Jornal Sep13 Screen

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Transcript of Jornal Sep13 Screen

Monthly NewsletterSeptember 2013

In This Issue

Page 6: Why Brazilian friends can enrich your experience of culture, country and city.

Immigration in SP

Page 8: Our city is made up of an amazing mosaic of immigrants. Read about the history of their arrival.

The American Society of São Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Our Mission

In This Issue

Save the DateSave the DateSep 14th - INC Dicas Launch PartySep 19th - VIP CocktailOct 26th - Halloween PartyOct 31st - Halloween Happy HourNov 9th - Angel PartyDec 6th - Holiday Party

With a little help...


Page 13: Our guide to playing golf in and around São Paulo.

November 9: Mark Your CalendarsWith two months left till the American

Society Angel Party, there’s still a lot of work to do. We need you!

The Angel Party is a Christmas party held each year, this year on November 9, for 240 of the children in day care centers, orphanages, foster homes and educational programs that are funded by the American Society. The party is held at Chapel School and the kids have a great day of food, games and fun. At the end of the party, Santa Claus comes and gives each child a special gift bag with presents for just that child.

We’re still in need of people to help Santa by shopping for all the items in one child’s bag. The list looks like this: tennis shoes, a backpack, a toy of R$70 or more, pants and a shirt, socks, underwear, a coat or sweatshirt and some candy.

There’s a lot of work to be done and we need your help! Contact us if you can help in any of the following ways:

- To sponsor a child: To help on the organizing committee: To donate cash for the party or for shopping for children: To help on bag-organizing day, end

October: To help on the day of the party, November 9:

Come help make the fourteenth Angel Party the best party yet! ContactsEileen Tasso: etassobrazil@gmail.comSue Banman Sileci:

Come join us in celebrating an evening of fun and friends while we recognize those companies, individuals and Helping Hands and Patron members for their contributions to The American Society. Each year we honor those who have donated to AmSoc with a special evening of “thanks.”

This year’s event will be on September 19th at a wonderful location in Moema. Last year over 100 people attended and we expect this year to be even bigger. Contact the AmSoc office to learn how you can register and obtain all the relevant details.

Hope to see you there!

Annual VIP Cocktail Party

One of the most gratifying feelings I have while living in Brazil is telling people about The American Society of São Paulo and the great work that our members and partners

perform to support the American

traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Throughout the years, AmSoc has developed strong partnerships with local businesses, entrepreneurs and artists that have brought tremendous financial resources in the form of cash and service donations and valuable works of art and jewelry.

These resources have been distributed to the various orphanages, schools and community centers we support as well as help to cover our administrative costs. We cannot survive without this assistance and it is important to recognize our benefactors that help to brighten the futures of needy children in São Paulo.

At our annual VIP Cocktail event we recognize these very generous companies and individuals. Last year’s event hosted over 100 people and featured the introduction of our new Consul General, Dennis Hankins, who is a strong supporter of AmSoc.

We can also recognize our many contributors by frequenting their establishments. We have many restaurants, salons, boutiques and service providers that pay to advertise in our monthly Forum and annual Yearbook and I encourage everyone to visit their locations and use their services.

My wife Carol and I often find ourselves stopping by PJ Clarke’s for a hamburger and fries on a Saturday afternoon and visiting the gallery of David Dalmau who has so generously

donated some of his best works of art to AmSoc. Just last May one of Dalmau’s works sold at our Annual Gala auction for over R$14,000.

As members, we can also help out individually by donating to the Community Action Committee (CAC) OpEx Charity Fund. This fund was established to provide the American Society-supported institutions with critical money needed to maintain their daily operations. You can consider a single or monthly donations of any amount. All you need to do is contact the AmSoc office.

We also need your help to organize or assist at any of the many events we host. Children’s parties, athletics and social events all require groups of people to organize, decorate and simply help out. Our CAC also conducts numerous canned-food, clothing and cleaning supply drives to benefit these organizations. Please contact the AmSoc office if you would like to help out and get involved.

Tell your friends about AmSoc. We encourage all English-speaking residents of São Paulo to become members. It is difficult to reach out to all the Americans and friends coming to São Paulo, and bringing new friends into AmSoc is a great way to assist them in integrating with fellow Americans, Brazilians, other nationalities and local cultures. Encourage yourself and friends to become “Helping Hands” members with an annual membership fee of R$700 and a greater portion going directly to CAC.

Finally, keep a close eye on the AmSoc activity calendar as the remainder of 2013 is already packed with great events. The VIP Cocktail, adult softball and golf tournaments, Little League, happy hours, the Angel Party, childrens’ Halloween party, Marine Ball, Thanksgiving service, and finally, the Christmas Party on December 6th held at a beautiful local residence.


President’s Corner

By Frank Pierce, AmSoc president

Forum September2

Name: Marco Antonio Slusser Franca Origin, time here: Born in São Paulo (January 19, 1963), but Mother from Marietta, Ohio.

Why São Paulo: Father was a physician in São Paulo. Best things so far: My two children, Arianna (23) and Luiz Felipe (11). Early frustrations: No bagels, No Samuel Adams beer, No connectivity to US TV/Radio, No dishwasher, No Ohio State football games… Have ‘saudade’ for anything back home: Mom. Progress with Portuguese: Fully bi-lingual. Favorite place to hang out: Places: Rodeio, Vento Haragano, Varanda…

New Member

The American Societyof São Paulo

Forum 32013

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout

Ernest White II, staff writer

Forum is printed by EGB.(

Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff.

Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of São Paulo

Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 São Paulo, SPTel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155email the editor:

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by


ut F



Welcome to Our New MembersWelcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support!

CAC NewsWe are looking for new committee members. If interested please contact Eileen Tasso,

Last Name Name Spouse Membership Company Nationality

CARLOS Pérsio CARLOS Maria DOMARCO Family Patron Membership Lawyer Brazilian

CHAMBERS Roderick CHAMBERS Chawanna CHAMBERS Family Patron Membership US Consulate São Paulo USA

CURY Jorge CURY Family Patron Membership Brazilian

DEGIORGIS Maria DEGIORGIS Carlos ARAUJO Family Membership Argentinean

DRETZKA Edna DRETZKA Miguel LAVADO Family Membership USA

DRIGGS Andrea DRIGGS Ben DRIGGS Family Membership Honeywell USA

FERNANDES Luis FERNANDES Magali FERNANDES Family Patron Membership Bausch+Lomb/ Valeant Pharmaceuticals


FRANCA Wanor FRANCA Raegan FRANCA Family Membership Openlink American

LE Carrie LE Phong LE Family Patron Membership USA

LOPES Jr. Gilberto Lima LOPES Jr. Yocklem LI Helping Hands Membership Brazilian

LUCA Foltran LUCA SarconeFRANCESCA Family Membership Alitalia C.A.I. Italian

MAGALHÃES Ana Cristina Magalhães Single Patron Membership Olana comunicações Brazilian

MURRAY Bridgette MURRAY Daniel MURRAY Family Membership Delta Airlines USA

MURRAY Linda MURRAY Aaron Murray Family Patron Membership Medtronic USA

OLIVEIRA Roberto OLIVEIRA Renata OLIVEIRA Family Patron Membership Gaviation Analise de Dados Aeronauticos


SCHULEMAN Andrew SCHULEMAN Jodi SCHULEMAN Family Membership Laureate Education Inc. USA

TILLEY Stacey TILLEY Heath TILLEY Family Membership Australian

WEARTHERLY Kaitlin WEARTHERLY Michael RANEY Family Membership USA

Forum September4

By Chris Maughan, American Consulate

Consulate Corner: Green Card Questions Answered

Attention all green card holders! If you’ve recently had a child, odds are that your days are quite busy right now. The good news is that getting everything in order for your child who was born in Brazil to go with you back to the United States is easier than you may think. The U.S. government no longer issues special documentation for children born abroad to a parent or parents who are Legal Permanent Residents of the United States. To travel with you to the United States, the child does not need a green card or a transportation letter. Your child does need a valid passport issued by his or her country of nationality and his or her original birth certificate, and must travel with you, a parent who has a valid green card, on your first trip back to the United States.

U.S. Mission Brazil can facilitate such travel by providing a document that explains relevant provisions of

U.S. law to the airline. The document can reassure the airline that children born under these conditions are eligible to travel to the United States without a visa or green card. Parents interested

in obtaining this letter should contact the immigrant visa unit of the U.S. Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, at

For your child to travel under this provision he or she must meet all the below criteria:

- he or she must travel to the United States prior to his or her second

birthday; - he or she must be with you; - you must be returning to the United

States for the first time after the birth of your child; and

- you must have maintained your Legal Permanent Residence status.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers at ports of entry are aware that children born abroad to green card holders are eligible for green cards themselves. The process of soliciting a green card on behalf of the child is done through United States

Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) after you and your child have arrived in the United States.

So for now, relax and know that the hardest part of the trip will be keeping your child happy during the long flight home. For more information, visit

The American Societyof São Paulo

2013 Forum 5

Many years ago, when we were still in the butterflies stage of dating, my husband and I went for what I thought would be a romantic adventure here in São Paulo. The night – which I will never forget, though probably for reasons other than what you are thinking – was during one of my many visits from New York City to Brazil at the beginning of our budding courtship.

Our evening began like many other in São Paulo, at least if you are married to, or dating, a Brazilian: Saturday, 7 pm, and we were just starting to approach the topic of what we might like to do in the hours ahead of us. My husband suggested innocently enough that we have a nice dinner somewhere and then after, head to a place he knew where we could go go-karting.

So no, I’ve never actually seen a chick flick where the lead couple go-karts together, but can’t you just picture it? I certainly could. The two of us, under the stars, making our way around a miniature track, driving maybe 10 miles per hour. He’d pass me, I’d pass him; we’d laugh as we tried to bump our cars into each other. Needless to say, I readily agreed to the idea.

I no longer remember where we had dinner that night; instead, my memory begins the moment we arrived at the track. For starters, I deducted from the lack of outdoor activity that this was, in fact, an indoor karting enterprise. No problem, I thought. No stars, but no

problem.My husband entered the building

first and as soon as he opened the door, it hit me: The stink of burning gasoline combined with the whine of go-karts. And these were no mere go-karts – the friendly little cars with electric engines from my amusement park days. No, these were miniature Formula 1 race cars whizzing around a track that

gave new definition to hairpin curves. My cute romantic comedy had just turned into Driven with Sylvester Stallone.

O r d i n a r i l y , I would have demurred. Insisted that I just cheer my husband on from the sidelines. But I didn’t want to let him down (we were still just dating, remember),

so I reluctantly accepted the challenge. We queued up to wait our turn and in addition to coveralls, helmets and goggles (oh my), we were given a quick talk about how to maneuver the karts safely. My husband’s two-second translation of the two-minute talk did nothing to calm my increasingly jittery nerves.

When the moment arrived for us to hit the track, the staff wisely placed me at the end of the lineup. As they raised the flag to let us go, I can only say the sensation was a bit like when I was in labor – I was scared as all get out, but there was no turning back now.

I crashed about 10 seconds out of the gate on the first curve and remained stuck there until a worker ran across the track and helped me. I went on my way again, only to ricochet off a pile of rubber tires on the next turn – and this time it actually hurt. That’s when I resolved to drive slowly even though people were beginning to lap me, two times, then three times, until eventually I lost count.

Go-Karting Brazilian StyleBy Maureen Kennedy Alves

Taking bookings now for Xmas card and album sessions

When the 15 minutes of hell were finally over, I pulled into the starting gate, got out of the kart, and asked my husband what in the world made him think I would enjoy that. Our drive home was filled mostly with silence, punctuated by an occasional “Really?!” as I thought about him suggesting karting as a date night. (He has since done penance by watching countless chick flicks with me).

I don’t know many things for sure in life. But I do know, I will never ever go-kart in São Paulo again. However, for those of you who like to drive fast around tight curves, the city offers many tracks where you can express your inner Ayrton Senna. Here are just a few:

Kartódromo Internacional Granja

Kartódromo Aldeia da

Kart in Jaguaré

Forum September6

Brazilian Friends Are Vital

Dr. Wendy M. SmithCredentialed Learning Specialist

55 (11) 3885.7256 [office]55 (11) 9.9236.5267 [mobile]


Cognitive weaknesses are a result of ongoing learning

struggles. Fortunately, obstacles can be overcome and

improved significantly.

Specializing in sensory cognitivetreatment for Autism Spectrum Disorders, AD/HD, Learning and Communication Disorders, and

Behavior Modification.

In-depth pre- and post testing for the following areas:

Initial and Follow-up Consultations include:

Identification of strengths and areas for improvementRecommendations for follow-up treatment and/or supportHomeschooling available

• Expressive Language• Mathematics• Phonology• Reading• Written Expression

Comprehensive Evaluation

I realize how important it is to have Brazilian friends while living here in Brazil. American friends, or at least English-speaking friends, are vital, of course, but Brazilian friends provide a crucial perspective.

I find that I talk to myself a great deal during the day, mostly interior monologues (though sometimes I do speak to my non-verbally responsive office mates). I see the world around me and try to understand it: the interactions with men and women, the invisibility

of the poor, a culture where trash on the ground is acceptable, homes with barbed-wire-topped walls are the norm, and a populace that lives with blatant inequalities and still keeps its sense of hospitality and humor.

Still, those are my own thoughts, and I need the perspective of native Brazilians against which to test my own impressions.

When my monologues become dialogues, reality expands. New perspectives opens and comprehension shifts. The journey, taken with friends, then shapes my thinking and style.

My Portuguese teacher, Ana Lucia, is a tremendous touchstone for me.

During our hour-long dialogues, I learn my language by talking about diverse subjects, whether some book I’m currently editing or observations I’ve made about Brazil. She’s marvelous about listening to what I have to say (and helping me to say it correctly in Portuguese), and then sharing her point of view (always in Portuguese, as well). Sometimes she agrees, and other times she suggests a lack of dimension in my

conclusions.Most of my errors are a result of my

not understanding the Brazilian culture, the Brazilian mindset. Ana Lucia opens doors in my mind, allowing new input and comprehension.

Sometimes, it’s a matter of understanding the mixture of European and African and native heritage into a blend that is uniquely Brazilian. Other times, it’s understanding that the cities have exploded in population and the infrastructure hasn’t managed to keep pace. Change takes time, and beneficial change takes longer.

Other Brazilian friends whom I’ve met through the International Newcomers Club and the AmSoc also provide much-needed perspective, and share their feedback on a rapidly transforming city and metropolitan lifestyle. The city has been in upheaval in the last ten years, and even they don’t always understand what’s going on with their culture. But they love their city and share their hopes.

Together, we try to make sense of this kaleidoscopic city of São Paulo.

by Ann Hanson

Ana Lucia explaining the foreign fruits to me. Here, a cashew fruit. (We eat the nuts on top, and they make a juice out of the fruit.)

The American Societyof São Paulo

2013 Forum 7

Board bio - Luis Fernando Barros

Annual Flower ShowThe São Paulo Garden Club presents their Annual Flower Show ‘Reino Vegetal’ at the Brazilian British CentreRua Ferreira de Araujo 741Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP

By kind permission of the Cultura Inglesa The exhibition is open to the general public (Free Admission)Saturday, 28th September, 2013 from 10 am to 6.30 pmSunday, 29th September, 2013 from 10 am to 5.30 pm

An unexplained fascination. This phrase describes Luis Fernando´s sentiment about the US since he was very young. That fascination later became an objective to learn English, work for an American Company and live there to experience the “American way”.

Luis Fernando was born and raised in São Paulo, son of Brazilian parents. He is married to Roberta Barros, who is an artist and trilingual teacher (Portuguese, Spanish and English) and has two daughters, Victoria (14) and Carolina (8). He started pursuing his American dream very early and signed up for English classes at a local English school.

With lots of dedication and love for the language he was fluent at age 15 and started selling traveler checks at a local Brazilian bank at age 16. Not long after he joined KMPG auditing, where he was able to have his first contact with Americans at work.

Following his dream of living in the US, he was offered a position in Miami in 1995 with American Express, where he spent 17 years in different positions and achieving his personal objective

of living abroad. He lived 10 years in Miami where his two daughters were born. Later he was an expat in Mexico City for two years and then returned to the US and lived in New Jersey for another two years.

An unexplained home sickness

brought the Barros family back to São Paulo where it all began, but things had changed for them. Luis and his wife felt Brazil was not the same; as they were not the same young couple that had left Brazil 14 years ago.

That is when Julie Gattaz, a good friend, introduced them to the American Society of São Paulo. They started joining as members and enjoyed some events like Halloween and welcome cocktails.

“The US was not that far away, in fact it was very close thanks to the American Society”, said Luis Fernando.

He was invited to join the board in early 2012 and started to get involved with Sponsorships and the VIP cocktail. Luis also helps with Little League

enrollments and is just starting a project with bilingual schools for memberships.

Luis Fernando is now Vice President and GM of Aimia, a worldwide leader in Loyalty Management.

He holds a bachelor’s degree from PUC-SP Brazil and an MBA in Global Management from University of Phoenix. He also studied at York University and Schullick School of

Business in Toronto, Canada. Here in São Paulo Luis is a regular

guest speaker at the University of Pittsburgh São Paulo campus where he contributes to EMBA strategic management classes.

In his free time Luis Fernando and his family enjoy the outdoors, skiing and travelling to new places. Luis Fernando is a long distance runner and likes to read biographies.

Forum September8

Immigration and the Cultural Mosaic of São PauloBy Ernest White II, Staff Writer

São Paulo is not only the most populous city – and state – in Brazil, but it is also arguably the most multicultural city in Brazil. Among the city’s 11 million inhabitants are transplants from the four corners of Brazil, expats from all over the globe, the descendants of immigrants from Europe and Africa, and – yes – more than a few indigenous groups. While the entire country has been a draw for disparate peoples over the course of five centuries, the city of São Paulo itself has been the country’s biggest magnet for newcomers, at least over the last 150 years. And the city’s demographics, as well as its culture, reflect these waves of migration.

It Began When Slavery EndedThe end of slavery in 1888 – Brazil

was the last country in the Americas to abolish the practice –, coupled with the dire need for labor on the lucrative coffee plantations of São Paulo state, fueled immigration into Brazil generally, and São Paulo particularly. In fact, the need for strong bodies was so great, especially as most coffee planters refused to pay recently emancipated blacks for the same work they had previously done for free, that the state government even subsidized the relocation of would-be farm workers from the poverty-stricken countries of Italy, Portugal, and Spain.

In the last decade of the 19th century, Brazil ranked fourth in the number of immigrants to the Americas – 3.8 million newcomers – many of whom were subsidized by the Brazilian government, which covered the travel expenses and accommodation of the immigrants. These immigrants were joined by those who paid their own way from places such as Germany, Austria-Hungary, Japan, Romania, Armenia, Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Syria, and Poland.

The poor treatment of the immigrants, however, led to a temporary ban on immigration to Brazil by the Italian government in 1902, which led to

a severe decline in the number of Europeans entering the country and set the stage for those who didn’t “make it” after a given time to return to their country, in the event the country would even have that person back. In the years leading up to the First World War, however, immigration again climbed and Italians represented over half of the foreign immigrants to Brazil, who landed by and large in the burgeoning city of São Paulo, its surrounding rural areas, and the southernmost states of the country.

Subsidized immigration focused mainly on the relocation of single young men and families with children, landed at the port of Santos, then taken by train to the Hospedaria dos Imigrantes (Inn of the Immigrants) in São Paulo. Located in the centrally located neighborhood of Bom Retiro, and later in nearby Brás, the Hospedaria dos Imigrantes was designed to house the newcomers during their first few days in São Paulo.

In general, the immigrants would stay there for a short time until their employment contracts were ironed out. At its peak, according to the Public Archives of São Paulo State, the Hospedaria dos Imigrantes housed over 600,000 immigrants during the interwar years between 1922 and 1930. These immigrants forever changed the face of a Brazil that had been dominated since its inception as a colony by its Portuguese, African, and indigenous cultural roots.

In 1927, already on the decline, the subsidy policy was terminated in 1927. By 1930, with a crisis caused by the overproduction of coffee as well as the worldwide effects of the Great Depression in the United States, the Brazilian government imposed restrictions on immigration until the end of the Second World War. Once immigration picked up again, however, it was to man the development of industry instead of agricultural work. By the mid-20th century, Brazil had the

largest population of Italians outside of Italy as well as the largest population of Japanese outside of Japan, with the ethnic enclaves of Mooca and Bixiga becoming centers of the vast Italian community, and Liberdade the heart of the Japanese community. Liberdade, however, has since become more of a symbol of the culture than the actual center of Japanese daily life, as more recent immigrants from China and Korea have established themselves in the neighborhood and in Bom Retiro, as well.

Migration from WithinAs immigrants from abroad

melded into Brazilian society, many thousands of homegrown Brazilians in more impoverished parts of the country began to look farther afield for prosperity than their respective state capitals. A lingering, severe drought in the Northeast of Brazil sent scores of young people and families first to the cities along the Atlantic coast, and finally south to São Paulo in search of upward mobility.

These migrants – especially from states such as Bahia, Minas Girais, Maranhão, Paraná, Rio Grande do Norte, and Ceará – came in search of better-paying employment, but a large majority have found only marginalization on the outskirts of the city, commuting long distances to low-level jobs that still paid more than what the migrants would have earned in the Northeast.

These transplants from the great dry north – the sertão – brought with them the old traditions of the rural Northeast, a combination of religious beliefs and festivals that melded the cultures of three continents into a very Brazilian mishmash of song and celebration. The cultural influence of this group is seen most notably during June’s popular Festa Junina, when organizations throughout the city put on large country-style hoedowns and block parties. São Paulo’s Carnival

The American Societyof São Paulo

2010 Forum 92013

celebrations – yes, the city has its own Carnival, and Sambadrome, too – also reflect the Northeast, as many of the participants either hail from the region themselves or were inculcated in the traditions by relatives.

First Nations in the CityAccording to the local NGO Opção

Brasil, which organizes courses in indigenous education, there are 54 different indigenous ethnic groups represented in the state – 38 in the capital city alone. Just as many of the migrants from the country’s hinterlands arrive in São Paulo for work, a large majority live mainly in poor neighborhoods on the periphery.

The Guarani – Indians who lived in what became São Paulo state before the arrival of the Portuguese – are the only ethnic group that still lives in established villages within the limits of the city. Two of those villages, Krucutu and Tenonde Porã, are in the district of Parelheiros, in São Paulo’s Zona Sul. The third, Tekoah Itu, is located on the complete opposite side of town, in Zona Norte’s Pico do Jaragua. Combined, these villages have a population of around 3,000 Guarani. The other ethnic groups are scattered throughout the city, most, unfortunately, in lower-income areas. The challenge, according to Opção Brasil, is to continue the traditional indigenous collectivist culture in a modern and competitive society.

Brazilian Boom Draws All ComersMost recently the country’s economic

success has drawn new waves of immigrants and expats from around the globe. The increase in immigration from the rest of Latin America, as Bolivians, Paraguayans, Peruvians, and Haitians have come seeking better opportunities, often landing squarely in the favelas of São Paulo. Often without even money to pay rent, they are increasingly becoming involved with the landless movement and its controversial efforts for the legalization of housing.

Much of this immigration has been fueled by diplomatic agreements within the Mercosur commercial pact that allowed citizens of Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, and Peru the same civil and social rights as Brazilians, starting in

2009. Those expanded privileges allow immigrants from these countries some legal standing in their press for home ownership. Meanwhile, according to the Estado de São Paulo, large numbers of Bolivian immigrants often exploited in textile sweatshops in Bom Retiro and other areas of town. The São Paulo Association of Bolivian Residents estimates that around 300,000 Bolivians live in the city, most of whom without the proper work or immigration documents; in fact, only 90,000 are officially registered, according the the Ministry of Justice.

African immigrants, especially from Lusophone countries such as Angola and Mozambique, have also arrived in greater numbers, though many are facing difficulties in obtaining legal work. The Institute of the African Diaspora in Brazil reports that skilled and educated immigrants from African nations are repeatedly questioned about their credentials and have reported losing work to less-skilled immigrants from other places. Many of these immigrants, frequently college-educated, have settled in Centro and complain of a lack of governmental support to help them integrate into Brazilian society as productive members.

Immigration from wealthy countries, however, has also increased over the last five years, just as the Brazilian government explicitly stated its desire for more highly skilled immigration earlier this year.

While the annual number of work visas issued to foreigners still hasn’t cracked 75,000, the Ministry of Labor reports that professionals from the United States, Great Britain, and Germany make up the lion’s share, along with employees from emerging economies like the Philippines, India, and China.

Brazil’s legacy as an immigrant nation continues as new populations arrive with varied skills, but a singular desire to find fortune and happiness in South America’s biggest economy. The country’s renowned, multifaceted culture is all the better for it.

Right hand table source: h t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o rg / w i k i /Immigration_to_Brazil

Main groups in Brazil

Origin Population

Africans (1550–1850) 3000000

Portuguese (1500-1822) 800000

Portuguese, post-independence (1837–1968)


Italians (1836–1968) 1620344

Spaniards (1841–1968) 719555

Japanese (1908–1968) 343441

Russians (1871–1968) 319215

Lebanese (1871–1968) 300246

Germans (1836–1968) 240457

Austrians (1868–1968) 198457

Polish (1892–1968) 154078

French (1842–1968) 150341

Romanians (1908–1968) 140799

Americans (1884–1968) 98934

English (1847–1968) 78080

Lithuanians (1920–1963) 69002

Yugoslavs (1920–1968) 67726

Argentines (1884–1968) 55553

Syrians (1892–1968) 54394

Swiss (1820–1968) 51704

Greeks (1893–1968) 46684

Dutch (1884–1968) 45829

Hungarians (1908–1968) 43592

Uruguayans (1884–1968) 40836

Belgians (1847–1968) 39173

Chinese (1895–1968) 17996

Forum September10

It’s Jungle Time

Tired of traffic, people, concrete, avenues, cars and motoboys?

How about some JUNGLE TIME?

Travel to Manaus and visit the Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon is probably the most well known landmark of Brazil – it is all one can imagine and much more! Here are some amazing facts:

The Amazon is the world’s largest rainforest. Its land area represents 40% of Brazil’s territory. 1,800 species of birds 250 varieties of mammals are sheltered by an infinite assortment of trees and plants. The Amazon Rain Forest is directly responsible for the production of 50% of the world’s replenishable supply of oxygen. It is a paradise for scientists, photographers and fishermen. The world’s largest river basin contains 1,500 varieties of fish in a seemingly endless succession of rivers and tributaries.

The Amazon River and its tributaries make up 20% of the world’s supply of fresh water. Of the twenty largest rivers in the world, ten are in the Amazon

Basin. The Amazon River itself is 4,087 miles long (2,246 miles of which are in Brazilian territory). The force of the river at its mouth is enough to generate waves 12 feet high. Aquatic plant life on the Amazon is especially

exuberant. The best-known plants are the Victoria Régia water lilies, whose leaves sometimes grow to seven feet in diameter. Not surprisingly, waterways are the main access routes within the Amazon; and boats are the principal means of transportation.

The phenomenon of the Meeting of the Waters of the Negro and Solimões

rivers is the excursion most sought after by travelers. Located approximately ten Kilometers from Manaus, the two largest rivers of the region meet but do not mix for six kilometers creating a spectacle of the dark waters of the

Negro and the muddy waters of the Solimões, which then end up forming the Amazon on out the Atlantic Ocean. Differences in density, temperature, and velocity of the two rivers contributes to the occurrence of this phenomenon.

The Anavilhanas archipelago is the world’s largest freshwater jungle island grouping. This remote area is comprised of 370 islands, myriads of small creeks, pools and sand beaches, all formed by the ever-changing waters. As a naturalist’s paradise, it already fascinated

the famous Jacques Cousteau and allows visitors to marvel at the unique ecology of the Amazon. In addition to an astounding number of different species of vegetation, there are also monkeys, sloths and exotic birds that make their habitat in the tropical forest.

Located on the Rio Negro, just forty-five minutes by boat from Manaus, the

By Melissa Harkin

The American Societyof São Paulo

2013 Forum 11

January Ecological Park unites several ecosystems of the region and has the advantage of being easily accessible by travelers. The nine thousand hectare area contains terra firme, varzea, and igapó forests, and is operated by a tour association comprised of businesses from the sector with the permission of the state government. At this location, tourists can travel by canoe along the igapós, which are intersected by large and small trees with liana and vegetation typical of this ecosystem. At the Victoria Regia (Water Lily) lake, there is a rustic, yet secure, bridge that take the visitor to get to know this beautiful Amazonian flower.

Travel to Campo Grande and visit the Pantanal

This region is known worldwide by its great diversity and concentration of flora and fauna. The Pantanal is considered the cradle of a great variety of animal species, from birds to reptiles and is a unique place in the world, with plentiful aquatic resources and vegetation. These characteristics give the Pantanal some important titles such as the Third Largest Biosphere Reserve of the World and World Heritage Site (UNESCO). Wildlife in its most primitive form and men with their cattle farms share the same space. Along with the Amazon, the Pantanal is considered an example of the best of Brazil - untouched nature, ready to be seen and appreciated by those willing to treat themselves to this gift. It is in fact an amazing mixture of ecosystems with different sandscapes such as fields, floodplains and forests that may resemble the Amazonian Forest, Cerrado and Caatinga.

The Pantanal covers a very large region in Central West Brazil (it is comparable to the size of Portugal), a great part of it (138,000 square kilometers) is located in the west part of the states of Mato Grosso, and Mato Grosso do Sul. It is by definition the largest floodable prairie of the planet, crossed by many rivers, connected to the Paraguay River. It is a paradise for wildlife watchers and photographers because you may encounter a concentration of the many species living in the Pantanal. As many as 230 species of fishes, 650 species of

birds, 80 species of mammals and 50 species of reptiles have already been identified: the biggest concentration of wildlife in the Americas. In fact, many species that live in the Amazon and are next to impossible to see there can be viewed here in abundance. It is also an important migrating route for a number of bird species.

In the flooded season (generally from the end of December until March), the rivers overflow, making the region a large flooded plain with shallow waters. The fishes and reptiles separate to find their own way and the other animals concentrate in the dry areas (capão and cordilheiras). During this time, the means of transportation are horses, tractors and boats.

In the dry season (from June to the beginning of December) the water level lowers and the plain starts to show the well-defined rivers, many lagoons appear that may end up dry. You may find a great concentration of animals (mammals, birds and reptiles) feeding around these lagoons.

It is the back and forth movement of the waters that makes it possible for the Pantanal to house a wide range of fauna and flora species, both on land and in the water. The immense diversity can be confirmed by just looking around at dawn or dusk.

A short list of animals that you frequently or rarely see include:Common:

Birds: tabiru, heron, white necked heron, tiger-heron, toucan, blue macaw, hawk, caracara, kingfisher, lapwing, screamer, spoon bill, hornero, cardinal, jacana, greater rhea, seriema, parrot, parakeet, cormorant, necked ibis, woodpecker, etc.

Reptiles: alligator, etc.Mammals: capivara, pampa deer,

deer, coati, otter, great otter, wild pig, monkey, bugio, anteater, etc.Rare (it may be your lucky day):

Jaguar, anaconda, real heron, turtle, anta.

They live in the rivers, forests and lagoons, in a combination of colors and sounds that fascinates any observer.

Regarded as the largest part of the great depression in the Pantanal, and located in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the area of the Southern Pantanal covers two-thirds of the entire Pantanal.

INC DicasLaunch Party

On Saturday, September 14th, the INC will celebrate the new edition of the Dicas city guide to São Paulo. A handbook for newcomers to São Paulo, called by some ‘the must-have bible to the city’, filled with tips, information and recommendations by our members. Our club, International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo is famous for this publication and copies are spread throughout the city by our members, relocation companies and (international) schools.

We invite all newcomers, expats and others to join us at this party for an evening filled with fun, food and drinks, music and a charity raffle with beautiful prizes to support the children of Vila Acalanto.

Tickets can be bought via

When: Saturday, 14th of September, 20h00Where: Esporte Clube Sírio, Av. Indianópolis 1192, MoemaTickets: R$150For more information:

The main gateway to the Pantanal is the state capital city - Campo Grande, a planned city within a vast green area. Although only 200 km from the Pantanal, Campo Grande offers its visitors all the convenience of a quick and easy access to Pantanal.

Melissa Harkin runs a translationcompany called Melissa HarkinTranslations. Visit her website at or contact her at Special DISCOUNTS for AmSoc members

Forum September12

AmSoc SportsSoftball - AmSoc softball season gets under way

AmSoc will host its annual softball championship over two days on October 5th and 6th at the CT Yakult Baseball Park in Ibuina, which is located a bit past Cotia on the Raposo Tavares. Prior to the tournament, AmSoc has reserved fields at two American Schools in town to play some pick-up games. The schedule of softball dates is below.

Aug/31/2013pick-up gamesGraded School (1-4pm)

Sep/14/2013pick-up gamesGraded School (1-4pm)

Sep/21/2013pick-up gamesto be anounced shortly

Sep/28/2013pick-up gamesGraded School (1-4pm)

Oct/5 & 6/2013TournamentCT Yakult (9am-3pm)

Golf - AmSoc prepares for 8th Annual Challenge Golf Cup

This year´s Challenge Golf Cup (our version of the “Ryder Cup”) will return on October 18th to the Terras de São Jose Golf Club where the AmSoc team won its second of three “Munro Cups” over the Scots back in 2009. And last year the AmSoc team won its third Munro Cup at the beautifully manicured San Fernando Golf Course (see picture above). However, overall the Scots are leading the Americans with 4 Munro Cups to our 3. To prepare for

our upcoming match in October, John Kennedy, AmSoc´s team captain, will be organizing a “Golf Outing” at Terras de São Jose Golf Club in September (on a date to be determined shortly with an email to be sent to all members). The plan is to have a friendly “skins game” and some cocktails afterwards. If you´d like to join other AmSoc members in any of these golf outings, contact John Kennedy for the details (

The American Societyof São Paulo

2013 Forum 13

The city and neighboring towns offer high-level golf courses with beautiful surroundings and good food.

With a few thousand players, many people are unaware of the golf options available for those who live in São Paulo. This classic sport is still not part of the tourist attractions of one of the World’s largest cities, which is probably why it’s not always easy to find information on golf at hotels or in publications. Our city doesn’t have many options, but the courses open to the general public are relatively good and will probably surprise and provide members of the American Society with memorable moments. An easy start will be to get to know the FPG Golf Center, a golf academy that has become a meeting point for paulistano golfers. Conveniently located next to the Congonhas Airport, it has a driving range, a chipping and putting green, as well as, a small par 3 course. After training, stop by The Eagle Restaurant for a pizza, pasta or steak, located inside the facilities.

About a 40-minute drive from São Paulo, you’ll find one of the most intriguing and prettiest golf courses in the region: VistaVerde Golf Club. Located in Araçariguama, off the Castello Branco Highway, the course is set between valleys and hills surrounded by native vegetation. Its 18-hole course has generous greens. A good approach not always translates to good scores since players will have to develop the art of long putts to make par or celebrate a birdie.

If the golfer drives another 30 minutes on the same Castello Branco to Itu, he will reach Terras de São José Golf Club. With a course design that challenges players from tee to green, Terras de São José can be classified as one of the most technical courses in the region. If you continue a little bit more, you will reach Lago Azul Golf Club in Araçoiaba da Serra. The imposing club house built in the same style of the old coffee farm houses, is

surrounded by palm trees making it a very pleasant place. Service is nice and you can enjoy a menu that goes from traditional food from Minas Gerais to great snacks for those anxious to start playing. The course design is old school with small greens with less ondulation. This characteristic, with well positioned bunkers, fairways with strategic mounds and many trees, make Lago Azul an interesting mix of technical challenges with beautiful setting.

Back to São Paulo and driving down to the coast to Bertioga, you’ll find Riviera de São Lourenço with an 18-hole par 3 course that is a little gem. Wonderful greens, wide bunkers and distances that vary from 60 to 205 yards (on a windy day you’ll have to hit for 235). Each hole with its own unique feature and an unmistakable design, these are par threes you could find on a championship course. Riviera is worth the drive especially since after the game you can enjoy many great seafood oceanfront restaurants.

For those who don’t want to go far, a good option is the São Francisco Golf Club in the city of Osasco. It’s a 9-hole course where you can see alligators in a pond close to hole 9. The Guarapiranga Golf & Country Club is very close as well. Next to the reservoir, the course has long and wide fairways which are great to practice your drivers and hybrids. At last, there’s the Paradise Golf & Lake Resort, located about an hour drive. It’s a 7,000-yard course next to a huge lake ideal for nautical sports. The resort has swimming pools and world-class cousine.

These seven courses, so diffeent in terms of design and level of difficulty, will certainly captivate those who love the sport. However, driving around São Paulo is not always easy. For the foreign tourist or business traveller who wants to play in our city, they can contact Golf Travel which is affiliated to IAGTO (International Association of Golf Tour Operators), which can

organize all the details.

Marco Frenette is the editor of Golf Life Magazine and author of the books “A Etiqueta do Golfe “ and “Fundamentos da Cultura Golfística.”

Golf Travel 55 11 3262 4060São Paulo - SP

FPG Golf Center – Driving 55 11 5070.5844São Paulo – SP

VistaVerde Golf 55 11 9935-GOLF (4653)Araçariguama – SP

Terras de São José Golf 55 11 4024 1109Itu – SP

Lago Azul Golf 55 15 3281 1148Araçoiaba da Serra – SP

Paradise Golf & Lake 55 11 4795 4100Mogi das Cruzes – SP

Guarapiranga Golf & Country 55 11 5922 1000São Paulo – SP

Riviera de São Lourenço Golf Clubwww.rivieradesaolourenco.comPhone: 55 11 3093 9300Bertioga – SP

São Francisco Golf 55 11 3681 8752Osasco - SP

On the Greens Around São Pauloby Marco Frenette


My name is Mirella Giglio. I am a Graded School Alumni and a psychologist in São Paulo. I work with children, adolescents, adults and couples. Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1572, cj. 1110 (Across Av. Rebouças),Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo. Tel.: 11 3032 5737 Cel.: 11 99259 9445. E-mail:

American-licensed Expat Psychologist

Richard Morhaime, Psy.D., offers skilled psy-chotherapy for children and adults. He also pro-vides complete diagnostic evaluations in Eng-lish for children with academic or behavioral difficulties, featuring individualized recommen-dations for school and home. For more infor-mation, contact Dr. Morhaime at 5538-0099 or 99669-8057 or visit

American-Licensed Psychotherapist

In this busy and ever-changing world, people often feel stressed and overwhelmed with no place to turn. Psychotherapy/ counseling can provide a safe place to receive professional guidance and support. Brief or longer-term therapy offered depending on your needs, goals and expectations. Services: indi-vidual, couples, child/adolescent. Certified to con-duct Adoption Home Study for American Citizens. Pamela Wax, MSW/LCSW at 99656-2106 or send an e-mail to In Moema.

Relocation Consultant

Experienced Relocation Consultant and sociolo-gist, fluent in English and Portuguese, offers profes-sional services to foreign families and individuals to help them adapt to Brazil, integrate into Brazilian culture and learn how to get around, and overcome logistical and bureaucratic hurdles commonly en-countered by newcomers. Assistance also provided with English-Portuguese interpreting at business meetings. 20+ years of experience working with international clients. Fees are hourly and tailored to the client’s specific needs. Tel: (11) 9 7997-8808.

Personal Trainer

I will come to your home, office, or workout facility and create an exercise/fitness program tailored to your health concerns, fitness goals, and schedule. For adults and children, individu-als or groups. Sessions in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. For more information please con-tact Daniela Franco at (11) 99739-6191 or

race, complete kitchen, maid’s bedroom and bath, big service area, two parking spaces. Fully furnished, with all appliances. Call Ana Beatriz or Eliane (011) 3849.708, (011) 99626-6229 - mail to:

Rent brand new apartment Rent apt. very well located in Itaim Bibi, walk distance to Av Faria Lima, Hipermarket, Restau-rant, Bank, Shoppings and Parque Ibirapuera. Luxury bldg with a swimming pool, gym, spa, garden, laundry, Massage room, lobby with a bar wi-fi. The Bldg has a hotel services pay-per-use. 1bed (suite room), 1 gar, semi-furnished, lavatory, balcony, Kitchen, air- conditioning, wood floors. Contact to Diana (011)97515-1213 or ASK : Rent apt in Av Paulista and Morumbi furnished and unfurnished

Family Dentistry

Dental care you can trust for your whole family. We want to make sure you are comfortable and confident in our care. We work only with the highest quality products and equipment, bring-ing specialists to you so that you don’t have to face traffic and providing you with clear infor-mation to make the dental decisions that are right for you. Native English. Tel.: (11) 3044-3111;

Math and Science tutor

Fernando Knijnik has being offering tutoring services for over 25 years to the international community. Physics, math and chemistry are taught for all levels, including IB SL & HL, AP, SAT, ACT, GMAT and Brazilian Vestibular, to name a few. Mr. Knijnik has worked for sev-eral years in the American schools of SP and is presently at St. Francis College. For more info, please call (11) 991346700 or e-mail:

Piano and Keyboard Classes

Beginning music classes for piano or keyboard special method for children four years or older, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Classes in Portuguese or English. Contact Suely Azevedo 98456-5365. Years of successful experience! Class in your house in Morumbi or south area.


Forum September14


Spacious 4 bedroom apartment by Grad-ed School

Fully renovated apt w/ terrace & beautiful view. Across the street from Graded. Apt is 425 m² with 4br/5bath, office, lunch, dining and sitting rooms. Has built-in closets & kitchen cabinets, maid´s quarters, great storage, walk-in closet & fireplace. Bldg w/ 4 parking spaces, pool and tennis court. Av. J. Galante, 224. Call Cristiane: (11) 94216-6886/ (11) 2884-4878 or e-mail:

Luxury Apartment for Rent by Graded - this is the right ad

Excellent location on Avenida Jose Galante 512, 22nd floor. 400m2 apartment with 3 suites and beautiful views. Master bedroom with 2 baths and 2 separate closets. Armored entrance door, marble floors, living with fireplace, central air conditioning, enclosed varanda with BBQ fa-cilities. Excellent view and extensive amenities- 25 meter indoor heated pool, full gym with wet and dry saunas, clay tennis court, outdoor pools and party room available for private parties. 5 car garage spots. If interested please contact An-drew at 98202-0008.

Taylor Real Estate

Luxury spacious houses, apartments and pent-houses. Sales and rentals. Ten years experience with expatriates. Furnished and unfurnished. Trilingual Real Estate agents. References from consulates and multinationals. Photos sent by email. Relocation Service. Consult the site: Email - Phone: 55 11 3070-8888 and 55 11 98774- 5100 (Maria Elisa)

Housing Solutions for Foreigners

Furnished apartments for temporary rental. Long term housing for “Expats”. Property sales for owners and investors. Personalized service, in-ternational experience and local market knowl-edge. English, Spanish, and Portuguese spoken. Contact: Paola Bianchi de Estrada - Cel. 55 11 99210-2201 or US # 1 (305) 420-6911

Vila Nova Conceição - SP’s best place to live

Near Ibirapuera Park. Modern building, with all Sports facilities, heated swimming pool, gym, play room, barbecue, multi purpose sports court. Three bedrooms (1 suite), living room with ter-


The American Societyof São Paulo

2013 Forum 15


Learn more about this month’s AmSoc events (highlighted) at Dates: 09 september – InDepenDence Day (br) 02 september – Labor Day (Us)September 2013

A classified of up to 350 characters costs R$65 for AmSoc members and R$80 for non-members. To place a classified please call (11) 5182-2074 from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., or send an e-mail to


e a



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Our R



11 Wednesday INC Monthly Coffee Time: 8h30 - 11h00 . Date: Wednesday, 14th of August 2013. Please RSVP to

14 Saturday Dicas Launch Party “São Paulo Comes Alive!” See article on page 13. Tickets can be bought via

14, 21, 28 Saturday Little League Games Little league 9am-12pm and adult softball 12pm to 4pm.

19 Thursday VIP Corporate Sponsor Cocktail 2013 For more information please call the office on (11) 5182-2074.

28 and 29 Saturday and Sunday

Reino Vegetal Time: 28th September, 2013 from 10 am to 6.30 pm. 29th September, 2013 from 10 am to 5.30 pm. Place: Brazilian British Centre. Adress: Rua Ferreira de Araujo 741, Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP. For more Information:

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For more than 60 years The American Society of São Paulo has worked to establish a strongnetwork for expats living and working in São Paulo. Join Today!!!

Visit our website at and fill in our on-line formor call the AmSoc office at 5182-2074

Interiors Rental Furniture

Quality and refined furniture rental for your home away from home. We offer great variety! A complete line of appliances, kitchen devices and linen & towels. Complements such as rugs, lamps and decor items. or

Certified Music Therapist/ Art Therapy


Integrates benefits of creative process using Art and Music together with psycho-therapeutic techniques to enhance self-awareness and re-solve conflicts providing emotional support and guidance. Provider in Advanced Brain Tech-nologies ( The Listening Program). Maya Kann 96126 5062 English, French, Fluent Portuguese.Moema/Jardins

Spring in São Paulo

Even though it is cold now, soon it will be springtime in São Paulo! As our friends and families in the United States will be donning sweaters and watching the leaves turn crimson and gold, we lucky Americans in Brazil are thinking spring! Warmer weather and outdoor activities will soon be with us. Shortly, we will be heading to the beaches, enjoying the sun, sand, and surf. I can nearly taste the lulas dore and imagine the caipirinha I will be sipping! I can almost hear the sound of bossa nova.

How do I know it is springtime in São Paulo? After all, there are no returning robins digging for worms, no crocuses or daffodils peeking through the ground. We will see no budding pussy willows, cherry blossoms, or dogwoods. None of our traditional North American harbingers of spring will greet us here in our South American home. However, there is a very special sign of springtime in São

Paulo that I have come to look forward to with much anticipation. For those of you who have lived here for years, and for those of you who have just arrived, there is something dazzling

and remarkable blooming outside the window! Look around, and you will see the spectacular Yellow Ipe!

At winter’s end, when little else is blooming, the brilliant yellow trumpet-shaped flowers bloom on the branches of this lovely tree. Over the years I

have lived in São Paulo, I have come to expect the tree to flower around September 7, Brazil’s Independence Day. When these gorgeous flowers appear, it is certain that springtime is near. This little tree grows everywhere;

you will see it in the praça, by the favela, along a city street. Its dauntless cheerfulness can not be missed!

T r a d i t i o n a l l y , springtime is a season of renewal and rebirth. With the exuberant Yellow Ipe as inspiration, why not emerge from winter with a new attitude and willingness to become involved in The American Society of São Paulo? Call an old friend or a new arrival and invite them to join you at one of our many activities and

events planned for spring! Shake off the winter doldrums and become involved! Call now and reserve a space for a sporting event or a party. I challenge you to count the Yellow Ipe trees you will see soon, and think Spring!

by Deborah Fulk, former AmSoc president