John Adams 2 nd President 1797-1801. Warm-up!! Describe the foreign policy of George Washington in 3...

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Transcript of John Adams 2 nd President 1797-1801. Warm-up!! Describe the foreign policy of George Washington in 3...

John Adams2nd President1797-1801


• Describe the foreign policy of George Washington in 3 sentences.

• Describe George Washington’s view on political parties in 3 sentences.

• You will have 6 sentences total.

John Adams’ Contributions of Civic Virtue

Defended British soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trial

Declaration of Independence (worked w/Jefferson)

Continental Congress (Promoted Independence)

Foreign Diplomat

First Vice-President

Second President As President J.F.Kennedy said “Ask not what

the Country can do for you But what can you do for your country”

Adams: Politics & Beliefs• Federalist• supported by Northern

merchants & industry• wanted a strong federal



wanted:- strong federal govt.

- loose interpretation of Constitution

- national bank

- promoted manufacturing

John Adams Video

Major Events of John Adams Presidency

• Conflict with France• XYZ Affair • Navy Department &

Marine Corps Created • Alien and Sedition Acts• Kentucky & Virginia



The XYZ Affair led to an undeclared war with

France. President Adams established the Navy Department, built warships, started the

Marines, and increased the size of the army, appointing George

Washington as commanding general. Battles took place on

the open seas.


The Alien and Sedition Acts

Naturalization Act : Required that aliens be residents for 14 years instead of 5 years before they became eligible for U.S. Citizenship.Alien Acts : Allowed the president to imprison aliens, or send those he considered dangerous out of the country.

Sedition Act: Made it a crime to speak, write, or publish “false, scandalous, and malicious” criticisms of the government.

Do you see anything wrong with these acts????????

Why were they passed ???The Federalist – controlled Congress wanted to:

1. Strengthen the federal government

2. Silence Republican opposition

Results:• Discouraged

immigration and led some foreigners already in the country to leave.

• Convicted 10 Republican newspaper editors who had criticized the Federalists in government.

Reaction:• Opposition to

Federalist party grows.

• Led to movement to allow states to overturn federal laws.

WARM-UP!!! COPY THIS SLIDE IN YOUR NOTES FROM YESTERDAY! The Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions claimed that the Alien & Sedition Acts could not be put into action because they violated the Constitution.

States’ Rights - States had rights that the federal government could not violate. States could nullify federal laws. (Used to fight the Alien & Seditions Acts)

Judiciary Act of 1801

• Federalists passed before Jefferson took office.

• Set of regional courts for U.S. w/16 judges & other judicial officials

• President Adams made 100s’ of appointments

• “Midnight Judges” awaited their commissions

• President Jefferson took office and stopped delivery of documents

• William Marbury sued Madison for delivery• Led to Marbury v. Madison & Judicial


Quiz QuestionsWhich controversial legislation of President John Adams’ administration restricted citizens from criticizing the government?A. The Embargo ActB. The Monroe DoctrineC. The Alien and Sedition ActsD. The Judiciary Act

Quiz Questions

How was President John Adams able to appoint “midnight judges”?A.XYZ AffairB.The Monroe DoctrineC.The Judiciary Act of 1789D.The Judiciary Act of 1801

Quiz Questions

Under the Alien Act, how long did it take for an alien to become eligible for U.S. Citizenship?A.10 yearsB.13 yearsC.14 yearsD.15 years

Quiz Questions

What amendment allows the press to criticize the government?A.1st amendmentB.2nd amendmentC.3rd amendmentD.4th amendment

Quiz Questions

Defending British soldiers, after the Boston Massacre, gained John Adams popularity.

Quiz Questions

John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the same day as Thomas Jefferson’s death.