John frusciante

Post on 27-Jun-2015

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This was intended to be a prerecorded pecha kucha presentation. But, prior to embarking on this multimedia escapade I completed my last final exam so subsequently I was in no mood for monkey wrenches being tossed into the mix. Low and behold I encountered some very intense technical turbulence and lost it. In order to avoid having an aneurysm and prevent myself from going into some catatonic cardiovascular stupor I deviated from the intended assignment...but academia aside this is much better. ,

Transcript of John frusciante

John AnthonyFrusciante







Blood Sugar Sex Magik Tour 1992

"What would I do with that two years if I had two years to just do whatever I wanted?"


“Music is the face of God.”

“For me, living and making music, they’re one thing.”


Pop“Rock music made with synthesizers and drum machines”

“You know, that’s the beauty of the technology of sampling: You can play any instrument or any combination of instruments […and] basically have the history of recorded music to play as your instrument.”

“I was happy to do the simplest little Acid track and just be able to play with the knobs on the machine. I was just so happy to be doing something that had no connection to the habits that I’d gotten into as a rock guitar player.”

Collaboration with N.A.S.A.

December 17th