Job Search Survival Kit -- Part 34 -- Salary Negotiation. Today's Reality. --

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Transcript of Job Search Survival Kit -- Part 34 -- Salary Negotiation. Today's Reality. --

The Job Search Survival Kit – Job Search And LinkedIn Tips. Part 34

Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The OddsBy: Anthony Hines

A Reminder Of Who Am I & Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me?

Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition.

Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences.

Step By Step By Step By Step.

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING MORE.Get Your Resume Checked Email your resume to and tell them I sent

you. That way you will get a free comprehensive and detailed report of how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The turnaround is quick and the service is stellar.

Read My Job Search Tip Document First .These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity & visibility in my search. Email me at and I will send you them.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

The next group of slides will discuss things that I believe you should do regarding salary negotiation while in the job search process.

I will tell you the tip or idea and let you know why I like it to help you in dealing with the process.

Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.

I hope my ideas help you out and help me to end unemployment one person at a time.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Don’t lie or exaggerate what you made at your previous job. It will catch up with you and you will get a bad reputation in the recruiter world. They all talk to each other. Be unethical and sooner or later you will get crushed.

I think you if you are asked about your salary you should come our and say what your salary was and then say what your bonus was. Then mention that you had benefits and whatever perks you had. Make sure that you are comparing apples to apples as this job may not have the same benefit package or have added costs or deductibles that you didn’t have before.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

I personally have never been a big fan of negotiating salary when you get an offer.

I think you should have an understanding of what the job pays before you even get to the salary part because you should have researched the market and if needed, bought reports to show a range of what the job pays.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

So really there should be no surprises when it comes to that part of the process because if you did your homework, based on the position you really should know. You can get that information at sites like as well as on This is on you to do.

Now if the offer is way out of the range that you researched, you really have to ask yourself why is this happening?

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

If you are unemployed, it could be because the company thinks that you are worth less because you are looking and don’t have a job currently. I know that you probably don’t want to hear that but it is a reality that happens sometimes in some of the biggest companies. Yes, it is not fair but it happens. Don’t live in a dream world and assume that stuff only happens to other people. It could happen to you so be ready for it.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

I have always believed that once you accept the offer, you lose control of the process at that stage, so accept carefully.

If the offer is low, another reason could be that the salary scales are based on national data and not based on the region that you live in.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Another reason they may come in low with an offer is that in order to save cash, they would be willing to do things like let you work some days from home or would allow you to have flexible hours or maybe have some other perk like that which could be useful. Now remember, those type of things have value but a company may not offer that if they don’t have to. Maybe if the offer is lower than expected, you can ask for something like I mention above as a perk. Money isn’t everything. What is your time or a lack of commute worth?

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Don’t get too cute. Remember, the company can rescind the offer and then where are you?

I personally believe that you take less money just to get in and then prove yourself by taking on responsibility voluntarily and more often than not


I personally believe that you take less money just to get in and then prove yourself by taking on responsibility voluntarily and more often than not the money will find its way to you over time. Reality is that it is hard to find good people but you have to show a company that you are good. Remember, they are taking a chance on you. They don’t know you from anyone else. Resumes are resumes and LinkedIn profiles are LinkedIn profiles but its on you to show your worth. Once you do, I believe the money will come so be flexible.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Maybe you can get other perks like certification renewals paid for and or education paid for.

Also, check those medical costs. How much are you really making if you are paying a big number for your medical, dental and other benefit costs. Don’t assume everything is cheap. Look at the numbers and do the math. You could be making must less than you realize.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Does the company have a 401k and does it have a match program for your deposits?

Do you get sick time and paid holidays and personal time and if you don’t get any of the above right away, how long is the wait before you are eligible? Maybe that is negotiable. See what I am saying here?

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Maybe you can take some extra vacation time instead of cash. Never hurts to ask if the offer is lower than you expect.

I just feel that if you shake the company down for more money right off the bat, you are bringing more pressure on to yourself as you will be watched closely because you are being paid more than they originally had slotted for the position and you risk losing the offer so be careful.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Now, lets go another way. Lets say the offer is higher than expected. Don’t just jump at it thinking that they are throwing you cash because you are awesome. Now it may be true but it could also be because the job is hard to fill.

Maybe they are more duties or hours needed than they are telling you. Maybe there is more stress on the job than you realize.

Job Search Salary Negotiation – Today’s Reality -

Maybe the location is tougher to get to during rush hour than you realize. Do a dry run of the commute to see for yourself.

Maybe the boss is tough to work for. Someone who is very demanding that has no life and expects you to have no life other than work.

All I am saying is think about this stuff if the offer is too good to be true.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Got great professional skills and experience that you can share with a company that needs help? You may want to consider Maven. This company has a list of many requests for information or experience that maybe you could answer and pick up some cash on the side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your friends about it and make some cash if they signup . Check out this link for more information.

Thoughts For You To Ponder

I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only providing you with things I did that helped me out during my own job search.

I do these presentations because the job search process has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you. Excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take charge. You can do it because you have done it before I bet.

Make sure you individualize any all of the information provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.

Job Search Online Resources To Help You Land The Job .

There are many inexpensive books and or downloads that are available online. Remember, you have to invest in yourself to make sure that you are the best job candidate possible.

Please use this link to check out some great job search related products. .

All products are easy to afford and provide pertinent info that could help you get your next job fast.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you want to quickly increase your linkedin connection total, including many recruiters, go to .

This paid service will make your connection total explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.

Now if you want that type of traffic and want many more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link for quick service.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

If you have found this presentation helpful and found some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at a time has been a success.

please email me at and tell me how its going. If you have read my docs and have seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I believe that you are on your way to your next group of opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no delays, no procrastination. Go for it.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group because the people in it really support and help each other to get their next opportunity.

Just log into, go to groups and join the above named group. People really seem to find it useful and I check in often as well. Come join today.

Job Search & LinkedIn Tips To Help You Land The Job

Go back to and check out my other “Job Search Survival Kit” presentations because over the recent past, I have added a bunch of new chapters that enhances what you have just read and will also help to get you an even better edge in your job search journey.

Check out my Job Search Survival Kit on as well.

Just search for it and it will come right up.

Most importantly, make sure you email a copy of your resume to for your free resume critique because you have no chance of ever getting a great job without a great resume to get you noticed.