Judicial presentation

Post on 12-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Judicial presentation

Judicial Branch

Justices :

GinsburgThomas Roberts




Scalia Kennedy

Celina Sotomayor

First Hispanic Justice Third female justice Serving Since 2009 Associate Justice

Stephen Breyer

Serving since 1994 More Liberal Justice Associate Justice Chief Judge of United

States Court of Appeals for First Circuit

Samuel Alito

Serving since 2006 Associate Justice

Elena Kagan

Serving since 2010 Fourth female justice Associate Justice

Clarence Thomas

Second African American Serving since 1991 Judge of United States

Court of Appeals for district of Columbia Circuit

Associate Justice

Antonin Scalia

Associate Justice Serving Since 1986 Longest serving justice Conservative

Anthony Kenedy

Serving Since 1998 Associate Justice “Swing” Vote

Ruth Ginsburg

Serving Since 1993 Second Female Justice First Jewish Justice Associate Justice

John Roberts

Serving Since 2005 Chief Justice Conservative 17th Chief Justice


Interprets Law Constitute Tribunals Leads Judicial Branch Evaluates constitutionality Settles disputes between states Hears cases involving the constitution

and federal laws on appeal Makes sure individual rights are


Requirements For Justices

Good Behavior Otherwise none

How they decide on cases

Interpret the constitution and how it applies to the case

Other Federal Courts

Inferior courts

Federal courts below Supreme Court

94 inferior Courts

Court of claims

Federal Courts

U.S. tax court

Trail Court

Court of Customs

Former Federal Court


What does the court of customs do now?

Why are some justices conservative or Liberal?


The Inferior courts are to the supreme court as a working person is to there boss

By Celia Golod