Journal Clubs for Professional Development

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Understanding the concept of a journal club, why to choose it as a CPD activity and how to set it up

Transcript of Journal Clubs for Professional Development

Journal Clubs: Secrets to Success

Health Career Advice and Guidance

Learning Objectives

Understand what a journal club isUnderstand how to set up a successful journal club

Be familiar with the concept of critical evaluation of literature

What is a journal club? Usually a group of professionals who

meet regularly to critically evaluate recent research & implications for practice

Can be used as a method of exploring effectiveness of commonplace practice

Method of exploring ‘best practice’ Can be single or multi discipline Forum for ensuring evidence based


Why implement a Journal Club? Critically evaluate

research findings Discuss/debate with

peers in group Explore

implementation into practice

Forum for supporting EBP

EBP required of all health professionals

Evidence Based Practice

Decision making to promote health/provide care

Integrating evidence with practitioner experience

Include values & preferences of patients/service users

Compatible with environmental & organisational context

Steps to follow

Journal Club Process

Setting up a Journal Club Who is involved? Single profession/ MultidisciplineTeam/Department/Service

TimingHow frequently? How long? Indefinitely or for

set duration?

Who is leading the club?

PurposeAsking a question: PICOAcquiring the evidence: systematic database

searching Appraising the evidence: using templates for

qualitative and quantitative research Applying (implement) the evidence: mindful of

change management theory Assessing (evaluate) the impact of the evidence: measuring effectiveness of new intervention


Asking a PICO question

Acquiring Evidence Database searching


Appraising the evidence – things to consider Aim/Objective of the study Study design (systematic review, cohort, RCT, qualitative study etc.) Setting/ Participants Intervention investigated (details of methods)] Outcome measures Main findings Conclusions Clinical Relevance

Applying the evidence Can the evidence be applied to practice? Consider costs, ethics, impact on others

If yes, what do you want to achieve, and in what timeframe? Do you need buy in from others?

If no, do you need to take the concept up the chain to get support?

Assessing impact How will you assess the impact of

implementing evidence into practice?

Do you need to include outcome measures?

How long will impact be measured for?

What criteria for considering successful & maintaining change?

How to sustain a journal club Maintain an attendance record for

CPD portfolios Ensure group agreement on how to

run the sessions Ensure dedicated core group of

people involved Mechanisms to monitor impact of

journal club Keep it relevant to clinical practice

Review success of journal club Was the PICO question answered? Was the club well led? Was the discussion well organised? Were resources easy to access? Was there adequate time? Were the findings applicable to

practice? Can the changes be supported into

clinical practice?

Next step?Set another PICO questionRequest suggestions & feedback from group

Offer opportunity for new leader of club

Request support if needed for increasing access to articles

References Metcalfe, C., Lewin, R., Wisher, S., Perry, S.,

Bannigan, K., Moffett, J.K. (2001). Barriers to implementing the evidence base in four NHS therapies: Dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists. Physiotherapy, 87(8), 433-441.

Plastow, N. (2006). Implementing evidence-based practice: A model for change. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 13(10), 464-469.

Sherratt, C. (2005) The journal club: A method for occupational therapists to bridge the theory-practice gap. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(7), 301-306.