JMW Rights List - edited.indd

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of JMW Rights List - edited.indd

For the first time ever the skills and techniques of these three authors are combined in one extraordinary book.

Life Changing Secrets from the Three Masters of Success

Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Joseph Murphy, commonly acknowledged as the most popular self-help, personal improvement authors of all time whose books combined have sold over one hundred million copies. These sensational bestselling books are responsible for helping millions of people to learn to live a life that is more successful, healthier, happier and fulfilling in every possible way.


Your Guide to Success & Happiness

Millions of readers are drawn each year to find the one great book that will capture their imagination and inspire them to chart a course to personal happiness and success.

There are no subjects more interesting to every individual than the subjects of SUCCESS &HAPPINESS. All one needs to do is Google the words success and happiness and more than fifty-eight million hits appear.

SUCCESS &HAPPINESS is not exclusive in terms of concrete goods even though many view happiness on this basis only. Success and happiness is a feeling of contentment knowing that you have what you want out of life. Therefore, success and happiness can be defined both in terms of the intangible and the tangible. There are many happy people who are unknown, but they are accomplishing something. Some garbage collectors are happy; some millionaires are not. Success and Happiness are not necessarily defined in terms of fame and money.

This Guide to Success & Happiness is a refreshing look at choice excerpts from the best motivational and prosperity material ever written. This book is filled with ageless wisdom and time tested principles that will help the reader tap the inner reserves they never knew they had. Never have these gurus appeared between covers together in this way. Here we see the most interesting points of the most fascinating writers, spotlighted and arranged in such a way as to support and enlighten each other

How to be Rich is a refreshing look at choice excerpts from the best motivational and prosperity material ever written. These founding geniuses of the ‘New Thought’ movement had not yet encountered political correctness, so their messages were as direct, unlimited and powerful as their beliefs. Never have these prosperity gurus appeared between covers together in this way. Here we see the most interesting points of the most fascinating writers, spotlighted and arranged in such a way as to support and enlighten each other. These are the writers who were inspired by such kings of fortune and discovery as the legendary Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison. In turn these writers directly inspired titans such as Henry Ford.

You may not readily recognize the names of the great leaders in success whose writings appear

here – such as Napoleon Hill, Joseph Murphy, James Allen, Ralph Waldo Trine and Julia Seton. However,

you will surely recognize the names of some contemporary teachers who have been inspired by them,

including Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale and Deepak

Chopra. Pioneering the self-help, New Thought and human potential movements, those early geniuses

of success represented in this book left us an invaluable legacy. Their proven wealth-attracting steps and

strategies all rest on one basic, powerful idea: The key to everything is our thought, and we can change

our life experience only when we replace old, limited ideas with new, more expansive ones.

Never before published - book series based on the philosophies, writings, and teachings of Dale Carnegie.


Success in our careers is dynamic—not static. Whether our goal is to maintain current success, build continuing success, or move up to even greater success, we must not only be willing to accept change, but to be alert to when we should initiate it. In this book the “S” Success Factors are discussed, the importance of making changes, adjusting to change, initiating change, be a team player, reducing stress during the change process and dealing with diverse people.

Over 30 million Dale Carnegie books have been sold. Dale Carnegie books and programs teach principles that offer people the knowledge, skills and practices they need to add value to their lives and make them more productive in their career and successful in life. Connecting proven solutions with real-world challenges, Dale Carnegie is recognized internationally as the leader in bringing out the best in people


No matter how successful or happy we are, there will be times in our lives when we face conflicts. It

may be on the job, in our community activities and certainly within our family and personal

relationships. We are either too passive or too aggressive. Others may disagree with us, make life

unpleasant or pressure us to undertake actions we feel are wrong. Others may like to argue and create

an unpleasant environment.

In this book, you will learn how to handle such situations tactfully and effectively so the result is harmony and happiness in your relationships. You will learn how to control your emotions when confronting antagonists, to understand and relate to their motivations, use techniques to persuade others to understand your viewpoint and to resolve arguments and conflicts so that all parties are satisfied resulting in healthy relationships


The world is rapidly changing and requires those in leadership and management positions to assume constantly changing roles and responsibilities. We cannot do these ourselves nor can our people help us move to the next level, unless we first identify our goals and establish and communicate a clear vision to our associates. Once a shared vision is created and disseminated throughout the organization, our people cease viewing their role as task-oriented and instead become results-oriented and inspire us and our associates to take risks and responsibility. Clearly focused outcomes allow people to become more self-managed and to handle resources without senior level assistance. Among the effective techniques of leadership we will learn in this book include: how to recruit staff with the greatest potential, how to motivate them and to enhance their performance by dynamic coaching and meaningful delegation, handling people problems and encouraging creativity and innovation.


Learn how to prepare to qualify for advancement in your career. Learn how to succeed to increase

your earning power. Learn how to create a professional demeanor—an image that you project to your

superiors, your subordinates, and your colleagues. Develop your own personal brand—how you differ

from (and are superior to) other employees who may compete with you for advancement. Learn how

to acquire the most important facets of a management position. Learn how to advance your career by

analyzing opportunities, becoming visible and ultimately getting a promotion.

Advancing in your career can be a rewarding and exciting experience. Not only will you gain financially,

but also you will increase your status in the organization and the community. Most importantly, your

job satisfaction and earning potential is enhanced.

3 Who would not want to get more out of the years we have on earth? Too many people live dull, drab existences, toiling in unsatisfying jobs, and using what free time they have in unrewarding pursuits. In this book we will discuss some of the reasons we fall into these traps and provide some pointers to help overcome the problems and move onward to a better, more productive and more satisfying life. Let’s look at some of these:

Lack of Self-Confidence: Readers will learn the causes of lack of self confidence and how to gain or

regain it.

Enthusiasm: the secret ingredient of success of most successful people. You will learn how to

become truly enthusiastic about all your activities

Goal setting: Establishing goals and working toward their achievement is the first step one

must take on the long road to success.

Being positive: You will learn how to acquire an attitude that believing that things are going

to turn out well; that we are going to succeed and not fail; that no matter what may or may

not happen, we are going to be happy.

This book will put you on the right track to success, happiness and living an enriched life.


A happy and rewarding life is a balanced life. Too often we feel that our lives are out of balance. Too

many people face unpleasantness in their lives because of their inability to deal effectively with

interrelationships in their personal and professional life. This book will provide insights and tools to help

readers understand, communicate and deal with all age groups in a constructive and meaningful manner

leading to success and happiness.

10 tips on creating and maintaining a happy marriage

Developing a cooperative, collaborative family environment

Improving communications with friends and work colleagues

Learn to disagree agreeably



Dale Carnegie and his successors have shown us the way in their courses and in their writings. In this book we have synthesized these principles into 10 steps that will guide readers to a more fulfilling life.

To get the most out of this book, read all of it first to absorb the overall concepts. Then reread each chapter, and start applying the guidelines for achieving each of the areas covered. This will start you on the track that has brought success, happiness, and enrichment to the millions of men and women who have studied and implemented Dale Carnegie’s teachings.

2 All of us worry. Many of these worries are of short duration and go away with little effort. But when worry persists, it can rob us of vitality, enthusiasm and energy and can lead to physical and mental breakdowns. Doctors point out that chronic worry is behind numerous diseases such as asthma, allergies, cardiac trouble, high blood pressure and a host of other illnesses too numerous to mention. The worried mind is confused, divided and is thinking aimlessly about a lot of things that are not true. We can push worry out by training our minds to focus on harmony, peace, beauty, right action, love and understanding – by supplanting negative thoughts with constructive thoughts.

We must reaffirm our faith in ourselves. We must learn to take our worries apart and hold them up to the light of reason, dissect them and cuts them up into small pieces and ask ourselves: "Are these real? Where do they come from? Do these worries have any power? Is there any principle behind them?" We must deal with them with rational thoughts. This will dismember our worries and help us realize they are shadows in our mind, fallacious and illusionary. In this book we will look at the many things that worry us. We will examine the worries that are initiated in our home life and in our jobs. We will discuss how to deal with stress, avoid burnout and develop and maintain a positive mental attitude that will enable us to replace our worries with affirmative thoughts and actions. We will learn the skill of coping with stress, banishing burnout and mastering the techniques of getting the most of our time. We can never be totally free from worry, but we can minimize its negative effects and convert worry into positive action that make us happier and enrich our lives.


In this book, you will learn some strategies to improve both your oral and written

communication -- major steps toward becoming more successful in your job and in every aspect

of your life.

You will learn how to perfect your oral communication skills from the day-to-day

experience of talking one to one with another person – the art of conversation – to making

public speeches to a large audience or presenting a report to members of a group or


You will learn how to really listen to what the other person is saying so you fully

understand the message. You will learn how your body language enhances or depreciates your

message and how to interpret the body language of your listeners.

5 Dale Carnegie and his successors in Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. have over 90 years experience in helping men and women of all ages, nationalities and levels of education acquire certain traits that help them win and keep more friends, advance in their careers and live enriched lives. This book is based on their teachings. Among the skills you will learn in this book are:

How to become a charismatic person

How to make new friends and keep old friends

How to influence the people with whom you interact by creating a cooperative, collaborative and collegial


How to build trust

How to evaluate and understand other people’s personalities so you can relate more effectively to them

How to sell your ideas, concepts and suggestions on the job, in your dealings with family and friends and, indeed with

all others with whom you relate.

How to act and react when confronted by difficult people

How to disagree without being disagreeable

How to understand and master your emotions and understand the emotions of others.

Our personality extends beyond our bodies. It is not dependent on whether we are homely or handsome, educated or uneducated. In this book you will learn how to hone the capability we have within us of developing that subtle mysterious atmosphere of personality that draws people to us and to and to overcome those tendencies that are likely to push people away.

It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. There is no virtue in poverty; the latter is a mental disease, and it should be abolished from the face of the earth. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold—spiritually, mentally, and materially. You have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury. Why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of the Infinite? In this book you will learn to make friends with money, and you will always have a surplus. Your desire to be rich is a desire for a fuller, happier, more wonderful life. It is a cosmic urge. It is good and very good. Murphy has a gift for expressing great truths in a clear manner. If you are a hard worker but simply can't seem to get ahead, this book will change your life. As always, Murphy includes specific examples of what people can achieve if they start using their imaginative intelligence. These examples will inspire you to try out his methods for yourself. Everything in this book is true, like every other book of Joseph Murphy this book is great and even more its working. It has been changed my financial life, and now I have the money for everything I want, and I highly recommend that everybody who wants to change his or her financial life will buy this wonderful book by the best and wonderful author Joseph Murphy.


Discover How to Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life. The chapters in this book provide the reader with the way to live a life that is healthier, happier, and more fulfilling in every possible way. This book is a tool that can be used for most problems that individuals encounter in life, and have been time-tested to accomplish the goals as intended. Murphy’s basic theme is that the solution to problems lies within oneself. Outside elements cannot change one’s thinking. That is, your mind is your own. To live a better life, it’s your mind not outside circumstances that you must change. You create your own destiny. The power of change is in your mind, and by using the power of your subconscious mind, you can make those changes for the better

Psychic Perception: The Magic of Extrasensory Power

Everyone possesses psychic powers and can be presently aware of events and experiences transcending the five senses. This book teaches you to use your latent psychic powers. It explains how to contact the Infinite Healing Presence within you, and supplies specific techniques for putting extrasensory powers into operation for your practical benefit, with amazing results.

Joseph Murphy Book Series

Dr. Joseph Murphy’s classic book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind was first published in 1963 and became an immediate bestseller selling over 10 million copies; it was acclaimed as one of the best self-help guides ever written. Following the success of this work, Dr. Murphy lectured to thousands of people around the world, and millions tuned in to his daily radio program. In his lectures, he pointed out how real people have radically improved their lives by applying specific aspects of his concepts.

Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind For an Enriched Life by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

This book provides readers with his proven tools on how to program their subconscious minds so that they can radically improve their lives. Dr. Murphy discusses the core concept that our thoughts and feelings create our destiny. Whatever our subconscious and conscious minds agree upon will come to pass. Fortunately, we have the power to control our thoughts, and in these pages Dr. Murphy gives us the tools we need to reprogram our mind so that we can experience inspiration, happiness, and fulfillment instead of negativity. As we feed our subconscious with uplifting ideas, wonderful events will unfold in our lives.

Maximize Your Potential Through The Power of Your Subconscious Mind For A More Spiritual Life by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

Dr. Murphy explains that Infinite Spirit is the presence of God within each human being. You’re capable of deepening your spirituality and obtaining tranquility, beauty, love, joy, and all of God’s blessings.

Maximize Your Potential Through The Power of Your Subconscious Mind For Health and Vitality by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

Dr. Murphy explains that illness and debility result from believing that you’re subject to them. Your subconscious mind accepts whatever you or others impress upon it. If you focus on ideas of sickness and weakness, you’ll experience infirmity. On the other hand, if you feed your subconscious thoughts of strength and wellness, you’ll be strong and healthy. In these pages, you’ll learn how to give your deeper mind only suggestions that heal, bless, elevate, and inspire you—and reject those that lead to failure, illness, and despair. You’ll be shown how to override negativity and plant uplifting ideas in your subconscious that will make you vibrant and healthy.

Maximize Your Potential Through The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind To Develop Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

Dr. Murphy teaches you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to overcome negativity and low self-esteem. If you’re feeling tense or depressed and worry that no one appreciates you and people look down on you, you can learn that you are the master of your life and the ruler of your mind. You alone—not others—are responsible for your reactions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You don’t have to let anyone have power over you. Following the guidance provided in these pages, you’ll discover how to love yourself and open your soul to freedom from domination; peace of mind; and a joyful, rewarding life.

Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind To Create Wealth and Success by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

Within these pages, Dr. Murphy shares his four-step master key to wealth to guide you to abundance and continuing prosperity. By following this plan, a salesman quintupled his income, a minister funded the rebuilding of a church for a previously impoverished congregation, and many other success stories took place that will inspire and amaze you!

Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind To Overcome Fear and Worry by DR. JOSEPH MURPHY

Within these pages, Dr. Murphy reminds us that we all worry—mostly about things that will never happen. Worry robs us of vitality, enthusiasm, and energy; and often causes ulcers, high blood pressure, and other debilitating diseases. Dr. Murphy teaches us how to replace fear and worry with harmony, peace, and love, and recommends prayers and meditations that will cleanse the mind of irrational concerns and implant uplifting ideas into the subconscious.

Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development and self-help book written by Napoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion from Scottish-American businessman Andrew Carnegie. While the title implies that this book deals only with how to achieve monetary wealth, the author explains that the philosophy taught in the book can be used to help individuals succeed in all lines of work and to do or be almost anything they want in this world. At the time of Hill's death in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies. It remains the biggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books - a perennial best-seller after 70 years. The text of Think and Grow Rich is founded on Hill's earlier work The Law of Success, the result of more than twenty years of research based on Hill's close association with a large number of individuals who achieved great wealth during their lifetimes.

A primer in success-building, The Magic Ladder to Success is Hill's compact distillation of his lifetime of learning.

The ultimate all-in-one prosperity bible, featuring updated editions of the greatest works by the champion wealth builder of all time, Napoleon Hill. The timeless personal success writings of Napoleon Hill have inspired millions of readers to reach for and achieve their dreams since his debut book appeared in 1928. Now, three of Hill's most dynamic titles are available together for the first time, revised and updated in this convenient omnibus edition.

The Master Key to Riches was designed for the purpose of aiding you in the mastery and control

of this great life, to the end that it may be made to yield an abundance of all that you desire,

including the Twelve Great Riches of Life described in the second chapter.

Remember, you who are beginning the study of this philosophy, that this same Wheel

which "prevents any man from being always fortunate," may provide also that no one shall be

always unfortunate, provided he or she will take possession of his or her own mind and direct it

to the attainment of some Definite Major Purpose in life.

The Magic Ladder to Success is the volume in which Napoleon Hill first distilled the

seventeen factors that make up his "Law of Success" philosophy. These key principles

capture the ethics and actions that empower all who harness them to become leaders in the

field of their choice. Leaders are not born, Hill argues, they are molded by a remarkably

similar, simple, and dynamic set of habits. The ultimate all-in-one prosperity bible, featuring

updated editions of the greatest works by the champion wealth builder of all time, Napoleon


The timeless personal success writings of Napoleon Hill have inspired millions of readers to

reach for and achieve their dreams since his debut book appeared in 1928. Now, three of

Hill's most dynamic titles are available together for the first time, revised and updated in

this convenient omnibus edition.

In this fascinating book, Dr. Joseph Murphy expands on his theory that the latent powers inherent in our subconscious can improve our lives. This tremendous power can improve our health; create wealth; overcome debilitating factors such as alcoholism and drug addiction; improve marital relations; and, in general, provide guidance in making key decisions. Dr. Murphy provides specific steps to nourish your conscious mind with the tools and attitudes that will open up the infinite power of your subconscious mind. Whether you wish to conquer a bad habit, be more successful, obtain harmony in your family, or achieve goals that have thus far been unattainable, you will be given guidelines to put you on the right path.




In Believe in Yourself Dr. Murphy shows you how the power of believing in yourself will help you achieve your dreams. He illustrates his points with wonderful stories about how inventors, writers, artists, and entrepreneurs have used this power to reach the highest of heights. By the end of the book you will have the tools for success. There are many men who quietly use the abstract term success, over and over many times a day until they reach a conviction that success is theirs. As a man repeats the word success to himself with faith and conviction, his subconscious mind will accept it as true of himself, and he will be under subjective compulsion to succeed. - Joseph Murphy




In this book Dr. Murphy bring you proven techniques that have helped people all over the world. You’ll learn from real-life examples how prayer has been instrumental in rebuilding broken marriages, overcoming adversity, coping with grief and sorrow, and solving both minor and major problems.

No matter what faith or religion you follow, this book will help you channel your prayers so that they open your subconscious mind to the Infinite Wisdom that guides our lives.




Telepsychics: Tapping Your Hidden Subconscious Powers

Joseph Murphy has created a true masterpiece. Telepsychics is a wonderful classic in this field that can change your life. This is a book for all spiritual paths. Dr. Murphy doesn't preach or seek to exclude anyone. He simply lays the foundation for self-improvement through the scientific use of prayer concepts as a means of tapping your subconscious powers. The techniques that the author advocates probably aren't like the way you were taught to pray in church, they are more effective than anything you have probably ever experienced. The portions of the book on the utilization of dreams are also excellent.

Whoever you are, whatever your goals, visions, dreams or life circumstances may be, this book will help you. Many readers feel that this book is better than the Dr. Murphy’s book titled The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

You will learn from Dr. Murphy how to create success.

Murphy describes some very easy, yet profound truths on using your subconscious mind and scientific prayer to achieve greatness




Author of How to Win Friends and Influence People OVER 4 MILLION COPIES SOLD

Dale Carnegie interviewssuccessful people to uncovertheir secrets!

Would you like to know how to succeed? Would you like to know the factors that make for success in almost any business or profession? If you want to get ahead in business, if you want to increase your income, if you want people to like you, learn the skills discussed in the interviews Dale Carnegie has with ordinary and extraordinary people.

Dale Carnegie has the uncanny ability to awaken in people their hidden talents that may never have been discovered. Dale Carnegie shows in his teachings how to get ahead in the world today. This book may reveal to you a magic key to happiness and success, which Dale Carnegie has brought to millions of people.

The Lost Prosperity Secrets of Napoleon Hill

Newly Discovered Advice for Success in Tough Times.

The Lost Prosperity Secrets of Napoleon Hill consists of a series of magazine articles Napoleon Hill wrote for Success Magazine, for which he eventually became an editor. Hill's drive to become successful led him from the poverty stricken Appalachian Mountains to meetings with rags-to-riches tycoons. These articles focus on Hill's philosophy of success. Drawing upon the thoughts and experiences of a multitude of influential people, Hill shows readers how those successful people achieved their status. Many of these writings have been the basis of several bestselling books. Readers will discover principles designed to guide them in putting these steps to success into action.

It is in these early articles that Hill honed his theories, refined his arguments, and polished his presentation of the success philosophy for people looking to be successful.

A necessary handbook for our era, The Lost Prosperity Secrets of Napoleon Hill is filled with time-tested wisdom that resonates as strongly and as appropriate today as when it was first written.

Rights Available: Japan, Brazil, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Lithuania, Vietnam, Spain, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Italy, France, Israel, Estonia


by Orison S. Marden, M.D. Harvard University L.L.D. Boston University

Edited by David Morgan

Over 5 Million Books authored by O.S. Marden have been sold

How to replace poverty thinking with abundance thinking and attain the level of prosperity we aspire to. In enlightening, inspiring, and compelling language, we are shown that the universe is not bounded by limitation, that competition thinking is contrary to prosperity thinking, that acting the part of prosperity is as important as thinking it, and perhaps most important of all - and seldom mentioned in other books on the subject - that prosperity thinking is not just about maintaining a right attitude about financial prosperity, but a right attitude about spiritual prosperity


by Orison S. Marden, M.D. Harvard University L.L.D. Boston University

Edited by David Morgan

Over 5 Million Books authored by O.S. Marden have been sold

“We were made to be happy.” So why does happiness elude so many of us? Because we have been given the wrong notion of what it is, and the wrong notion of how to attain it. It is not to be found in wealth - that we all seem to know - though the desire for wealth is surely an understandable one. It is not to be found in love - though the desire for love is inarguably basic. It is not to be found in beauty, in youthfulness, in not growing old - though this is what advertisements would have us believe. And it is not to be found by pursuing it though we have been told that we are all born with the unalienable right to the “pursuit of happiness”. In this important book we are told what the attainment of happiness truly is and how we can go about attaining it. Through examples and techniques that we can incorporate into our lives, we are shown that happiness in not only attainable, it is an attainable and ongoing experience.


by Orison S. Marden, M.D. Harvard University L.L.D. Boston University

Edited by David Morgan

Over 5 Million Books authored by O.S. Marden have been sold

If we are to live the lives we have the desire and capability for, we are shown why attaining control of our thoughts is not only possible, but imperative. Through examples and techniques, we are shown how to be more mindful of what we think as well as of how we think. We are shown how thought influences not only affects our external affairs - our outer conduct - but our internal affairs - our metabolism and immune system. We learn that angry thoughts affect those around us and their inner and outer world.


by Orison S. Marden, M.D. Harvard University L.L.D. Boston University

Edited by David Morgan

Over 5 Million Books authored by O.S. Marden have been sold

We learn “the great secret of our lives.” - how to identify that which is our soul’s longing, and how to then find expression for it in the workplace. We learn that is not the absence of adversity not the presence of some specially bestowed “good luck” that makes successful people successful. We learn techniques for assisting us in our self-discovery from the suggestions of those who often rose from adversity and shaped the course of our country. In the pages of these books are proven messages that have guided thousands - lessons that have not lost their power and are able to teach readers of today how they, too, can follow the examples of yesterday’s winners.




For the first time ever the skills and techniques of these three authors are combined in one extraordinary book.

Life Changing Secrets from the Three Masters of Success

Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill and Joseph Murphy, commonly acknowledged as the most popular self-help, personal improvement authors of all time whose books combined have sold over one hundred million copies. These sensational bestselling books are responsible for helping millions of people to learn to live a life that is more successful, healthier, happier and fulfilling in every possible way.