Julia Szych. How to make Cabbage and mushrooms dumplings.

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Julia Szych. How to make Cabbage and mushrooms dumplings.

Julia Szych

How to make

Cabbage and mushrooms dumplings


● 500 g (scant 4,5 cup) wheat flour

● 75 ml (0,3 cup) milk

● 1 tablespoon melted butter

● 100 ml (0,4 cup) water


● 500 g sour cabbage

● 500 g sweet cabbage

● 50 g dried forest


● Salt, pepper● 3 tablespoons oil

● 1 onion

FILLING PREPARATION● Firstly, soak mushrooms in water about 2 hours

● Next, cook them, strain and chop up small

● Press sour cabbage

● Shred sweet cabbage and stew it with butter

● Peel, chop and fry onion on oil until softened

● Then mix it with mushrooms and add to cabbages

● Stew the mixture until the liquid evaporates

● Finally, temper with salt and pepper to your taste

DOUGHT PREPARATION● Sift the flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt

● Pour 150 ml hot milk and stir the ingredients together

● Add about 200 ml warm water and quickly knead a dough

● It should be flexible, soft and homogeneous

● Roll out the dough thinly on a floured board

● Using a round cup or glass, cut out circles.

● Put the filling on each dough circle, fold it in half and carefully stick edges together

● Put them on a floured pastry board and next, cook in dribs and drabs in salted, boiling water

● When the dumplings flow out, cook them further 2-3 minutes and then, take out with a skimmer