Joshua and the Battle of Jericho - Adventures in Mommydom · One day as David sat in his throne...

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Transcript of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho - Adventures in Mommydom · One day as David sat in his throne...

David’s Folly 2 Samuel 11:1-21:39



It was spring time and Israel was at war again. King David had sent the army off to attack the Ammonites, but David stayed home. One day David was bored, he wandered around the palace a while and finally ended up on the roof. While he was there he saw a beautiful woman. “Who is she?” he wondered. David sent servants out to find her. “Her name is Bathsheba. She is the wife of Uriah, he is off with the other soldiers,” said his servant. “Bring her here, I want to meet her,” David said. And they did, David acted like she wasn’t married to Uriah, instead he treated her like she was his wife.



Then she sent David a message saying she was pregnant. David frantically tried to cover up his mistake, but nothing worked. Finally, he told Joab to put Uriah in the battle where he would be killed. When David heard Uriah was dead, he married Bathsheba. He heaved a sigh of relief, no one had found out. One day as David sat in his throne room, the prophet Nathan came in. David greeted him happily, “Why have you come Nathan?” “I have a situation for you. There are two men, neighbors, the first is very rich. He has many flocks and fields. His neighbor is poor. He only has one sheep. He treated it as his own child.”



“One day, a guest came to the rich man. The rich man took his neighbor’s lamb and cooked it for his guest. What should happen to the rich man?” David jumped to his feet in anger, “He deserves to die! He will pay for four sheep because he had no pity.” Nathan looked in sorrow at David. “You are that man. God says, ‘I anointed you king. I chose you to rule my people. I gave you wives, a palace, but this was not enough. You wanted another man’s wife. Then you took his life. Do you love Me so little?” David sat back in shock and Nathan continued, “God says, ‘Because of this the sword will not leave your house. Someone will steal your kingdom and your wives. Your sin was done secretly, but your punishment will be public.”



David looked up with tears in his eyes, “I have sinned.” “God has forgiven you, and you will not die, but your new son will die,” then Nathan left David alone. David watched as his son became sick. He went to his room, there he cried and prayed to God. He ate no food and would not move.



Finally, the baby died. Everyone was afraid to tell David because of his great sorrow. But David heard them whispering and figured it out. He got up, took a bath and worshipped God. “What are you doing?” everyone asked. “Why don’t you cry now?” “While he still lived I asked God to spare him. But now, how can I bring him back?” Then David comforted Bathsheba and God gave her a new son, Solomon. Because David had many wives, he also had many children. Some got along better than others.



One of David’s sons, Amnon, hurt his sister Tamar very badly. But David did not punish Amnon for what he did. He didn’t know how to punish his son. His brother, Absalom, loved his sister Tamar very much. He was furious that David had done nothing. He plotted revenge for two years. Finally the time came, he invited all of his brothers to a party far from Jerusalem. When they were all drunk and not able to fight, Absalom killed Amnon. David heard about Amnon’s murder and told Absalom not to come back. Eventually he did let Absalom come back, but Absalom was still mad.



Absalom started meeting with people and telling them what a great king he would make. People started to believe Absalom, after a while they started saying he should be king instead of David. Absalom thought they were right and asked everyone to meet him at Hebron, there he declared himself king. With his army he started to march on Jerusalem. Word got to David and he packed up his household. Abithar the priest started to follow David too, but David stopped him. “No,” David said, “If God wants me to return I will, but the people need to hear God’s Word.” Abithar went back, and he sent David all the news about Absolam.



As David left, the people of Jerusalem cried for him, and hugged him. They passed David’s servants food and drinks. But not everyone was sad to see David go. Abishai, Saul’s relative, pushed forward. “You are being punished for murdering King Saul and his family. God is punishing you for your sins.” David’s generals started to pull their swords, but David stopped them. “No, if this is from God then let him speak. If not, God will punish him.” David continued on and camped on the Mount of Olives. He sent one of his men, Hushai, to spy on Absalom and give him bad information. Hushai sent word to David through other spies. David quickly devised a plan and gave everyone orders on how to win back his kingdom.



“I only ask you to capture Absalom, not kill him,” David said as he started to put on his weapons. “Sir,” said his soldiers, “We fight for you. If you die this war is in vain. Please stay behind.” David stared at them a moment, then sat back down. David’s army defeated Absalom’s army. Absalom tried to ride off, but his long hair became entangled in the branches of a tree. Joab, David’s general, saw Absalom and killed him. He sent a messenger with news of the battle to David. The messenger nervously told David everything. David stumbled back, sitting on a stump and cried for his son.



Joab heard David crying and pulled him aside. “You dishonor the men who fought and died for you today. This should be a day of celebration, but you sit here and cry.” Joab said. David realized Joab was right. He cleaned up and led his army back to Jerusalem. There he called the remaining rebels. “Because this is a day of celebration you will not be punished if you swear loyalty to the crown.” Then David called in those who had helped him, and gave them rich rewards.



At the end of his life, David had to put down one last rebellion. Adonijah, David’s son, set himself up as king and challenged anyone to stop him from taking over. “Who can stop me? David is an old man drooling in his sleep.” So, Nathan, Bathsheba, and David conferred together and proclaimed Solomon as the next king when David died. Adonijah’s followers heard this and ran for their lives. Adonijah begged Solomon for mercy. “I will grant you mercy,” Solomon said. Before David died he called Solomon in to give him some final advice.



“You are about to be king of Israel. Follow God, when you don’t know what to do ask God for wisdom. He will grant it to you. Remember, God has promised as long as you follow Him, you and your son will be king. Do not forget that promise.” David blessed his son, Solomon and then he died.


Questions Younger Kids

1. What happened because of David’s sin? 2. How did Absalom trick people? 3. How did David trust God when Absalom took

Jerusalem? Middle Kids

1. Read 2 Samuel 12:12. Can you hide your sin completely?

2. Read 2 Samuel 16:10. Did David defend himself from these insults? At what point did you defend yourself?

3. Read 2 Samuel 19:5-7. How does Joab respond to David’s crying? Who do you know that corrects you and can show you where you’re wrong?

4. Read 2 Samuel 23:39. Who is listed there? Why is he important? If you’re not sure read 2 Samuel 11:3.


Older Guys 1. Read 2 Samuel 11:1-15. Compare David’s

actions with Uriah. 2. Read 2 Samuel 12:16 and 22-23. Does

prayer change God’s mind? Read Genesis 18:23-32.

3. Read 2 Samuel 15:30 and Mathew 26:30 and 36-46. What parallels are there between these two passages?

4. Read 2 Samuel 18:11-15. Was Joab wise to kill Absalom?


Because this is a more serious passage there are not activities relating specifically to the story, but there is an overview of David’s life game. 1. Read Psalm 51. David wrote this to confess

his sins to God. Take some time to write your sins down. Then go outside and burn them.

2. Play “David, Bathsheba, Lion,” together. To make it a bit sillier in a large group, the loser of a pairing has to hold on to the shoulders of the winner and follow them as they challenge


another group. This continues until the entire group is two long lines following around and there is a winner for the entire group. David beats lion with his slingshot Lion scares Bathsheba with his claws Bathsheba defeats David with her beauty


1. David and Bathsheba lesson-

2. David and Absalom-