riots that turned the peaceful protests for racial justice and equality into violence and destruction. The latest statement from the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Con-ference notes, “The killing of George Floyd was senseless and brutal, a sin that cries to heaven for justice. The cruelty and violence he suffered does not reflect on the majority of good men and women in law enforcement, who carry out their duties with honor. We should honor the sacrifice of his life by removing the racism and hate from our hearts and renewing our commitment to fulfill our nation’s sacred promise - to be a beloved community of life, liberty, and equality for all.” As children of God, we are all called to re-flect on the image of God the Father: compassionate, slow to anger, and rich in kindness. May the love of Christ overcome the sin of racism that is a virus in hearts and all forms of vio-lence in our culture and across the world. Our life is not about ourselves, but about the Holy Spirit that leads us to peace and nonviolence. Saint Paul (2 Cor 13) exhorts us to rejoice and encourage one another, agree with one another, and live in peace in the name of the Trinity. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” Pope Francis exhorts us that the Holy Spirit is the sign of new life and we are all called to promote new life in the world of unforeseen global pandemic and sufferings. The re-opening of our Churches commences on June 9th with daily public Mass on weekday evenings at 6:00 pm at Corpus Christi - Queen of Apostles (Monday evening Span-ish Mass). The weekend Masses begin to be celebrated on

June 20-21st (Corpus Christi – Queens on Saturday: 4:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon (Spanish); and at Carter Lake – Saturday, 6:00 pm). Looking for-ward to seeing you all after a long wait to begin wor-shiping together as ONE BODY of CHRIST. Blessings of Peace and Love, Fr. Tom and Fr. Litto

From the Pastor/Parish News

Masks are Needed

Some of our parishioners are making masks to provide when public Masses are possible. If you are able to make masks during this time, please call the parish office and let us know. All are encouraged to bring their own masks when we are able to reopen and conduct public Masses. Addi-tional masks will help if needed to give it to those who forget to bring their own. Thank you.

Del Párroco / Noticias Parroquiales La Bendita Trinidad

Hoy celebramos La Santísima Trinidad: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. El Padre es el Creador, el Hijo es el Redentor, y el Espíritu Santo es el Santificador. Aunque son tres personas en una, en esencia todas son divinas: reflejan la unidad en la diversidad. La Trinidad también se describe como el Amante, el Amado y el Amor (el Padre el Amante, el Hijo el Amado y el Espíritu Santo, el Amor mismo). En la Biblia encontramos varias apariencias de la Trinidad, aunque la misma palabra Trinidad no está en la Biblia. La Santísima Trinidad es fundamental para nuestra fe; Cada oración, los sacramentos y nuestra adoración comienzan y terminan en el nombre de la Trinidad. Vivimos, nos movemos y tenemos nuestro ser en la Trinidad.

En el libro de Éxodo, encontramos a Dios el Padre agachándose para encontrarse con Moisés y darle los Diez Mandamientos. Moisés oye la voz de Dios: "El Señor es misericordioso, lento para la ira y rico en bondad y fidelidad" (Éxodo 34). Moisés respondió: “Este es realmente un pueblo de cuello rígido; sin embargo, perdona nuestra maldad y nuestros pecados y recíbenos como tuyos". Cuán relevante es este pasaje cuando presenciamos la maldad de la brutalidad policial en las calles de las ciudades de los Estados Unidos que causó muchas muertes en los últimos tiempos debido al pecado de los prejuicios raciales. Por otro lado, está la maldad de los disturbios que convirtieron las protestas pacíficas por la justicia racial y la igualdad en violencia y destrucción.

La última declaración de la Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de EE. UU. Señala: "El asesinato de George Floyd no tuvo sentido y fue brutal, un pecado que clama al cielo por justicia. La crueldad y violencia que sufrió no se refleja en la mayoría de los hombres y mujeres buenos en la aplicación de la ley, que llevan a cabo sus deberes con honor. Deberíamos honrar el sacrificio de su vida eliminando el racismo y el odio de nuestros corazones y renovando nuestro compromiso de cumplir la sagrada promesa de nuestra nación: ser una comunidad amada de vida, libertad e igualdad para todos ". Como hijos de Dios, todos estamos llamados a reflexionar sobre la imagen de Dios Padre: compasivo, lento para la ira y rico en bondad. Que el amor de Cristo venza el pecado del racismo que es un virus en los corazones y todas las formas de violencia en nuestra cultura y en todo el mundo. Nuestra vida no se trata de nosotros mismos, sino del Espíritu Santo que nos lleva a la paz y la no violencia.

San Pablo (2 Cor 13) nos exhorta a alegrarnos y alentarnos unos a otros, a estar de acuerdo unos con otros y a vivir en paz en nombre de la Trinidad. "La gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y el amor de Dios, y la comunión del Espíritu Santo sean con todos ustedes". El Papa Francisco nos exhorta a que el Espíritu Santo sea el signo de una nueva vida y todos estamos llamados a promover una nueva vida en el mundo de pandemias y sufrimientos imprevistos a nivel mundial. La reapertura de nuestras Iglesias comienza el 9 de junio

con una misa pública diaria en las tardes de lunes a viernes a las 6:00 pm en Corpus Christi - Reina de los Apóstoles (misa en español el lunes por la noche). Las misas de fin de semana comienzan a celebrarse del 20 al 21 de junio (Corpus Christi - Queens el sábado: 4:00 pm, domingo 8:00 am, 10:00 am, mediodía (español); y en Carter Lake - sábado 6:00 pm). Espero verlos a todos después de una larga espera para comen-zar a adorar juntos como UN CUERPO de CRISTO.

Bendiciones de paz y amor, El p. Tom y el p. Litto


Mientras nos reunimos para celebrar la Misa como comuni-dad de fe, pedimos que cada uno ponga de su parte para evi-tar la propagación de COVID-19. Por favor, siga estas pautas

como un medio para mostrar caridad a nuestro prójimo.

Quédese en casa si es de edad avanzada, si es vul-nerable al COVID-19 o si vive con alguien vulner-able. La obligación de la Misa Dominical sigue suspendida. Para aquellos que no asisten a la Misa, sepan que la gracia y la misericordia infini-

ta de Dios permanecen abundantemente disponibles.

Considere asistir a Misa ocasionalmente en lugar de ir a diario. Este es un acto de caridad hacia los demás; permite que más personas participen y de esta manera podemos servir mejor a todos.

Recomendamos encarecidamente a todas las per-sonas mayores de 5 años usar una máscara de tela o cubrirse la cara. Pongasela antes de salir de su auto. Se puede quitar antes de recibir la Sagrada Comunión y volverla a poner a medida que re-gresa a su asiento. El Obispo William Joensen les pide encarecid-amente que solo reciban la Sagrada Comunión en la mano para el bien de los demás. Tenga en cuenta el distanciamiento social duran-te todo su tiempo en la parroquia: antes, durante y después de la misa. Las personas o familias deben permanecer a seis pies o más de distancia

de los demás. Coloque su ofrenda en la canasta que esta junto a la puerta. Gracias por apoyar nuestro ministerio durante estos días históricos. Use desinfectante de manos al entrar y salir de la iglesia. Si es posible traiga desinfectante y uselo antes de recibir la Comunión.

Guidelines provided by the Diocese of Des Moines based on recommendations from the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention.

Prayer Line Dee Harrison: 712-347-5193 MaryAnn Evans: 712-314-9488 or dboysnonna@gmail.com

Staff Directory

Pastor/Párroco—Rev. Thomas Thakadipuram Email...pastor@corpuschristiia.com

Associate Pastor/ Párroco Asociado— Rev. Litto Thomas Email...frlitto@corpuschristiia.com

Deacons/Diáconos Rev. Mr. Darwin Kruse Rev. Mr. Bob McClellan Rev. Mr. Monty Montagne Rev. Mr. Jean Plourde Rev. Mr. Larry Knotek (Retired)

Office Assistant for Hispanic Ministry/Asistente de la Oficina para el Ministerio Hispano— Lulu Castro Email...officeassistant@corpuschristiia.com

Parish Manager/Gerente Parroquial—Kevin Cox Email...parishmanager@corpuschristiia.com

Office Manager/Gerente de la Oficina —Wilma Ernesti Email...officemanager@corpuschristiia.com

Director of Religious Education/Directora de Educación Religiosa—Roseanne Williby Email...dre@corpuschristiia.com

Parish Activity Center Rental Coordinat/ Coordinadora de Alquiler del Centro Parroquial de Actividades —Denise Wieler Email...facilitycoordinator@corpuschristiia.com Phone..(402) 981-5928

Telephone Parish Office: (712) 323-2916 Faith Formation: (712) 323-1163 Hispanic Ministry: (712) 323-4716

Parish Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9:00 am—12:00 pm; Friday—closed all day

Parish Website: corpuschristiparishiowa.org

Mass Intentions June 8th—June 13th

Monday Dale Eberhard

Tuesday Jim & Jeanette Bowen

Wednesday Doris Phelps

Thursday Wilfred Meiners

Friday Joseph & Mary Jerdon

Saturday Judy LaScala

Live Streaming Mass

We will continue to live stream our daily and weekend Masses. We will make it available through video recording or live streaming for practicing spiritual communion as ONE Body.

Join us on Facebook for the live streaming or watch the video recording at https://www.facebook.com/pg/CorpusChristiCatholicParishIA/videos/ Note: Public daily Mass will start on June 9th and weekend public Mass will start on June 20/21.

Stewardship Reflection

Today we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that the Holy Trinity is the “central mystery of the Christian faith” (261). The concept of the Triune God — Three Persons in one God — is truly a mystery, almost too lofty for us ordinary people to even begin to grasp. Can the truth of the Holy Trinity teach us anything as everyday Chris-tian stewards? Actually, yes!

St. John Paul II described the Holy Trinity is a “Divine Family,” a community of Persons Who give themselves completely to each other and Who wishes to share Itself, Its life, with us. These concepts are at the very heart of the stewardship way of life. As stewards, we too, are called to share ourselves and our lives with others.

Our Gospel passage from John reminds us that the stew-ardship way of life is nothing more and nothing less than the imitation of our Most Holy Trinity. “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that everyone who be-lieves might not perish but might have eternal life.” He gave Himself, in the person of His Son, for love of us. We must love this God back now by giving ourselves, our lives, to Him.

Amazingly, the more we give of ourselves to God in love, the more we will find the “grace of the Lord, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit within us.” The God of the universe — this mysterious, Triune God — in-vites us to an ever-deepening intimacy with Him when we make our lives a loving gift to Him and to others through the stewardship way of life.

— Stewardship Reflections by Catholic Stewardship Consultants

Fiscal Year Tithing Report 7/1/2019 thru 6/30/2020

Weekly Stretch Goal….……………….……..……... $16,000.00

Tithing Received April 27 thru May 3…....…………….$7,522.00 Tithing Received May 4 thru May 10…..…..………….$15,939.34 Tithing Received May 11 thru May 17……………….….$10,540.88 Tithing Received May 18 thru May 24…………………..$6,480.38

Thank you for your support! In spite of our current crisis, several of you increased your giving. We are so grateful. May others be encouraged to offer their tithing so that we can take care of parish operations. May God bless you.

Nuestro Nuevo Horario de Misas Actualiza-do Comenzando el 20 y 21 de Junio

Sábado 4:00 pm, Corpus Christi-Queens 6:00 pm, Corpus Christi-Nuestra Señora de Carter Lake Domingo 8:00 am, Corpus Christi-Queens 10:00 am, Corpus Christi-Queens 12:00 pm Mediodía, Corpus Christi-Queens (español)

Con más discernimiento, discusiones y revisión, se actualiza el nuevo horario de Misas. Muchas gracias por hacer ajustes al nuevo horario de Misas actualizado. Esto ayudará a consolidar nuestras Misas de fin de semana para toda la parroquia.

Updated Mass Schedule starting June 20/21

Saturday 4:00 pm, Corpus Christi-Queens 6:00 pm, Corpus Christi-Our Lady of Carter Lake Sunday 8:00 am, Corpus Christi-Queens 10:00 am, Corpus Christi-Queens 12:00 pm Noon, Corpus Christi-Queens (Spanish)

With further discernment, discussions and review, the new Mass Schedule is updated. Many thanks for making adjustments to the updated new Mass Schedule. This will help consolidate our weekend Masses for the whole parish.

Daily Mass Schedule starting June 9th

Note: All of these Masses are at Corpus Christi—Queens

Tuesday, June 9th—6:00 pm Wednesday, June 10th—6:00 pm Thursday, June 11th—6:00 pm Friday, June 12th—6:00 pm Monday, June 15th—6:00 pm (Spanish)

Welcome Back!

As we gather to celebrate Mass as a community of faith, we ask that everyone do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Please follow these guidelines as a means of

showing charity to our neighbors.

Stay home if you are elderly, vulnerable to COVID-19 or live with someone who is vulnerable. The Sunday Mass obligation remains suspended. For those who do not attend Mass, know that God’s

infinite grace and mercy remain abundantly available.

Consider attending Mass occasionally instead of daily. This is an act of charity toward others; it allows more people to participate and better serves the common good.

Everyone ages 5 and up should wear a face mask for face covering in church and on church proper-ty. Place it on before leaving your car. It can be removed before receiving Holy Communion and put back into place as you return to your seat.

Bishop William Joensen strongly urges that we only receive Holy Communion on the hand for the common good.

Please observe social distancing throughout your time on parish property: before, during and after Mass. Individuals or household units should re-main 6 or more feet away from others.

Place your offertory gift in the basket by the door. Thank you for supporting our ministry and outreach during these historic days.

Use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the church. Bring your own, if possible, to use before receiving Communion.

Guidelines provided by the Diocese of Des

Moines based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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