July 19-25, 2015

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July 19-25, 2015

Transcript of July 19-25, 2015

  • July 19-25, 2015 Vol. XXIV No. 32Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:jarocathedral@yahoo.com.ph

    16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)

    source: vechnost7.blogspot.com

    The Gift of Rest!Julieta G. Aquilo

    Here, we could have a clear glimpse of the great compassion of Jesus, who wasnt after the great results of His apostles works but above all His interest was His apostles needs and welfare. This goes to prove that Jesus is a person-oriented and not a result-oriented Master.

    In their rest, Jesus wanted them to sit still, be quiet, get in touch with their inner self, know their needs and get in touch with God in prayers and with their community life.

    While the Apostles were resting and keeping in touch with themselves, people kept coming. Among them Jesus saw sick and suffering people in whom Jesus also saw confusion written over their faces and their hunger for truth. So He began to teach them many things.

    It is also good to note that while they were resting, they allowed Jesus to take over. Meaning, Jesus did not only take over in their teachings but they made Jesus the reason why they have to rest whenever they are already exhausted so that they can continue doing their mission

    after recharging. In this way they made themselves connected with Him in their time of rest.

    In our day to day life, we work. But we are given a day or two in a week for us to recharge, to regain the energy spent in our weeks tasks. Do we really rest for the said purpose so that we become fit again to start the week? Do we also give Jesus the chance to take over while we rest?

    In our relating with people under our care or who we work for and with us, are we aware of their need to rest? Do we give our helpers a day off so that they can also have the time not only to recharge but meet their personal, social and spiritual needs?

    We have to remember that Jesus Himself went to a quiet place every now and then to commune with His Father and with Himself in His rest.

    Rest is a symbol of happiness and fulfillment. So, while we heed Jesus invitation to go to a deserted place as it is necessary for the rest of body and spirit, we also need to heed His invitation to come to Him, for in Him alone we shall find rest.

    Quiet moments are needed after a hard days work. There are things to be thought of, actions and responses to be deciphered in peace and an assessment of ones personal environment after the work is done (Bible Diary 2013).

    Todays Gospel tells us that on their return, the apostles reported to Jesus the success of their mission. But Jesus knows how exhausted they were at the end of their journey. He also knew the magic of taking time off from work, thus He felt their need of rest in order to be able to take a deeper look at their experiences. But many people come and go that the apostles had no time even to eat. Thus, Jesus told them, Go off by yourselves to a remote place and have some rest (Mark 6:31) as He wanted His apostles to taste the refreshing power of rest.

    When He told them to go to a remote place, to be away from the crowd in order to rest, He wanted them to recharge, to recover their energy and inner balance for them to be fruitful still and be successful in fulfilling their mission.

  • 2 3


    ThE PASTOR SPEAKSMsgr. Higinio C. Velarde

    B u i l d i n g T o g eT h e r


    July 10-16, 2015

    Collection and Expenses Report

    For the Period of

    June 29 - July 5, 2015

    Collection 187,987.75Expenses (132,463.90)

    Balance 55,523.85

    In the spirit of transparency and accountability, we are submitting a weekly financial report. For details, feel free to come to our parish office at Pius XII Institute or call during office hours at telephone numbers: 320-9505 and 329-1625.

    Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

    national Shrine of our lady of Candles

    Pirme naton mabatian nga ginasiling Ang pari isa ka Alter Christus, ukon isa man ka Kristo. Ano ang luyag silingon sini? Luas bala kay Kristo nga Dios kag tawo nga matuod, ang Ikaduha nga Persona sang Santisima Trinidad, may ara pa nga Kristo? Ukon ang pari bala, ang iya persona kag kinaiya, persona man kag kinaiya ni Kristo? Indi! Ang luyag silingon sini amo nga ang isa ka pari, sa iya pagkapari nagapanghikut kag nagakabuhi sang ginhikut kag ginkabuhi ni Kristo sang ari pa Sia diri sa kalibutan.

    A. Si Kristo lamang amo ang Nagaisahanon nga Pari

    Sa Bag-o nga Kasugtanan, si Kristo nagapahayag nga dira sa Iya ang himpit kag kompleto nga kinaugali sang pagkapari. Si Jesus amo lamang ang isa nga manugpatunga sa Dios kag sa tawo. Sia lamang amo ang nagtugyan sang Iya kaugalingon bilang kabayaran para sa tanan nga mga tawo. Si Kristo indi lamang amo ang ginpadala sang Dios sa paghambal para sa Dios pareho kanday Moises, Aaron, ukon Elias; Sia gid amo ang Dios nga nahimo nga tawo, ang Emmanuel, ang Dios kaupod naton, ang Dios nga nagapuyo upod sa aton, nga sa Iya gid ginahimpit ang pag-isa sang Dios kag tawo.

    Apang si Jesus indi lamang amo ang nagaisahanon nga Pari bangud sang Iya kinaugali kundi man bangud sang Iya mga ginabuhat. Bilang manugpatunga sa Dios kag tawo, ginhimpit Niya ang Iya bulohaton dira sa paghalad sang Iya kaugalingon sa Krus, kag sa sini nga paagi Iya ginbuksan

    sing makaisa gid lang ang dalan pakadto sa Balay sang Amay. Amo ini ang luyag silingon nga ginlampasan Niya ukon ginlabawan ang tanan nga mga halad kag sakripisyo nga ginhikot sang mga pari sang una. Suno sa Sulat sa mga Hebreo, Paagi sa isa lamang kag paghalad, Iya natigayon ang paghimpit nga walay katapusan sang mga ginapasantos (Heb. 10:12-14).

    Gani ang bug-os nga kabuhi ni Kristo, isa ka buhat sang pagkapari. Paagi sa Iya pag-ula sang Iya kaugalingon dira sa Iya pagkahimo nga tawo, paagi sa Iya publiko nga ministeryo, paagi sa Iya Pag-antus,

    Padayon ang Serbisyo

    CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)

    Sang nagligad nga Biernes, aton ginpaalinton paagi sa isa ka General Assembly ang resulta sang aton pagpiniliay. Nangin malawig matuod ang proseso apang nagapati ako nga nangin maayo kag makahulugan man ang bunga.

    Nagapangamuyo ako nga abi-abihon kag batunon naton ang resulta sang aton pagpiniliay nga may bukas nga taguipusoon. Ayhan ang iban sa aton mga tumuluo indi nangin kontento sa resulta. May kaugalingon kita nga mga expectations kag preferences. Pero, tan-awon tani naton ini sa mata sang pagtuo nga nagapati nga ini kabubut-on sang Dios nga dapat naton tumanon. Matuod nga ang resulta indi suno sa aton luyag, pero nagasalig kita nga may matahom nga plano ang Dios para sa aton tanan. Indi bala nga wala man nagahandum ang aton Amay sa Langit sang kalainan ukon kalautan para sa aton? Siya nagahandum

    lamang sang aton kaayohan kag kadalag-an. Ayhan may iban sa aton nagasunggod

    Ah, ma-lie-low na lang ako sa pagserbisyo sa Simbahan. Kon sa bagay, daw indi naman ako nila kinahanglan. Usisaon naton ang aton kaugalingon. Kon pag-alagad ang aton motibo, bisan yara man kita sa posisyon ukon wala, padayon kita nga magaserbisyo sa Dios kag sa aton isigkatawo diri sa aton Simbahan ukon parokya. Magpangamuyo kita sa Dios nga mapanginbabawan naton ang aton tawohanon nga mga kaluyahon.

    Nagapati ako subong nga ang mas importante sa tanan amo ang aton paghigugmaanay, pagsuportahanay kag pagbinuligay sa isa kag isa. Kalimtan naton ang aton kaugalingon kag pasulabihon naton ang kaayohan sang tanan. Gamiton naton ang mga kinaadman ukon talento nga ginhatag sang Dios sa aton sa pagpasanyog sang aton Magagmay nga Kristianong Katilingban. Ang

    aton mga lideres madamo sing may mahimo kon aton sila pangamuyuan, buligan kag suportahan sa ila pagserbisyo sa Simbahan.

    Pasalamatan naton ang Dios bangud sang Iya paggiya sa aton sa bilog nga proseso sang aton pagpiniliay. Siya mismo, ang aton Maayo nga Manugbantay, ang padayon nga nagapadala sang mga manugbantay sa Iya panong. Matuod gid nga palangga kita sang Dios!

    Gani, tanda sang aton pagpapalangga kag pagpasalamat sa Iya, padayon kita nga magserbisyo. Paagi sa aton pag-alagad sa Dios kag sa isigkatawo, matukiban kag makit-an naton ang madalom nga kahulugan kag katuyuan sang aton kabuhi.

    Madamo sang mga tawo ang nagakinahanglan sang aton bulig. Madamo sang mga tawo ang ginagutom kag gina-uhaw sang paghigugma ni Kristo.

    Hence, let us learn to love and serve all the days of our lives!

    CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)

    Pagkamatay kag Pagkabanhaw, gindala kita ni Jesus sa pagpakig-upod sa Espiritu Santo sa diin Sia nagakabuhi upod sa Amay.

    Ang luyag silingon sini amo nga indi naton pagkalimtan nga ang sakripisyo nga ginhalad ni Kristo mga sobra na sa 2000 ka libo ka tuig nga nagligad matuod gid nga yari upod sa aton kag nagapanghikut sa aton sa sining aton mga inadlaw. Kon sa aton pa, ang pagkapari ni Kristo yari upod sa aton sa sining aton panahon. Paano ini mahimo?

    B. Si Kristo nagapa-ambit sang Iya Pagkapari

    Ang pagkapari ni Kristo wala naga-untat dira sa Iya kaugalingon. Paagi sa Iya sakripisyo sa Krus, si Jesus nagapaambit sa tanan Niya nga mga gintoton-an sang dignidad kag sang misyon sang pari sang bag-o kag walay katapusan nga kasugtanan. Labot pa, tungod sang ginatawag nga pagkapari sang tanan, ukon universal priesthood Iya gintawag kag ginpili sa isa ka pinasahi kag may awtoridad nga mandato ang Napulo kag Duha, bilang Iya mga kaupod kag sa ulihi Iya ginpadala sa pagwali sang Maayong Balita. Ginhatagan man Niya sila sing gahom sa pagtabog sang malaut nga espiritu. (Mk. 3:14-15).

    Kag diri makita naton nga ang isa lamang ka Pagkapari ni Kristo yari karon sa tunga naton paagi sa duha ka pagkapari: ang pagkapari sang tanan nga binunyagan, nga ginatawag common priesthood, kag ang pagkapari sang mga naordenahan nga ginatawag ministerial priesthood.

    (May kasugpon)

    source: giaoxuhanoi.com

    Balance as of July 10, 2015 (459.432.50)Donation Received Parish Cashier:

    Leonardo Angelo Fantonalgo 1,000.00Ruth Javelosa 4,000.00The Family of Ernie & Estela Balagosa 500.00Anonymouse 1,000.00A Friend 10,000.00 16,500.00

    Donation BoxAnonymous 500.00Anonymous 500.00Anonymous 1,200.00Anonymous 1,000.00Anonymous 3,000.00Barbara Jane P. Belasa 100.00Aizza Mae Domingo 100.00Donation Box 9,530.00 15,930.00

    Total Donation for the Week 32,430.00Balance as of July 16, 2015 (427,002.50)

    Collection 79,643.75 Expenses 90,768.40 Balance (11,124.65)

    Candle Light Monthly Financial Report

    June 2015

    Sang Domingo, July 12, 2015, alas dos sa hapon naghinun-anon ang mga opisyales sang Family for Christ Association (FFCA).

    Sa sini nga pagtililipon nagtambong sanday Mrs. Lalaine Pasquin kag Mrs. Julieta Aquilo sang Ministry of Education. Mainit sila nga ginbaton kag ginabi-abi sang FFCA. Isa ini ka daku nga kalipayan para sa FFCA kay nakapaambit sila sang ila mga suggestions para sa kaayuhan sang katilingban.

    Ang paghinun-anon may duha ka aspeto: ang spiritual kag business meeting. Sa spiritual may Bible sharing. Ang tanan nagpakig-ambit sa sharing kon sa diin

    natandog gid sila sang Pulong sang Ginoo. Ang kada isa nagpasalamat sa Ginoo sa tanan nga mga bugay nga Iya ginhatag.

    Apang ang tinutuyo gid sining pagtililipon amo ang pagplano sa paghiwat sang ika-8 nga pagsukat sa Hulyo 26, 2015.

    Isa sang mga hilikuton sa sini nga okasyon amo ang pagpakaon kag paghatag diutay nga kalipayan sa mga kabataan nga kubos. Ini sila magahalin sa lima ka barangay diri sa aton parokya paagi sa pagbulig sang mga barangay catechists. Ini pagahiwaton sa July 19, 2015 sa Pius XII Catechetical Center, alas dos sa hapon. May katekesis anay nga hiwaton pagkatapos mga hinampang. May pagkaon man nga

    Bulanan nga Meeting sang Family for Christ Association (FFCA)

    Araceli D. Paredes

    naaman agud tilipunan sang mga kabataan. Daku gid ang mabulig sining kahiwatan kay magluwas nga makakaon kag makahampang sila makahatag man ihibalo kag kalipayan sa ila nga mga kubos.

    Ang ika-8 nga anibersaryo sang FFCA sa July 26, 2015 pagahiwaton sa Metropolis Club House. May pagahiwaton anay nga Misa sa 6:30 sa aga sa Jaro Cathedral pagkatapos may caravan pakadto sa Metropolis.

    Ang malahalon amo nga ini nga kahiwatan makabulig hugpong sa kabataan kag makapabakod sang ila nga pagtuo sa Mahal nga Ginoo.

    Happy 8th Anniversary!

    education Minis tr y

  • CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)

    Editorial BoardrEV. Fr. NATHANIEL G. GENTIZON


    PurEZA D. LAcuEsTAArMANDO A. suEAssociate Editors


    News Editors

    juLIETA G. AquILOMA. rOsArIO r. TEjADA

    Feature Editors

    LALAINE D. PAsquINCirculation

    rIcArDO q. FALLAcOrINA IILayout Artist

    rAquEL CruCEroDAisyriE q. DiEsto

    ArACELi D. pArEDEsmEriL E. robLEs


    The Candle Light is a non-profit weekly publication.


    rT. rEV. MsGr. HIGINIO c. VELArDE, jr., jcD, PA Parish Priest

    rEV. Fr. MArTIN B. ALArcONrEV. Fr.MArk LEsTEr B. sENINA

    Parochial Vicars

    rEV. Fr. PHILIPP NEIL Y. ANTENOr-cruZ Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs

    rEV. MsGr. ALEjANDrO P. EsPErANcILLASpecial Assistant for Liturgical Affairs

    rEV. Fr. FrANcIscO T. ANGOsTurArEV. Fr. jOENIck s. TErrITOrIO

    Resident Priests

    4 5

    Quote of the Week

    (Let us pray for each other)

    :: Gospel Reflection

    Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo


    readings for the WEEk

    BIRThDAy20 Msgr. Victor Casa Fr. Gil Elanga Fr. Henrietto Losaria21 Msgr. Claudio Sale Fr. Philipp Neil Antenor Cruz24 Fr. Joel Lena

    NECROLOGy19 Fr. Jose Dacudao24 Fr. William Klement, S.J.

    juLY 2015

    Fe Marina S. Siacon

    Pagkatapos sang malawig nga pagpanglakaton nagtipon ang mga apostoles kay Jesus sa pagsugid sa Iya sang ila nahimo nga pagpanudlo sa mga tawo. Ginhambalan sila ni Jesus nga makadto anay sila sa isa ka duog sa pagpahuway. Gani naglakat sila apang nakit-an sila sang mga tawo nga una pa nakalab-ot sa lugar nga ila pagapahuwayan kon tani. Ti, ano na karon ang Iya mahimo magluwas sa pag-atubang sa mga tawo?

    Kon kaisa nagakatabo man ini nga mga sitwasyon sa aton kabuhi. Nahuman na ang aton plano, apang sa hinali may maabot nga wala naton ginapaabot. Ano na lang karon ang himuon naton? Atubangon na lang ang alatubangon sing may pagsalig sa Mahal nga Dios.

    Amo ini ang tion nga magtipon kita kay Ginoong Jesus kag isugid sa Iya ang aton ginabuko. Sugiran naton Sia nga nabudlayan kita,

    30Sang makabalik ang mga apostoles kay Jesus, ginsugid nila sa iya ang tanan nila nga nahimo kag napanudlo. 31Si Jesus nagsiling sa ila, Makadto kita sing kitahanon lang sa isa ka baw-ing nga duog kag magpahuway kamo sing makadali. Sa pagkadamo sang mga tawo nga nagapakadto-pakari, wala na sila sing tion bisan sa pagkaon. 32Gani nagpalayo sila nga nagasakay sa sakayan kag nagkadto nga silahanon sa isa ka baw-ing nga duog.

    33Apang madamo nga mga tawo ang nakakita sang ila paghalin kag nakakilala sa ila. Gani nagdinalagan ini sila halin sa ila mga banwa kag nauna pa nga nag-abot sa ila kaladtoan.

    Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJer 23:1-6Ps 23:1-6Eph 2:13-18Mk 6:30-34Monday, July 20Ex 14:5-18Ex 15:1-6Mt 12:38-42St. Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr

    Tuesday, July 21Wisdom 8:9-16 or 2 Cor 5:14-21 Psalms 67:2-5, 7-8Luke 9:1-6St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church

    Wednesday, July 22Sg 3:1-4 or 2 Cor 5:14-17Ps 63:2-6, 8-9Jn 20:1-2, 11-18St. Mary Magdalene

    Thursday, July 23, 2015Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20Dn 3:52-56Mt 13:10-17St. Bridget of Sweden, Religious

    Friday, July 24, 2015Ex 201:1-17Ps 19:8-11Mt 13:18-23St. Sharbel Makhluf, Priest

    Saturday, July 25, 20152 Cor 4:7-15Ps 126:1-6Mt 20:20-28Feast of St. James, Apostle

    Ika-16 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Hulyo 19, 2015Mk 6:30-34

    POLITICSThat political responsibility may be lived at all levels as a high form of


    That, amid social inequalities, Latin American Christians may bear witness to love for the poor and contribute to a

    more fraternal society.

    Barangay Apostolic Council General Assembly Ginpatigayon


    Ginpatigayon ang Barangay Apostolic Council General Assembly sang Biernes, Hulyo 17, 2015, a las 8:00 sa aga, sa La Isabelita Hall.

    Sa sini nga hilikuton, ginpadalhan sing sulat ang kada isa ka nominado sa nagakalain-lain nga posisyon sang BAC-WESTFY nga magtambong sa sina nga adlaw. Ini bunga sang ginhiwat nga discernment process sa duha ka napulo ka

    barangay kag isa ka sitio nga sakop sang aton parokya.

    Ginhatagan sang Certificate of Appreciation ang mga katapo sang BAC WESTFY bilang pagtalupangud sang ila kaalwan sa pag-alagad. Ginlawag man dayon sang lideres sang Simbahan ang mga bag-o nga napilian nga mga opisyales.

    Ginpaathag pa gid ni Rt. Rev. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, kura paroko sang aton parokya, ang

    Meril E. Robles

    34Sang pag-abot ni Jesus, nakita Niya ang madamo gid nga mga tawo nga nagtilipon didto kag naluoy Sia sa ila, kay

    nabug-atan kita sang mga pagtilaw nga nagaabot sa aton kabuhi, kag wala kita sing may madangpan. Sa sa sini nga panahon, wala na si Jesus indi pareho sadto anay sang ari pa Sia sa kalibutan nga sa masami ginalagas Sia sang mga tawo.

    Wala na Sia diri sa kalibutan. Paano ang paglagas naton sa Iya? Mahimo naton ini paagi sa aton pagbasa sang Bibliya. Kon sadto, nabusog ang mga tawo sang tinapay kag isda nga ginpakaon sa ila ni Ginoong Jesus, kita mabusog man sa lain nga pamaagi. Ang aton mabasa sa Bibliya amo ang Pulong sang Dios. Diri mabusog ang aton kalag. Diri mabasa naton ang mga ginpanudlo ni Ginoong Jesus. Makapaumpaw sa kauhaw sang aton kalag ang Iya mga Pulong.

    Sa mga nagaalabot nga problema sa aton kabuhi ayhan, nagakadulaan kita sang maayo nga disposisyon. Mamasol pa kita sa Mahal nga Dios. Daw kasubong man kita sang mga ilo nga nagatalang-talang. Diri sa Bibliya mabasa

    naton kon daw ano ka maloloy-on ang aton Ginoo. Gani, pabakuron pa gid naton ang aton pagtuo. Batunon ang mga maayo nga pagtulun-an nga nasaad sa Bibliya. Sa sini nga paagi mangin mamag-an ang aton pag-atubang sa problema. Isalig lang ang tanan sa Mahal nga Ginoo kag sa bulig sang aton Iloy, Nuestra Seora de la Candelaria. Pamangkot

    1. Nabatyagan man bala naton ang kalinong kag seguridad sang aton kabuhi sa pagdangop sa Maayo nga Manugbantay?

    2. Sa aton pagpakig-away sa sala kag kalainan, ara si Jesus nga ever ready sa pagbulig, paghatag kabaskog kag salandigan naton. Nagasalig bala kita sa sini nga kamatuoran?

    3. Ginakabig bala naton si Ginoong Jesus nga aton Maayong Manugbantay kag Manug-atipan?

    tasks and functions sang kada posisyon.

    Kabay nga paagi sa grasya sang Dios kag sa pag-ubay sang aton patrona mangin tampad kag matutom ang mga bag-o nga napilian nga mga opisyales sa pagpatigayon sang kabuhi pastoral sang Simbahan. Kabay nga mangin maalwan sila sa pag-alagad padulong sa bug-os nga paghiliusa.

    MKK itib-ong, sakdagon!!!

    Sang nagligad nga Hulyo 14, 2015, naghiwat sang una nga pagtililipon ang Parish Pastoral Secretariat (PPS) kaupod si Rev. Fr. Mark Lester Senina, ang bag-o nga Pastoral Director.

    Nagsugod ang hilikuton paagi sa pangamuyo nga ginpangunahan ni Fr. Mark. Bangud kay ini ang una nga paghinun-anon kaupod ang bag-o nga Pastoral Director, luyag gid mahibaluan ni Fr. Mark ang pila ka bahin sa kabuhi sang mga nagaserbisyo sa Simbahan nga iya makaupod.

    Paagi sa GTKY (Getting To Know You) mas nakilala ni Fr. Mark ang mga pastoral workers. Subong, nahibaluan sang tanan

    ilabi na gid sang Pastoral Director kon pila na ka tuig nga sila nagaserbisyo sa Ginoo diri sa Parokya, ang ila pagpanglakaton bilang alagad sang Dios, ang mga eksperyensya kag mga importante nga butang nga natun-an sa kabuhi. Ang tagsa-tagsa nagpakig-ambit sang ila mga ginapaabot sa bag-o nga Pastoral Director.

    Si Fr. Mark nagsaysay man sang iya mga inagiyan sa kabuhi nga nangin pamaagi sang Ginoo para sia mangin isa ka pari. Nakabatyag gid ang tanan sang kalipay tungod sang presensya man ni Msgr. Higinio Velarde.

    Bangud kay nagkilalahay na ang kada isa, ginsuguran na ang pagplano para sa Barangay

    Apostolic Council (BAC) Assembly sa Hulyo 17, 2015.

    Malipayon gid ang tagsa-tagsa tungod sa mabinungahon nga pagtamdanay kag bag-o nga pag-abyanay. Paagi sa pagpaambit sang kada isa, mas nahangpan ang personalidad sang mga katapo sang Parish Pastoral Secretariat.

    Manami panumdumon nga nagakalangkag na ang tanan para sa mga hilikuton nga pagahiwaton. Natanum gid sa pamensaron kag taguipusuon sang mga katapo sang PPS ang mga encouraging nga mga tinaga ni Fr. Mark: Madamo ako sing natun-an sa inyo kag kamo man sa akon; gani bululigay lang kita tanan.

    Daisyrie Q. Diesto

    Paghinun-anon sang Parish Pastoral Secretariat kay Fr. Mark

    CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)

    Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven. - Pope Francis

    source: eilanna.deviantart.com

    subong sila sang mga karnero nga wala sing manugbantay. Nagsugod Sia sa pagpanudlo sa ila sang madamo nga mga butang.

    source: slideplayer.it

  • 6 CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015) CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015) 7

    MANILA, July 15, 2015 The Catholic bishops have called on education authorities not to forget the poor as the country gears up for the full implementation of the K-12 program.

    In a pastoral letter, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) again voiced its concern that many students will drop out of school as a consequence of the whole program.

    However, they said, we do not yet see this issue being addressed in the program.

    Issue of dropoutsThere should be means to help out

    Updi ninyo ako nga pamalandonganSantos nga Ebanghelyo nga aton mabatian

    Si San Markos ginsaysay ang tanan Pagtawag sang dose ka mga gintuton-an.

    Iya sila ginpadala sing tigduha-duhaSa pagbantala sang Maayong Balita sa mga banwa

    Ginhatagan sila sing gahum sa pagtabog sang mga yawaKag dugang pa Niya indi magdala sing pagkaon kag kuarta.

    Magbiya kamo sang inyo sala! singgit nilaSa mga tawo nga ila masugata

    Ginhaplasan ang mga masakiton sing lanaKag sa gilayon nag-alayo sila.

    Pagpanglakaton nga mamag-an ang dalaAgud makalakat sing malawig-lawig pa

    these dropouts, the letter, signed by re-elected CBCP president Archbishop Villegas, reads in part.

    The bishops also called on Catholic schools to go beyond merely preparing for the program and turn their eyes and affection to the poor.

    They said the fate of the indigenous people, the children in conflict with the law, the street children, and the persons with disabilities should particularly be of utmost concern.

    Catholic schools must always have a place for them, not merely as out-reach

    CBCP on K-12: Do not Forget the PoorCBCP News

    SeNdiNg-off of CATeChiSTSThe Sending-Off of all the School and Barangay

    Catechists of the Parish will be on August 2, 2015 within the 8:00 oclock in the morning Mass at the National Shrine of our Lady of Candles, Jaro Metropolitan Cathedral.

    but as part of their education ministry, and members of their learning community, Villegas said.

    They also cautioned that the K-12 should not lead to the teachers and school personnel losing their jobs, saying no one should be made to unjustly suffer in the program.

    No to contractualized teachersThe bishops said personnel affected

    by the transition should be consulted and their views and suggestions be given serious consideration.

    Teachers are not to be considered just as expenses but as partners in the noble mission of education. May this not lead to the contractualization of the teaching personnel, Villegas said.

    The bishops also called on for solidarity and subsidiarity in the implementation of the K-12 program in the service of the common good.

    It is not the time for unbridled competition among schools of who can offer the best education, they stressed.

    Instead, the bishops added: It is the time to activate communion through solidarity and subsidiarity.

    We call everyone to enter the table of fellowship and engage in appreciative conversations regarding the education of our youth. Let us listen to one another bare their worries, concerns and misgivings. Let us all walk towards enlightenment and allow charity to permeate our dialogue, they said.

    (Roy Lagarde/CBCPNews)


    Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers July 19 CC El 98

    26 SeminarioAugust 02 Desamparados 09 Fajardo

    Oras sang Parokya (kada Mierkules)July 22 San Vicente 29 Tabuc Suba IlayaAugust 05 Bakhaw 12 San Roque First Saturday Dawn RosaryAugust 01 Simon LedesmaSeptember 05 FajardoNovember 07 LibertadDecember 05 CC El 98

    Barangay Sponsors

    fAiTh formATioNJuly 31, 2015, 6:00 P.M.

    La Isabelita Hall, Jaro Metropolitan CathedralRev. Fr. Joenick S. Territorio

    Ang Redemptorist Vocation Team naga-imbitar sa mga pamatan-on nga lalaki, Professional ukon college graduating students nga magtambong sang amon Vocation Reflection Dialogue A MOMENT WITH THE REDEMPTORISTS sa July 26, 2015 a las tres ang takna sang hapon sa St. Clements Monastery, St. Clements Church, La Paz, Iloilo City.

    Para sa mga detalye palihog pakig-angot sa amon parish office sa (033) 320-07-17 ukon kay Angelo sa 09477629153/09167691270.

    Madamo gid nga salamat.

    redemPToriST VoCATioN TeAm

    miSA SA PATyoMay Misa sa Patyo (Jaro Catholic Cemetery)

    kada Lunes sa alas 7:00 sang aga. Ginaagda gid sa pagtambong ang mga may pinalangga kag himata nga nalubong sa sini nga sementeryo kag sa mga may debosyon sa pagpangamuyo para sa mga kalag.

    MASSES:Daily: 05:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:00 a.m. (English) 06:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 12:15 p.m. (English, Monday-Friday) 05:30 p.m. (English) Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (English Anticipated Mass)Sunday: 05:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:30 a.m. (English) 08:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon) 09:30 a.m. (English) 12:00 NN (English) 03:00 p.m. (English) 04:30 p.m. (Hiligaynon) 06:00 p.m. (Hiligaynon) 07:30 p.m. (English)BAPTISM: 11:30 a.m Saturday 11:00 a.m. SundayCONFESSION: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Tuesday to Friday COUNSELING: by Appointment

    PAriSh SerViCeS

    imProPer ATTire iNSide The ChurCh

    The K to 12 Program covers kindergarten and 12 years of basic education which includes six years of primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of senior high school. (Photo: CBCPNews)

    Wala sing mabug-at nga bagahe sa likod taMakabantala nga may katutom sang Maayong Balita.

    Sa aton panahon ako, ikaw, kita man ginpadalaIndi na kita magpalayo pa

    Unahon pinakagamay nga katilingban nga amo ang pamilyaAton ipabatyag sa ila nga ang Dios gugma.

    Pareho sang mga Apostoles sang unaKita magabisita sa mga masakiton sa palibot ta

    Paglaum, pagtuo ipa-ambit sa ilaMabatyagan pagpalangga sang Tagtuga.

    Kabay ining binalaybayNga ginsulat sa mga kaubay

    Makahatag inspirasyon sa tananAko, ikaw, kita ginahangkat nga mangin gintuton-an. Amen.

    Panghangkat nga Mangin Gintuton-anMeril E. Robles

  • 98

    The Eloquence of GratitudePureza D. Lacuesta

    Kids corner

    Words from the gospelJohannah Ysabel F. Balagosa

    St. James the Greater

    Venerable Tecla Merlo

    It is my pleasure to write about St. James the Greater, one of the twelve Apostles of our Lord. He is the patron saint of my new parish here in Maasin, Iloilo. His feast falls on every 25th of July.

    Who is St. James the Greater? St. James the Greater is son of Zebedee and Salome. He and his brother John were among the first apostles called by Christ, after Peter and Andrew. He was the first Apostle to share the cup of suffering and death.

    James is called the Greater to distinguish him from the Apostle James the Less, who was probably shorter of stature.

    The Bible tells us that Jesus would often call Peter, James and John to acompany Him. They were at the house of Jairus, acompanying Jesus, where Jesus raised the dead woman to life. They were privileged witnesses of the Transfiguration of Jesus. Taken up to the high mountain, they saw the face of Jesus shining as the sun and His garments white as snow. The three Apostles had witnessed, too, the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

    When the Samaritans were

    inhospitable, it was James who demanded fire from heaven. And together with his brother, John, they sought a place of honor with Christ in His Kingdom.

    An interesting story was told. When St. James was brought before King Herod

    Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

    In a small island village not so long agoA baby boy was born when

    the sky was blueBlessed with a greatness within him

    whose destiny only he can fulfillBestowed with many talents and given

    them angelic name Nathaniel.

    Through trials and experiences Nathaniel learned and grew

    Slowly but surely built self-confidence and courage with every step has tried to do

    With God-given strength not one obstacle frightened him to withdraw

    And with his intelligence no limit prevailed to hinder where he can go

    and what he can do.

    He grew up with everyone adoring and loving him

    With people around believing in his goals and dreamsAlways finding pleasure

    to reminisce a little about the pastThanking Heaven he has survived

    and achieved success meant to last.

    But more than just his accomplishment got him where he is today

    Goodness and kindness like Gods

    and a loving heart so gay,Made him the uniquely wonderful man

    he came to be So admired, idolized, liked and loved by everybody.

    The handsome yet humble priest Nathaniel as he is popularly known

    Leaves a lasting impression nothing can even dull nor dampen

    But evokes with delight fond memories sweet and heart-warming

    Wherever he is, anywhere he goes always remembered and never forgotten

    We admire you Fr. Nat for all you say and do

    We admire you too for the songs you singWe love you dearly for everything you areAnd we would like the world to know how

    proud of you we truly are.

    Your love and concern freely sown and the love and concern we have for you

    Are lifetime gifts for which we gladly and heartily thank you

    And you must also know that one of the greatest gifts of all

    Is the joy, that has been ours since the first day you joined us all.

    Faith, hope, Joy and LoveRaquel Crucero

    CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)CANDLE LIGHT (July 19-25 2015)

    We would like to encourage everyone to share your thoughts, be it in essay or poetry. We would be glad to publish them in our Weekly newsletter. Thank you very much!


    Agrippa, his fearless confession of the crucified and risen Jesus moved the public prosecutor that immediately, he declared himself a Christian. And so both of them, accused and accuser, were hurried off together to execution, and on the road, the prosecutor begged for James forgiveness. The apostle had forgiven him long before but he hesitated to publicly accept him as a brother since he was unbaptized. When God reminded him of the Churchs faith - that the blood of martyrdom supplies for every sacrament - St. James embraced his prosecutor with the words: Peace be with you! Both of them were killed, receiving the gift of martyrdom in the year 42 or 44.

    St. James was buried at Jerusalem but tradition has it that around the year 830 his relics were transferred to Compostela, Spain, which became a popular center for pilgrimages throughout the Middle Ages and even until today.

    As we honor St. James the Greater, let us emulate his zeal and courage in preaching the Good News of Salvation. Let us be also ready to die to ourselves as we generously serve God and His people.

    St. James the Greater, pray for us!

    readers Cor ner

    source: commons.wikimedia.org

    N A R X D E S E R T E D M D U U O E B U H M R S G X Z T R G M N P K L V T B S A R U S E K B L O P C K S B X T A U G H T E C R E O M E P Y H S G O P M R D T O M R L R Z E F D U E A S E E P E T T U J R X K M H N M V D L X R S U P E R G M S Y U I R E A X O Y N D E T M U T X R M E P U P T G I H C X P H J R H M S H A R K G T F P E I L A M O V T S K U P E Y R C N Y O U R S E L V E S G H R A G M U P H C A E T G R O P C L S P P E E H S Q G D R T P T P X











    I cannot understand why our parents are sometimes ignored. I cannot fathom why their advice sometimes falls on deaf ears; why their good intentions are often misinterpreted and they are accused of meddling in their childrens personal affair, and thwarting their cherished dreams. Some children perceive their parents to be wrong but think modern devices like computers are not.

    Our elders have become more of footstools than pedestals. They have become like antique appliances which come in handy when there are problems and domestic compromises. They have become incidentals.

    I dont mean to pull back our generation to the cave mans age. I dont mean to be an obstacle to progress. I only want to bring our focus on the old practice which gave importance, joy, and dignity, to our parents.

    Are we ashamed to kiss and hug them in public? Do we ignore them if they are poor and unschooled? Do we relegate them to the background because we regard their teachings as obsolete?

    If your answer is YES to these questions, it is time to wake up from your fantasies and face realities - that without your parents, you will be out there in the vast sands, unknown and unborn, blown about by elements. We will only realize the value of our parents if they are gone.I have written again a poem in broken lines

    Thank you, Lord, I woke up to a stray beam of sunlight

    That entered my room, chirping of birds, bustling of leaves

    Chicks looking for food,

    I look up to seeA worm dropped into an open-mouthed

    birdie by a loving mother bird.

    I open the window wider, to see our fields laden with ripening palay

    To see our fields laden with crystals of dew, to see our farmers,their wives,

    hurrying to their tasksTo see a vendor going from door to door.

    Ah! Peace! Contentment!My heart swells with gratitude to the Lord.

    For this wonderful environmentFor people who live and let live

    For the gifts of life food and bonuses of nature.

    What else can I ask for?Nothing

    With peace and freshness around meWhat else do I want? Nothing more.

    With a loving family living togetherWorking together

    Holding hands, walking in unisonto the tune of Gods will.

    What can I say?I lift my eyes

    I touch my heartI lift up both hands to heaven

    Thank you, Lord!

    There is nothing more touchingThan saying

    Thank you Lord!!!As I see a new world!

    source: www.happenistaproject.com

    source: giz-img.blogspot.com

  • BANNSEngr. Alberto H. Yanga

    parish secretary

    The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,

    please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.


    BAPTiSmJULy 11, 2015



    JULy 19, 2015 SUNDAy 05:00 a.m. +Epifanio & Correa de Josef & Dr. Ernesto Josef by Alice J. Zerrudo 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Ladies of Charity 08:00 a.m. MISA PRO POPULO 09:30 a.m. +Rey, Luz, Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus Bacabac by Alice T. Mallare 12:00 n.n. +Manuel, Editha, Ma. Ninfa, Victorino, Leonardo, Regino & Maria by Mrs. Palma 03:00 p.m. +Dionesio, Felilia Blanca & Elsa Martizano by Jessica Martizano 04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family; Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Eva Corsino & Family; Randy Lumbaning & Family; Fe Marina Siacon & Children; Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family; Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. Grace Evangelista & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children; Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; Rosette Tayongtong & Family; Alma Blanca & Children; Paterno Dichupa Jr; Abbey & Avery Blanca; Adrian Raphael & Aesha Fabrigar; Braulia Cababasay & Family; Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga; Jelly Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje

    FIRST PUBLICATIONMIChAEL M. DAyAON, 27 yrs. old, resident of San Pablo City,

    Laguna, son of Isagani Dayaon & Cynthia Macalinga and PRECIOUS S. OSAN, 27 yrs. old, resident of 68 Brian St., Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada, daughter of Tedy Osan & Lourdes Seora.

    SECOND PUBLICATIONJhON L. GALLAZA, 31 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Cuartero

    Highway, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Gonzalo Gallaza & Anita Lumaque and ANALyN S. SOBERANO, 31 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Cuartero, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Feliciano Soberano & Magdalena Sorongon.

    RJ KESTER M. MURILLO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Quezon St., Miagao, Iloilo, son of Jose M. Murillo & Milagrosa F. Montalban and FRANCES JOy M. SUIZO, 28 yrs. old, resident of Taft St., Santa Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of Aniceto S. Suizo & Hermenia S. Mana-ay.

    THIRD PUBLICATIONChARLIE C. CABANTING, 39 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Buga,

    Leon, Iloilo, son of Aniceto Cabanting & Amparo Cajara and ALJOREhMEE M. SUMALPONG, 35 yrs. old, resident of Mc. Arthur Drive, Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Ireneo Sumalpong & Alma Matiling.

    MIChAEL GIBRIEL M. OLIVARES, 28 yrs. old, resident of Villa Lizares, Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Cezar Olivares & Susanita Marin and ChARMAINE JOSETTE S. BARAIRO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Alimodian, Iloilo, daughter of Monchito Barairo & Arceli Saclote.

    JULIUS B. RAGANAS, 37 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras, son of Zacarias Sr. Raganas & Ninfa D. Bisonia and RONA L. ROA, 35 yrs. old, resident of Jereos Street, La Paz, Iloilo City, daughter of Rodolfo Sr. Roa & Angelica Luching.

    JONEL C. SAN LUIS, 33 yrs. old, resident of Magdalo, La Paz, Iloilo City, son of Jose Jr. San Luiz & Wilhelmina Caballero and CARLOTA B. BEREBER, 34 yrs. old, resident of Magdalo, La Paz, Iloilo City, daughter of Romualdo Bereber & Clarita Bade.

    & Children; Cesar Geluz & Gerard Penecilla, Jr.; Teresita Villaluna & Family; John Michael Monana; Stephanie Amit & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Caijo; Allyne Manzano and Special Intention of Marivic & John Kane; Lysel Ann Escanlar & Jessica Liza 06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Brenda Cari-an Espulgar 07:30 p.m. +Rodrigo Sr., Ronnie & Nida Obapial by Emmy Obapial

    JULy 20, 2015 MONDAy 05:30 a.m. Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls of the Jaro Cathedral Benefactors 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the 50th Anniversary of Sr. Milagros A. Magistrado, Daughter of Charity by Ladies of Charity, Jaro Chapter 06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM 12:15 p.m. +Cerela, Estelito & Francisco Tornuas, Editha, Conching, Alfonso Pareja & Rodolfo Delibios by Carmelita Banaag 05:30 p.m. +Flora L. Rote by DMII, Our Lady of Candles Circle JULy 21, 2015 TUESDAy 05:30 a.m. +Flora L. Rote by Emma Victoria & Children 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Emra Csoka 06:30 a.m. +Nerio Salcedo by Elen Salazar 12:15 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Fe Marina Siacon & Family 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Varen Precious Jardeleza by Mr. & Mrs. Malvar Jardeleza & Children JULy 22, 2015 WEDNESDAy 05:30 a.m. +Flora L. Rote by Nelson & Jo-Ann Cadayao 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Ra-an & Tess Antonano 06:30 a.m. +Alberto D. Gasis by Cecilia G. Ramirez 12:15 p.m. +Rosela Zamora & Ma. Teresa Estrada by Aileen Ladrido 05:30 p.m. +Joseph Agius by Ursula Agius JULy 23, 2015 ThURSDAy 05:30 a.m. +Raymundo Elauria, Sr. by Candelaria Curia, Legion of Mary 06:00 a.m. +Jessica Lyca Frac, Ma. Isedora Sta. Mena, Amelita Funte & Melynda Venusa by Jessica Balasabas 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Cygfreid John Hugo 12:15 p.m. +Gloria L. Enicola by Mrs. Jimema E. Fajutag 05:30 p.m. +Flora L. Rote by Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo & Nelida Garrido & Family

    JULy 24, 2015 FRIDAy 05:30 a.m. +Angie, Alberto Advincula & Erlina Canja by Concepcion Advincula 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Dr. & Dr. Gerard Penecilla in Honor of Mary Help of Christians 06:30 a.m. +Edwin Mahinay by Elen Salazar 12:15 p.m. +Lydia Santos Guzman by Atty. & Mrs. Enrique Arguelles 05:30 p.m. +Maria, Jaime, Socorro & Jose Carmen by Trinidad Olivares JULy 25, 2015 SATURDAy 05:30 a.m. +Alejo & Lilia Bedao by Jose Ali & Lea Bedao 06:00 a.m. Death Anniversary of Benjamin M. Gamboa by Rose F. Gamboa & Children & Foronda Family 06:30 a.m. Death Anniversary of Mercedes Jalandoni by Guadarrama Family 05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Valentina Huelar & Evelyn Hifarva by Huelar Family