Julien cornet on gauc: Act on your data with Remarketing & create Advanced Audiences

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Julien cornet on gauc: Act on your data with Remarketing & create Advanced Audiences

Transcript of Julien cornet on gauc: Act on your data with Remarketing & create Advanced Audiences

Julien Cornet Senior eBusiness Consultant @ Semetis

Google Analytics User Conference

26 August 2014 Diamant Business Center – Brussels

Remarketing Re-engage your audience with Google Analytics

Audiences and segmentation

Remarketing with Google Analytics



Remarketing today

Remarketing today Remarketing is a powerful way to re-engage

with users who have already demonstrated an affinity for a site.

Dan Stone

New powerful tools

Always ON

Win-Win for customer & advertiser

“  „  

Remarketing today

Remarketing today

Remarketing today

Remarketing today

Customer behavior is getting more complex.


Multi-device Online Offline

Remarketing today

Customers are expecting relevancy. à Provide a custom/relevant experience


Remarketing today

Timing is everything with remarketing. àHow quickly does my remarketing strategy needs to start? àHow long before the user no longer needs my product or service?


Urgency Buying Cycle

Remarketing with Google Analytics

Google Analytics can help you implement a relevant,

qualitative remarketing strategy.

Remarketing with Google Analytics


<script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-9999999-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'stats.g.doubleclick.net/dc.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script>

Remarketing with Google Analytics


Remarketing with Google Analytics


Remarketing with Google Analytics

Setup Link with AdWords account that will require access to the newly created list.

Remarketing with Google Analytics

Setup in AdWords •  Create a Separate campaign for your

remarketing. •  Create an ad group for each audience. •  Add the GA audiences as targeting.

Remarketing with Google Analytics

Setup in AdWords + Targeting àInterests & Remarketing àRemarketing lists

Audiences and segmentation

Create audiences within remarketing menu

Audiences and segmentation

New segmentation model: basic segment

Audiences and segmentation

New segmentation model: (users | sessions)

Note: Using two or more users filters will be multi-session.

Audiences and segmentation

New segmentation model: tips When multiple conditions in a filter, consider the impact of choosing sessions vs. users.

Audiences and segmentation

New segmentation model: tips Order when user and session filters are used together: àUser filters applied first, then session filters

Audiences and segmentation

New segmentation model: tips Sequencing: Add Step

Audiences and segmentation

Strategy Identify objectives à Sales? à User engagement? à Retention? à Recurrence?

Then, identify the matching audiences. Example audiences: àEcommerce site (sale or lead generation objective) àPublisher (user engagement objective)

Audiences and segmentation

Example: Ecommerce/lead site 1.  Users who have visited step X|Y|Z of the funnel and have not made a

transaction (repeat with all steps). 2.  Users who have abandonned the conversion funnel at step X|Y|Z (use

‘exit page contains’). 3.  Users who have visited the site several times but have not converted. 4.  Users who have visited the site several times and have converted (only if

relevant) + add higher than average basket. 5.  Users who have spent longer than average, who have visited a product

section and who have not converted. 6.  Users who have used a particular device.

Tip 1: Use Ecommerce tracking. Tip 2: Duplicate your lists and change the cookie duration for more accuracy and bidding flexibility (membership duration of 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, …).

Audiences and segmentation

Example: Publisher 1.  New heavy users: first time users who have visited more than the

average pages/session. 2.  Loyal heavy users: return users who have visited more than the average

pages/session. 3.  All site visitors (use this one with caution). 4.  Visitors who have visited pages of a particular category (use specific

creative). 5.  Social users: users who came to the site via a social medium, they may

be likely to share your content with others. 6.  Specific sets of users based on socio demo.

Tip 1: Create several lists in order to maximise bidding control. Tip 2: Use ‘Page Depth’ as indicator of pages/session.

Audiences and segmentation

What’s next ?

•  Accurate dynamic remarketing (with Enhanced Ecommerce & Merchant Center).

•  Off l ine l is ts (exc lus ion or upsel l ) w i th measurement protocol.

•  Accurate cross device targeting (UA). •  Enhanced Ecommerce will allow most accurate

lists for sales objectives.


Frequency Capping Use high frequency delivery as long as it is relevant with your user’s buying cycle and/or your objective. à Use ‘days to transaction’ report to understand buying cycle.

Message Message/creative àCustomize as much as possible. àGeneric is better than inappropriate.


Smart Lists

Based  on  your  historical  conversion  data,  Analy(cs  can  es(mate  which  users  are  most  likely  to  convert  during  subsequent  visits.  Remarke(ng  to  this  audience  lets  you  op(mize  your  marke(ng  

budget  based  on  the  users  who  are  closest  to  conver(ng.  “   „  


Testing Remarketing is complex and it won’t be getting any simpler. The best way to find out which audience works best for your objectives is to test.

Deeplinking Whenever possible, deeplink to where users back to where they were to complete the action. Especially if you are using custom messages or product based remarketing.


Invest in appropriate creatives Your remarketing audiences are also your most qualitative ones. Show them your best creatives, and customise the message.

Test button & time range To save time when testing out segments, use test button and short time range.


User bucket dimension Way to segment user randomly.

Takeaways 1.  Remarketing is always on

2.  Use data •  Understand your business & product cycle •  Understand user’s buying cycle

3.  Deliver a positive user experience •  Frequency capping, •  Deeplinking

4.  Use technology •  Use advanced segmentation •  Use Smart Lists

5.  Always be testing !