Joe pulizzi soundbites

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Joe pulizzi soundbites

Joe Pulizzi – Soundbites

“Viral happens after 10,000 pieces of content”

“Branded content gives content marketing a bad name. It’s a word created by the world of paid media … by advertisers, agencies, and media planners.”

“We’re thinking of [content marketing] as part of our … IT strategy, our communication strategy, but not as our business strategy.”

“It takes time to build a loyal audience. Brands that don’t have the patience can engage in pilot programs, where short-term successes can be measured and built upon like increased search engine rankings, social shares, and subscriber growth.”

“If you don’t give away some content, nothing happens. The content itself markets to the audience you’re trying to build, one that is loyal, loves and trusts you. And because they trust the content you send them, they will buy from you.”

Kevin Spacey on the call Joe made to him to invite him as keynote speaker.

“Hey Kevin! I got this opportunity you wont wanna miss. There’s this nice little event I throw every year. You gotta be there. Can you do that for me spaceman?

It’s a real classy affair…orange candy…orange soda & it’s in Cleveland.”

“For each article, Upworthy writes a minimum of 25 different headlines. Then the company does various A/B tests with its subscription lists to see which headline led to the most e-mail opens and the most shares.” 

“More and more, I find that the best Content Inc. programs revolve around aspirations, not needs.” 

“Good content marketing makes a person stop, read, think, and behave differently.” 

“Let’s say someone rounded up all your content and placed it in a box, like it never existed. Would anyone miss it? Would you leave a gap in the marketplace?”