June 4, 2017 Living as Disciples 10:30 a.m.€¦ · Sermon “A Wind in the Waste Places” Rev....

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Transcript of June 4, 2017 Living as Disciples 10:30 a.m.€¦ · Sermon “A Wind in the Waste Places” Rev....

Preparation for Worship

Today we feel the wind beneath our wings

Today the hidden fountain flows and plays

Today the church draws breath at last and sings

As every flame becomes a Tongue of praise.

This is the feast of fire, air, and water

Poured out and breathed and kindled into earth.

The earth herself awakens to her maker

And is translated out of death to birth.

The right words come today in their right order

And every word spells freedom and release

Today the gospel crosses every border

All tongues are loosened by the Prince of Peace

Today the lost are found in his translation.

Whose mother-tongue is Love, in every nation.

−Malcolm Guite

from Sounding the Seasons: Poetry for the Christian Year

Our Mission:

Growing in Spirit

Living as Disciples

Serving God’s World

PENTACOST June 4, 2017 10:30 a.m.

Please stand if you are able.

We Gather in God’s Name

Gathering Music “I Will Lift My Eyes” Praise Band


Welcome and Announcements

Passing of the Peace

Leader: The peace of the Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Prelude “Choral Prelude on Seelenbrautgam” Elmore

Ray Freeman, Organist

Call to Worship

One: The Lord be with you!

Many: And also with you.

One: This is the day the Lord has made.

Many: Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Hymn (GTG 292) “As the Wind Song”

Prayer of Confession

God of Pentecost, as you have done in every age, you pour out Your

Spirit upon your people. You break down our walls to open new relation-

ships, you loosen our tongues to declare your praise, you bind our hearts

in compassion and care, and you join our hands in mission. Yet we too

often resist the work of your Spirit among us. We’d rather remain safe

and stagnant under our own control than thrive with the guidance of

your Spirit. We choose complacent commonality with those who resem-

ble us in appearance or thought or theology instead of risking genuine

community with those who differ. Forgive us for all the ways that we

resist transformation. Blow among us afresh, O God. Forgive our stub-

bornness and sin. Breathe life anew. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.

Assurance of Forgiveness (Psalm 103:8-12)

Leader: The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in

love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;

he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our


People: For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his

love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Song of Response (GTG #288) “Spirit of the Living God”

We Proclaim God’s Word

Invitation to the Children

Anthem “People Get Ready” Curtis Mayfield

Summer Choir

Time for Children John Machado

Children ages 3 & 4 are invited to Play „n‟ Worship in Room 13. After their activity, they

will go to the Nursery. Please pick children up directly after worship.

Old Testament Lesson Genesis 1:1-2; Ezekiel 37:1-14

Pastor: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “A Wind in the Waste Places” Rev. Dr. Ben Trawick

We Respond to God’s Word

Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory “Sing a Song” Praise Band

Doxology #609

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures high and low.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Praise God, in Jesus fully known:

Creator, Word, and Spirit one.

Alleluia, alleluia!

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Prayer of Dedication Linda Patterson

Invitation to the Table


...Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom

come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our

daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead

us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom

and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


The Sacrament of the Lord‟s Supper

We Depart To Serve God

Parting Hymn (GTG 66) “Every time I Feel the Spirit”


Postlude “Toccata Brillante on Tallis‟ Canon” Edmundson

Ray Freeman, Organist

The flowers in the sanctuary were dedicated by

James and Rosalie Lawson:

“In Honor of Our 59th Anniversary”

Your Greeters today were Greg and Eileen Simmermacher.


Grace Weekday Preschool. There are openings in the 2-year-old and 3-year-old

classes for the 2017-2018 school year. We appreciate your passing this message on

to your friends and neighbors! Please contact the Grace Weekday Preschool at

school@gracepresby.org or call 703-451-3314 and leave a message.

Graduate Breakfast. Graduate recognition kicks off next Sunday, June 11, with

breakfast at 9:00 a.m. in the Family Room. If you are a graduate and have not re-

ceived your invitation, please call or e-mail the Office.

Hallelujah! We have a beautiful new website. Your link to the old site,

www.gracepresby.org, will take you to the new one. We still have some tweaking to

do, but thought you‟d like to see how much easier it is to navigate and find informa-

tion. Thanks to Pastor Susan and outgoing Communications Elder Alan Goldstein.


Circle 6 Potluck - Wednesday, June 7, 9:30 a.m., Family Room. Circle 6 is celebrating its end-

of-year meeting with a potluck. Guests are invited to join in the Bible study and fellowship. If

other women would like to organize an evening Circle, please contact the Office for information.

Grace Insights - June 11. Enquirers and those interested in membership at Grace

are invited to a one-day class planned for Sunday, June 11, from 9:15 to 2 p.m. If

you or someone you know feels the desire to learn more about our mission and min-

istry, please come. Contact Joe Miller, jsmeda@hotmail.com for more information.


Iftar Dinner - Monday, June 19, Ezher Bloom Mosque. Iftar is the traditional

breaking of the fast after sunset during Ramadan. Save this date for an important

opportunity to join our friends at the mosque in Fairfax to share a meal and deepen

friendships. Time and transportation details will be available soon. Please sign up

at the Information Station if you plan to attend.

Flora and Fauna of the Holy Land - Saturday, July 1, 4:00-7:00 p.m.

Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Director of the Palestine Museum of Natural History,

will speak about environmental threats to and the effect of conflict resolution on

the plants and animals of the Holy Land. Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist

Church, 9601 Cedar Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814.


Session has appointed a Task Force to make recommendations for Use of the Davis

House. The Davis House needs significant cleaning now that it has been vacated.

The worship time will remain at 10:30 a.m. for the summer and Adult Sunday

School will resume soon. Pub or Coffee House Theology is a potential for the Fall.

Session approved an advance of $5,000 from the Wester Fund to purchase 250 new

Glory to God hymnals. Members will be invited to purchase and dedicate hymnals

for $20 each, and the proceeds will be used to repay the Wester advance.

A Task Force will be formed including representatives from HR, Youth, Finance

and Mission to discern the permanent Associate Pastor role and job description,

which will focus on Youth and Family Ministry.

Approximately $450,000, received from the estate of Betty Vassel, will be divided

into a Vassel Endowed Pledge and a fund invested for budget support and future

needs discerned by Session.

15 visiting students and families graduated from Computer Tutoring at Grace, and

will be recognized in a future worship service.

Two more students will receive college scholarships as a result of adding $700 from

the Wester Undesignated Fund to the Letitia Beacham Education Endowment.

Nancy Machado and Greta Tosi-Miller reported from the May Presbytery Meeting

that the Sunday worship service is spoken in 12 different languages in our Presby-

tery. Only 29 of 89 churches reported growth in 2016 versus 40 churches in 2015.

Respectfully submitted, Greta Tosi-Miller, Clerk of Session

(The Complete Minutes are available in the Office and in the E-News.)



Please pray for Grace Family Members and Friends.

Jean Ackor, Donna and Kevin Baetsen, Judy Bernal (Virginia Beach), Cameron Buckley, Char Custer, Stan Dreyer, Harry Gault, Clara Gipson,

James Lawson, Susan Stryker, George Towery, Malcolm Weaver, and our 2017 Graduates and Scholarship Recipients.

Our Missionary: Pastor Selvin (Honduras)

Former Pastor: Paul Eckel

The Mothers of: Veronica Crump*, Mary Hawkins (Jean), Beth Jenkins Smith (Marie), Meg Rogers (Beth), Hiede Sowdon, Phillip Spiess (Dorothy),

Amy Trawick (Gayle), Dave Treasure (Hilda), and Jane Wallentiny (Helen)

The Fathers of: Raven Fox, Penny Newsome (Richard), and Ben Trawick (Jack)

The Husband of: Donna Lucas

The Great-grandmother of: Dennis and Diego Bustillo

The Son of: Anne Renninger (Daniel)

The Daughters of: Virginia and Bob Bouchard (Anna’s family), Rich and Kathy Calahan (Lynn), and Bob and Valerie Patrick (Molly Chacko)

The Brothers of: Ed Bryant (Paul), Steve Gretsuk (John), Reecie Ford (Trent), Nelson Thurman (Dennis), and Hilde Uffelman (Brian Marsh)

The Sister of: Penny Newsome (Susan)

The Aunts of: Roy Giese (Wilma Ditter), Penny Newsome (Lucile Roller)

The Daughters-in-law of: Marie Lawall (Lisbeth*), Warren and Maria Clayton (Julie - deployed to Korea)

The Nephews of: Maria Clayton (Jack) and Claire Manger (Edward & Scott)

The Niece of: Fran McLarren (Carrie)

The Cousins of: John Grimes (Lori), Donna Lucas (Angela), Nancy Machado (Jan), and Valerie Patrick (Virginia)

The Friends of: Cindi Bryant (Anna), Dave Buckley (Angie & Steve), Reecie Ford (Kate), Raven Fox (Deanna), Kim Gretsuk (Nancy),

John and Wendi Grimes (The Bochtler Family & Douglas), Rosalie Lawson (Emma & Stephanie), Donna Lucas, John Meyers, Penny Newsome

(Lisa and Shawn), Beth Jenkins Smith (Dick), Hiede Sowdon (Dylan), Chris Thurman, and Gene Williams (Shirley Bennington)

(*Chronic, ongoing situation)

Congratulations to Lee Bartlett on the birth of her twin grandsons!




Sunday, June 4 PENTECOST

8:30 AM Praise Band Rehearsal Sanctuary

9:45 AM Summer Choir Sanctuary

10:30 AM Worship for the Lord’s Day Sanctuary

Monday, June 5

Tuesday, June 6

10:00 AM Staff Meeting Library

Wednesday, June 7

9:30 AM Circle 6 Potluck Family Room

Thursday, June 8 Pastor Susan is Away

Friday, June 9 Pastor Susan is Away

Saturday, June 10 Pastor Susan is Away

9:00 AM Elder Training Family Room

Sunday, June 11 Graduate Recognition & Baptism

9:00 AM Grad Breakfast Family Room

9:00 AM Grace Insights Class Library

9:00 AM Praise Band Rehearsal Sanctuary

9:45 AM Summer Choir Sanctuary

10:30 AM Worship for the Lord’s Day Sanctuary

2:00 PM Youth to Lawsons’ Fredericksburg

6:15 PM Club 456 Family Room

Absence - Pastor Susan will be out of town from Thursday, June 8,

through Saturday, June 10. You may contact her by cell or by e-mail

if we cannot help you in the Office.



Office Days and Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 9:30 am - 2:00 pm 703-451-2900 press #2, ext 207 E-mail: ben@gracepresby.org

SUSAN WISSEMAN Associate Pastor

Stated Supply Office Days and Hours:

Tues.-Fri., 9:30 am - 3:00 pm 703-451-2900 press #3, ext 205 E-mail: susan@gracepresby.org


Aging With Grace Director Office Days and Hours:

Monday - 9:00 am-12:00 pm Tuesday-Thurs., 10:00 - 3:00 pm

Friday, 9:00 am - 11:00 am 703-451-2900 press #4

E-mail: aging@gracepresby.org


Treasurer E-mail: vlcrump@gmail.com


E-mail: sseifried@yahoo.com


Organist/Pianist/Accompanist E-mail: rayfreeman1029



Hand Bell Choir Director E-mail: moonmanjimd



Office Manager Office Days and Hours:

Mon.-Thurs.: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm Fridays: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm

703-451-2900 press #1, ext 206 E-mail: manager @gracepresby.org


Coleen Austin Care Ministries

(Open) Nursery/Bridges to Worship

Cindi Bryant Human Resources

Ed Bryant Nominating/Stewardship

Dave Retherford Missions

Maria Clayton Preschool

Kim Hatfield Youth Ministry

John Machado Communications

Nancy Machado Children’s Discipleship

Joe Miller Evangelism

Pat Ferrell Worship

Michael Phillips Finance

John Sowdon Fellowship

Nelson Thurman Adult Discipleship

Greta Miller, Clerk Ben Trawick, Moderator


Scott Anckner

Craig Crooks

Kent Ford, Chairman

Rob Gold

Scott Rogers

Peter Smith

E-mail: gpcbod@gmail.com Contact information for Session and the Board of Directors is posted in the church office and on the GPC website:




We encourage you to share requests

for prayer.

You may do so by com-pleting prayer cards found in the pew racks and plac-ing them in an offering plate.

Trust your children to our nursery care.

We provide childcare for infants through 3-year-olds in the Nursery Suite downstairs, Rooms 3 & 5. Please pick up children directly after worship.

Worship Bags are avail-able in the Narthex for preschoolers to third-graders. Please return bags to the Narthex after the service.

Grace 101, An “Inquirer’s Class”

If you would like to learn more about Presbyterians, Grace Church, and mem-bership, speak to one of our pastors.

Grace Weekday Preschool

The Preschool is a Christian-based ministry and developmental pro-gram. For information call 703-451-3314.