Jonathan Globerman | Food Additives to Avoid

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Jonathan Globerman | Food Additives to Avoid

Be mindful of what you eat. It seems as though food choices are obvious. You wouldn’t truly think to look past what is provided for you when your options are so prominently provided to you. We all know (I think) the basic ideas behind eating healthily: have variety, get your fruits, vegetables, meats, …dairy when applicable… Though there are some guidelines which I think will help you make informed decisions, good for your health.!!Processed foods permeate the selections which emblazon are everyday experience, advertisements or grocery aisles. Here is a list of a few ingredients you should avoid for good health:!!Bad Ingredient 1: Artificial Sweeteners!!When they came out, artificial sweeteners seemed like a safe, viable alternative to sugar. However, the perception of safeness surrounding such sweeteners has been quickly eroding. Artificial sweeteners are capable of raising blood sugar levels, and can create unhealthy peaks and worse lows like regular sugar can. In addition to being equally as harmful as regular, white sugar, various artificial sweeteners, those that contain Aspartame (diet soft drinks, Equal, and Nutrasweet) are now classified as a neurotoxin and carcinogen.!!Bad Ingredient 2: BHA and BHT!!Butylated Hydroxyanisole and butylated hydrozyttoluene. Sound safe?!Theses two cohorts are common preservatives used in a variety of foods: vegetable oils, cereals, potato ships, and chewing gum. The two chemicals are used to prevent color and flavor changes as food ages. While it is a great preservative… for the food… studies show each chemical can most definitely have adverse effects on your health, such as an increased risk of cancer, behavior alteration, or damage to your neurological system. Essentially, BHA and BHT can result in reactive oxygen in your body which may lead to cancer.!!Bad Ingredient 3: Food Colorings!!Dyes and food colorings may lead to an increased risk in cancer, genetic abnormalities, and tumor. Dyes are also known and linked to behavioral problems in children. While there is a huge risk here, it is a hard thing to avoid colored dyes.!!Take Aways:!!As a general trend, for better health, one should avoid processed foods and strive to eat natural and organic products. Be careful of packaged foods, canned foods, and anything that is not available fresh. It is best to shop locally or at a trusted source for fresh food.!There are a few more ingredients which are great to avoid. I will post about these later, so please stay posted and eat well!