JIMTOF 2014 - ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) · JIMTOF 2014 (27th Japan International...

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Transcript of JIMTOF 2014 - ジェトロ(日本貿易振興機構) · JIMTOF 2014 (27th Japan International...

Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

JETRO Invitation Program 2014

JIMTOF 2014 27th Japan International Machine Tool Fair

JETRO Invitation Program JIMTOF 2014 (27th Japan International Machine Tool Fair)

On the occasion of JIMTOF 2014, one of the world’s largest trade fairs of machine tools and peripherals, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) will organize the first B2B business matching event between small and medium-sized Japanese manufactures and international buyers. Agents and distributors of machine tools and peripherals who are seeking new Japanese suppliers are welcome to participate in our program, which consists of participating in JIMTOF and attending the business meetings arranged by JETRO. Details of this program are included below.

---------------------- Outline of the JIMTOF and JETRO’s invitation program ----------------------

1. JIMTOF 2014

Japan International Machine Tool Fair (JIMTOF) is known as the top trade fair for machine tools in Asia. Buyers from all over the world visit the fair to find state-of-the-art and high performance machine tools and peripherals unveiled in this event. The attendance of overseas visitors in the last fair (JIMTOF 2012) was 8,347 from 73 countries.

Event summary

Name 27th Japan International Machine Tool Fair/JIMTOF 2014

Date October 30 – November 4, 2014

Venue Tokyo Big Sight

Organizers Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association / Tokyo Big Sight Inc.

Website http://www.jimtof.org

Expected no. of visitors 140,000

Exhibition scale 5,092 booths (45,828m2)

2. JETRO’s invitation program

JETRO will receive two groups of internatnioal buyers and arrange business meetings with small and medium-sized Japanese manufacturers. While staying in Japan, participants of both groups are requested to spend two days for meetings and one day for visitng exhibitors in JIMTOF 2014.


Group A - October 29-November 2 (five days)Group B - November 1-November 5 (five days)* Invitee can make a request for which group, A or B, to join, but

JETRO cannot guarantee everyone will receive their choice.

Venue Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo, Japan)

Organizer Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Number of inviting companies 14

Target invitees

- Decision makers of distributors or agents of machine tools, machine accessories, measuring machines, controllers and related items, etc.

- Middle and senior management who are seeking new business collaboration or planning to develop new technology with leading Japanese SMEs.

Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

3. ScheduleDate Group A Oct 29-Nov 2 Group B Nov 1-Nov 5 Exhibition

Oct 29 Wed Day 1 Arrival in JapanOct 30 Thu Day 2-3

Business Meetings with Japanese SMEs in JIMTOF (arranged by JETRO)


Oct 31 Fri JIMTOF Day 2

Nov 1 Sat Day 4 Visit of exhibitors Day 1 Arrival in Japan JIMTOF Day 3Nov 2 Sun Day 5 Departure from Japan Day 2 Visit of exhibitors JIMTOF Day 4Nov 3 Mon Day 3-4

Business meetings with Japanese SMEs in JIMTOF (arranged by JETRO)


Nov 4 Tue JIMTOF Day 6

Nov 5 Wed Day 5 Departure from Japan

(1) On the day of arrival, travel agents assigned by JETRO will welcome program participants at an airport in the Tokyo area (Haneda or Narita) and take them to their hotel.

(2) On Days 2, 3 and 4, program participants will spend two days for business meetings with Japanese SMEs at JETRO’s designated area, or at the stands of JIMTOF exhibitors. Meetings are pre-arranged by JETRO based upon the requests of program participants and Japanese companies. Program participants can spend a day in the JIMTOF freely with an interpreter provided by JETRO.

(3) On Day 5, program participants will leave for the airport by a shuttle bus.

4. Expenses to be covered by JETRO

(1) Transportation fees in Japan: Roundtrip bus fare between airport and hotel(2) Accommodation:

Hotel accommodations with breakfast (four nights), Oakwood Apartments Ariake (tentative)-Walking distance from the exhibition site, -Walking distance from the airport shuttle bus stationhttp://www.oakwoodasia.com/tokyo/oakwood-ariake.php

(3) Business assistance: Exclusive interpreter for each participant (three days)(4) Registration fee for attending JIMTOF(5) Meeting space: Exclusive business meeting space at JIMTOF 2014 (three days)

5. Application procedure for invitation program and Japanese visa

Submission of application forms to your nearest JETRO office

Applying for visa at Japanese embassy

Receiving visa

Attending JETRO’s program

Screening by JETRO (pre-matching with Japanese firms)

Notification of selection

Submission of documents required for visa to JETRO

Arranging business meetings at JIMTOF

Application deadline: August 22 (Fri), 2014

Submission deadline: September 30 (Tue)

Middle of October

Beginning of October

Beginning of September

6. Inquiries For inquiries, please contact your nearest JETRO office (found from the website below) or JETRO Headquarters in Tokyo. http://www.jetro.go.jp/en/jetro/worldwide/

How to find potential suppliers in Japan

To find Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)1 you would like to have meetings with at JIMTOF 2014, the following websites can be used as a good reference.

1. Website of last exhibition (JIMTOF 2012, exhibitor search) http://www.jimtof.org/2012/eng/exhi_search_cate.aspx* 90% of the exhibitors at JIMTOF 2014 are the same as those of the last exhibition. Their names are available on the website

(http://www.jimtof.org/eng/show_whatsnew_attachment.aspx?type=attachment&id=cbb3a906-dce8-4376-8d55-6dddbd0d5344) and detailed profile will be available in the middle of October.

2. Website of related industrial associations (in English) 2

(1) Japan Machine Tool Builders Association(日本工作機械工業会)http://www.jmtba.or.jp/english/members-directory/directory-of-products/

(2) Japan Solid Cutting Tool Association (日本工具工業会 )http://www.kouguko.com/

(3) Japan Cemented Carbide Tool Manufacturers Association (超硬工具協会)http://www.jctma.jp/ (Japanese language only)

(4) Japan Machine Accessory Association(日本工作機器工業会) http://www.jmaa.or.jp/english/kaiinmeibo_top.html

(5) Japan Forming Machinery Association(日本鍛圧機械工業会) http://www.j-fma.or.jp/pen/3kai/seikishuhp.html

(6) Japan Grinding Wheel Association(研削砥石工業会)http://www18.ocn.ne.jp/~toishi/en.htm

(7) Industrial Diamond Association of Japan(ダイヤモンド工業協会)http://www.alles.or.jp/~idajapan/eindex.htm

(8) Japan Fluid Power Association(日本フルードパワー工業会)http://www.japan-fluid-power.or.jp/english/index.html

(9) Japan Gear Manufacturers Association (日本歯車工業会)http://www.jgma.org/e-find.html

1 Definition of SME: (1) paid in capital is 300 million yen or less OR (2) employees are 300 or fewer.2 Following associations only have websites available in Japanese; precision machine, solid cutting tool, cemented carbide tool,

precision measuring instruments, optical measuring instruments, testing machinery

Contact Information

JETRO, Manufacturing & Environment Industry Planning Division

Ark Mori Building 6F, 1-12-32, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6006, JAPANTel: +81-3-3582-4631 Fax: +81-3-3582-7508 E-mail: TNA-KIKAI@jetro.go.jp