June 28- @ July 3, 2015 June 28- @ July 3, 2015. Theme: Federalism & Gun Control.

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Transcript of June 28- @ July 3, 2015 June 28- @ July 3, 2015. Theme: Federalism & Gun Control.

June 28- @ July 3, 2015

Constitutional Principles

Lesson Plan – J.Quiñones

Theme: Federalism & Gun Control

Lesson 1 – Why did the Founding Fathers support this two-tier

system of government? DOCUMENTS*Constitution, Art.1, Sec.8 (Enumerated Powers/ “Necessary” (Elastic) Clause)*Federalist Paper #45 (spheres of sovereignty)*10th amendment (and Reserved Powers) *Federalist Papers #28,32,51

ACTIVITIES*Document Analysis Sheets*Rate/debate reasons for Federalism

Lesson 2 - Can the States ignore/disregard federal law?

DOCUMENTS*Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions*Federalist #46*Supremacy clause (Art.6, clause 2)*McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) *Aaron v. Cooper (1958)*Article: www.tenthamendmentcenter.com ACTIVITIES*Document Analysis Sheets*Pro/Con charts comparing States Rights vs. Federal Supremacy

Lesson 3 - Has the 10th amendment protected the States from federal government overreach in power?

DOCUMENTS*NY v. US (1992)*US v. Lopez (1995) “Past Gun Control legislation & limits on federal govt.”*2nd Amendment*Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993) *Printz v.US (1997) – ACTIVITIESDocument Analysis Sheets

Lesson 4 - Move for Gun Control legislation and Conflict with the 2nd Amendment Rights Groups

DOCUMENTS*Timeline – Gun violence during Obama Adm. Tucson (2011) to Charleston (2015)*Obama speeches (2013-15)*Cartoons: “Supreme Court Strikes Down Chicago Gun Ban” and “Chicago Style Gun Control”*SC H4509 “Firearm Freedom Act” (2009) *Amend. 719 by Sen. John Cornyn (2013)*Article: www.tenthamendmentcenter.com*Obama’s Gun Control legislation (2013) *List of Obama’s 23 Executive Orders (2014)

ACTIVITIESDocument Analysis Sheets


Lesson 4 - Movement for Gun Control legislation and Conflict with the 2nd Amendment Rights Groups

ACTIVITIES*Document Analysis Sheets*Students create “talking points” *Debate Triads

Debate Triads - Rules1. Three people in each group: - 2 people debate - 1 person is timekeeper and judge2. The judge will pick the topic. Each person gets 1 minute to give an opening statement and defend their topic. Then follows two minutes of open debate. (The judge can stop the open debate if it is not productive).3. The judge will score each debate by splitting up 5 points: for example= 4-1 or 3-2 or 5-0

Sample ScorecardRound 1 2 3 Total

Name of student 1 4 _______ 0 4

Name of student 2 1 3 _______ 4

Name of student 3 _____ 2 5 7

Lesson 5 - Does the fight over Gun Control threaten the federalist balance of power?

ACTIVITY - PERSUASIVE ESSAY-Does the fight over Gun Control threaten the federalist balance of power? - Do the States have a right (or duty) to stand up against federal laws on Gun Control? - Should the States support federal gun control legislation? - Is the federal govt. overreaching its powers? - Should States invoke the 10th amendment? If they did, would they win?

Lesson 6 (Optional) (Postlude): Cooperative federalism

ACTIVITIES*Research: -Federal Funds for Education, Highways, etc.. In exchange for state cooperation with federal laws or standards.