JUNE 2018 HEATHLANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE …focalpointonline.org.uk/latestissue.pdf · JAZZ AT THE...

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of JUNE 2018 HEATHLANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE …focalpointonline.org.uk/latestissue.pdf · JAZZ AT THE...

JULY 2018 HEATHLANDS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday 3rd July 2018 from 7.30pm at Heathlands


LADIES NIGHT was a great success, we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.Thank you to the four ladies that modelled the clothes, you all did well, new careers for you all!. Sharron from Catwalk for bringing so many items for us to choose from. Thank you to the other stall holders.The raffle was a great success and we are pleased to say we made a donation of £250.00 to Star Throwers, a Cancer charity based in Wymondham which cares for lots of people who have had cancer and those who are still suffering.

FORTHCOMING ATTRACTIONSJACK AND JILL TEA AND CHAT - Next one is Tuesday July 3rd 2-4pmThe last one was very successful, so it would be lovely to see more of you. A lovely way to spend a couple of hours having a chat and cuppa. This will be the last one until October. Dates will be announced in Focal Point.Thank you for your support.

FAMILY NIGHTS – The first one will be on Friday July 13th. The Beer Festival will be in full swing with music on the field.NEXT ONE will be held on Friday July 27th - This is 'NORFOLK DAY'.So come along and join in some games. Lots to drink and BBQ. Open from 6.30pm, BBQ from 7.00pm

HEATHLANDS JUMBLE SALE - Saturday July 28th. Doors open at 2.00pm. Jumble welcomed from 12noon. Any cakes would also be very welcome.

HEATHLANDS '8TH SUMMER BEER FESTIVAL' Dates:- Tuesday 10th to Sunday 15th July 2018. 18 Ales + 4 ciders. Live Music, Family Night, BBQ, Indian Street food. See our flyer for full details, or call Alan on 07818 466473 for more information

IMPORTANT NOTICE - DOGS ON THE FIELD:Please can we again request that you do not walk or run your dogs on the field at Heathlands. This is a Health and Safety issue which affects all of us, so please respect it. We do have signs at the top and bottom of the field. Thank you. Also, whilst walking your dogs around the village, please clear up after them. Many thanks.

BLOFIELD PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGSMonday 2nd July - Planning. Monday 16th July - Council. Monday 30th July - PlanningMeetings are held at 7.30pm in Blofield Courthouse, Yarmouth Road. Blofield.


Blofield Parish Council has great pleasure in welcoming three new members to the Council. They are Sarah Dhesi, Mary Moxon and Stuart Smith. All three were formally co-opted at a Council meeting on Tuesday 8th May 2018 and have already started to have great involvement in all things Council related and working on behalf of their Parishioners. Their contact details can be found on the Parish Council website http://parishcouncil.blofield.net

WHAT’S ON AT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY?Rhyme Time Mini Movers: Rhymes, songs and music every week during term time Brundall Library Mondays 9.15am Blofield Library Wednesdays 9.15am Crafty Group Bring your own craft projects to do in the company of fellow crafters, swap ideas, make friends and enjoy a cuppa. Alternate Mondays at 2.00pm at Blofield Library Telephone 01603 712902 to check next session.Blofield and Brundall Online Book Group. Join our new book group either in branch or via our libraries Facebook page. Visit either Blofield or Brundall Library to pick up a copy of our chosen book. Be part of a book group in the comfort of your own home, ideal if you’d like to be part of a book group but don’t have much spare time. Like and follow ‘Blofield and Brundall Libraries’ on Facebook to keep up to date with all our library news.

BLOFIELD PARISH WALKS. Each year a report on the condition of the village footpaths is prepared for the Parish Council and as part of the report there will be two evening walks of the various official public footpaths in the village. If you would like to know a little more about some of the paths around the village you are invited to join the annual Village Footpath Walks which this yearwill take place on:

Monday 2nd July, meeting at 6.30pm at The Old Court House, BlofieldTuesday 3rd July meeting at 6.30pm at Heathlands Community Centre Hall, Blofield Heath

The walks are informal, families are welcome and dogs too! Telephone 01603 712848 for further information.

BLOFIELD HEATH W.I.We had an entertaining afternoon in June when Jean Clarke demonstrated "Face Yoga".It was interactive and we laughed and smiled a lot which made us feel good.Our next meeting is on Tuesday 10th July at 2.00pm at Heathlands. Alan Alexander will be telling us about his time in the police dog section. Visitors are welcome.

PEDHAM GREEN PICNIC 2018 - Saturday, 28th July 2018 starting at 12noon. Pedham Green will be hosting another Picnic open to all. There will be a BBQ, Beer and Soft Drinks, Cake Stall, Strawberries and Cream, Tea and Coffee, Tombola, Bric a Brac, Raffle and Kids Fancy Dress Competition “Anything from Nature”. Come along for fun and laughter!!

THE WALLED GARDEN’S VICTORIAN PARTY – 27th July 2018 4pm-8pmJoin us at the Great Plumstead Village Hall for a BBQ, live music, licensed bar, children’s activities and raffle, to celebrate Norfolk Day and the launch of the Walled Garden Community Shop and Cafe community share issue. Dress up in period costume if you wish to be in for a prize or just come along and enjoy the spectacle! For more information, visit our website www.thewalledgardenshop.co.u k

ACLE ST EDMUND YOUTH ORCHESTRAUnfortunately, SEYO will be unable to play at Blofield Church on the 8th July during the 11.00am service. We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.

BLOFIELD PARISH COUNCIL’S ROLE IN PLANNING APPLICATIONSIn response to various letters about Blofield Parish Council’s involvement with recent planning applications, the following piece explains our role and what we do. Blofield Parish Council does not have the power to grant or refuse planning permission. For each planning application made to Broadland District Council that is within the Blofield Parish Boundary, we are invited to submit comments alongside any other parishioner comments to the planning department at Broadland. Our comments can be incorporated or ignored by the planners when decisions about planning applications are made by Broadland DC. Ultimately it is Broadland DC which has the power to grant or refuse planning permission. Prior to a Parish Council Planning meeting, Parish Councillors prepare for the meeting by studying the application, visiting the site (where needed), assessing the suitability and understanding if the proposal contradicts or supports any of our Neighbourhood Plan policies. This, as you can imagine, can be very time consuming when an application like Manor Park, Garden Farm, Hall Road or Dawsons Lane is received. During the meeting itself, should any councillor know the applicant then this is declared as an interest to ensure that all comments made are informed based on the paperwork in the plans rather than any personal relationships. The council, as a collective agrees comments for submission to Broadland. All parishioners are welcome to attend planning meetings to air views on proposals and to hear our thoughts first hand with our next planning meeting is on 16 th July at The Courthouse. Planning comments made by Blofield Parish Council are available in the minutes of our planning meetings which, along with the agendas are available on our website http://parishcouncil.blofield.net/parish-council/parish-council-meetings-minutes/ Copies of the planning agendas are also available on the Parish noticeboards. We also publish planning applications received on our Facebook page and website. For full details of our role in the planning process, and how the overall planning process works, please visit our website http://parishcouncil.blofield.net/planning

1914 – 1918 – WHAT CAN YOU REMEMBER YOUR FAMILY SAYING ABOUT THOSE WHO WENT TO WAR? To help mark the end of the First World War, there will be an exhibition in All Saints Church, Hemblington about local men who served and many of whom died during the conflict. As we approach Remembrance Day one hundred years afterthat conflict, we wonder whether there are people living locally who can remember what was said within the family aboutthose who served and how life altered because of the war. If you have a memory or a souvenir from that time, please get in touch. Telephone Lynda 01603 713597 or Sue 01603 715804.

BENEFICE CHURCHES OF BLOFIELD, HEMBLINGTON & NORTH BURLINGHAM - SERVICES IN JULY8.00am St Andrew and St Peter (Holy Communion) Blofield9.30am All Saints Hemblington9.30am St Andrew (1st July) North Burlingham11.00am St Andrew and St Peter Blofield 9.30am Wednesday Benefice Midweek worship (H C) Blofield Rector, Rev Kevin M Billson Tel: 01603 712299 kevin.billson@eraith.net Details of church wardens and events can be found on the following websites; www.blofieldchurch.org.uk www.hemblingtonchurch.org.uk www.northburlinghamchurch.org.uk

THE FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS CHURCH, HEMBLINGTON:Many thanks to all who attended the church tour in June and to those who helped make it such a success. We used the new tent which had been purchased through a grant awarded by the World War One Fund /Norfolk Community Foundation. This will also help stage the WW1 exhibition later in the summer.Lots going on in the churchyard soon, including cutting and raking by BADCOG and BVCG plus our monthly monitoring of wild flowers, birds, bees and butterflies. If you are interested in getting involved in churchyard conservation, please get in touch. Secretary: hemblington@gmail.com 01603 715804NB date for your diary: Saturday 1st December – Heathlands Jammers gig.

CONSERVATION FILMING IN BLOFIELD CHURCHYARD.Come and be part of a film of churchyard conservation being made by 'Norfolk Wildlife Trust' by helping with haymaking. Tools provided or BYO rakes. Saturday July 14th in Blofield Churchyard.

OPEN GARDEN.On Sunday July 1st Garden Open at “GABLE END COTTAGE “ Woodbastwick Road, Blofield, between 2.00pm and 5.00pm. Entrance and car park in Holly Lane. Adults £2.50, children free. Dogs allowed. Cakes and refreshments, plants,books, raffle etc. All proceeds for Hemblington Church.

KEEP BLOFIELD SPECIAL.We are a small group of volunteers who like to keep our villages looking attractive and reasonably free of litter, we meet monthly for about an hour's litter-picking, anyone is welcome to join us, there is never a shortage of litter unfortunately! July litter-picks take place on

Monday 2nd July, meet at Heathlands, Blofield Heath at 9.30am.Monday 9th July, meet at the Old Court House, Blofield at 9.30am.

During the summer Keep Blofield Special will be maintaining the village benches with preservative so each bench may be unavailable for just a couple of days. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

BLOFIELD AND DISTRICT GARDENING CLUB.Wednesday 11th July. “Planning and Landscaping a Garden.” A talk by Andy Thacker of Landscape Services, Wroxham. 7.30pm, Margaret Harker Hall, Blofield. All welcome. Refreshments provided after the talk.Details www.blofieldgardeningclub.org.uk 01603 715804(Visitors are very welcome to attend any meeting for a fee of £2.00 per evening.)The Blofield and District Gardening Club Summer Show will be held on Saturday 14th July. This is the highlight of the Club’s year when members have an opportunity to show off their gardening and home produce skills to other members and the general public. Everyone is very welcome to come along to the Margaret Harker Hall, Blofield to see the flowers, fruits, vegetables, baking and preserves being exhibited by members of the Gardening Club. Judging takes place in the morning then from 2.00pm you will be warmly welcomed to review the exhibits, enjoy refreshments, raffles, plant and cake sales and finally take advantage of the auction of many ofthe exhibits. 2.00pm, Margaret Harker Hall, Blofield. All Welcome. Details www.blofieldgardeningclub.org.uk 01603 715804

MILLENIUM ORCHARD.We are pleased to announce that the Blofield New MillenniumOrchard will be open for visitors every Sunday 10.00am to4.00pm through to September. Access to the orchard is throughthe Blofield allotment site, heading east out of the villagebeyond Norwich Camping and Leisure.

ADVENTURES IN PRAYER During July and August the Ministry Team ( Kevin, Paul, Judith and Sue) are planning a series of study groups called Adventures in Prayer which will help us find new and different ways to pray, taking us on a journey and explainingall we ever wanted to know about prayer but were afraid to ask. The series of five meetings will be held fortnightly on Tuesday evenings (7.30pm until 9.15pm) alternating at the Courthouse in Blofield and Heathlands in Blofield Heath. You are free to come to all or pick whichever most interests you. More information will follow soon but you can contact Sue on sue.shillam@btinternet.com in the meanwhile.

PLAY CHURCH TODDLER GROUP.Is held every Wednesday during term time in Blofield Church – it’s fun, friendly and free! 1.00pm to 3.00pm. The last session for this summer term will be on Wednesday 18th JulyParents, grandparents and carers all welcome to come and join this successful and friendly toddler group where the children learn in a welcoming, safe and well-resourced setting run by experienced, early years volunteers. Healthy snacks and refreshments are provided for adults and children. There is no fee for the session but a donation bowl is available if you wish to contribute. Please contact Yvonne on 01603 715213 or Barbara on 01603 714519 for further information or you can go to the Blofield Church website at www.blofieldchurch.org.uk

A CAUTIONARY TALE of a SCAMOne of our readers was seriously disturbed during a telephone call to his home.The caller, a male with an accent, telephoned saying that as our reader was in serious debt with the Inland Revenue involving capital gains and income taxes. If he did not pay immediately, criminal proceedings would be implemeted as soon as the 'phone call ended and the police would take action. Frighteningly, the caller had our reader's full details (and those of his wife), including National Insurance numbers.The Inland Revenue will not do this and will always first send documents about payment and in the event that payment is not made they can commence 'Recovery' including debt collectors, bailiffs etc and could take the debtor to civil court for the debt. If you get a call such as this, tell them nothing and hang up!

POPPIES COMMUNITY CAFE - We meet every Wednesday from 10.00am until 12.00 noon in Blofield Courthouse. There is disabled parking and a ramp for easy entry. Come and join us for good food, company and friendship. You will be offered a selection of savouries, cakes, biscuits and tea or coffee, all for a small donation which helps to pay the rent. Come along each week for a happy time and a sing song. Elizabeth and John will be retiring from Poppies Cafe next year.Is there anyone in the community who would be willing to take it on? Contact 01603 713300

HEMBLINGTON CHURCH - The next Wildlife survey in Hemblington churchyard with the Friends of Hemblington Church and NWT will be on Tuesday 3rd July from 10.00am to 12noon.On Tuesday 24th July from 10.00am to 12noon there will be Make and Mardle in Hemblington ChurchWe plan to be at Pedham Green Fete Pedham Green on Saturday 28th July starting at 12noon with our usual Summer fair activities for adults and children. Come and say hello.Children of all ages are invited to join in two Family Fun Mornings of games and crafts at Hemblington Church on Tuesday July 31st and Thursday August 2nd between 10.30am until 12.30pm. Then join us afterwards for a picnic lunch, please bring some food to share. As usual we will provide drinks and cakes. Please note that children attending this eventmust be accompanied by an adult. For more details email jennifer@propero3.co.uk or telephone 01603 716970.

JULY AT THE MUSEUM OF THE BROADS, The Poor's Staithe, Stalham Norfolk NR12 9DADon’t miss our First World War exhibition, on until Armistice Day, 11th November.On Saturday 7th July come and listen to the popular Reverie Jazz Trio with their relaxed Gypsy style jazz music. Doors open at 6pm. The cost is £10 for adults and £3 for children to 18 years. There will be a bar, and our steam boat Falcon will be running 30 minute river trips. Book early!On the evening of Saturday 21st we welcome the theatre group, Crude Apache. On Friday 27th, being Norfolk Day, the museum will be open for free - plus Falcon will be running too. See our website for full details. www.museumofthebroads.org.uk 01692 581681

CPRE NORFOLK is our branch of the Campaign to Protect Rural England. With so much countryside there is always plenty to do in trying to ensure development is appropriate to its proposed location, as well as other aspects such as protecting our dark skies and tranquillity. Having said this, CPRE Norfolk is not against development per se, as we appreciate the need for more housing, especially when it’s meeting real need, such as that for affordable homes in villages, enabling local people to live near their families and employment, or for retired residents wanting to downsize. Find out more about our organisation and views on housing at: http://www.cprenorfolk.org.uk/planning/planning/alliance/Michael Rayner, CPRE Norfolk Planning Campaigns Consultant, michaelr@cprenorfolk.org.uk

SPEEDING STATISTICS SENT TO NORFOLK CONSTABULARY You will have most probably seen the Parish Council’s flashing speed awareness signs (SAM2) located around both Blofield and Blofield Heath over the last year or so. These signs records data of all traffic flow and speeding. There are several areas that have been highlighted as areas that speeding takes place and therefore the Parish Council has sent this data to Norfolk Constabulary in the hope that they will deploy their officers with speed guns to catch people in the act andhelp reduce speeding within our Parish. The highlighted areas are as follows: -1) North Street - Blofield Primary School 2) Woodbastwick Road - Blofield Heath - traffic entering / leaving the village going past Renenergy 3) Yarmouth Road - Blofield - incoming traffic from Blofield Motor Company 4) Yarmouth Road - Blofield - traffic leaving the village going past the Courthouse 5) Mill Road - Blofield Heath - nr Hemblington Primary School for traffic heading towards Woodbastwick Road 6) Brundall Road - Blofield - traffic leaving Blofield heading towards Brundall

DOG WASTE! There has been a lot of reports of some owners not picking up after their dogs when walking them thus leaving the waste on the pavements for everyone to step in. If you do notice dog waste on the pavements please either report to Broadland District Council via its online reporting form as follows: https://www.broadland.gov.uk/info/200168/dogs_and_problem_dogs/375/request_dog_fouling_is_cleared_upor alternatively contact Blofield Parish Council on 01603 712943 or email blofieldpc@gmail.com

HEATHLANDS SOCIAL CLUB – Guest Ales for July: Guest ales for 2nd part of July will be Humpty Dumpty 'Broadland Sunrise' 4.2%abv and Shepherd Neame 'Spitfire' 4.2%abv both priced at £2.80 pint members and £3.20 pint non members. During the first 2 weeks of July which includes the beer festival, the ales will be Wolf branded and again will be £2.80 pint members and £3.20 pint non members, except for the beer festival week 10th to 15th July, when All ALES and CIDERS will be £3.20 a pint. Although the loyalty cards finish the end of June, fully completed cards will be honoured after this date but Not during the beer festival week. The Loyalty Card scheme was again a roaring success, and will be back!!!! PLEASE NOTE!! Although we are a Members Only Social Club, we do welcome Non-Members.

HEMBLINGTON PRE-SCHOOL. * NEW HOURS* Based at Heathlands Village Hall. Open: Tuesday 9.30am to 12.30pm, Wednesday 9.30am to 12.30pm and 12.30pm to 3.30pm, Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm and 12.30pm to 3.30pm. Friendly, professional staff. Lovely light spacious hall, free flow play to outdoors area. Stimulating activities to develop your child's learning in line with Early Years Foundation Stage. Forest Friends activities. RECENT OFSTED (Feb 2018) RATED GOOD. "Children are motivated to learn". "Parents speak highly of the pre-school staff and are involved well in their children's learning". If you would like to arrange a visit and discuss your child's needs call 01603 712464 (office hours) or 07716 869506. VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE! - www.hemblingtonpreschool.com

HEMBLINGTON BABY AND TODDLER CLUB - Will open on Friday mornings 9.30am to 11.30am. Come along and spend time with your child exploring the different lovely activities we have on offer. What type of things would you like to see? Messy play? Music activities? Let us know and we will do our best to include them in our plans! 01603 712464 (office hours) or 07716 869506.

BLOFIELD PRE-SCHOOL PLAYGROUP. Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield. Telephone 01603 712498.A friendly, committee run playgroup for children aged from 2 ½ years old. Free ‘Early Education’ funding for 3 and 4 year olds and full access to the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’. Open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during term time. Sessions available: 9.10am to 12.10pm, 12.10pm to 3.10pm or 9.10am to 3.10pm. Call us for more info or to book a visit.Visit our FACEBOOK page: www.facebook.com/BlofieldPre-schoolPlaygroup or follow us on Twitter: @BlofieldPreSch

DOG SHOW AND FAMILY FUN DAY - in aid of Wells Community Hospital TrustProudly sponsored by Barefoot Norfolk Ltd, we are happy to announce our fabulous fun filled day for all the family … two and four-legged … at Wells Town Football Ground, Beach Rd, Wells-next-the-Sea NR23 1DR from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 8th July 2018. Free parking courtesy of Holkham Estates via Wells Town, Freeman Street Car park, NR23 1FD. Gates open & registration from 10am, with classes from 11am – 4pm. Lots of fun classes for your dog to enter together with a huge array of children’s activities and well over 40 craft stalls, trade stands and food outlets including refreshmentsat Wells Town Football Club House. Guest of honour will be Norman Lamb, Member of Parliament for North Norfolk.

BADCOG ~ BLOFIELD AND DISTRICT CONSERVATION GROUP Work parties are on Saturday mornings between 10.30am and 1.00pm. All are welcome. Details of other dates in July from Ernest on 01603 712913.

FREE TENNIS TASTER SESSIONS on Friday mornings at Blofield Tennis Club. Every Friday morning until the endof August, Blofield Tennis Club is hosting free tennis taster sessions from 0900 - 1100am on three of its grass courts. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player Blofield Tennis Club has something for you. You'll find us behind Margaret Harker Hall, Yarmouth Road, Blofield. You are guaranteed a warm welcome! www.blofieldtennisclub.co.uk

1st HEMBLINGTON BROWNIES. - This is a thriving and fun unit, we earn badges, go on adventures, sing songs, playgames and most of all have a lot of fun along the way.Brownies is a fantastic opportunity for your daughter to meet new friends, face new challenges and experience nights away from home. We go on sleepovers and Brownie holidays throughout the year!For more information email diana.b.ley@icloud.com phone 01603 270158 or 07742 876899

BLAFELDA (BLOFIELD) PROBUS CLUB- This club provides an enjoyable social meeting point for gentlemen who are retired or about to retire. We meet for lunch on the third Wednesday of every month at The Kings Head, Station Road, Lingwood NR13 4AZ at 12 noon for lunch at 12.30pm. If you are new to the area it is a good way to get to know people.Lunch is followed by a talk, often on a subject of particular local interest.We have vacancies for new members so if you think you may be interested, try us out by contacting : Alex Mason on 01603 716735, email: alexwmason@yahoo.co.uk or Hilary Hammond on 01603 717750, email: handj.hammond@btinternet.com

READERS' LETTERSBONFIRE NUISANCE.Am I the only Blofield resident who has a problem with bonfires? As soon as the weather improves, the air seems to fill with acrid smoke. As an asthma sufferer, can I please appeal to all our local pyromaniacs to remember that some of us will suffer the after effects of your fun for a number of days after the event. We have facilities for residents to dispose of their unwanted rubbish - please use them. Name and address supplied.

Lost Keys.I wonder if you inadvertantly picked up my bunch of four keys onMonday 2nd July. I went to Blofield Heath Post Office and I think, laidthe keys on the counter. I returned in less than 5 minutes but could notfind them. If you picked them up please give any information toBlofield Heath Post Office. Thank you. Name and address supplied.

MORE ON BROADBAND SPEEDSApart from the distance your house is from the exchange (standardADSL) or from the street cabinet (FTTC) for fibre, various otherthings can affect the speeds that we get and some of these could bedue to the telephone wiring inside your house or anything whichmight be connected. One common issue is that of internal extension wiring which needsjust 2 wires. In the past, the old phones needed a third wire for the telephoneinternal bell. These redundant wires often pick up radio interferencewhich may spoil your broadband signal. This problem is common after dark due to changes in the earth'satmosphere (ionosphere). Problems may also be caused by the type of master telephone socketthat you may have. You can get this changed to an NTE5 by askingyour broadband provider or by having your own fitted as an extrabox. Your local electronics specialist can help you with these possibleissues. Granville Hornsby

WROXHAM BURE VALLEY ROTARY CLUB.We are always pleased to welcome more new members into the club - you can pop along and meet us any Monday evening if you fancy finding out a bit more about us and what we get up to, but please contact our secretary Anne Kittle inadvance on 07887 523071 to check the meeting details and to ensure we have food for you. Visit our web-site on www.wroxhamrotary.org.uk for more information and details of our exciting programme for 2018, or our Facebook page on www.facebook.com/wroxhamburevalleyrotaryclub or contact our president, Philip Plant on 01692 630152. There is no better way to give something back to the local community...and no better time than now.

BABYSITTING & CHILDMINDING.CASSIE CUSHING (24). BA (Hons) in Childhood Studies, first aid trained, experience with children of all ages including those with special educational needs. Available most weekends. 07881 207613 or 01603 714429OFSTED REGISTERED CHILDMINDER in Blofield Heath awarded with a Good rating from Ofsted in September 2016. Vacancy on Wednesday available now, other spaces available mid July/August 2018. Please call Nina on 01603 716978 or email nina-bowen@outlook.comFOCAL POINT ENTRIES / CONTRIBUTIONS – MAXIMUM 100 WORDS (except Readers' Letters - 120 words)Entries (except trade adverts) via email please to Andy Broad, andyb@focalpointonline.org.uk not forgetting to include your name and address. Written entries; please deliver to Granville Hornsby, 11 Borton Rd, Blofield Heath, NR13 4RU. CLOSING DATE for items for the August 2018 edition, Before (NOT ON please) the 14th July 2018.

BLOFIELD HEATH & Lt. PLUMSTEAD DELIVERY TEAMDelivery enquiries and volunteers, please contact Granville Hornsby 01603 713141 or editor@focalpointonline.org.uk

BLOFIELD DELIVERY TEAMDelivery enquiries and volunteers, please contact Mike Tetlow on 01603 715253 or miketetlow1@gmail.com

ALL TRADE ADVERTISING Final closing date is the 14th of the preceding month but we need your new booking & artwork by 10th please.Enquiries to; Granville Hornsby, 11 Borton Rd, Blofield Heath, NR13 4RU. Tel. 01603 713141. Email: editor@focalpointonline.org.uk

PAYMENTS & DONATIONS; Paypal: editor@focalpointonline.org.uk or by BACS (bank transfer) toHSBC: Focal Point A/c.21524046. Sort: 403550.

Focal Point community newsletter is published and delivered free of charge by volunteers to houses in Blofield Heath, Blofield, Hemblington & Little Plumstead. Over 2300 copies are printed for each issue. Revenue is used to pay for the printing and other production expenses. Proceeds are used to help provide facilities and services for events at Heathlands Community Centre as and when funds permit. Focal Point, is compiled by Andy Broad and edited and published by Granville Hornsby. The Publisher does not necessarily endorse any goods or services offered in advertisements or content of copy published. The acceptance of any item or advertisement is solely at the discretion of the editor, who reserves the right to edit submitted items and whose decision is final. Every reasonable care is taken, but no responsibility will be accepted for errors or omissions. The assistance of Blofield Parish Council, which contributes to the print run for Blofield, is gratefully acknowledged. Focal Point is subject to copyright. Reproduction for any purpose is prohibited without first obtaining clearance from the publisher.