Johannaès goodbye slideshow

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Johannaès goodbye slideshow

  • 1. You will be dearly missedby your LCS friends!

2. One beautiful girl, with a new beginning in Germany! 3. We Will Always Be HereAnd Will Dearly MissYou But 4. The Memories Will Always Last Youre Going To Have A Blast 5. We Are Never Going To Forget You, Dont Forget Us 6. The Journey Is Undiscovered, But Will Soon BeRevealed 7. For I know the plans I havefor you," declares theLORD, "plans to prosperyou and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and afuture. Jeremiah 29:11 8. A New Future, New Memories,New People 9. We Love You Johanna!!