JUMBUNNA...To apply: Send your resume together with a cover letter detailing how you meet the...

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Transcript of JUMBUNNA...To apply: Send your resume together with a cover letter detailing how you meet the...

www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School


Fortnightly Newsletter of

Pennant Hills High School

Friday 3 August 2018 Term 3 Week 02A

Mr Ross Warren Laurence Street, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Principal P: 9473 5000 F: 9473 5099 Mr Brendan O’Byrne Deputy Principal E: pennanthil-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au Miss Amanda De Carli W: www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Deputy Principal Mr Roger Niccol Deputy Principal (Relieving)



Page 2 www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School

TERM 3, 2018

Week 03B Monday Thursday

6 August 9 August

HSC Trial Examinations (2 weeks ending Friday 17 August) Years 7-10 Australian Mathematics Competition

Week 04A

Monday Monday Wednesday Sunday

13 August 13 August 15 August 19 August

HSC Trial Examinations (ending Friday 17 August) Year 11 Crossroads Seminar - Small Group Seminars Year 7 Gala Day Duke of Ed Bronze Practice Hike (Sunday and Monday)

Week 05B

Monday Monday Wednesday Sunday

20 August 20 August 22 August 26 August

Duke of Ed Bronze Practice Hike CAPA Festival (ending Friday 24 August) Meet the Music at the Sydney Opera House HSC Composition Recording Music

Week 06A Monday Wednesday Wednesday

27 August 29 August 29 August

HSC Drama Performance Exams (2 weeks ending 8 September) Year 7 Gala Day - backup date Year 11 Biology Field Trip

Week 07B Wednesday 5 September NSWCHS Athletics Carnival Homebush (to Friday 7 September)

Week 08A Monday Wednesday

10 September 12 September

HSC Practical Music Exams (ending Saturday 22 September) HSC Woodwork Major Works Exhibition - Library 4.30pm-7.00pm

Pennant Hills High School is looking for an enthusiastic Canteen Assistant for a part time (one day a week) role.

Working as part of a small team of staff and volunteer helpers this exciting role provides a great opportunity to support our ongoing initiatives to provide fresh and healthy food for our school community.

The Canteen Assistant is a casual role, working Wednesdays 8.00am – 2.30pm during school term. The role may require additional hours to be worked at short notice to fill in for another member of the team.

The role: Food preparation and delivery Customer service involving taking orders with cash and EFTPOS Receiving and restocking of food items Observe Workplace Health and Safety Practices to ensure that the canteen and equipment is operated

and maintained in a safe and hygienic manner Working with the manager to implement the NSW Health School Canteen Strategy in accordance with

NSW Health requirements Availability for catering for special events such as Prefect Inductions and Award Nights etc.

Essential criteria: Experience in a similar role or as a volunteer in a school canteen, or in a commercial kitchen Willingness to work as part of a team and foster positive relationships with volunteers and the school

community Commitment, initiative and flexibility Excellent food preparation skills A high level of attention to quality and detail Strong organisational skills Ability to work positively with students including student volunteers Awareness of food safety requirements Working With Children check, or willingness to obtain one prior to commencement

Remuneration: In accordance with the Fast Food Industry 2010 Award (MA000003).

To apply: Send your resume together with a cover letter detailing how you meet the selection criteria to: penno.pandc@gmail.com (Applications close 9 August 2018).


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Welcome back to Term 3. We return with sad and heavy hearts after the loss of our Year 10 student Jack who, together with his sister Jennifer, had their lives tragically taken from them at the end of last term.

Jack was a valued member of our school. He had friends across all year groups and will be fondly remembered for his sense of humour and clever wit.

This has been an enormous shock for our school community and has also had a huge effect on the wider community beyond our gates. The sheer magnitude of the outreach we have received shows the impact of this tragedy and therefore I have several very important thank yous to make:

Thank you to everyone who sent condolences including Mr Matt Keen and Mr Julian Leeser our local members, Mr Mark Scott, Secretary of Education and Mr Murat Dizdar, Deputy Secretary of Education;

Thank you to Mrs Sharon Ford, Ms Emma Kriketos and Mr Dean White, Directors Educational Leadership, for their support on the last day of school when the devastating news was received. They assisted not only myself, but our Senior Executive, staff and students as we came to terms with what had happened;

Thank you to the many Principal colleagues from neighbouring schools both primary and secondary, and the numerous past Principals, staff and parents who have contacted us to offer their commiserations and support. They have all collectively been of great comfort;

Thank you to Ms Therese Hourigan, Principal Crestwood High School, the staff of Normanhurst Boys High School and Cherrybrook Technology High School who made themselves available to relieve our teachers so that we could support our students on the day and of course, the Principals who enabled this. Their collegial assistance was very much appreciated and crucial to the way we were able to help each other;

Thank you to the team of Counsellors who were available for staff and students in need of extra assistance on the day; and most importantly

Thank you to our staff and students who have found strength in each other and have shown their resilience in a crisis proving that together we can get through the most difficult of circumstances. I spoke of this Penno strength when addressing our students at assembly before the holidays. I was, and continue to be, proud and impressed with the way they have conducted themselves and supported each other and their teachers. It has

underlined the importance of having a positive and connected school.

Our thoughts remain with Ms Olga Edwards, Jack and Jennifer’s mother, their family and friends. It is difficult to find the right words to comfort them at this time, however, I am reassured to learn that there has been a registry started to organise meals for Ms Edwards and her mother over the next few months. Anyone wishing to contribute to this worthwhile cause can contact the coordinator Mrs Jacqueline Leach via email at jdl1305@gmail.com for a link to the meal registry. I thank and congratulate Mrs Leach for taking the initiative to assist the family in such a thoughtful and useful way.

Amidst all the turmoil of the past few weeks, the term commenced with the Year 9 and 10 Parent-Teacher Interview Evening which was followed by the Year 10 Subject Selection Evening. Both events were well attended and as always many positive comments were received from our families. Once again, thank you to our staff for their dedication and commitment to the education of our students and thank you to the organisers Mrs Campbell, Head Teacher Student Wellbeing and Mr Niccol, Deputy Principal (Relieving) for your coordination of the events.

Our school community came together last Thursday at the Student Leadership Council (SLC) Induction.

We were honoured to have Ms Stephanie Koch, School Captain, Class of 2001 attend as our Guest Speaker. Stephanie spoke in great detail about the way her own leadership skills were developed during her time here at Penno. When I spoke to Stephanie afterwards and thanked her, she replied “I can’t think of a place I’d rather be…”

Thank you to the outgoing leadership team for your valuable contributions to our school. You have ably supported and developed the traditions of student leadership at Penno and have been wonderful mentors to your peers.

Congratulations to the incoming SLC. I look forward to working with you all throughout the next year as you provide a student voice to the decisions that we make and work with us all to ensure our school is an even better place to be.

A huge thank you to Miss Eliza Morton and Mr Ross Banyai, SLC Coordinators, for their expert organisation and hard work behind the scenes to ensure that the assembly ran smoothly.

In closing, I would like to wish our Year 12 cohort good luck as they commence their HSC Trials next week. We are confident your preparation will hold you in good stead as you begin the next phase of your journey to the Higher School Certificate.

Ross Warren Principal

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Tickets are now on sale through Ticketek for the 2018 Schools Spectacular - The Greatest at Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney Olympic Park.

There are four shows: Friday 23 November 2018 - 11:00am and 7:30pm Saturday 24 November 2018 - 1:00pm and 7:00pm.

For further ticket information, please contact Mr Richard Spiewak on 8512 1161 or at Richard.spiewak@det.nsw.edu.au.

All families and friends are encouraged to come along to the show. Remember we have several students/groups performing in this year’s show including our own Year 10 student Yohan Rad who is a featured artist.


Term 3: 28 August, 18 September

Term 4: 23 October, 27 November - followed by AGM

7.30pm in the School Library

All parents and caregivers are most welcome to attend these meetings, which provide the wider school community with a forum for discussion as we work together with staff to sustain and further develop the best possible learning environment for our students.

The discussions are complemented by presentations from staff, focusing on various aspects of education and, in particular, what is on offer at Pennant Hills High School.

If any parents or caregivers would like to receive the agenda and minutes of the meetings, please email penno.pandc@gmail.com to arrange.


Due to the HSC Trial Examinations commencing next week, the operating days and time for the Uniform Shop will be adjusted as follows:

Monday 6 August open from 11.30am - 2.30pm Friday 10 August CLOSED Monday 13 August CLOSED Friday 17 August open 8.00am - 12.00pm (normal trading hours).

Families can attend the shop when open or order online at: PennantHillsHS@theschoollocker.com.au

We apologise for any inconvenience this disruption may cause.

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continued next page



Elinya David


Rebecca Matthew


Jesse Clyde


Shivani Liam

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Emily Oliver

Gemma Shannon

Huiwei (Glenys) Caitlin

BAND PREFECTS Rebecca Matthew





Bailey Raniya


Aleysia Eleanor

Amelia Myathiri (Treasurer)

Kallan Emily (Chairperson)

Sachin Danielle (Secretary)

Yuanyuan (Luna)

YEAR 10 Molly Sophie

Amy Imogen

April Anshrike

Deanna Sonia

Svetlana Alodie


YEAR 9 Jenna Clemency

Eve Aja

Luci Ashlin


YEAR 8 Sarah Lucy

Tiana Caleb

Alexandra Roman

Caitlyn Cayla

Aliya Olivia

Page 7 www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School


Last term, Year 10 Visual Arts classes attended the Archibald Prize Exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. The Archibald Prize is a portraiture exhibition that is awarded annually to the best portrait, 'preferentially of some man or woman distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist resident in Australasia’.

The students genuinely enjoyed the excursion and will be using it as a source of inspiration for their Term 3 work. Comments included: “I liked being with the two classes and seeing the different ranges of

artworks and the artist’s stories behind them” and “The excursion gave me an insight into the artist’s world. It showed me the priceless artworks that demonstrated the

detail and beauty of portraits”.

Kristen Van Ede and Lauren Erickson, Visual Arts Teachers


In Term 2, Year 11 Visual Arts students created a sculpture exploring birds as the subject matter. They researched artists that used unusual materials in their artworks, and artists who may have employed similar techniques, as well as artists who made assemblages of found objects tied together with wire and actual birds. They had to include a kitchen object in their sculptures. It was challenging at the start and really made the students think about how they were going to approach the task, but once they were on the way they really enjoyed the process. The completed works were unified with copper spray and black patina.

Once the sculptural form was complete they took photographs as documented forms with of the sculpture with its caste shadow. They did this in the dark of the Darkroom with a spotlight. As you can see the photographs are very exciting. Well done Year 11.

Janelle Dennis, Head Teacher CAPA, Kristen Van Ede and Kirsty Clark, Visual Arts Teachers

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Year 7 recently created a multimedia layered journey drawing inspired by the artist John Wolseley. Wolseley is an Australian artist who travels through the outback recording what he sees, hears and feels in his art. His work has multiple views, closeup, distance, graphs and thoughts all in the one work.

The class traced around frames and kitchen appliances using either warm or cool coloured chalk pastels. They drew kettles, jugs and bottles in lead and coloured pencils. The work was completed with large letters. Their visual interpretations of a still life in a landscape were very successful.

Kirsty Clark, Visual Arts Teacher


Year 9 recently studied the landscape artists Jeffrey Smart and Christo. They analysed the artists’ intentions and the techniques they used to impart their ideas in visual form. The class went on an information gathering excursion to Circular Quay and the surrounding area. They took photographs and completed full page drawings in their Visual Arts Process Diaries. Back at school, they uploaded the images and chose their favourite photograph to print in A4 size. This image was sketched up onto bainbridge board and a collage of an aerial map was glued down to add interest. Over the following weeks, the drawing was developed to stress the textures and tones of the water, sky and buildings. Their responses to landscape are very varied. The completed drawings will be displayed in the Annual Visual Arts Exhibition in Term 3. Well done Year 9.

Kirsty Clark, Visual Arts Teacher

www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School


Sydney North Athletics Carnival The Sydney North Athletics Carnival was held on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We had excellent results overall with quite a few students making it to the NSWCHS Athletics Carnival scheduled for the first week of September. Results will be posted in the next edition of Jumbunna.

Football Training Training will continue from this Thursday on the main oval at 7.30am. All are welcome.

Year 7 Gala Day The Gala Day is scheduled for Wednesday 15 August. Could any students who have not yet selected a sport, please see me as soon as possible.

Valmé Kruger Sport Coordinator


On behalf of all the 2017-2018 Sport Leadership Team we would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped and supported us.

We are all extremely grateful for the opportunities we were given and the new skills we acquired whilst in our very busy and challenging roles.

Of course our success would not have been possible without the help and guidance of Mrs Kruger, our fantastic Sport Coordinator, who took us under her wing and encouraged us to be the best possible leaders we could be.

Congratulations and best wishes to the incoming Sport Captains: Clyde and Jesse, Sport Vice Captains: Shivani and Liam and the Senior Sport Prefects: Aleysia, Amelia, Kallan and Sachin. Good luck for another successful sporting year!

Alison and Pume Outgoing Sport Captains

Drama Ensemble Evening 2018 A chilly night was made warm with laughter, nervous energy and expert comic timing when we staged our first Drama Ensemble performance of the year.

The evening featured a fast-paced and energetic performance of Michael Pryor’s The Wonderful Wide World of People, showcasing Pennant Hills High School’s depth of dramatic talent across Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The ensemble included students: Sofie, Mitchell, Jared, April, Charles, Jordan, Ruby, Svetlana, Sachi, Beth, Elliott and Zoe. Miss Amy Crilley and I provided support and helped with the organisation and direction of the group.

Family, friends and staff who attended were not disappointed as the stage was filled with crazy and hilarious characters from car eaters, talking trees and synchronised triplets! The evening marked an exciting and successful debut performance for many, but we know that that is just the beginning and we all look forward to the next entertaining showcase in coming terms.

Special thank you to Ms Deborah Feilen, English Teacher and Miss Janelle Dennis, Head Teacher CAPA for their assistance in helping the evening run smoothly.

Travis Williams Drama Teacher

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www.pennanthil-h.schools.nsw.edu.au @PennantHillsHS Pennant Hills High School


Mums, Dads and Grandparents, come and join us as we pray for Penno staff and students.

1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of each month during term from 9.00am to 9.45am.

Please meet at Public Reception.

Enquiries: Kate Colley on 0432 840 441


Cherrybrook Athletics Club Senior and Little Athletics Registrations: Register online from 1 August at www.cherrybrookathletics.org.au (Rego and payment only available online). Uniform sales and final registrations on Sunday 19 August 10.00am-2.00pm and Friday 24 August 6.00pm-8.30pm at Greenway Park Oval Number 2, Shepherds Drive, Cherrybrook. Information visit the website.


Rotary Youth Exchange: the opportunity of a lifetime for young Australians currently in Year 9 or 10. Expand your horizons with a year on Rotary Exchange. Discover a different culture - www.rotaryyouthexchange.net.au

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange: Information sessions www.scce.com.au or 1800 500 051.

LATTITUDE AUSTRALIA Volunteering and gap year placements for U/25s - www.lattitude.org.au or (03) 9826 6266

Student Exchange Australia NZ www.studentexchange.org.au or 9997 0700.

World Education Program Australia (WEP) www.wep.org.au or 1300 884 733 or on Facebook (wepaustralia)

Australian Institute of International Understanding (AIIU) www.aiiu.om.au or 1800 174 407 - program costs apply.

Lions Youth Exchange Program for 17-21 year olds - www.lionsclubs.org.au/ye

STS Student Exchange www.sts-education.com.au or 1800 263 964

AFS Intercultural Programs Australia www.afs.org.au or 1800 023 982 RECREATION AND SPORTING GROUPS Oakhill Drive Netball Club Players Wanted: Junior players U7/8/12’s and Senior players U15/16—17/18—21’s. Please contact the registrar Leanne Scowen at odnc_registration@yahoo.com.au or 0412 561 114.

Northern District Hockey Association: www.ndhockey.com.au or phone 0419 299 808 (Adrian) or 0438 119 729 (Robert). U5 - U9 ‘Minkey’. U11, U13 and U15 mixed junior comp. Play on a world class artificial turf facility at Pennant Hills Park.

West Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Football Club: www.wphcfc.net.au

Rugby Connect - Trytons: is a Rugby Union program developed for boys and girls with special needs between the ages of 5-17 years. The season is run by Sydney Junior Rugby with the assistance of the Australian Rugby Union and NSW Rugby. Contact Matt Kellahan mkellahan@nswrugby.com.au or phone 9323 3407.

Hills Hawks Softball: All ages 4-adult welcome - www.hillshawks.softball.org.au or phone Hazel - 0414 474 461

Pennant Hills District Cricket Club: (15 years and over) pennanthillscricket.com.au Registration enquiries: penno.juniors@gmail.com or SMS 0450 226 158.

North Sydney Girls Cricket Association: www.nsgca.nsw.cricket.com.au/

Pennant Hills Cherrybrook Rugby League Club: www.pennostags.com. All ages.

Beecroft Cherrybrook Junior Rugby Union Club: www.beecroftjuniors.com.au or phone Nicola 0402 677 180.

Cherrybrook Table Tennis Club: 0412 520 854 - Enjoy social and competition table tennis.

Sydney Zodiacs Youth Dragon Boat Club: www.dbnsw.org.au or sydneyzodiacs@yahoo.com.au or 0410 655 764

Epping RSL Golden Kangaroos Marching Band: www.gks.org.au or 9868 3289

Northern Sydney Youth Orchestra: for young musicians. Not-for-profit organisation. http://www.nsyo.org.au Symphony Orchestra, Wind Ensemble and Strings Orchestra. Weekly rehearsals at Beecroft on Wednesdays.

2nd/3rd Pennant Hills Scout Group: 0408 121 690 (Greg Smithson) - Tuesdays (7-11) and Wednesdays (10-15).

Pennant Hills Girl Guides: Mondays - Guides (10-14) 5.30-7.30pm; Senior Guides (14-18) 7.00-9.00pm. 0438 284 592 (Fiona)

Hornsby District Athletics (children aged 4 - 17): Saturday mornings at Pennant Hills Park www.hdlac.org.au

Cherrybrook Athletics Club (children aged 5 - 16): Friday nights 5.45pm - 8.00pm www.cherrybrookathletics.org.au

Taiko Drumming (a blend of choreography, drumming, movement and music for everyone): www.taikoz.com

St Agatha’s Youth Group: for students from Years 7 to 9 - www.stagatha.org.au or 0409 847 208 (Laura)

West Pennant Hills Netball: www.westpennanthills.netball.asn.au/ or http://www.facebook.com/WPHNC ‘Netta’ 7 - 9 years; Junior 10 - 15 years; Senior 16 years and above.

Thornleigh Softball: All games played at Galston. Contact Sharon - 0407 442 402. www.thornleighsports.org.au/softball

Cherrybrook United Netball Club: Games played at Pennant Hills Park. Modified ‘Net Set Go’ (5 - 9) Friday evenings; Juniors (10 - 15) Saturday mornings; Seniors (16 - open) Saturday afternoons. Phone Keryn on 0412 693 224

Castle Hill BMX Club: Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill. Facebook: facebook.com/castlehillbmx President: Michael 0404 093 303. Email: castlehillbmx@hotmail.com

Hornsby Junior Touch Footy: All games played at Foxglove Oval, Mt Colah. Girls 9s–17s; Boys 9s–15s. Information/Registration: hornsby.mytouchfooty.com

North Rocks Softball: Teeball, Modball, Softball - school terms only - 5 years to adults - social and competitive. Information/Registration: northrockssoftball.org.au or phone: 0406 852 851.

Asquith Netball: All skill levels welcome. Information Linda Wilton 0403 214 410 or Asquithnetball@outlook.com

Pennant Hills Netball Club: pennanthillsnc.nsw.netball.com.au

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DISCLAIMER Advertisements in this newsletter are included as a community service or a source of revenue to offset newsletter production costs. They should not in any way be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by the school.

COMMUNITY NOTICES AND CONTACTS HELPERS NEEDED Foster families needed: Department of Family and Community Services - 8303 7644 Carers can be singles, couples, with or without children, and from any cultural background.

Foster carers needed: Key Assets NSW, a dynamic not-for-profit foster care provider - 8336 5700 Providing high quality and innovative family placements for children and young people with varying needs.

Volunteer with Easy Care Gardening: www.easycaregardening.org.au or 9983 1644 (Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai)

Bilingual Volunteers Needed: City of Sydney Meals on Wheels - For more information, phone 8512 4230.

Lifeline Telephone Volunteers needed: It’s never too late to make a difference … or to learn new skills. Join a team of volunteers on the crisis support line based at Gordon. Training is comprehensive and ongoing support is provided for all volunteer counsellors. More information: 9498 8805 or admin@lifelineh2h.org.au

COMMUNITY SERVICES AND SUPPORT Free adult Literacy and Numeracy classes - Meadowbank TAFE: 9942 3572. Reading, writing and speaking.

Free English courses for adult migrants - www.ames.edu.au: Classes at Hornsby, Chatswood and Eastwood.

English Classes - Wednesday evenings from 7.00pm - 9.00pm during school terms. Cost $3.00 per week. West Pennant Hills Community Church, 41 - 43 Eaton Road, West Pennant Hills. Information and to register: 9872 4200.

The Kids Are All Right Website for parents of Australian teenagers. Go to www.thekidsareallright.com.au.

Tertiary Scholarships for children and grandchildren of Ex-Service Men and Women: Students selected on merit. Information and applications: www.avcat.org.au or phone 9213 7999 or 1800 620 361 (voicemail)

Jack’s Youth Café at Hornsby (run by Fusion Sydney North): 5 Jersey Street Hornsby (a short walk from the station). After school activities for students in a safe environment, Tuesdays - Fridays 3.00pm - 6.00pm. Phone: 9477 1110.

Ability Options: a FREE service helping people with a disability into the job that’s right for them. More information: abilityoptions.org.au or contact Caroline Krix on 8811 1717 or caroline.krix@abilityoptions.org.au

Ability Links: supporting people with a disability, their families and carers to achieve their goals in life. For more information phone 8830 0768 or email abilitylinks@unitingcarenswact.org.au

Foster Care Association NSW: Advocacy, support and information for foster carers. www.fcansw.org.au or 4987 1847

Healthy Kids FREE Parent e-zine: important nutrition information and great recipes: www.healthy-kids.com.au

Enrol to Vote: If you are an Australian citizen who is 18 years of age or older, you must vote at all elections. Check if you’re enrolled at www.votensw.info, enrol to vote at www.aec.gov.au or phone 1300 135 736

Uniting Care Northmead: 8839 5107 - Workshops and counselling for parents. Phone for more information.

TOUGHLOVE: 1300 856 830 - Parents helping parents to deal with problems of unacceptable adolescent behaviour.

Parenting Education for Mums, Dad and Carers: www.nsccahs.health.nsw.gov.au/caparenting Information and education provided by NSW Health - Northern Sydney Central Coast.

Centacare Broken Bay: 9488 2523 - Advice and support for parents.

Depression Support Group: 1300 794 991. Hornsby RSL - first Sunday of each month. Run by Association of Relative and Friends of the Mentally Ill.

Parent Line: www.parentline.org.au or 1300 1300 52 - Free professional service 24 hours every day.

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 - Free confidential service 24 hours every day.

Mission Australia: 9480 2500 - Free case management and counselling support for young people and families.

Single With Children: www.singlewithchildren.com.au or 1300 300 496 Non-profit social group providing exciting activities for single parents and their children.

Sydney Single Parents: www.SydneySingleParents.org.au or 9634 7502 (Hills) or 9411 1858 (Northside)

Hills Family Centre: 8805 7288 - Workshops and courses for parents and families.

Wesley Mission Family/Youth Services (the Hills): www.wesleymission.org.au/centres/wesleydalmar/ or 8805 7288

Community Life Church Cherrybrook Life Centre: 9651 3534 - Counselling and parenting courses available.

Newcomers Club: www.sydneynewcomers.com.au - Social club for women, offering support and friendship.

NSW Health Free Dental Clinic for 12-25 year olds: 9687 2544 - High Street Youth Health Service, Harris Park.

Rotary Club of Thornleigh Farm Markets: Third Sunday of every month - 8.00am - 12.00noon - Phyllis St, Thornleigh

Christ Evangelical Centre of Australia Chinese Language School: 0410 613 814 (Jenny)

Cybersmart website: www.cybersmart.gov.au - Part of the Australian Government’s cybersafety program.

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register: www.vifamilynetwork.org.au The Register collects and uses data to improve services for children and to research eye disease and disorders of vision.

Bedford College Play Sessions for children (0 - 5 years) and their parents/carers: Fridays 9.30am - 11.30am at 2 Columbia Court, Baulkham Hills. Small fee includes morning tea for children and their carers. Bookings: 1300 174 174

CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay: counselling, parenting and support groups. 9488 2400 or waitarafc@dbb.org.au

Our Space - Integrated Youth Service Hub, Eastwood: bringing together a variety of services committed to improving the wellbeing of young people aged 11–18 years. Information: www.ourspace.org.au or 9874 7458.

St Vincent de Paul Society: Interest free loans to low income families for essential household items. Phone 9477 5010