Johnathan N Period 3 FBI Agent

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Johnathan N Period 3 FBI Agent

FBI Special Agent

Johnathan Ng

Intro to Law and Justice


In order to become an FBI agent, you must have a bachelors degree, and 3 years of work experience. It takes 4 years to get a bachelors degree. 3 local colleges you can attend to get a bachelors are: -Chattahoochee Technical -Kennesaw state university -Georgia state university.

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In order to become an FBI, you must pass the FBI training program which is 20 weeks long.

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The federal academy you must attend in order to be an FBI is the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia.

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Before being admitted into the FBI academy, they must past several test 1. Physical fitness 2. Vision requirements 3. Hearing requirements 4. 4. Medical review.

Agents must successfully complete all training all training in

order to graduate from the FBI academy.

Investigate crime Protect the US from terrorism and foreign intelligence threats

Provide criminal justice services to the US

Gather, share and analyze intelligence

Fight against, counter intelligence, cybercrime, public corruption, civil

rights, organized crimes, white collared crimes, and

major thefts.

5 interest of this career..

5 things I dislike..

The difficulty of some tasks.

The danger of the job

Stress from task

Making mistakes

Being transferred.

Critical skills for this career

Experience in computer


Ability to speak foreign


Military experience

Tactical ops/special


Law enforcement

I believe that military experience Is the most important because since this job is dangerous, you must know how to defend yourself and control people.




3 traits that make this a good career for me:

Special agents get promoted as they gain more experiences. Agents enter the field as GS-10 and can advance to GS-13 level in the field and can get promoted to supervisory, management and executive positions in GS-14 and GS-15.

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Annual pay

Fbi agents make about $51,000 a year, which is about $21 an hour. In order to move up the pay grade, you must get promoted, and work longer.

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Fbi agents are expected to work around 50 hours a week and are expected to travel anywhere within the country.

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The FBI are a growing job in the United states. Three jobs that go hand in hand with the FBI are:


Military police

Police Images from clip Art

Work Cited

• "Federal Bureau of Investigation." Federal Bureau of Investigation. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug. 2012. <>.

• "Error Page." GenericError. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug. 2012. <>.


This is a career that I still would like to pursue. After researching this, I learned more than what I already knew, and it interested me even more. I have always been interested in more physical work, such as police or military. I want a career in which I can serve my country, and this is an excellent career for that. I have always watched TV shows with FBI agents and it has always interested me, and after researching it, it interested me more.

From this career, I am hoping to gain knowledge, that can last a lifetime, and working experience. I also want to receive training that I can use for the rest of my life. From this, I am hoping to see the world differently, and if anything happens in the future, I can help, such as 911.