JR3PCI by J. Norberto Pires Installation Example.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of JR3PCI by J. Norberto Pires Installation Example.


by J. Norberto Pires

Installation Example

Board: JR3PCI with 4 channelsVendor ID: Hex 1762Device ID: Hex 3114

Operating System: Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3 (current example)

Other operating systems tested: Windows 95/98/Me/XP/NT4

1. Power Down the computer and insert the board into a PCI slot. Power up the computer. 2. Windows should detect the board and ask you to install it. Wait. You need to install a driver first. 3. Download the necessary files from http://robotics.dem.uc.pt/norberto/jr3pci/

4. Unzip the files to one of your hard disks.

5. Open a command window and type like bellow:

6. After this step your computer management window should look like:

7. The Plug & Play software must be addressed now. You should have windows likethis in your desktop:

8. Say Next. Next window should appear.

9. Select Search for a suitable driver, and click Next. Next window should appear.

10. Specify a location, and click Next. Next window should appear.

11. Browse to where the software is located, and click OK. Next window should appear.

12. Windows installs software and you get the window.

13. After this your computer management should look like:

14. Please run the JR3PCI application to check installation and register driver.


Thanks for using my tools.

J. Norberto Pires

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