June 2012 - The King John School Newsletter

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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For all the latest up to date news about the school

Transcript of June 2012 - The King John School Newsletter



NEWSLETTER No: 45 - June 2012

After the representative of the National Teenage Cancer Trust came into our assembly we decided to do a 30 mile

bike ride to raise money for them. The assembly inspired us as we are teenagers ourselves and we could not imag-

ine what it would be like to be diagnosed with cancer. Inspired; we knew we had to do something to partake! We decided to do 30 miles instead of anything less because we thought it would be

more strenuous and we could raise more money, because people would be more


Before we began our bike ride both of us felt nervous and excited as we set off be-

cause we knew we had a lot of work to undergo. As we set off we knew we would

have a good laugh.

Our 30 mile bike ride consisted of riding from Hadleigh through Thundersley, in

the woods, onto the seafront at Chalkwell and straight to Shoebury then all the way

back. We stopped at Shoebury for a break, where Chloe’s family members were

there to give us more support and FOOD!! We were ecstatic to finish and so proud of one another for completing the ride.

Thank you all so much to those that wished us good luck and have sponsored us

for our bike ride. We have managed to raise over £400; we wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help and support. We are sure the National Teenage Can-

cer Trust will be grateful for all our hard work and generous contributions.

Laura Murray and Chloe Mitchell, Year 10.


The KJS Hair and Beauty department held its second show on 2nd May 2012.

This turned out to be a very successful evening, where students displayed their ability, in creating a

whole image. The show is part of their course for years 9-13. We had many proud parents and friends

who also enjoyed the evening.

The Hair and Beauty department would like to thank everyone who was involved in the evening for

making it a great success once again.

30 mile bike ride for

National Teenage Cancer Trust…



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Open Day for Dementia Sufferers

and their families

Sat 30th June 2012 between 9.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m.

The Methodist Church – High Road – Benfleet.

There will be speakers from many organisations

giving talks throughout the day. Private consultation rooms for advice available.

Refreshments available.

Lions Club of Castle Point The Alternative Education groups in year 9 have recently received addi-

tional funding of £300 including £50

from Alton Garden Centre. The dona-

tion has enabled the class to obtain new garden equipment and resources

for their Veggies ‘R’ Us mini enterprise.

The project involves growing different vegetables and salads from seed. Once they have developed

they are potted up and sold to staff and parents.

Any parents who would like to purchase any

plants may contact Mrs Anderson on 01702 426728.

The students are growing: runner beans, dwarf

beans, Gardeners Delight tomatoes, sweet corn, courgettes and squashes. They also grow a mix-

ture of lettuces.

This photo was taken on a recent trip to Alton Garden Centre,

where the students

and staff were

presented with a cheque.

Itec 2012 Awards Evening

On Thursday 26th April Mrs. Darbey and myself were invited to attend the Itec awards evening. We were delighted that Michael Cantle and Jack Feath-erstone both in year 11 were nominated for the Alternative Education Student of the year. Jack Featherstone was nominated as a finalist. He is currently working through his EDCL qualification and shows commitment to his learning through his attendance and diligence. He is always polite and helpful and should achieve whatever he sets his mind to. Michael was runner-up in this category last year. We were delighted that Michael went one stage further this year and won the award. He has continued with his studies in the same dili-gent, hard working manner and has now complet-ed his full ECDL level 2 qualification. Michael has the ability to do well and the determination to suc-ceed. He is respectful and polite and works well with others. Michael has just recently obtained an Information Technology apprenticeship through Itec. Well done Michael. Michael with Mrs. Darbey and his tutor John Fox. Linda Jeffery



Message Board From Margaret Wilson, Headteacher

TERMS (Inclusive dates)

Summer 2012 Monday 16th April - Monday 23rd July

Autumn 2012 Tuesday 4th September - Friday 21st December

Spring 2013 Monday 7th January—28th March 2013

GENERAL HOLIDAYS (Inclusive dates)

Summer 2012 Tuesday 24th July - Friday 31st August

Christmas 2012/13 Monday 24th December—Friday 4th January

Spring 2013 Tuesday 2nd April—Friday 12th April

HALF-TERM HOLIDAYS (Inclusive dates)

Summer 2012 Monday 4th June - Friday 8th June

Autumn 2012 Monday 29th—Friday 2nd November

Spring 2013 Monday 18th—Friday 22nd February

Summer 2013 Tuesday 28th May—Friday 31st May


It seems to have been a very short half term although there have

been numerous trips that have taken place and events including

the new Key Stage 3 Sports Awards which was a wonderful even-

ing and very well attended. The Hair and Beauty Show will have

given Year 11 students some ideas for their upcoming prom alt-

hough they will need to study hard before then in order to achieve

the results they need in their forthcoming exams.

Next half term will be just as busy and the school’s website has

details of all the events.

To date 90% of our Year 11 students have achieved an A* to C grade at GCSE Maths, our best

results in the subject ever. Congratulation too to those students who recently sat their Finance

exam, 95% achieved an A*- C grade with an amazing 72% achieving an A or A* grade.

I do on occasion receive anonymous letters from parents regarding an aspect of school life

which they are unhappy with. If you wish to raise anything with the school, please feel free to

do so, but at the same time I would like to give you the courtesy of replying to your concerns. I

assure you that these are treated individually and confidentially. By the same token students

can raise concerns or make suggestions to their Student Voice representative in school. Only

by working together can we make improvements which will benefit the school and its students.

Finally, I would like to wish our Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students every success in their

examinations and hope they all achieve the grades they need. Good luck to you all.


Monday 23rd July 2012

Monday 3rd September 2012

Friday 14th September 2012

Monday 8th October 2012

Monday 15th April 2013

Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd July 2013


Monday 4th June 2012

Tuesday 5th June 2012

Monday 27th August 2012

Tuesday 1st January 2013

Friday 29th March 2013

Monday 1st April 2012

Monday 6th May 2012

Monday 27th May 2013

Monday 26th August 2013



Uniform Shop Opening Times

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

For Parents: 9.30am - 11.00am

For Students: 2.00pm - 2.20pm

Term time only

Reminder to all parents

When your child is absent from school we appreciate you

calling Student Services to report their absence, but would

like to remind you we still require you to send in a letter of

explanation for the absence with your child on their return.

Without this in writing, the absence will be recorded as

unauthorised and may result in the involvement of the

Education Welfare Officer.



Letters Home

All letters that are sent home are available to view on the

website www.thekjs.essex.sch.uk.

Please note that the Parent Newsletters and Extra

Curricular Activities booklets

are also on the website.

Student Safety

The School is very concerned about the safety of the stu-dents on our site. With this in mind we would ask that cars DO NOT DRIVE ON TO THE SCHOOL SITE to drop students off or pick them up. This includes the car park at

the Benfleet Road entrance. This car park is intended for staff and visitor parking only. A large number of students have to cross this area to get into school and the presence of cars driving through the car park greatly increases the risk to students. Please take notice of the signs on the gateway and drop your children off outside the school site. A small walk up the road can only be good for them!!! Katrina Bentley, Bursar

Borrowing Money

Student Services lend small amounts of money to students in emergencies only i.e. forgotten lunch and/or bus money to get home. A phone call will be made to parents to confirm this is allowed. We would like to remind parents

that if your child has borrowed money from Student Services it should be repaid the next day as we only have a small float to lend to students. NB. This facility will be withdrawn from

a student who has money outstanding.



Lost property for students to view will be on

display at morning break by the

Main staircase on

Thursday 31st May 2012

Please be aware that any property unclaimed will be

donated to a local charity




Lost Property

Articles from Students

If any student is interested in placing an

article of interest in the Parents Newslet-

ter please see

Gina Ebner or Sharon McGrory

in Reprographics.

So don’t be shy we want to hear

from you.

Food Technology

The Food Technology Department has set up a website for students

to use when cooking at home. You can download demonstrations

(which you can view with QuickTime) and recipe sheets for a range

of products. (A DVD version is also in preparation).

Some of our Year 7 students are currently doing an evaluation of

this resource; if you would like to look at the demonstrations and

recipes yourself you can log on to www.cook-king.co.uk

We would welcome your feedback and ideas for recipes you would

like us to add.

Other food resources, linked to exam preparation for Key Stages 4

and 5, can also be found on the school VLE.

C. Woodhouse

Head of Food Technology




Should you wish to

advertise in our next

Parents Newsletter, please contact the


department to discuss your

requirement. E-mail: ginae@thekjs.demon.co.uk 0r

sharonm@thekjs.demon.co.uk Or

Tel: 01702 426723

With your CONTACT


Gina or Sharon



YEAR 7 & 8 Ewan Dunlop 7-09 has recently passed his Grade 4 trumpet exam with a merit. Jordan Brown-Nutley 7-09 beat the track record by half a second at the PFI track, well done!

Aaron Colcough 7-09 recently enjoyed a hike with the scouts and is also now a brown belt in karate. Charlotte Sheppard 7-04 has passed her level 20 in gym-nastics. Royce Taylor 7-04 came 1st in a national Trampolining competition. Rebecca Lloyd 7-01 won 2 golds, 1 silver and 1 bronze medal in dancing competitions - modern and lyrical.

Maddie Dyer 7-01 selected for Maverick trials in netball. Genna Gregory 7-01 took part in the hair and beauty show. Dylan Woodcock 7-01 has been asked to represent GB in Romania in motor cross. Imogen Taylor 7-01 competed and came first in a show jumping competition. Jac Sexton 7-01 is going to be the captain of the U13 Leigh Cricket club and the school team.

Megan Devonport 7-01 came first in a team eventer trial in Saffron Walden. Niamh Smith 7-01 is currently 4th place in SE England in cross country. Frankie Rafferty 7-01 helped save a cat and has the sticker to prove it from the RSPCA. Lucy Coster 7-03 - Karate competition. Lucy came 3rd in her category for 12-13 year olds. This was against competi-

tors from the whole of England so she did extremely well especially as she had a much lower colour belt. Hannah Bright 7-03 congratulations on her excellent danc-ing performance in ‘Shake your groove thing’ at the Town-gate theatre in Basildon. This year the costumes, dancing and singing were more exciting than ever. Hannah took part in two areas of dance – modern and ballet. This is a fantas-tic achievement and we are really proud of Hannah and her success.

Emily Osborne 7-09 competed in the British Street Dance championship and came second with her group. Isabelle Beesley 7-09 danced at Saddlers Wells in the Kent Ultimate dance championships and got into the finals in two events. Bryce O’Dea 7-09 won the Jack Petchey award at his Swimming Club

Kiera Tippett 8-06 has done some fantastic things over the last 5 weeks, including cutting people out of cars with the Fire Brigade, rescu-

ing people on the moors with rescue dogs, rescuing trapped people from caves and stuck in mud, rescuing people at sea with the RNLI ........ but the biggest and most spectacular experience came for Kiera on the last 2 days of filming. She was selected by the BBC team

as the person who has shown most maturity, dedication and outstanding behaviour - after being monitored off and on camera for the whole 5weeks – to train with the Royal Air Force for 2 days. She was trained and mentored by Prince William’s boss who is himself a hero with bravery awards, and had to train on a sea-king helicopter as a ‘winchman’. This means she was trained to take off in the helicopter and attached to a line and winched down below

the helicopter to rescue a casualty. She also got to hang out of the door of the sea-king whilst going along to look for casualties on the mountains. (She flew several miles with the RAF for the 2 days and it has had such an influence on her that she has now decided that she is going to become an RAF pilot when she is older!).

The BBC had a special announcement to make at the end of the filming. All the 6 kids have received a special letter – addressed and written directly to them personally.................

from none other than Prince William!

He was so amazed and proud of their achievements having been shown footage of their training and rescues and had spoken to his boss at the RAF. He wanted to write to every one of them telling them how amazing he thought they were!

Boxing On 21st April, Joe Phillips 7-08 took part at the Rayleigh Mill in his first boxing match, which was a skills bout. Joe went up against another boxer from Rayleigh boxing gym, It was Joe’s first bout but he was surprisingly calm. In the first round, he landed some decent shots and managed to

stay beyond the other boxer’s reach.

In the second round they were more closely matched and both did well; Joe managed to get the other boxer into the corner a few times and land a few shots.

In the third and final round Joe was getting tired and so was his opponent but he still pushed on and didn’t give up, Joe managed to reach the end of the bout, Joe came out victorious and he was awarded a trophy for his skills within the ring as well as a special award from his boxing club.

Bowling Trip On 29th March, 3 coach loads of year 7 stu-dents took a trip to the

Kursaal in Southend for a bowling trip. They were split into several lanes and took over nearly the whole place! It was a great opportunity for them to socialise with friends and meet new people as well as to eat some great fast food! The students would definitely recommend the

trip to future year 7s.



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KS3 PE pRize Giving evening

BBC News Report

comes to king john

In the spring term, 24 students from Years 10 and 11 took part in

the countrywide BBC School Report event. The project aims to

give students a taste of journalism and our newshounds spent

weeks preparing, researching and recording their very own


The day itself was spent filming, interviewing and editing a range

of school based and more topical stories. The students were keen

to cover news items that affected them, and their final pieces ex-

plored issues such as rising university fees, peer pressure and the

apparent gender gap in education. Print articles were also pro-

duced which highlighted some of King John’s brightest stars, including top dancer Anastasia Lake and high

achieving golfer Paige Kemp.

In the run up to School Report, Head Boy, James Hall and Deputy Head Boy, David Abiona visited, a local pri-

mary school to explore ways of making Maths fun. They also were able to visit the Hadleigh Olympic site over

the Easter holidays to get a sneak preview of the facilities and special interviewing access to some of the sports’ top competitors alongside news teams from Sky, ITV and the BBC – see David’s report in this newsletter for

more details.

Following on from the success of BBC School Report, the King John news team will be continuing to produce

half termly bulletins beginning in the summer term. Watch this space for more news and updates!

For the first time The King John School hosted a PE prize giving. We were extremely lucky to have a very special guest, Jacques

Berger. Jacques plays for current premier league champions, Sara-

cens and was captain for Namibia in the Rugby World cup, where

he was voted one of the top 5 players of the tournament.

Over 55 King John students received awards, with player of the year, most im-

proved player of the year and best attendee at practic-

es for each winter sport. (football, rugby, basketball, hockey, netball, cross country).

Special mention must go to Lukas Volks and Lavinia

Tidy Jones from Year 7 and Oliver Ablethorpe and

Jordan Castle from Year 8 who all won the top prize of sport’s boy/girl of the year. Awards were also giv-

en for the team of the year and the District Boys Bas-

ketball team won for year 7, and the girls National cross country finalists won for year 8.

It was such a successful even that we are now hoping to hold a Key Stage 4 event. Thank you to all parents who supported the event.





By Laura Goldsmith & Drew Montgomery Year 10



Creative & Performing Arts

Summer Show! The King John School presents

Best of British On 11th July 2012

Tickets available soon!

The King John Academy of Arts has started another term of successful classes!

We are now happy to offer the following classes: Junior Dance (Years 4-6)

Street Dance (Years 7 & 8) Junior LAMDA (Years 5-6)

Intermediate LAMDA Advanced LAMDA

If you would like more information please contact Miss Thomas on 01702 426745.

Classes run Wednesday evenings between 5.30– 7.30pm


On Wednesday 9th May 70 Year 11 Arts Award stu-

dents and Year 7 & 8 G&T pupils took part in The

KJS STOMP. The evening was completely directed

by the Year 11 students who did everything from cre-

ating the programme, designing the tickets, the poster,

the costumes as well as directing the Year 7 & 8 stu-dents in the performance. This was all part of ‘The

Silver Arts Award’ challenge and found students play-

ing with bins, pots and pans, sticks, and their hands

and feet to make mu-

sical and dramatic

performances. The

evening was a great

success and it was

nice to see some very

unique performances.

Ms K Grennan

TESCO VOUCHERS! If you collect Tesco

vouchers please bring them to our Music

department. We have the opportunity to gain

equipment and books using these vouchers.

Thank you!

Performing Arts would like to

congratulate Tilly Darragh on her

great mark in her Musical Theatre

exam, Tilly got 98%!

Tilly has also recently started

performing regularly at Tigerlily’s

in Leigh on Sea. Congratulations!



Olympic Mountain Bike Course, Hadleigh (Report)

During the spring half-term on Tuesday 3rd April, I visited the Olympic mountain biking course in Hadleigh, along with the

school’s Head Boy, James T Hall, and Geography teacher, Mrs Robinson, to film a news report that is to be used as part of the King John News, an upcoming report scheme available for the whole school that focuses on news and achievements of the school every half-term.

We met at the Old Hadleigh Fire Station on a beautiful, sun-kissed morning. The temperature was quite high, as was the feeling of expectancy. Shortly after arrival we were briefed about the day ahead, the Olympic course itself, and about the legacy that was going to be left for the local community. This included how the site was going to be open to the public after some course modifications, in order to make sure that the course was usable for all different types of skill levels. As we didn’t really know what to expect that day, the briefing gave us all a good outline of what was to happen as well as exciting us on the events that

were to follow that day.

Following the briefing, we boarded three comfy coaches and headed down to the site full of anticipation only a short drive away. Whilst on the coach and throughout the day, we were surrounded by top journalists from different corporations such as Sky Sports News, ITV, BBC and even the local Echo! James, Mrs Robinson and I all made sure that we spoke to these profes-sionals and asked them about their roles within their various organisations and how they found their work. Amongst one of the Echo journalists was a former King John School pupil who told us about his job and other projects that he had got involved in. This included writing articles for the NFL (American Football if you didn’t know what that is!) when some matches were played in Wembley Stadium, London, last year. We also discussed how The King John School had changed since he left about four/five years ago and his fond memories of the school as well as the teachers.

On our arrival at the site we wasted no time in putting our equipment into action. It came in really handy as we were able to film some great shots of the mountain bikers on the course as well as face to face ones when we had personal interviews with them. As the interviewer I spoke to Annie Last, a 21 year-old female biker and Olympic hopeful from Bakewell, England and Kenta Gallagher; a 19 year-old from Inverness, Scotland who is also in the mix of the GB Mountain Biking Squad. They told us how they got into the sport and how they were finding preparation for the Olympics, as well as giving some advice to any-one who would like to start or try out mountain biking. I also had a word with Major John Warner of the Salvation Army and

Councillor Stephen Castle who told us about how the course was going to leave a legacy for the neighbouring community by making it accessible to all types of people after the London games have finished later this year.

Overall, Mrs Robinson, James T Hall and I had a very enjoyable day which was certainly one to remember. I particularly expe-

rienced what life as a journalist and media crew entails and gained a great insight into the world of media as a whole as well as the positive impact of the Olympic event in this area.

Make sure you stay tuned for the video report of our trip to the Olympic Mountain Biking site in Hadleigh which is to be re-leased soon as part of the King John News!

By David Abiona

The Music Department recently had an interesting package delivered, it contained a record, news article and a photo. They were dated 1974. It was from a student who attended The King John School between 1970– 1974, Mic Relf was part of the school’s band. In Mic’s

letter he explained that the band were known for having a different style to others, they played big band swing instead of just classic orchestral music. Because of this they were asked to record a number of songs for BBC radio in Maida Vale, these were then broadcast

on radio and 200 records were made. The album cover was created by art students at the school also. The band performed at the Pal-ace Theatre and were even celebrated in the article above for being able to fill the theatre!

It was great to see that the school has always had a great reputation for excellent music and fantastic performances!



Examinations Office The King John School Examination Office now puts all important examination information on the school website. Look in the Main Entrance section and you will see the new examinations tab on the right-hand side. We will be regularly updating the site with deadlines, times, venues, booklets and guidelines etc. Please keep checking the site for the latest information about the current and forthcoming examination sessions. Please contact the Exams Officer, Ms. Newton, with any enquiries.

What teachers do in

Over the Easter holidays, I was part of a production of Fame at the Palace Theatre in Westcliff. I was performing with some very talented King John students: Hannah O'Brien, Mia Bloomfield (both year 8) and Codey Shirley (year 9). Codey was very brave as she was the first cast-member to sing live on stage. Mia and Hannah both danced in the show and had to do some very complex lifts! We were also very lucky to have two of our sixth formers, Tilly Wilson and Robert Kurn, as part of the technical team making sure the production ran smoothly. "I really enjoyed taking part in Fame. It was a great achievement for me and I gained lots of experience. But I really miss the cast!" Mia (8-04) "Fame was a great show to be a part of and I really enjoyed doing it. Everyone was amazing in it and we were all one big family." Hannah (8-11) "Fame was an incredible experience. I felt very fortunate to be offered the role in the technical crew. I feel I have made friends for life with the cast and crew." Tilly (sixth former). "I really enjoyed Fame and I learnt loads that I hope I'll be able to use again in the future" Robert (sixth former) I was playing the dance teacher, Ms Bell (thank you to Hannah and Mia for being such wonderful dance students - they kept me in time!). I also had to have an argument in song with another cast member which I think scared a few King John pupils the first time they heard it (luckily I don't ever have to shout like that in real-life at school!). We had a long but fantastic week at the Palace Theatre. We started the first of our four performances on Thursday 5th April and finished the run with a guest performance from West-End star Louise Dearman on the Saturday night (she recently played Glinda in Wicked). As the King John students rested for the final week of the Easter holidays, I went on to perform in Abi-gail's Party the following week at the Brentwood Theatre. My character, Sue, was in complete contrast to the loud Ms Bell in Fame as she sits there quietly through awkward conversations at her neighbour's house. The production was raising money for Brain Tumour UK and we were thrilled to sell out all 3 per-formances, meaning we could send a big cheque to the charity. Thank you to all the King John students and staff who came to support myself and the King John stu-dents in both performances. Lauren Goodwin



The MFL department has had a busy term from the fun of trips to the equally fun GCSE and A level


With a 90% increase in the uptake of MFL from

two years ago, the department is as busy as ever .

5th July 2012—A joint French and Geography trip to St Omer for Key Stage 3. Details for all trips, including photos and videos of past

trips and letters can be found on the VLE, French/Spanish, trips.


Dates to remember:

Would you like to learn some French

or Spanish for your holidays?

The MFL department are offering a 6 week course for parents and carers to help you make the

most of your summer holiday in France or Spain

No prior knowledge is required.

Lessons will be held on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 from Wednesday 25th April 2012.

If you are interested or would like any further information, please contact


Spanish Trip Report

By Joel Wright

Forty-seven year 7 and 8 students were very fortu-

nate as they had an enjoyable trip to Barcelona from

the 10th to the 14th April 2012. Overall, the Spanish

trip was very enjoyable. There were lots of sights to

see and the trip was very well thought out. Every-

where we went we always had fun. My favourite part

of the holiday was the 2nd day; we had a tour of Bar-

celona seeing all the amazing attractions it has to

offer like Las Ramblas, The Dali Museum, The Nou

Camp football stadium, the famous Sagrada Familia

Cathedral and so much more. Also, we had the amaz-

ing opportunity to take part in the Talent show and

there were Discos with free drinks.. We stayed at

the Hotel


in Tossa de

Mar and

flew from



All in all, a

great trip!

Paris So off to Paris we did go

With 4 teachers, sweets and IPods in tow

We travelled by train and walked for miles And upon our faces we wore broad smiles

For the sun was shining warm and bright As we visited several Parisian sights.

On est allés sur la Tour Eiffel, tout en haut Et tout ce qu’on a vu semblait si beau

On a aussi visité le stade de France Nous avons vraiment eu de la chance

On a fait un tour sur la Seine en bateau Pour voir les monuments au bord de l’eau

Au musée du Louvre et d’Orsay on a admiré Mona Lisa que De Vinci a faite

The churches Sa-cre Cœur and the Notre Dame left us all with an inner calm.

Learning history and French, about sport and art The trip to Paris will remain.

Student successes Congratulations to the following students for being nomi-nated by their peers or teachers as the student of the month

in their class and year.

Year French Spanish

7 Sophie Bright Abigail Bush

Tegan Francis Heather Marshall

8 Emily Warren Tayla Murphy

Jasmine Armfield Abigail Keys

9 Nathan Parlour Christopher Whitlock

Francesca Conners Phoebe Walsh

10 Syed Faaiz Ahmed Shah Jasmine Catmull

Jamie Wilkinson Lauren Baxter

11 Thomas Giles Louis Goldfinch

Molly Mortimer Laura Turner

12 Robert Hillingsworth

13 Harris Foster-Carter



Hair Price List Styling (including styling products)

Cut and Blow Dry/Set £6.00 Shampoo and Set £4.00 Blow Dry £4.00 Braids/Platting £4.00 Wet Cut £4.00 Intensive Conditioning Treatments (short) £5.00 Intensive Conditioning Treatments (shoulder length) £7.00 Intensive Conditioning Treatments (below shoulder) £8.00 PERMING (*without cut and finish) Perm— long hair by quotation £10.00* COLOURING (*without cut and finish) Semi-Permanent or Temporary £10.00* Permanent £15.00 / £20.00 Highlights/Wovens £20.00 / £30.00

Beauty Price List

Make-up Day £4.00 Evening £4.00 Special Occasion £4.00 Waxing Half leg £5.25 Three quarter leg £6.50 Full leg £8.00 Bikini line £3.95 Forearm (half) £4.50 Full arm £4.75 Underarm £3.50 Abdomen £3.50 Lip & chin £3.25 Electrical Facials Microcurrent £8.00 Vacuum Suction Facial £8.00 Faradic Facial £8.00 Galvanic Facial £8.00 High Frequency £8.00

Facials Basic £6.50 with Paraffin Wax £7.25 with Prepared Masks £7.25 with Peel-off Mask £7.25 Dermalogica Facial £10.00

Manicure Basic £4.75 with Paraffin Wax £5.95 with Prepared Mask £5.25 with Peel-off Mask £5.95 with Electric Mitts £7.25 French Manicure £6.00 File & Polish only £3.25 Pedicure Basic £5.25 with Paraffin Wax £5.95 with Electric Booties £7.25 French Manicure £6.50 File & Polish only £3.25 Eyebrow & Lashes Eyebrow tinting £3.50 Eyelash tinting £4.50 Eyebrow/lash tinting £5.95 Eyebrow shaping (waxing) £3.95 Eyelash perming £8.00 Massage Full body massage £10.00 Back massage £4.00 Aromatherapy full body massage £12.00 Aromatherapy back massage £5.00 Electrical Body Treatments Faradic £7.00 Galvanic £7.00 G5 £5.00 Vacuum Suction £7.00 Microcurrent £7.00 Epilation Eyebrows £3.00 Lip/Chin £3.00 Bikini £5.00 Underarm £5.00 Abdomen £3.00

For Appointments please

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Charities Update…….


New Yogurt and Salad Offer – we’ve changed our salad and yoghurt offer to include just one size (the large one)! For £1.25 you can get a large 375g pot and make it up yourself. With yoghurt toppings such as granola, dried and fresh fruit and salads including tomatoes, pasta, sweetcorn and cous cous what a perfect addition to your summer lunch! Smoothie Bar in the 6th Form – we are offering smoothies in the 6th form with a varying menu from blueberry blast to banana and strawberry. If there’s one in particular you would like to see on our menu why not drop the recipe into one of our staff

members. Price £1 Ice Cream in cones and frozen yoghurt will be available for purchase at lunchtime throughout the summer term for just £1

Sauce for mini Meatballs

1 onion, diced 2 garlic cloves, crushed 400g tinned tomatoes 1tsp dried chilli flakes 2 tsp balsamic vinegar

2 tsp sugar Heat the oil in a saucepan and gently cook the onion and garlic until soft Stir in the tomatoes, chilli flakes, balsamic vinegar and sugar Bring to a simmer and cook slowly for 45 minutes-1 hour This sauce can be left chunky or blended in a food processor for a smooth sauce

Serve spooned over quorn mini meatballs with either pasta or

new potatoes.

Quorn mini meatballs with tomato sauce –

Makes approx. 50 600g quorn mince 2 garlic cloves

2 onions, diced 3 tsp mixed dried herbs 3 tsp paprika 4 slices of bread made into crumbs 8 tbsp tinned tomatoes 2 beaten eggs Heat some olive oil and fry the onion and garlic until soft Add the mince, herbs and tomatoes and cook for about 5

minutes Stir in the breadcrumbs, leave to cool then stir in the egg Shape into walnut sized balls Place on a greased baking sheet for about 20 minutes at 200C

Apprenticeship Evenings were a great success On Thursday, 3rd May the King John School hosted an Employer’s Apprentice-

ship Information Evening. The Rt Hon Rebecca Harris MP and Mrs Govier, Cas-

tle Point Mayor, were guests of honour.

Employers from accountancy firms, local solicitors, schools, and hair and beauty

attended the evening to find out how they could take on an apprentice in Sep-

tember and what funding was available through Low Carbon Energy (40% fund-

ing), through Essex County Council funding and the Government. On 10th May

the college held a student and parent information evening on the four subjects

that are being offered at Level 2. It was well attended and the school looks

forward to a new pathway for their students and students in the local area.

Interested employers and students may contact the school on: 01702 426728

or contact: kjs@thekjs.demon.co.uk

Those of you who read the Castle Point Evening Echo will have seen several articles over recent weeks about our students

presenting cheques to their chosen charity of the year. Year 11 is supporting Little Havens, Year 10 The National Teenage

Cancer Trust, Year 9 Help for Heroes, Year 8 Great Ormond Street hospital and Year 7 The Indee Rose Trust. The Sixth

Form have been collecting both money and books for Read International, a charity which ships unwanted textbooks to Afri-

ca for re-use there. We are delighted to have been able support these charities, each chosen by their particular year

group and have had representatives from the charities come into assemblies to receive the money raised so far and to talk

a little about their charity.

Fund raising activities are on-going until the end of the school year, with year groups aiming to raise £1,500 each through

activities such as Thoughtful Thursdays, cake sales, sponsored events, Beat the Goalie, wrist band sales, a quiz night and

who knows - maybe even a teacher shaving his legs! Laura Murray and Chloe Mitchell from year 10 have even completed a

30 mile bike ride, rasing £300 between them. We have also held non-uniform days to support the students' efforts. The

latest day raised: Year 7 £260.15, Year 8 £279.30, Year 9 £289.60, Year 10 £263.34 and Year 11 £270.54. These to-

tals will be added to the monies collected so far and put towards the year end total for each year group. As you can imag-

ine there is some competition amongst the Year Heads as to whose group will top the table! Man City / Man United have

nothing on us!

Thank you all so much for your support of our charity events throughout the year. Please continue to help us raise money

for these very worthwhile causes.

Hannah Arrowsmith



PE Department PE KIT

It is essential that you bring PE kit for every PE lesson!

If you are unable to take part, (for any reason) you should bring a note explaining why you cannot take part and your kit so you

can still take part in the lesson as a coach or as an official.

If you are unable to get changed due to an injury, for example a broken leg, we will of course be able to accommodate you els e-where......this is not always possible for more minor injuries and ailments and you will still need to be part of your group.... WHAT-

EVER the weather!!! Failure to bring in your kit will result in a detention.


Please DO NOT bring valuables to school.

If you do we are happy to look after small items such as mobile phones and watches but it is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY

to hand these in to a member of staff at the start of the lesson or practice. THE SCHOOL CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE


Follow the PE department on twitter. You will find infor-mation regarding fixtures, results and general sporting news for year 7 to 13. So go ahead and twitter


Joe Giles Joe is now both Essex ABA school-boy Champion, and Eastern Coun-

ties ABA schoolboy champion, for the second year running. He has been boxing competitively now for almost 3 years. Joe has trav-elled twice to Ireland and last year travelled to Lithuania with his club BILLERICAY ABC. Joe will hopefully be competing with

his team in Canada in the Autumn.


On Wednesday, May 9th The King John School Senior Ath-letics team competed in the annual District Athletics compe-

tition at Melbourne Park in Chelmsford. It was a great day of athletics with many fantastic performances. For many it was their last year competing for the school and they went out in style!! Gold medals were won by: Ben Franklin (3000m), James T Hall (1500m), Ross Johnson (800m), David Abiona (Triple Jump), Elias Dellas (Hammer), Alysha Mitchell (Hurdles, Triple Jump) Becky Fraser (100m), Paige Kemp (Javelin),

Jessica Gale (300mHurdles) and the girls relay team. Silver Medals were won by: Harry Hay (3000m), Kane Turner (100m), Miles Hardie (Pole Vault) Lauren Baxter (Hurdles, Triple Jump) Amy Rawlings (Discus) Bronze medals were won by: Callum Liddell (400m), Mile Hardie (100m Hurdles), Oliver Poole (Long Jump), Ellie Hudson (Discus) Lauren Marshall (Shot) Emily Condon (1500m) and the relay.

The boys were brilliant on the track with some excellent performances in the field and finished 2nd, getting closer to Fitz every year. The girls were crowned District Champions again which is a fantastic achievement. Well done to all who competed. Mr Webb and Mrs Cann

County Champion!!

Congratulations to Caitlin Potts who won the County pole vault competition! Also a big well done to Georgia Butter-worth who won the silver medal and Ellie Turner Powell who won the bronze medal. This was a great achievement as the girls have only been vaulting for 6 weeks and this was their first competition!

Max Crumpton—Rugby For those of you that remember, Max left the King John

School 2 years ago. Max has just been selected for the Eng-land U-20 squad to go to the U-20 Rugby World Cup in South Africa in June. It will be televised on Sky. Jake Scott 7-05 was representing his Karate Club in the National Karate Competition in Birmingham on Saturday. He was doing a team kata with his cousin and a friend. They were up against teams from England, Ireland, Scotland and

Wales They have been training for this for 2 months, which isn't very long at all, and they came 6th overall. His sensei was very pleased with this accomplishment as the competition was very hard.

Sian Waite

In her first full season of playing competitive club hockey,

Sian Waite has been very successful. For Old Loughtonians

U14 team she has been part of a side that has become East-

ern Regional champions, in addition to being runners up in

the Home Counties League Cup final. The youth team pri-

marily comprised the Old Loughtonians Ladies 5s and

gained promotion as runners up in Division 3 of the Essex

Ladies Hockey League. Outside of club hockey, Sian has

been a member of the Essex Junior Academy Centre. She

was selected to represent Essex in a regional competition

that took place over two Sundays. The county side were

undefeated and became Regional champions. Sian has just

been invited to be part of an invitation Essex select team to

play in a competition against a Dutch side and Cambridge-

shire County Select XI. She is currently waiting to hear

whether she has been selected to be part of the regional

hockey performance centre. She realises that this success

would not have been possible without the continued support

and guidance from the coaches at Essex, her club and the PE

staff (particularly Mrs Taylor) of King John.