June 20, 2019 17 Sivan, 5779 THE WEEKLY VOICEEldad and Medad were gaining Ruach Elohim (Spirit of...

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Transcript of June 20, 2019 17 Sivan, 5779 THE WEEKLY VOICEEldad and Medad were gaining Ruach Elohim (Spirit of...

June 20, 2019 17 Sivan, 5779

Upcoming Services

Friday, June 21st Kabbalat Services 8:00 pm

Oneg Sponsored by Madeline Sturm and

Bruce Belovin In memory of Madeline’s

momYetta Sturm

Saturday, June 22nd Shabbat Services 9:30 am

* Friday, June 28th

Kabbalat Services 8:00 pm

Saturday, June 29th Shabbat Services 9:30 am


Friday, July 5th Kabbalat Services 8:00 pm

Saturday, July 6th

Shabbat Services 9:30 am

* Friday, July 12th

Kabbalat Services 8:00 pm

Saturday, July 13th Shabbat Services 9:30 am


Friday, July 19th Kabbalat Services, 8:00 pm

Saturday, July 20th

Shabbat Services 9:30 am

For more information, see our website at www.cboi.org


In this week’s Torah portion, B’ha-alot’kha, two men (Eldad and Medad) begin to offer prophecies in the Israelite camp. They spoke of and about the Ruach Elohim (spirit of God) they experienced. A youth in the camp runs to Moses complaining to him and demanding of him that he restrain them because they were usurping Moses’s responsibilities. Moses responded, “Are you wrought up on my account? Would that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord’s spirit is upon them!” (Numbers 11:29)

Moses had a choice of responses. He could have been jealous that Eldad and Medad were gaining Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God) which had been his unique power as the Israelite leader. He might have been fearful that they were going to take his power away and with it his po-sition. Instead Moses responds with equanimity and humility wishing that everyone was so blessed to have God’s spirit on them and in them. How often are we jealous of another’s position, success, and glory? We may resent their success or be sad for ourselves because we just not that “cool” How often do we, with sincerity, wish those others well in their world and hope they will be very successful? As a rabbinical student, a veteran congregational rabbi led our profes-sional skills seminar. He tasked us with reading books written about the experiences of congregational rabbis and their synagogues. The books were a mixture of salacious talk about the rabbi and other sec-tions contained descriptions of a Rabbi’s heart-breaking work. I re-member there were scenes which made me cringe at what happened either to the rabbi or the community and I prayed then and now that those same situations will never happen to me. As a congregational rabbi, I have learned (often the hard way) that if we hold too tight, much slips through our fingers and if you don’t hold on tight enough everything escapes. Our work is to navigate toward a balance. Moses’ humble response is one of confidence, compassion and the under-standing that leadership is not all about being right or being center stages, sometimes it’s about stepping aside and letting others lead as well. ….. Continued on page 3

Eldad and Medad along with Moses offer us a model for what it means to create an inclusive community that recognizes that everyone has strengths, sometimes we must step back to allow others to use the same strengths we already possess. In this way, they learn to be productive and active members of the community. My vision of a community is that the leader, does not micromanages but rather gives everyone the space to bring out their own inner leadership qualities creating a strong and resilient community for what-ever may come.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Aaron Gaber

Continued from cover…..

You can now register your child

for the Rabbi Howard Hersch

Religious School On-Line

Go to our web-site

cboi.org and go to FORMS

Please take some time

to look over your Membership Packet and send back the


2% discount

for dues paid in full by

July 31st.

Membership & School Enrollment 2019-2020

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Page 5

Are you having an anniversary or wish to

commemorate a yahrzeit? Is it your child’s birthday?

Why not sponsor an

Oneg or Kiddush? Contact the office at 215-579-2200 or


Wishing Everyone A

Safe and Enjoyable Summer

Services Continue Through-out the Summer

Friday Nights at 8:00 PM

Saturday Mornings at 9:30 AM



If you know anyone interested

in our

Wonderful Hebrew school

Have them contact Joan Hersch,

Education Director

at 267 980-7500.

She would be happy to

speak and meet

with anyone over the Summer.

Talmud Class

Study Torah every Wednesday with Rabbi Gaber

11-12 noon

Join us for stimulating conversation of Jewish law and its relevance to us today.

No Hebrew or prior knowledge needed to study Talmud together.

Page 6 Congregation Brothers of Israel

Get Your


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Available for Sale!!!

Samples and order forms in the

synagogue lobby

Page 7

Yahrzeits June 16th -June 22nd

Donations We thank you for your generosity

Caring Committee

Janet Barudin In memory of Mark Gross

Rose Azarchi 19 Sivan

Martin Bandmann 14 Sivan

Rose Robbins Barsky 17 Sivan

Mildred I. Berman 18 Sivan

David Bernard Black 15 Sivan

Sidney Cohen 17 Sivan

Estelle Cooperman Miller 16 Sivan

Hela Cyngler 18 Sivan

Irving Felton 13 Sivan

Esther Leah Fleisher 17 Sivan

Zygmunt Gendzel 19 Sivan

Benjamin Gersowitz 19 Sivan

Leya Gitin 14 Sivan

Lawrence Goldstein 15 Sivan

Samuel Kaplan 13 Sivan

Ruth Kline 18 Sivan

Shirley Kniaz 16 Sivan

Joseph Movsovich 17 Sivan

Henry Reifan 18 Sivan

Mollye Rosenberg 16 Sivan

Leah Rosenblum 16 Sivan

Pauline Rosenfeld 19 Sivan

Yetta Sturm 17 Sivan

Benjamin Weinroth 15 Sivan

Jennie Wishnevsky 16 Sivan

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