Jordi Besora Solé 2n Batxillerat A, any 2009-10 Científic ... · Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF...

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Transcript of Jordi Besora Solé 2n Batxillerat A, any 2009-10 Científic ... · Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF...

Jordi Besora Solé

2n Batxillerat A, any 2009-10


Llengua estrangera, Anglès

Montse Agustí

Institut Francesc Ribalta

15 de Gener de 2010

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2

Summary of the book ............................................................................................. 4

Book five ........................................................................................................ 4

Book six ......................................................................................................... 17

Summary of the film ............................................................................................. 30

General story ................................................................................................ 30

Frodo and Sam’s story ................................................................................. 35

Ending........................................................................................................... 39

Comparison book-film .......................................................................................... 40

General story ................................................................................................ 40

Frodo and Sam’s story ................................................................................. 45

Ending........................................................................................................... 48

Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 52

Bibliography, films and webgraphy ..................................................................... 55


Appendix 1

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A



First of all, I want to say that I have always liked The Lord of the Rings. I have not read

any book, but I think that the films are one of the best ones I have ever seen and the

plot is amazing. That is one of the main reasons why I have chosen that Research


Another reason is that I wanted to do something in English to improve my vocabulary

and my knowledge of this wonderful language. I have studied English since I was a child

and it is one of my favourite subjects at school.

By doing that project, I expect to learn more things about the Lord of the Rings and its

writer. The story is amazing, but I want to know the real story, because, as I said

before, I have only watched the films.

I have always heard people who watch a film after reading the book and saying: “It is

very different from the book. I do not like the film.”. I am not very used to reading

books, so I have never had this feeling and I wanted to feel it.

I have chosen to summarize only one part. There are many reasons for only choosing

one part:

On the one hand, the main reason is for the extension. One part of the story in the

book is almost four hundred pages, so it is the same as one book. The film duration is

more than three hours, therefore, the same that a long film.

On the other hand, the level of English in the book is high. There are a lot of strange

words and words that are not commonly used. Tolkien was a literature professor at

university and he liked English a lot. Because of this, he used a lot of synonyms and

made very good descriptions.

As a consequence, I have only compared the third part because it is my favourite part

and it is the part when everything finishes. The book of the Lord of the Rings is divided

in six books. Every part has two books, therefore you will see that the summary of the

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


third part starts at book five. If you have never seen anything about the Lord of the

Rings, I have summarized the first and the second part, which I have taken from the

Internet, to make a kind of “historical context” of my project (see appendix 1).

Another thing worth to mention is that the third part of the book does not match

exactly with the film. The third film starts before the third part of the book. The film

starts when the second part of the book is ending, so you will see that the summary of

the book starts a little later than the summary of the film.

Talking about the organisation, I will start with the summary of the book, which is the

longest part. Then, I will summarize the film and make the comparison between both

things. I will see what things are in the book and do not appear in the film, the things

that appear in the firm and are not in the book and the things that appear at both and

compare it.

In my point of view, I have to talk about Tolkien, the author, and the main characters. I

would like also to do a glossary of the most difficult words I find while reading the

book. These things, I will include them all in the appendix.

That is all I have to say for the moment. Now, I am going to start my trip in the

fascinating world of “the Lord of the Rings”.

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Gandalf riding with Pippin

Minas Tirith




Pippin is riding with Gandalf. They ride for 3

days while Pippin is sleeping. He gets up and

asks Gandalf where they are and Gandalf says

that they are in Gondor. Suddenly, Pippin sees

fire, darkness and dragons and asks Gandalf

of that. Gandalf says that the war is coming and they must haste. While they are riding,

Gandalf explains things of Gondor to Pippin. After that, Gandalf tells him to sleep and

says that they are going to Minas Tirith, the safest place in the world on those times.

Pippin wakes up because he hears voices and he sees Gandalf talking to a group of

men. They are talking about Pippin because they don’t know what kind of man he is.

Pippin says that he is a Hobbit and he talks about Boromir. Gandalf says to him not to

talk about it since the Lord of the country knew it, but the men say that he already

knows it. When Pippin and Gandalf are leaving, they tell the man to be prepared and

not to distract, because the war is coming.

After days of walk, Pippin wakes up and sees

a very big city with very big white walls. They

enter Minas Tirith. Gandalf says to the people

that he must see the king.

Minas Tirith is a very safe city. It was built on

seven levels, all delved into the hill, and all levels have a wall. In each wall there is a

gate. In addition, the gates were not set in a line: the first one, the Great Gate, was at

the east point, the next was faced south, the third was faced north and so on.

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Boromir’s horn

Gandalf and Pippin in the balcony

Pippin is amazed and he likes the city a lot. When they get to the top, they see the

guards. They are robed in black and they have an embroidered white tree. These

guards were in front of the Court of the Fountain, where the White Tree once had


They walked in the garden and Pippin saw the tree. It was dead. Gandalf says to him

not to talk of Boromir, Frodo or Aragorn. He talks about the kingship of Aragorn to

explain Pippin why he can’t talk about him.

The door of the king’s chamber opens. In the room, there are deep windows, tall pillars

and the floor is made of white-gleaming polished stone. Then, Pip sees the throne with

an image of the white tree, but it’s empty. An old man sits on a stone chair, Denethor.

He asks Gandalf if he has news of Boromir and

shows him a horn party in half. Then, Pippin

says that Boromir always wore that horn.

Denethor asks Pippin for more information

and he tells him that Boromir was caught by

many bows. Pippin offers his service to Denethor in payment of his debt. Denethor

accepts it, he takes his sword, Pippin says a few words and Denethor gives the sword

back to Pippin.

Denethor says to him that his first command is to talk and not to be silent. He orders

his servants to give a sit to Pippin and some food. Denethor says to Gandalf that he

must leave the room, and Gandalf says that he hasn’t ridden one-hundred and fifty

leagues only to bring a small warrior. He says that they have to ask for aid to everybody

they can, but Denethor says that he is the king and they will do what he wants. Gandalf

leaves the room with Pippin. A guide guides

them to a house where they have a room. The

room is quite fair. Pippin says to Gandalf if he

is angry with him because of what he did.

Gandalf laughs and says that he did indeed.

Now Pippin can move as he will in Minas Tirith.

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Minas Tirith

Gandalf says that he has to leave quickly and, before leaving, he says to Pippin that, if

he is not too weary, he should go and find Shadowfax to see how he is. Gandalf leaves.

After a few minutes, Pippin goes down to the street. He sees a man who comes to him

and asks if he is Pippin. The man presents himself and says that he will show him the

city and answer any question he had. The man’s name is Beregond. Pippin asks for

meals and Beregond says that they eat early in the morning, at midday and when the

sun comes down at the end of the day. He also says that men who have a heavy duty

can eat in the mid-morning. Beregond tells Pippin to follow him and they go for a walk.

They go to see Shadowfax and Pippin sees that he is ok. Then, they pick some food and

drink and they go to a place where they can look out in the morning.

They eat there and talk about Gondor, The Shire and a lot of things. They look the

landscape and see the shadows and darkness of Mordor. They talk about the war and

the few possibilities of victory that they have. However, Pippin says that Gandalf has

returned and they have to stand and not

surrender. Beregond says that Faramir has to

return and things will change. They talk until

the sun reaches its height and Beregond

invites Pippin to have dinner with him. Pippin

says that, if Gandalf was not in the room, he will accept. They go to the room and

Gandalf isn’t there, so Pippin went with Beregond. People in the city talk about Pippin

as “the Prince of the Halflings” who had come to help Gondor and they also say that,

when the Riders of Rohan come, each rider will bring a Halfling warrior with him. Pippin

is treated very well and they give him all he wants.

Beregond says he has to work and, if Pippin wants to see the city, he can go and find

his son. Pippin searches for Beregond’s son and finds him. He is amazed that Pippin is

29 years old and Pippin explains him that his father wants him to show the city to him.

The young boy, Bergil, accepts happily.

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Aragorn and the Paths of the Dead

Pippin and Bergil talk, laugh, and walk. Suddenly, they hear people shouting “Forlong!

Forlong!” and Bergil explains to Pippin that he was a lord who came to help. There are

200 men instead of 2.000, which they had expected.

The day finishes and Pippin goes to bed. At night, he wakes up and sees Gandalf in his

room. He is very glad to see him again and Gandalf says to him that he has to sleep and,

when the sun rises next morning, they both will go to see Denethor.


Aragorn says that they are only four left, but they are not alone because the king of

Rohan will ride with them. The Riders of Rohan will go to Minas Tirith, but Aragorn

won’t. Legolas, Gimly and Merry say that they will follow Aragorn.

They depart with 24 horses and, during the trip, they hear more horses. They fight with

them, but they discover that the horsemen are from the north and they are seeking

Aragorn to help him. They join the group.

Merry feels useless. However, Théoden, the king, invites him to eat and drink at his side

and Merry accepts to serve the king. They talk

together until they have to go.

Aragorn says to Théoden that he will go to

the Paths of the Dead. He also talks to Legolas

and Gimly and he explains that he looked in

the Stone of Orthanc and Sauron saw him. Aragorn thinks that it has to be a blow to his

heart. They will go to the Paths of the Dead because Elrond said to him to remember

the words of the Seer and the Paths of the Dead. The words of the Seer say:

Over the land there lies a long shadow,

westward reaching winds of darkness.

The Tower trembles; to the tombs of kings

doom approaches. The Dead awaken;

for the hour is come for the oathbreakers:

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Éowyn asks Aragorn

The Dark Door

at the Stone of Erech they shall stand again

and hear there a horn in the hills ringing.

Whose shall the horn be? Who shall call them

from the grey twilight, the forgotten people?

The heir of him to whom the oath they swore.

From the North shall he come, need shall drive him:

he shall pass the Door to the Paths of the Dead.

Aragorn explains that the king of the dead didn’t want to fight with Isildur because

they had worshipped Sauron. Isildur damned him and all his people “to rest never until

they oath is fulfilled”. Aragorn says that, if they want, they can go with him. They leave

the people with other horsemen.

They arrive in Dunharrow and they are gladly

welcome. Aragorn says that they are only

there for one night and they will ride to the

Paths of the Dead. Éowyn says that it’s

madness to go there and that they will only find death. Aragorn tells him that they have

to go there and they eat silently. When they finish, she speaks alone to Aragorn. She

asks to follow them, but he doesn’t let her. Next morning, before they leave, Éowyn

asks again, but Aragon rides away with his men.

They ride under black trees and they have to dismount the horses and lead them about.

They arrive at the Dark Door. Halbarad says

that it’s better to leave the horses, but

Aragorn refuses. They enter the door with the


After walking some time, they arrive into a

great empty space. Aragorn, speaking to the darkness, says: “Let us pass, and then

come! I summon you to the Stone of Erech!”. There is no answer, only a chill blast which

blows out the torches and it’s impossible to rekindle them again. They continue

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


A strange rider takes Merry

walking and they arrive at another door. They pass through and they are out. They

mount again and Legolas says that the Dead are following them. They have been

summoned. They ride fast until they come to the Hill of Erech. Aragorn blows a silver

horn and the breath of ghosts comes down the mountain. Aragorn says that he is

Isildur’s heir and now is the time to fulfil their oath and have peace. They sleep there

and they ride again when the down comes. The Dead follow them.


Théoden, Merry and all the others arrive in Rohan. Merry is exhausted and he

remembers of Pippin; Aragorn, Legolas and Gimly; Frodo and Sam. Théoden is very well

received, as the king, and he says he wants to see the marshals and captains as soon as

possible. Éowyn says that Aragorn had passed there a few days ago and he had gone to

the Paths of the Dead.

While they are having dinner, Merry asks for the Paths of the Dead and Théoden,

Éowyn, Éomer and Dúnhere tell him about them.

A man of Gondor comes to ask for aid. Théoden says he would help Denethor, king of

Gondor, when they are all right. Théoden tells

Merry to go to sleep.

A soldier wakes Merry up. The sun hadn’t

risen; it will not rise any more. The war had

begun. They leave the city quickly. Théoden

doesn’t want Merry to go to battle, but a strange rider takes him. They go to help

Denethor with haste.


Pippin wakes up and he goes with Gandalf to see Denethor. The king says to Pippin that

he has to go to the out-garrison and explain any leisure given to him. He also asks if

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Gandalf saving the riders

Gandalf advising Faramir

Pippin can sing. Pippin goes to the garrison. He finds it very boring and long and, when

he goes to have lunch, he finds Beregond again and they chat to each other.

Suddenly, they see Black Riders of the air who are following a group of four or five

horsemen. Then, Gandalf appears and the

black riders go away. One of those men is

Faramir. The people in the city were waiting

him because he is the captain. Gandalf,

Faramir and Pippin see Denethor.

They talk with Denethor about Boromir. The king says that he would prefer that

Faramir had died instead of Boromir. Denethor also says that they are silly to let Frodo

alone to go to Mordor. He argues with Gandalf because Denethor says that the ring

would have been safer hidden in Gondor and Gandalf says that the ring would have

possessed Denethor. Finally, they sleep.

When Pippin and Gandalf are in their room, Pippin asks if there’s any hope for Frodo.

Gandalf says that there is hope and, with the battle, they will have the eye distracted.

However, he doesn’t want to talk about Cirith Ungol, the place where Frodo is going.

Next morning, Denethor sends Faramir to the outer defences. There are a very few

possibilities to win and it will be better to wait

in the city, but Faramir wants to serve his

father, who doesn’t love him. Before Faramir

leaves, Gandalf speaks to him and says that

he will be needed in the city and gives him the

advice of not throwing his life away.

A messenger comes and says that the enemy’s army is very big and the Black Captain

leads them. Gandalf goes there to help.

Time later, Gandalf returns to the city to carry news to Denethor and says that Faramir

is already alive. Small groups of men return to the city. Then, the watchers see a group

of ordered men and think that Faramir must be there. Orcs and Nazgûl attack them and

Gandalf saves the group again. They arrive in the city and Faramir is seriously injured.

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A



The riders of Rohan

When the next day comes, watchers of Minas Tirith see all the army: lots and lots of

orcs are in the fields in front of the city. The orcs build catapults and they throw the

heads of the dead men to the city. Then, Nazgûl comes again.

Between all this, Denethor stays in the room with Faramir, who is dying. Denethor had

lost all hope. He says to his men to obey who they wanted and Gandalf takes command

of the last defence.

The first circle of the city is on fire. The messengers explain it to Denethor and he says

to them to go out and die. He says it’s useless to fight because they will all die. He says

to Pippin to call for the servants. Denethor orders them to take Faramir and they go to

the place where there are all the dead kings and important people who died. Denethor

orders them to take wood and fire and to

burn him with Faramir. Pippin thinks that he

has to see Gandalf and explain everything to

him. He says to the servants to be slow and

not to take fire. Then, he finds Beregond and

asks for help. He leaves him and goes to the battle to find Gandalf. He finds him, but he

shrinks back.

The battle continues and the captain of the orcs’ purpose is to distract men in different

places to attack the Big Gate. In the middle of the field, it appears a very big ram. It had

been forged in Mordor and its head is like a wolf. They name it “Grond”. In spite of this,

the defence of the Gate is still strong. Grond keeps on moving and, suddenly, a black

horseman appears. Everybody is scared. He shouts something in a strange tongue

three times and three times Grond booms. At the fourth time, the Gate breaks. The lord

of the Nazgûl rides in the city and everybody escapes. All save one, Gandalf. He waits

silently. He says that he can’t enter the city and he has to go back to the abyss. The

black rider flings back his hood and Gandalf

sees that he has a crown, but no head. He lifts

his sword. Gandalf doesn’t move. Then, a cock

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Éowyn and the Nazgûl


crows. Dawn had arrived and, with it, they hear horns. Rohan had come.


Merry is trying to sleep, but he can’t. He hears drums and thinks they are orcs. Elfhelm

explains him that the drums were of the Wild Men of the Woods and they were talking

to each other. They offer their service to Théoden.

The headman of the Wild Men says that they can help Théoden bringing news and

showing them a secret road to Minas Tirith. Théoden says that, if they survive, they will

give recompense to them, but the headman says that they don’t want anything, only

that people don’t hunt them anymore. Théoden agrees.

They follow the Wild Men and they tell

Théoden more news of Minas Tirith. Then,

Théoden’s army continues alone and they

thank the Wild Men of the Wood.

When they arrive there, they stop. A man says

that the orcs take care of the assault and don’t notice about other things. Théoden says

encouraging words to his people ant they continue walking. When they are very close

to the battle, they wait for a signal. Then, a light came. The sun had risen. Théoden

gives the signal and all the horns start to sound. The battle starts.


They attack. A lot of orcs escape to the river, but there are other hosts which had not

fought yet. A captain of one host sees Théoden and, with his cavalry, goes to kill him.

Théoden kills the captain and the orcs who are alive of that cavalry flee far away.

Then, Théoden’s horse is hurt and Théoden falls on the ground. The lord of the Nazgûl

appears with darkness and he wants to kill

him. Suddenly, Merry appears and the man

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Aragorn, Legolas and Gimly getting out of the ship

Pippin finds Gandalf

who carried him. The man stands between the Nazgûl and Théoden. The lord says:

“Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey!”. The knight takes his sword and says he

will hinder it. The lord says that no living man can hinder him, and then, the knight says

that she is not a man. She is Éowyn! The lord remains silent and the Nazgûl leaps into

the air and attacks Éowyn. She cuts the Nazgûl’s neck. The lord is looking to Éowyn

and, suddenly, he falls on the ground. Merry had killed him. Then, Éowyn falls too.

Théoden opens his eyes and sees Merry. He says he is dying. His last wish is to see

Éomer, because he will be the king, and

Éowyn, his daughter. When Merry wants to

say that Éowyn is there and saved him, he

hears trumpets and Éomer comes. Théoden

says that he will be the king and dies without

knowing that Éowyn is lying there.

Then, Éomer sees Éowyn and says that she is mad and there she will only find death. He

leaves. Some men take Théoden and Éowyn’s bodies to the city. The prince of the city

sees that Éowyn is not dead and he calls for aid.

The sun comes again. The watchers see that the Corsairs of Umbar come by the river

and they go back to the walls. The tree of Gondor flowers and Éomer sees that one ship

arrives, but there are no orcs. There are men flying and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimly

with other knights! Aragorn and Éomer meet and they go to battle together. Hope is

again on men’s hearts. The Dead men kill all the orcs and the sun rises again. The battle

is over. However, a lot of men died. A maker of Rohan makes a song to remember

them all.


Pippin explains to Gandalf that Denethor wants to burn himself with Faramir alive and

Gandalf, after doubting a little, takes Pippin

and they go to the tombs.

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Denethor burning

Aragorn cures them

Gandalf leaves Shadowfax and walks down.

They see Beregond fighting with the servants

to stop the madness and Gandalf sees

Denethor and they talk. Faramir is on a pyre

and Gandalf takes him out of there. Finally,

after arguing with Gandalf, Denethor sets fire on the pyre and burns himself. Gandalf

says to Beregond and the servants to take Faramir to a safe place. They guess that

Denethor might have looked in one of the Seven Seeing Stones and his madness had

come from there.


They take Théoden and Éowyn’s bodies up to the citadel and Merry follows them.

Suddenly, he takes the wrong way and sees Pippin, who had gone to find him. They are

very glad to see each other again and Pippin takes Merry to the Houses of the Healing

because Merry is very tired and can’t walk anymore. Pippin is very tired too and he

thinks that he will not arrive there. Then, Bergil passes running and Pippin tells him to

ask Gandalf for help. Minutes later, Gandalf arrives and takes them to the Houses.

Finally, there are Faramir, Éowyn and Merry lying there.

Gandalf takes care of them and the watchers tell him all they see. A woman asks if it

will ever be a king of Gondor as it once was.

Éomer sees Théoden lying with twelve torches around him and they want to burn him.

Éomer asks for Éowyn and they say to him that she is alive.

Aragorn enters the Houses and sees Faramir, Éowyn and Merry. He asks to a servant

for many things he will need to save them and he says that they have to haste or they’ll

die. The servant comes again and says they

don’t have a kind of thing that Aragorn had

asked because they don’t know that it can

save a hurt man. Gandalf sends him to find

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


Aragorn frees the dead

some. Bergil arrives with a few leaves, but it works. Aragorn puts them in water and it

smells really good. Then, Faramir opens his eyes. Aragorn tells him to rest and he leaves

with Gandalf.

Aragorn talks with Éomer about Éowyn and he says that Éowyn loves only a shadow

and a thought of him. Then, he does the same thing that he did with Faramir and

Éowyn opens her eyes. She talks about Théoden with Éomer.

Gandalf and Pippin enter in Merry’s room. There is Aragorn, who does the same as with

the other two and Merry wakes up. The first thing he says is that he is hungry and when

he will smoke. Gandalf and Aragorn leave the room.

Aragorn talks to the servants and says that Éowyn and Faramir must stay for some days

and tells them to explain Faramir that his father is death, but not to talk about his

madness. Merry can leave the Houses before, if he wants to. Aragorn goes to sleep.


Legolas and Gimly want to see Merry and Pippin and they go to the Houses of Healing.

There, they talk to each other and the two hobbits ask them for the Paths of the Dead.

Gimly doesn’t want to say anything, but Legolas explains the most important things to

them. Legolas explains that, after meeting the Shadow Warriors, they arrived at the

sea. There, they saw big boats full of orcs. The warriors destroyed them all.

At the end of the day, Aragorn goes to the

biggest ship and he lets sound a great

concourse of trumpets. The Shadow Host

withdraws to the shore. Aragorn says that

they are free. The king of the death breaks his

spear, makes a reverence and they all leave.

Gandalf and Aragorn talk with the captains and say that Sauron has a very big army and

the only way to win the war is destroying the ring. Gandalf says that they have to make

Sauron use all his hidden strength and keep the Eye away from its true peril. He also

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The messenger of the Black Gate

The Black Gate opens

says that, to make it possible, they have to go and meet him. They agree that two

mornings later they will go to the Black Gate with seven thousands taken from all that

the captains could get.


Two days after, the army is ready with Pippin, but not with Merry, who isn’t healthy

enough to go to battle.

They go to Mordor. They set a defence in the Cross-road and a few stay there. The rest

continue and, in the end of the second day, they first meet a battle. However, it is a

very little one. Then, the Nazgûl follow them. Nobody can see them, but Legolas feels


Aragorn says to a group of men to go to Cair Andros and retake it. They leave. Aragorn,

with less than six thousand men, comes at

last to challenge the Black Gate of Mordor.

Aragorn orders the army and he goes to the

door with Gandalf and all the captains and

trumpeters. Aragorn shouts and all is silent.

Then, a lot of drums and horns sound and the gate opens a little. There comes an

embassy from the Dark Tower and at its head it rides an evil shape dressed in black. He

talks to Aragorn, but he doesn’t answer. Gandalf talks and the messenger shows them

Sam’s sword and Frodo’s coat of mithril. They are surprised and hopeless. The

messenger says that his lord may come to them unless they accept the terms. Gandalf

asks him what the terms were and the messenger says that all the men of Gondor can’t

attack Sauron and a lot of territories will be for him. Gandalf casts aside his cloak and a

white light appears. He refuses the terms,

takes Frodo and Sam’s things and they go

back to their men. The black door opens and

there are a lot of orcs waiting. The battle

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The tower of Cirith Ungol


The orcs attacked. Then, there appear trolls and one attacks Pippin. Pippin kills him, but

he falls. He seems to hear men shouting: “The Eagles are coming!”, and he dismays.



Sam rises himself from the ground. He hears orcs and thinks he has to find Frodo. Sam

goes to the tower where Frodo is and he sits down exhausted. He takes the ring and

puts it on. He feels the great burden of his weight, but he can pass into a company of

orcs without being seen. He hears noises in the tower and he thinks that orcs will be

fighting against them. He runs, enters Mordor and takes the ring off. Everything is dark

and foggy there. He sees the tower of Cirith Ungol and he goes there. When he is at the

door, he realises that the tower hadn’t been made to keep enemies out of Mordor, but

to keep them in.

The power of the ring grows and he is

tempted to put it on, but he doesn’t do it. He

looks at the tower and realises that the only

way to get in is by the main gate. He runs to

the tower and sees the watchers, who have

three joined bodies. He holds the Phial of Galadriel up and he gets to the gate.

He enters to a passage full of torches and thinks that it will be very difficult to find

Frodo. He hears orcs talking and they say: “Nobody left alive!”. Sam is scared, but he

continues upwards. He sees an orc who comes down and Sam takes advantage of his

shape to scare the orc. The orc runs away and Sam goes up. When he gets to the top,

he hears two orcs talking. The master of the tower says to another orc to go out and

kill Sam, but the orc is frightened. The master kills the orc and goes to the stairs. Sam

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Sam kills the orc

thinks that he will return with more orcs and goes down to kill him, but then, he

realises that Frodo may be there and runs up backwards. He can’t find Frodo and he

can’t open any door, so he sits down and starts singing. Then, he hears an orc who

comes with a ladder, puts the ladder on a wall and climbs. He says: “You lie quiet or

you’ll pay for it!”. Sam runs, climbs the ladder and kills the orc. He looks there: it’s


Frodo is very glad to see Sam again, but he is

hopeless because the orcs had taken all that

he carried. He thinks they have the ring. Sam

shows the ring to Frodo and he is very happy,

but asks Sam to return the ring to him. Sam

says they have to leave and he searches for two orc’s clothes.

Sam goes to find the clothes and says to Frodo to stay there until he hears the

password. Frodo waits. Then, he hears Sam’s voice, dresses up and sees that Sam

hasn’t got anything. Sam says that he will cover himself. They leave after eating a little.

They can escape from the tower only by a hair.


Frodo and Sam run away. They hear Nazgûl shouting and, when they arrive at a bridge,

they hear orcs going towards the tower. They jump and, luckily, they land no more than

twelve feet below in a tangle of thorny. When the orcs had passed, they continue going

down and they turn north. They are very tired and can’t see anything.

Frodo says he is very tired and the orc’s clothes are very heavy. He takes them off and

Sam gives his cloak to him and puts the orc’s clothes on his back. They need water and

light, but there is nothing. They continue. Suddenly, the wind changes and a bit of light

appears. Sam has some hope because he guesses that the war is going well, but Frodo

is hopeless.

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Sam and Frodo with the orcs

Frodo drinking water

Frodo and Sam dressed as orcs

They eat a little and continue forward.

Surprisingly, they hear a noise. It’s water! They

drink a little and they are in better conditions,

so they walk again and go east, upwards,

since they find themselves tired again. They

search a hole and have a rest. They have a meal there, drink water and Frodo falls

asleep. Sam watches the landscape out of the hole and sees a little star. The hope

returns to him. He lies by Frodo’s side and he falls asleep too.

They wake up and continue walking until they get to the top. There is a huge plain and

all is black, ruinous and dead. They look there and Frodo decides to continue north.

They realise that it’s impossible to go that way and they have to go down back to the

valley. They walk for two or three miles since they hear orcs and hide. The orcs stop.

They say that the prisoner had escaped and they argue. One orc runs away and the

other kills him with an arrow. The other orc runs off across the valley and disappears.

Frodo and Sam stay there until it’s all dark and they can move safely. During that time,

Sam explains Frodo things of Gollum that he

didn’t know. When all is dark again, they

continue walking and when the sun rises

again, they go into hiding and sleep by turns.

When they go into hiding again because the

sun was rising, the wind dives the clouds out of the Mordor’s sky. They see all the fields

and mountains that are around them. Seeing this, they see that they have to follow the

road of the tower or go back. They decide to follow the road. Sam takes water from a

little waterfall and sees a strange creature, Gollum. He tells it to Frodo and, before

leaving, they have a rest.

When the sun comes down, they leave. After

walking about twelve miles, they hear

marching feet. They don’t know where to hide

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Frodo is exhausted

and stay on the side of the road sitting backwards. All the orcs pass and don’t notice

them, but the last one, who is controlling, sees them and thinks that they are orcs who

were trying to escape. The orc says them to follow the group and puts them three files

up from the last one. They are very tired, but they have to follow the group.

Finally, they get to the big plain and they meet other big companies of orcs. They were

going north. Frodo can’t walk further and Sam has to hold him. At last, Sam throws

himself to the ground and all the orcs fall over them. They both crawl and, with a big

effort, they arrive at a shallow pit where they lay.


Sam covers Frodo and, when the first light comes, he sees that they are in the middle

of the plain and they have almost fifty miles to each side. However, he realises that

there are holes all along the plain and they can go from hiding to hiding without being

seen. Sam asks Frodo if he can go on and Frodo says he must do it.

They go from hole to hole until Frodo is so tired that can’t continue. Then, Sam goes to

see the road they had left and, luckily, anyone sees him. They walk for four days where

there’s light and rest when it’s dark. They don’t see anybody.

Frodo is exhausted. Sam says they have to

continue and, seeing that Frodo can’t

continue, he says to him that he will carry the

ring. Frodo gets nervous and he doesn’t

agree. They leave the orc’s clothes to carry

less weight because they think that they will not find more orcs. They set out again.

They walk to the mountain for two days and Frodo is very tired and can’t continue. Sam

says he can’t carry the ring, but he can carry Frodo! Frodo jumps on his back and Sam

walks. They arrive at the mountain’s foot and go up. Sam doesn’t know where are they

going and, when he is tired, he stops and leaves Frodo on the ground.

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Gollum attacking them

Gollum dancing

Aragorn fighting

Frodo looks down and realises that Sam had walked up a lot. He says he will crawl, they

find a path and they go up.

Suddenly, a shape jumps on Frodo’s back and

tries to take the ring. It’s Gollum. Luckily,

Frodo throws him to the ground and, with his

sword, says that if Gollum touches him again,

he will die in the fires of Mount Doom. Sam

says he will deal with Gollum and Frodo goes up. Gollum is defeated and he cries to

Sam not to kill him. Sam lets him go and he follows Frodo.

When he gets to the Door of Sammath Naur, the door which goes in the mountain, he

goes in. He sees Frodo standing and shouts to him. Frodo says that the ring was his and

puts it on. Then, something hits Sam and he falls to the ground. The Eye of Sauron

looks to the door and all the Nazgûl go there.

Sam gets up and sees Gollum fighting with an

unseen foe. He bits Frodo’s finger and starts

to dance and sing “Precious, my precious!”,

but he steps too far and falls to the fire. There

is a big earthquake and all the towers and things of Mordor begin to break and fall

down. Sam takes Frodo to the door. It’s the end of Mordor.

Frodo is peaceful again and says to Sam that, but for Gollum, he wouldn’t have

destroyed the ring. Then, he adds that he is glad to be with Sam at the end of all things.


The men of the west are fighting. Gandalf looks north and shouts: “The eagles!” and

there appear big Eagles which go to kill the Nazgûl. However, the Nazgûl go fast to

Mordor because Sauron calls them and they

are all frightened. Suddenly, they see fire in

Mordor and there is an earthquake. All the

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Frodo in bed

towers and buildings, including the black gate and the Eye, fall to the ground and

Gandalf shouts that Frodo has fulfilled his quest.

All the orcs escape and they kill each other or themselves. Then, Gandalf makes a

sound and an Eagle comes to him. He says to the Eagle to take him where the Nazgûl

had gone.

Frodo and Sam go down the mountain and a river of fire and ash goes down too. They

are in a little hill at the bottom of the mountain and they think that they will die.

Suddenly, the Eagles appear and see them dismay. They take them to a safe place.

When Sam gets up, he thinks that it had all been a dream, but when he sees Frodo lying

beside him and the broken finger of his right hand, he realised that it had happened

really. He sees Gandalf and he tells him that they are in Ithilien and that all the shadow

had gone. Sam is very happy and says he is well. He worries about Frodo. Frodo stands

up and says he is really good and that he had

felt asleep waiting for him. Gandalf says to

him that the king is waiting for them to make

a big meal. They don’t know who the king is.

They follow Gandalf and they pass close to

knights who bow before them. They arrive in a big field where people sing songs about

them. Then, they go to the throne and see Aragorn, the king. He is very glad to see

them and, to their surprise, Aragorn bows before them and he leads them to the

throne. They are treated like heroes.

That night, they celebrate a big party and Frodo and Sam meet Merry and Pippin. When

the party finishes, they four sit together with Gandalf, Legolas and Gimly. They tell Sam

and Frodo what had happened to the Company since they left. Then, they all go to

sleep. They stay in Ithilien for many days until they go to Minas Tirith, the City of the

Men of Gondor. Aragorn will enter its gates with the rising of the Sun and he will be

called king.

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Éowyn and Faramir in the Houses of Healing

Aragorn crowned king


Anybody in the city knows nothing about the Riders of Rohan and their mates. Éowyn

is in the Houses of Healing and she gets up and says she will go with them to see what

happens. She goes to see Faramir. He is walking in the garden and looks east. Éowyn

says that she wanted to go to battle, but

Faramir can’t do anything. She realises that

she has to stay there and Faramir says to her

that she is very beautiful. He invites her to

walk with him every day in the garden and

look eastward. Éowyn accepts and goes back to her room. Now Faramir glances more

in the house than eastwards.

Faramir goes to his room and calls Merry. He asks to tell him things about Éowyn. He

has felt in love with her. The next day, he finds her in the garden and they walk, talk

and sit together for five days. The fifth day they hear a strange noise and Éowyn draws

close to him. He kisses her brow. Suddenly, a great Eagle comes singing that the realm

of Sauron had ended and the king was victorious and he will come again. All the people

are happy and they run and sing in the streets.

Merry and some others go to Cair Andross to meet them, but Faramir and Éowyn say

that they prefer to stay in the city. They meet in the garden again and Faramir says to

her that he is in love with her. Éowyn says she doesn’t want to be a queen (because she

was in love with Aragorn) and Faramir kisses her. Some people see them. Faramir say

that they can leave the city and go to live together and Éowyn accepts. However, she

prefers to wait until Éomer arrives. She is very happy with the way they had treated her

in the Houses of Healing.

The men of the west arrive. A lot of people

receive them and Aragorn goes first,

accompanied by Éomer, Imrahil and Gandalf.

Faramir receives them and gives the crown to

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Aragorn weds Arwen

Aragorn. Aragorn gives it back to him. Faramir shouts to the people if they want

Aragorn to be the king and all the people agreed shouting. Then, Faramir gives the

crown to Aragorn. Aragorn says that Gandalf and Frodo had been primarily responsible

for the victory and Frodo takes the crown. He gives it to Gandalf and he sets the White

Crown upon Aragorn’s head. Trumpets sound and Gandalf shouts: “Now come the days

of the king!”. The days after, the city is renewed and it’s very beautiful.

Aragorn stays in the Hall of the Kings and he pronounces his judgements. Finally, Éomer

leaves and Éowyn says to Faramir that she has to go with her brother and help him to

rebuild the city.

The four hobbits stay in the city with Legolas, Gimly and Gandalf because Aragorn said

that it had to come a special day in which he wanted to be with them.

Aragorn and Gandalf go to a path that only kings can go and they go to the top of the

mountain. There, they can see all the realm of Aragorn and Gandalf says to him that he

has to be the king of the fourth age, which

was beginning. They see a tree growing in the

middle of the rocks. Aragorn takes it and

plants it in the citadel, taking the old tree off.

The new tree begins to grow.

The next day, Elrond, Arwen and more elves arrive. Elrond gives Arwen’s hand to

Aragorn and he takes her to the High City. In the day of midsummer, Aragorn weds

Arwen and the tale of their long waiting and labours had come to fulfilment.


Many days later, Frodo wants to go back to the Shire. However, he wants to go first to

Rivendell to see Bilbo. Aragorn says that he will leave in seven days and that he and his

friends will have anything they wanted. Seven days later, they four leave with Aragorn,

Legolas, Gimly, Gandalf, Arwen, Elrond and others.

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Frodo and Bilbo

When they arrive in Edoras they have a big party and prepare the funeral of Théoden.

They bury him and sing a song. When the funeral

finishes, they continue the party. They don’t worry

about Théoden because he had been a very good

king. At the end, Éomer says that Faramir wants to

marry Éowyn and all the people drink for them. Next

morning, they leave the city and Éowyn gives an

ancient horn to Merry as a gift.

They go to Helm’s Deep and to Isengard. There, they see that Ents have made a big

garden and forest. Aragorn gives that land to them and, when they leave, Legolas and

Gimly say that they stay there to see Ent’s work. This is the end of the Fellowship.

Before leaving, Merry and Pippin drink with the Ent as they used to do.

When they arrive at the Gap of Rohan, Aragorn leaves them and says that they will see

each other soon.

Later, they find Saruman. He looks miserable and doesn’t accept anything that Gandalf

says or offers to him. Finally, he leaves and Gandalf thinks that he may still do

something. However, they have to go to Rivendell.

They stay in the Gates of Moria for seven days and, finally, they get to Rivendell. Before

eating or drinking, they go to see Bilbo. They see him in his room and he is very glad to

see Frodo. The day after, it will be Bilbo’s one-hundred and twenty-nine birthday.

They celebrate Bilbo’s birthday and stay in Rivendell for a few days. Bilbo explains

stories to them and they listen to him gladly. Finally, they leave. Before leaving, Bilbo

gives three books to Frodo, a bag of gold to

Sam and two pipes to Merry and Pippin. At

last, Bilbo asks Frodo for the ring and he says

that he has lost it. The four hobbits and

Gandalf leave Rivendell and go to the Shire.

When they are leaving Elrond says to Frodo that he will see him and Bilbo soon in the


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The four hobbits ready to fight


Finally, they go home. Frodo seems sad and ill and Gandalf asks him what happens.

Frodo says that his shoulders hurt and, because of the darkness, he will not be the

same and he doesn’t know where to find rest.

The next day, Frodo is better. They ride to the South Gate of Bree and, after knocking

many times, the gate-keeper opens. They go to The Prancing Pony where they meet

Butterbur, the owner, who they know. He gives them food and beds and they tell their

entire story to him. He tells them that there are a lot of strangers and they have to have

watchmen to control. Gandalf says that good times have to come with the new king.

Butterbur says he wants the king to let Bree alone. Gandalf says he will do it because he

loves Bree’s beer and, when they say that Strider is the king, Butterbur is really

surprised. Finally, when he goes to bed, he says to Sam that he had kept his pony. Sam

is very happy and he doesn’t go to bed until he has seen the pony.

They spend the next day in Bree and, in the evening, they go to the common room and

answer a lot of questions. The room is crowded. Next morning, they leave early in the

morning and a lot of people come to see them off. They go to the Shire and Gandalf

says them that his time was over and he will not go to the Shire. He says good-bye to

them, but not for the last time. He leaves and

there left the four hobbits that had started



Finally, they get to Brandywine Bridge: the entrance of the Shire. They find it with two

big gates and new houses built there. They shout and hobbits appear. They recognize

them, but don’t let them pass. Merry and Pippin jump the door and, with their swords,

they say to a hobbit to open the door, give the key to them and go away. So he did and

it was never heard of him again. Then, they go to sleep.

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Next day, they go directly to Hobbition to see the “chief” who governed the entire

Shire. All had changed. Sam talks with an old friend and he explains him that they can’t

do nothing, only obey the chief’s orders. Then, two hobbits try to arrest Frodo and his

friends because they had entered the city without permission. However, they rule the

hobbits who wanted to arrest them.

They arrive at the place where they used to live and find it deserted and destroyed.

They get angry and get to a tavern where they used to go. There they find ruffians.

After saying to him that Isengard and the Black Lord had fallen, they take their swords

and the ruffians run away. Then, they

understand all. There is no chief. Lotho, the

chief, had been arrested by ruffians and they

rob hobbit’s things in his name. The four

hobbits see that they will have to fight to

save the Shire. Because of this, they go to wake all the hobbits up and prepare them to


Sam goes to a farm to see Cotton, an old friend, and he joins the group. They march

and, when they arrive in a town, ruffians come. All the people turn off the lights. The

leader of the ruffians sees Cotton and says to him that they are not wanted there.

When the ruffian wants to catch Cotton, he sees that there are two hundred hobbits

there. Merry tells him to go away, but the ruffian wants to fight. Four hobbit bows kill

him and the other ruffians are arrested.

Cotton tells Pippin that his father is with other hobbits and they don’t let ruffians enter

his possessions. Pippin goes to see them and ask them to join the group.

Cotton tells Frodo all the story of ruffians in the Shire and he tells him that Sharkey was

the biggest one and the real chief.

A messenger comes from south and says that a group of ruffians had gone away, but

Merry sees a big group of one hundred ruffians who are coming from the east. Pippin

arrives with one hundred more hobbits.

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Sam marries Rosie

Next morning, they get to the ruffians. The enemies don’t want to talk and the fight

starts. They fight and, finally, a dozen of ruffians are prisoners and the others were

dead. Ninety hobbits died, but this was the last battle of the Shire. They were free.

Then, they go to the mill to see the chief. Merry blows the horn and the hobbits follow

them. When they get to the mill, they knock the door and nobody answers. They pull

the door and open it. They go in and it seems that there hadn’t been anybody there for

some time.

Suddenly, Saruman appears. He laughs. Frodo tells him to leave the Shire and never

return, but all the hobbits tell Frodo to kill him. Frodo lets him go and, when he is

leaving, he shouts to Wormtongue, a man who always follows him, to go with him.

Frodo says to Wormtongue not to follow him, but Saruman confesses that

Wormtongue killed Lotho and he got angry. With a burst of rage, Wormtongue takes a

knife and kills Saruman. Frodo can’t do nothing and four hobbit bows kill Wormtongue.

This is the end of bad times in the Shire, but it was still a lot of work to do.


The work of rebuilding and cleaning the Shire is hard. Frodo releases the hobbit

prisoners of the ruffians and they are very happy to be free again. All the hobbits are


Sam takes the box that Galadriel gave him and realised that it is full of seeds. Sam

plants saplings all around the Shire and plants the biggest one in the place where it had

once been a great tree, in the centre of Hobbition. The tree grows beautiful and big.

The next year is really good: good for people, for the land, for plants, for children... A

very good year for the Shire.

Frodo and Sam stay at Cotton’s farm since

Frodo gets a house in Bag End. Sam wants to

marry Rosie, Cotton’s daughter. They get

married and go to live with Frodo. When the

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Gandalf and the hobbits at the Grey Heavens

Sam and his family

rebuilding tasks finished, Frodo writes a little and returns to normal life. Merry and

Pippin sing songs to the hobbits. Frodo gets ill many times, but he conceals it.

Sam and Rosie have a child and Sam asks Frodo for the girl’s name. Frodo remembers a

very beautiful flower which they had seen in their trip: “Elanor”.

A few days later, it will be Bilbo’s one hundred and thirty-one birthday and Frodo wants

to go with him in Rivendell. Before he leaves, he takes Bilbo’s book, where Frodo had

written their story, and gives it to Sam. It’s not finished. There are a few pages left and

these are for Sam.

Frodo and Sam part from the Shire to

Rivendell. When they are at the Green Hills,

Elrond and many elves appear. There is Bilbo

too. Frodo says to Sam that he is going with

them to the Heavens and Sam can’t go with them. Frodo lets all that he has to Sam and

they all go to the Heavens. When they arrive, there is a big white ship there. Sam is sad

and thinks that he will have to do all the trip to the Shire alone, but then, Merry and

Pippin appear with Gandalf. Gandalf says good-bye to them and Frodo kisses Merry,

Pippin and, finally, Sam. Frodo, Bilbo and Gandalf go into the ship and the ship goes out

to the High Sea.

The three friends go back to the Shire. When

Sam arrives home, the dinner is prepared. He

takes his child, hugs his wife and says: “Well,

I’m back.”

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Pippin with the ball


General story

Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf, Gimly and others arrive to Isengard where Merry and Pippin

are smoking and eating while the Ents are finishing destroying all that is left. Pippin

finds a ball and Gandalf says him to give it to her.

In Edoras they celebrate the victory in the first battle. Aragorn and Gandalf talk of

Frodo and they have hope.

They are sleeping in Edoras and Pippin wants

to see the ball he found. He takes it from

Gandalf and looks at it. He sees the eye and

the eye thinks he is Frodo. The ball takes him

and hurts him, but Aragorn and Gandalf help

him. Gandalf asks him what has he seen and he says that he saw a dead white tree.

Gandalf says this tree is in Minas Tirith. Pippin also says that he saw Sauron and talked

with him, but he didn’t say anything about Frodo. They guess that Sauron wants to

destroy Minas Tirith and they want to go and help. Gandalf says Aragorn that they

three have to take another road and Gandalf leaves Edoras and goes with Pippin to

Minas Tirith.

We see elves walking in the forest in the last journey of Arwen. She imagines Aragorn

with her son and goes back to Rivendell. She asks her father, Elrond, what had he seen

in her future. Elrond doesn’t want to tell it to Arwen and she goes to Isildur’s broken

sword and asks Elrond to re-forge it. Arwen chooses not to leave and be immortal and

stay in the earth to wait Aragorn. They re-forge the sword.

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Gandalf riding with Pippin

Pippin on the beacon

Gandalf is riding with Pippin. They arrive to

Minas Tirith. They go up the city and they

arrive to the top. Pippin sees the tree he had

seen in the ball. Gandalf says Pippin not to

talk about Boromir, Frodo and Aragorn.

Finally, he tells Pippin not to say anything. They go to see Denethor. Denethor shows

Boromir’s horn and Pippin says Boromir died to save him. He offers his service to the

king. Gandalf says Denethor to ask for help in the war, but he doesn’t want to ask for

help because he knows Aragorn (the king of his “realm”) goes with Théoden. He wants

to be the king. They leave and go to a room. Pippin and Gandalf are in the balcony and

talk about Frodo and Sauron’s army. Gandalf tells Pippin things about a black lord who

will lead the army and that no living man can kill him. He is the lord and the greatest of

the Nazgûl.

Gandalf tells Pippin to do something, but we don’t know what it is. Then, little ships of

orcs arrive silently to a city where there are men and there is a battle. Pippin climbs to a

tower and burns a beacon, which is a signal

for other beacons to ask Rohan for help.

Aragorn sees the last one and says to

Théoden that Gondor calls for aid. The king of

Rohan says that they will help them. All the

men leave and Aragorn talks to Éowyn and sees she carries a sword with her.

We see the city in battle with orcs again and the orcs take the city because the men go

back to Minas Tirith. The Nazgûl follow them, but Gandalf goes with Pippin there and

the Nazgûl fly away. Faramir tells Gandalf he saw Frodo and Sam two days ago, says

that they are taking the pass of Cirith Ungol and Gandalf is a little scared. He says to

Faramir to tell everything he knows.

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Faramir with the image of Boromir behind

The Paths of the Dead

The king of the Nazgûl says to the orcs to attack the city and that he will kill Gandalf.

Pippin gives his service to Denethor. Denethor says to Faramir, his son, that he has to

retake Osgiliath, but it is impossible. Faramir

asks Denethor if he would have preferred him

to die instead of Boromir and he wishes that.

Faramir goes to Osgiliath to change his

father’s opinion about him.

Faramir is leaving the city with his men and Gandalf goes there before they cross the

door with their horses and tells Faramir not to throw his life away. However, they go to

Osgiliath. In Denethor’s big room, he is eating and asks Pippin to sing. He sings a song

while we see that Faramir’s men are going to Osgiliath.

Aragorn, Théoden and all others arrive to the place where they have to meet. Legolas

and Gimly ask for a path in the mountain and

Éomer says that no men who have entered

there have returned. That night, Éowyn gives

an armor to Merry and he goes to sharpen his

sword. Éomer tells Éowyn that the war is hard

and Merry will not survive. Aragorn dreams with Arwen and Éomer tells him to go with

the king. There’s Elrond, who tells Aragorn that Arwen is dying and the power of

Sauron is growing. Elrond tells Aragorn that they need more men and there are men in

the mountain who will answer to the king of Gondor. Then, Elrond gives Aragorn his

father’s sword which has been re-forged, the sword of Elendil. Elrond says Aragorn to

take the Dimholt road and he does it.

Éowyn says to Aragorn that she loves him, but Aragorn says her that he is not what she

seeks. Gimly and Legolas say to Aragorn that they will go with him and they leave.

Théoden says to his men that there are not enough to win Mordor’s army, but they will

go nonetheless. He talks with his daughter.

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The horses run away

Orc’s catapults

Legolas tells the story of the men of the

mountain to Gimly and says that they did a

pact with Isildur. When he needed help, they

hid into the mountain and Isildur cursed them

never to rest until they had fulfilled their

pledge. They three arrive to a door, a strange shout comes and the horses run away.

Aragorn enters and Legolas and Gimly follow him.

The men of Rohan leave to Minas Tirith. Théoden says to Merry that he can’t go to the

war, but Éowyn takes him in her horse. They ride to Gondor. The orcs are preparing

their army in the field in front of Minas Tirith.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimly arrive to a very huge room and a ghost appears. Then, a lot

f them appear and they surround them. Then, the king wants to kill Aragorn, but the

sword of Elendil can stop him and Aragorn tells them to fight for them and regain their


A horse arrives to Minas Tirith dragging Faramir. The orcs are ready to fight. Denethor

sees Faramir and the orcs throw heads to the city. Denethor thinks Faramir is dead, but

Pippin says he is alive and he needs medicine. Then, Denethor sees all the orc’s army

and he is hopeless. The orcs start to throw rocks with catapults and Denethor thinks

that Théoden has not come to their aid. Denethor shouts to their man to abandon their

posts, but Gandalf hits him and tells the man to prepare for war.

The orcs attack the city with balls in fire and

they try to break the gate with a big thing

which they call “Grond”. Denethor wants to

burn Faramir and he orders his servants to

bring wood and oil. The city gate breaks and

Gandalf animates them. They fight against orcs and trolls.

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The men of Rohan attack

Éowyn kills the Nazgûl

Pippin enters to the room where Denethor is and sees that he wants to burn Faramir.

Pippin says he is not dead and Denethor takes him out of the room. Then, he goes to

find Gandalf. The orcs go in the city and they hear Rohan’s horns. The men of Rohan

arrive. Théoden organises the attack and they attack. When Pippin finds Gandalf, he

explains all to him. Gandalf goes up with him. Denethor wants to burn himself with his

son, but Gandalf arrives. Denethor burns the pyre, but Pippin saves Faramir. Gandalf

hits Denethor to the pyre and when he is burning, he runs out of the room and jumps

down to the city.

The men of Rohan are victorious at the

beginning, but then, there arrive more men

with big elephants. The elephants kill a lot of

men at the same time and they can do

nothing. Éomer kills the man who guides the

elephant and two elephants die. Éowyn kills another elephant and an elephant falls.

Gandalf waits with Pippin. Then, a Nazgûl takes Théoden’s horse and wants to kill him.

Éowyn gets between them. The lord says to him not to come between a Nazgûl and his

prey, but she cuts Nazgûl’s head. The lord of

the black men tries to kill Éowyn, but Pippin

hits him with his sword. The lord says to

Éowyn that no man can kill him, but she says

him that he is not a man and kills him.

The orcs are waiting the ships of their men, but in the ships there appear Aragorn,

Legolas, Gimly and all the dead men. They kill everything they find in their way. They

win the battle. Éowyn talks to his father and he says to her that she had to let him go

and he dies. She cries.

When the battle finishes, Gandalf and Pippin go to the field and see Aragorn with the

dead men. Aragorn fulfils his debt. Pippin finds Merry alive and he takes him to the city.

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They agree to go to the Black Gate

The Eye falls

Sméagol fighting with Déagol

Gandalf talks with Aragon, Legolas and Gimly

and Aragorn says that they can help Frodo

doing a war in the black gate and make all the

orcs go out and keep the eye fixed on them.

It’s very difficult, but they will try. They all

leave Minas Tirith.

Aragorn’s men are in front of the gate and Aragorn, Gandalf with Pippin, Legolas, Gimly

and another knight with Merry go to the gate. Aragorn shouts and the door opens. A

lot of orcs appear and they go back to their men. The eye looks at them and Frodo and

Sam are safe. Aragorn talks to his people and

the battle starts. The Nazgûl appear, but

Gandalf sees a kind of butterfly and eagles

appear to fight against the Nazgûl. The

Nazgûl fly away to the mountain and, when

an orc is very near to kill Aragorn, all the orcs run away and the Eye falls down and

explodes. They are all very happy and, with the explosion, all the ground where there

were orcs fells down and all the orcs die. All the buildings of Mordor are falling to the

ground and the volcano erupts. Everybody thinks that Frodo and Sam are dead.

Frodo and Sam’s story

The film starts with Sméagol and Déagol who

are fishing and Déagol falls into the water

because of a fish. While he is there, he finds

the ring, gets out of the water and, when

Sméagol sees it, he wants it for himself. They

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Sam, Gollum and Frodo at Minas Morgul

Gollum throwing the Elven bread

fight for the ring and Sméagol kills Déagol. Sméagol steals the ring and we see how

Sméagol turns into Gollum.

We see Frodo and Sam sleeping. Gollum tells them to wake up and to leave. Frodo eats

a little and Sam says he has rationed it for the journey to Mordor and the journey home.

They leave.

Now we see a very strange thing. Gollum and Sméagol, the same “person”, are talking

to each other. They say that they’re going to take the Hobbits to something strange

and that thing is going to eat them. Doing that, they will get the ring. Sam hears a little

and tries to kill Gollum, but Frodo avoids it.

Gollum, Frodo and Sam arrive to Minas

Morgul. They go to a secret stair, the way to

Mordor. They climb. Frodo is possessed and

tries to go to the city, but the army goes out

and a big column of light goes up to the sky.

People in Minas Tirith see it. There are a lot of people going out of Minas Morgul.

Gollum tells them to climb and they go up.

Frodo and Sam are climbing the stairs and Gollum sees the ring and wants to take it

from Frodo, but Sam doesn’t allow him to do it. Then, Gollum helps Frodo to climb and

he says Frodo that Sam wants to take the ring from him.

When Sam falls asleep, Gollum takes their food, puts a little near Sam and throws it

down the mountain. They get up and when

Sam wants to eat a little, he sees that they

don’t have Elven bread. Gollum convinces

Frodo that Sam has eaten it and Sam asks

Frodo to carry the ring a little. Frodo

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The spider following Frodo

remembers Gollum’s words and says to Sam to leave. Frodo and Gollum continue up

and Sam stays there and goes down.

Frodo and Gollum arrive to a tunnel. Gollum tells Frodo to go in and he does it. Then,

Frodo doesn’t see Gollum and he sees there are a lot of bones of dead men and orcs.

Frodo remembers Sam and realises that Sam was right and Gollum had lied to him. Sam

sees the bread that Gollum had thrown and goes up again. Frodo runs without knowing

where to go and he sees a big spider. With the light of Elendil he manages to scare the

spider and runs away, but the fells in a spider web and the spider nearly catches him.

Gollum fights with him because he wants the ring, but Frodo hits him. Gollum says

Frodo he will not do any hurt to him and Frodo releases him. Then, Frodo hits him again

and Frodo pulls him down in a crevasse. Frodo is alone and misses Sam. He fells and has

a dream which gives him power. He continues walking.

Frodo arrives to a stair and he sees the black tower with the eye. Then, the spider

follows him silently and bites him. Frodo falls

and the spider wraps him with spider web.

Then, Sam arrives with the light of Elendil and

he hits the spider in his eye. The spider hits

Sam, but he catches the sword and hits the

spider, which runs away. He thinks Frodo is dead and when he sees Frodo’s sword is

blue (which it means that orcs are near) he hides and leaves Frodo there. The orcs find

Frodo and say he is not dead. Sam hears them, but the orcs take Frodo to a tower.

In the tower of Cirith Ungol, Frodo wakes up and the orcs are fighting for their clothes.

Frodo discovers that he hasn’t got the ring. The orcs fight with each other. Sam arrives

to the tower and silently, he enters by the side without being seen. He goes up the

tower and, when he sees two orcs, he shouts and the orcs go to kill him, but Sam kills

them. He gets to the top of the tower and an orc wants to kill Frodo, but Sam kills the

orc. Frodo is very glad to see Sam and apologizes. He says to Sam that the orcs had

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The Eye sees Frodo

Gollum fighting with “Frodo”

The Eagles rescue them

taken the ring, but Sam takes it off his pocket. Sam gives the ring to Frodo. They leave

the tower with two orc dresses and go to Mount Doom.

The orcs are moving to the gate. Frodo and Sam go down and see that the orcs are

moving and they cross the field dressed as

orcs. Frodo runs off of water, and Sam offers

his water to him. They leave the orc’s dresses

and continue walking. Frodo is very painful

and the eye sees him. He falls on the ground.

Sam and Frodo are climbing up the mountain and they can’t walk. Frodo crawls up, but

he stops tired. Sam takes Frodo and talks him about the Shire. Sam says he can’t take

the ring, but he can take him. He takes Frodo

up his shoulders and continues walking. When

there are almost to the door, Gollum appears

and tries to steal the ring. Sam hits Gollum

because Frodo is exhausted and he tries to kill

him. While they are fighting, Frodo is going up and Sam follows him. When Sam enters

the door, he sees Frodo before throwing the ring. However, Frodo puts the ring on.

The eye of Sauron sees him and the Nazgûl go there. Frodo is escaping with the ring,

but Gollum bites him in his finger and, when he gets the ring, he jumps of happiness.

Then, Frodo fights for the ring with him and both fall. Gollum falls in the fire and the

ring is destroyed. Frodo can hold himself and Sam saves him. They run to a big rock

outside the mountain and think that they are going to die. They talk about the Shire

and Frodo says to Sam that he is glad to be with him there, at the end of all things.

Then, Gandalf appears with the Eagles and rescue them.

When Frodo gets up, he is alone in a bed and

Gandalf is there, sitting at the bottom of the

bed. Frodo is very happy because he didn’t

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The four hobbits arriving to the Shire

know that Gandalf was alive and there arrive all his friends and all are very happy.

Finally, there appears Sam and they look to each other.


In Minas Tirith, Aragorn is proclaimed king by Gandalf. Everybody is happy and clap at

him. Aragorn talks and sings to his people and everybody bows at him when he walks.

At the end, he sees Arwen and he kisses her on her mouth in front of all the people.

They walk to the four hobbits, Aragorn bows to them and everybody bows to them.

The four hobbits arrive to the Shire and

everything is peaceful and calm. They make a

big party that night and they four drink

together. Then, Sam goes to see Rosie, the girl

he liked and they get married. They throw the

bouquet and Pippin gets it.

Frodo finishes his book and says to Sam that there are a few pages left in Frodo’s

house, the old house of Bilbo. He leaves the Shire with Bilbo and the other three

hobbits. Bilbo asks for the ring, but Frodo says he had lost it. When they arrive to the

Grey Heavens, Elrond is there with two other elves and Bilbo goes to the ship with

them. Gandalf says good-bye to the hobbits and goes to the ship, too. When he is

there, he says that this is the time to Frodo and Frodo explains to the three that he is

leaving too. He gives the book to Sam and says that the last pages are for Sam. He hugs

Merry, he hugs Pippin and, finally, he hugs Sam. He goes to the ship, smiles to them

and the ship leaves.

Sam returns home and he is with his two children and his wife. He kisses his wife and

says: “Well, I’m back.”

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 40

Merry and Pippin in Isengard

Pippin offers his service to Denethor


General story

The film starts before the third part of the

book. The third film has pieces of the second

part of the book. Here we see Legolas,

Aragorn and Gimly arriving to Isengard where

they find Merry and Pippin, which does not

appear in the third book. They also find a kind of ball and Pippin looks at it in the night

and Sauron sees him. Gandalf says to Aragorn that they have to take another road. We

see elves walking through the forest too.

Gandalf rides with Pippin. They ride to Minas Tirith. In the book, Gandalf explains things

about Mordor to Pippin and in the film we only see them a few minutes riding and they

don’t talk.

Here, in the book, Gandalf and Pippin talk with a group of men and these men say to

them that the king already knows that his son is dead. These men don’t appear in the


They arrive to Minas Tirith. In the book we have a huge description, which I think that

it’s very good seen in the film. In the book Pippin sees a tree and Gandalf explains what

does it mean to him. However, in the film Pippin has already seen the tree in the ball.

When they arrive to the door, in the book

Gandalf says to Pippin not to talk about

Boromir, Aragorn or Frodo, which also appears

in the film. The different thing is that in the

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 41

Elrond gives the sword to Aragorn

book they already know that the king knows that Boromir is dead and in the film they

don’t and in the film Gandalf finishes saying: “you better not say anything”.

We see Denethor with Boromir’s broken horn and Pippin offers his services to him in

both, the book and the film.

Now there’s a huge part which does not appear in the film. Gandalf and Pippin go to a

room, Gandalf leaves and a man called Beregond shows the city and explains things

about it to Pippin. This man does not appear in the film. Here also appears Bergil,

Beregond’s son, who finishes showing the city to Pippin and this character doesn’t

appear in the film too.

Aragorn, Legolas, Gimly and all others find a group of Riders of the North who join the


The knights arrive to a place where they stay and they see the Paths of the Death.

Éowyn gives an armor to Merry and Aragorn dreams with Arwen.

In the book Aragorn is convinced that he will

go to the Paths of the Dead and he

remembers Elrond’s words. In the film, Elrond

goes to see Aragorn to convince him. In the

film, Elrond gives the sword of Elendil, the

sword of his father.

In the book, Aragorn explains the story of the Dead men and in the film is Legolas who

explains the story to Gimly when they go to the Paths of the Dead. Another difference

is that in the book, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimly go to the Paths of the Dead with other

horsemen and in the film they go alone.

Another difference is that in the film, Éowyn says to Aragorn that she loves him and

asks to go with him. Éowyn has been with them always. In the book, Aragorn, Legolas

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 42

They arrive to a big cave

Merry and the arm of Éowyn, who takes him

and Gimly leave all the men and arrive to a city where Éowyn is. She also asks Aragorn

to go with them, but he doesn’t let her. The other men meet Éowyn in that city.

In the book, the riders ride in the Paths of the

Dead and they enter the door with the

horses. In the film they are only three and the

horses ran away before entering. In the book

they arrive to a huge room and they don’t see

anything. In the film, they see the ghosts. In both, the dead men follow them.

While Merry is having dinner with Éowyn and Éomer he asks for the Paths of the Dead.

This does not appear in the film.

In the book a man of Gondor comes to ask for aid and Théoden says that he will help

Denethor. In the film, when Gandalf and Pippin arrive to the city, Pippin goes up to a

tower and burns beacons which are a signal to Rohan asking for help.

In the book, when they get up the next day to go to battle, Théoden doesn’t want

Merry to go to battle, but a strange rider

takes him. In the film, we see that this rider is

Éowyn. This thing we discover it afterwards.

In the film, we see a city and the orcs take it.

The men go to Minas Tirith and when they

are going there, Gandalf rescues them from the Nazgûl. In the book, Pippin is at the

out-garrison and we don’t know anything of that battle. We know that men are

returning to the city and Gandalf rescues them.

In both parts, Denethor asks Faramir to go and re-take the city (which we notice that is

impossible) and says to him that he would have preferred him to die instead of


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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 43

Denethor wants to burn Faramir

In the book, Gandalf argues with Denethor because the king says that the ring would

have been safer in Minas Tirith than in the hands of a hobbit.

In both, Gandalf says to Faramir not to throw his life away, but in the book he says it

before Faramir leaves the room and in the film he says it before he leaves the city with

a lot of people around and shouting.

A messenger comes from the other city and says that their army is very big. Gandalf

returns to the city and says that Faramir is already alive.

In the book, many groups of men are returning to the city and Faramir returns with one

of them. He is seriously injured. In the film, a horse returns dragging Faramir and they

think he is dead.

The next day, a lot of orcs are in the plain in front of the city. In the book, they throw

the heads of the men who they have killed and in the film they start throwing rocks.

Denethor goes with Pippin and the servants

to a place which is under ground in the book

and at the same level in the film. Pippin goes

to see Gandalf and, in the book, he finds

Gandalf when he is fighting with the king of

the Nazgûl. In the film he is fighting with orcs. In the book, Gandalf leaves his horse and

goes down. He talks with Denethor, who burns a pyre and burns himself there. In the

film, Gandalf enters there with Shadowfax (his horse) and throws Faramir out of the

pyre. Denethor is burning and he runs out of the room and jumps down to the city.

In the book, the battle continues and it appears a big ram like a wolf which they call

“Grond”. In the film, we only see that thing hitting the door and the orcs shouting

“Grond, Grond!”.

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 44


Théoden dying

When the orcs break the door, everybody runs save Gandalf. He stays there with the

lord of the Nazgûl. They stay there until they hear a cock crows and they see that dawn

had arrived. The men of Rohan were there.

The men of Rohan, while they are going to Minas Tirith, they find men in the woods

that help them to arrive there faster. This does not appear in the film.

During the battle, in the book arrive new hosts of orcs and in the film arrive Oliphaunt.

In the film, a Nazgûl tries to kill Théoden and,

before he does it, Éowyn goes between them

and kills the Nazgûl. Pippin hits the lord of the

black men and Éowyn kills him finally. She

takes his father and he dies. In the book, it’s

all the same, but Éowyn fells down too and Théoden dies without knowing that she

was there and she tried to save him. Also in the book, Éomer sees Éowyn and says to

her that there she will only find dead.

In the book, the orcs see the ships arriving

and they wait for the orcs, but Aragorn,

Legolas and Gimly go out of the ship and kill

them all. In the film is almost the same. The

battle finishes.

Pippin goes to the battle field and finds Merry. He takes him to the city.

Here, there’s a chapter of the book which does not appear in the film. In this chapter

they are in the houses of the healing, a place where they get cured. Aragorn takes

strange medicines and cures Faramir, Éowyn and Merry.

Then, Legolas and Gimly go to the houses of the healing to see Merry and Pippin and

they explain them what they did in the paths of the dead. Here, we see how they made

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 45

They decide to go to the Black Gate

Frodo is fooled and tells Sam to leave

to kill all the orcs in those ships and give a surprise to the orcs who were waiting for the


At the end of the day, Aragorn fulfils the dead

men’s debt. In the film, Aragorn does this at

the end of the battle and in the book, he does

it after going to the houses of the healing and

seeing that everybody is alright.

In the book, they are talking of Sauron and they agree to go to the black gate and

distract Sauron. In the film it’s similar.

They go to the battle. In the book, we notice that Merry does not go to the battle

because he is not ready. In the film, Merry goes with his other friends.

When they are in front of the gate, Aragorn goes to the door with Gandalf and other

captains. The gate opens a little and an embassy of the dark tower comes. He shows

Frodo and Sam’s clothes and they are hopeless. They offer terms to Gandalf to avoid

the battle, but they refuse them. The black door opens and the battle starts. In the film,

they only arrive, the door opens and the battle starts.

Frodo and Sam’s story

Like the general story, the film starts before the third part of the book. We see

Sméagol and Déagol and we know how Sméagol found the ring and how he changes

into Gollum. Frodo, Sam and Gollum are going to Mordor and they have a lot of

different adventures.

They go up in a stair to Mordor and Gollum

fools Frodo and he tells Sam to leave.

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Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 46

Sam goes into the tower

Sam finds Frodo

Frodo and Gollum arrive to a place full of tunnels and there is a big spider who wants to

eat Frodo. Gollum tries to steal the ring from Frodo and he throws him into a crevasse.

The spider takes Frodo and wraps him with spider web. Sam arrives again and saves

him, but a group of orcs take Frodo to a black tower.

Frodo wakes up in the tower and the orcs are fighting for their clothes. He discovers

that he has not got the ring.

The book starts with Sam, who wakes up and sees the tower. He enters Mordor and

goes to the tower.

In the book, he gets to the tower almost by

miracle and in the film, he gets there

peacefully. When he gets to the tower, in the

film he finds three orcs and kills them and in

the book he only finds one orc, who runs up

and he doesn’t kill him.

Sam goes to the top of the tower and sees two orcs talking. One orc kills the other and

goes down the stairs to search for Sam. Sam goes up and tries to find Frodo, but he


In the book, an orc comes with a ladder and

climbs up to a room. Sam kills the orc, climbs

and finds Frodo. In the film, an orc wants to

kill Frodo, but Sam kills him. In both, Sam has

got the ring and gives it back to Frodo. They

also find two orc clothes and leave the tower. In the book, Frodo waits for the clothes

and then, they leave and in the film, they leave directly.

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 47

Sam takes Frodo

Frodo puts on the ring

Here, there’s also a chapter of the book that does not appear in the film. In this

chapter, Frodo and Sam walk a lot without knowing where to go. They ran out of water

and food, but they find water. They walk at night and sleep during the day.

In the book, they see all the orc companies going to the gate, but they don’t see any

orc near. In the book, they also see the orcs, but an orc thinks that they are orcs and

they have to join the group. They escape by throwing themselves to the ground and

the next day, they get up in the middle of a field.

In the film, the eye sees Frodo and he fells in the ground. This is not in the book.

They find themselves in the middle of the field and they continue forward by going

from hide to hide. They are very tired, especially Frodo.

Frodo is very tired. Sam says him that he cannot take the ring, but he can take him. In

the book, Sam takes Frodo at the bottom of

the mountain and in the film they have

already climbed a little.

Gollum tries to steal the ring from Frodo in

both, and Sam hits Gollum while Frodo is

going up. In the book, Sam has the chance to kill Gollum, but he does not do it. In the

film, it does not appear.

When Sam goes up, he finds Frodo next to the fire. Instead of throwing the ring, he

puts it on. Gollum appears and bites Frodo’s finger and takes the ring. This is the same

in both. The different thing is that, in the book, Gollum falls down while celebrating

that he has the ring and in the film, Gollum

falls down because Frodo hits him and Frodo

falls too. Sam rescues Frodo at the last time.

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 48

All the buildings fall down

They go out of the mountain and there’s an eruption. They stay in a big rock and Frodo

says to Sam that he is glad to be with him there, at the end of all things. This is the


The Eagles rescue them also in both things.


The men of the west are fighting. Suddenly, there is an earthquake and all the buildings

fall down. In the film, the ground below the

orcs falls down and they all die. In the book,

the orcs run away and they kill each other or


In the film, Frodo wakes up alone and he sees

Gandalf. Then, all his friends appear and they are very happy. In the book, Sam gets up

with Frodo at his side. They are very happy too and they make a big party in their

honour. They are treated like heroes.

Gandalf, Legolas and Gimly explain to Frodo and Sam all what had happened since they

left the company and they go to sleep. They will go to Minas Tirith and Aragorn will be

called king.

Éowyn and Faramir are in the houses of the Healing and they fell in love with each

other. Every day they look out the city to see if the men of Rohan return. One day, an

eagle comes and says that the realm of Sauron has ended. Many men go to receive the

knights, but others stay in the city.

Éowyn and Faramir are completely in love with each other and they agree to go and

live together. However, Éowyn wants to wait for his brother, Éomer.

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 49

Everybody bows at the four hobbits

When the men of the west arrive, a lot of people receive them and they go up to Minas


Aragorn is called king by Gandalf. In the film, he sings and everybody bows at him.

Arwen comes and they marry there. Then,

Aragorn walks to the four hobbits and bows

at them. Everybody bows at them. In the

book, Aragorn is called king and the city is


The film is almost finished, but the book continues with a lot of things. The four hobbits

stay a few days in the city with Legolas and Gimly. Aragorn and Gandalf go to a strange

path and they find a tree growing. He plants it in the middle of the citadel. After a few

days, Aragorn weds Arwen.

Many days later, Frodo wants to go back to the Shire. Seven days later, the four

hobbits leave with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimly, Gandalf, Arwen, Elrond and other knights.

When they arrive to Edoras, they prepare a funeral for Théoden and they make a big

party. Éowyn announces that she is going to marry Faramir.

They go to Isengard and see the Ents. Legolas and Gimly stay there and the others

leave. Aragorn leaves them in the Gap of Rohan.

Later, they find Saruman. He looks miserable and they leave him there. When they get

to Rivendell, they go to see Bilbo and they celebrate his one-hundred and twenty-nine


In the book, Bilbo asks Frodo for the ring in Rivendell. In the film, he asks for it when

they are going to the grey heavens, a lot of time forward.

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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 50

In the Shire, anything has changed


When they leave Rivendell, Bilbo gives presents to the four hobbits and they go to the

Shire. When they get to the Prancing Pony and the owner explains the bad situation

that they have.

When they arrive to the Shire, all is the same.

They make a big party and Sam goes to see

Rosie. They marry.

Finally, they get to the Shire. When they arrive there, they find everything different.

The hobbits don’t want them to enter in the Shire because they have orders, but they

enter. The next day, they go to see the “chief”. They get to the place where they used

to live and it was destroyed. They find ruffians in a tavern and they kill them and wake

all the hobbits up to prepare for war. They go to all the places in the Shire to call all the

hobbits and they have small battles against the ruffians. The main battle is won by the

hobbits, like all the others.

Then, they go to the mill to see the chief, but

they don’t find anybody. Finally, they see

Saruman. Everybody wants Frodo to kill him,

but he releases him and lets him go. Before

leaving, he calls Wormtongue and criticises

him a lot. At the end, Wormtongue kills Saruman and a lot of hobbits kill Wormtongue.

The bad times in the Shire have ended.

Then, there is a hard work of rebuilding and cleaning the Shire which takes a long time.

Sam marries Rosie Cotton and Frodo lives with them. Frodo gets ill a lot of times and,

eventually, he wants to leave and go with Bilbo in his one-hundred and thirty-one’s


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Things that appear in the film and don’t appear in the book

Things that appear in the book and don’t appear in the film

Things that appear in the book and in the film 51

Frodo hugs Sam

In the book, Frodo leaves the Shire with Sam,

finds Bilbo in the middle of the way and Merry,

Pippin and Gandalf meet them in the Heavens.

In the film, they four arrive to the Heavens and

there, they meet Gandalf and Bilbo.

In both, Frodo gives his book to Sam and says him that the last pages are for him.

Frodo leaves with Gandalf and Bilbo and kisses Merry, Pippin and Sam. They say good-

bye to each other and the ship leaves.

At the end, Sam returns home. He takes his children, kisses his wife and says: “Well, I’m

back.” This part is the same in both.

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Now, I can say it: “I love the Lord of the Rings!”. This project has served me for

consolidating the fact that I like this story a lot. I have learned more things about the

triology and I have incorpored new vocabulary.

The pictures in the project are almost all from:

After doing this project, I have realised that the film is radically different from the book

in some parts, but in others is very similar. There are also scenes in the film that do not

appear in the book.

The things that are simmilar in the book and in the film are in scenes like Gandalf riding

with Pippin, the arrival to Minas Tirith and talking with Denethor, the Paths of the

Dead, the fact that Théoden does not want Merry to go to battle, Denethor wants to

burn his son and a huge list. These things are simmilar in the film, but they have big

differences too, for example, in the Paths of the Dead, in the book Aragorn, Legolas

and Gimly go there with other horsemen and in the film they go alone. Like these, there

are almost all the most important things.

There are also parts that appear only in the book as the men that Gandalf and Pippin

find while going to Minas Tirith, Beregond showing the city to Pippin, Gandalf with the

Nazgûl in the battle of Minas Tirith and, the most different thing, the ending, which I

will talk about it later. Another part which is long in the book and does not appear in

the film is Frodo and Sam’s story. We do not see much of their adventures in Mordor

although there are lots.

The parts that are missing are the ones which appear in the film and do not appear in

the book. There are not many, but things like when Pippin finds Merry in the middle of

the battle, the eye seeing Frodo or the hobbits arriving to the Shire with anything


Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A


The ending has shocked me a lot. When you see the film, you think that the Shire has

not noticed the war and that, if Frodo and the hobbits had stayed there, nothing would

have happened to them. Another thing that opposites is that, if Sauron knew that the

ring was in the Shire, he would destroy it. In the book, the thing is more logical. The war

affects everywhere and the Shire is destroyed.

Another fact that is interesting is Saruman’s story. In the film, we know that he is inside

the tower in Isengard, but we do not know anything more. In the book, he is in the

Shire with the Ruffians and, finally, Gríma kills him. Seeing that when the hobbits arrive

in the Shire, anything has changed, it is “normal” that this part of Saruman was not


There is also a romance between Éowyn and Faramir in the Houses of Healing. A

romance is a very commercial thing, so I think it had to be there. To explain this, I

believe that, as Faramir and Éowyn are not the main characters, they preferred the

story between Arwen and Aragorn. You could say that Aragorn is the most important

character in the film.

Gollum’s story is also interesting. At the beginning of the third film, we see that

Sméagol steals the ring from Déagol and kills him. Then, the ring corrupts him and he

gets winder and wilder. However, we do not know how the ring arrived at Bilbo.

However, I think it has to be very difficult to make a movie with all the things that are in

the book and, instead of making three hours of film, they will have to make six or

seven. From my point of view, Peter Jackson made a very good work and the real and

virtual landscapes, like buildings, the clothes and the adaptation and characteristics of

the characters are very good made and very simmilar to the book.

The thing I liked the most doing was the comparison. As I will tell you later, the most

difficult part was reading the book and I found the part of the film quite easy. The part I

mostly enjoyed was the comparison, because you realise that you do not have to read

any summary again: you have it all in your mind.

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The main problems I had were at the beginning. I did not know how to focus the

project and what to do exactly. Finally, we decided to do only the third part and to

compare the story in general.

Another problem was with the book. It was long and difficult to understand. I read the

book with the dictionary and I had to look up on it many times.

With the film, I did not have any problem. I have watched it many times and I

remember almost everything.

Last, but not least, I want to say that if I have the opportunity to compare a book and a

film in the future, I am sure I will do it. What’s more, I will try to read the book after

watching the film if I think I would like the story.

I have also liked Tolkien’s style a lot and I am going to read more books of him. As far as

I am concerned, “The Hobbit” has to be a really good book.

Jordi Besora Solé THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING 2n Batxillerat A



TOLKIEN, John Ronald Reuel: The Lord of the Rings. London, 2007. Harper Collins.


The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

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