Jim Staley Debate Summary · Jim Staley Debate Summary Sabbath is not a Salvation issue! This is...

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Transcript of Jim Staley Debate Summary · Jim Staley Debate Summary Sabbath is not a Salvation issue! This is...

Jim Staley ­ Debate Summary Sabbath is not a Salvation issue! This is about whether we should or should not. God doesn’t want us to do anything but, as a matter of fact, we don’t have to do anything, but he encourages us to! And so this debate is really gonna focus around whether we should or whether we shouldn't and it is very important, and we’re going to find out this evening.

An Overview of history From creation to today to show the God original intent; it is very important that we understand God original intent, and whether or not it’s original intent was for us to keep the Sabbath or in hebrew “Shabbat” for all eternity.

Gen. 2:2 says: “On the seventh day, God ended his work which he made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. and God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it; the hebrew word there is “kadosh“ , to set apart ; made to be holy; as a matter of fact it is the very thing that we are commanded to do; is to be set apart and to made to be holy. And so he said because he had rested from all the work which God had made.

Mark 2:27 says: “the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath; therefore the son of man is also Lord of the Sabbath.

A lot of people will say that Sabbath was not given to anybody but Israel. Unfortunately, the scriptures tell us otherwise. It says right here Jesus himself, says “ the Sabbath was made for man” , when was it made? I contend it is made in creation. This was before man ever sinned, the intention of God of man.

If man had not sinned, we would not be having this debate, we would be keeping the Shabbat on the seventh day exactly the way that He hallowed it, exactly the way he created it, exactly the way that he had commanded it.

Gen. 1:14 “Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years” Neither, the word seasons there is not spring, summer, winter, or fall. It is very deceiving in the English. In hebrew it is actually Moedim.

Strongs #3259 says this: properly, an appointment, i.e. a fixed time or season; specifically, a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; talking about the tabernacle. also a signal (as appointed beforehand): ­ appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn (­ity), synagogue, (set) time (appointed). You see the strong definition.

The hebrew is saying that God actually from the very beginning of creation he never had the intention that all days were the same. He put sun, moon, stars, in the sky for one purpose. To set the times and seasons of his anniversaries of when he want to meet his people. And so, for the very beginning the Sabbath, the festival, the feast days, the very congregation, holy convocation of God were set apart not for us to decide on our own. He is the maker and creator of the universe and he put on the stars in the sky so he could have his time and appointment and we would not miss them. So much so that the messiah was born under a sign. The sign of his second coming is all dependent on the stars. So if the debate or argument is going to be that we can choose the day then were obliterating the purpose or appointment of God creating stars, sun, and the moon, and the skies for those such appointments.

Is Sabbath Found In Genesis? Also an argument can be made that the Sabbath is not even found in the book of Genesis or that the commandment itself were given in the Mt. Sinai, and yes it was given in the Mt. Sinai and it was written down. and God said “don’t let me come down there, I’m gonna write it down.” And we see the commandments all over the place maybe on a detail, and we see Cain and Abel bring sacrifices before the sacrificial system was given.

Gen. 26:5 “because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws.” and the Hebrew law there is Torah, before the Torah was given. There was relationship, it was written on the heart, there was obviously something that happened.

In Gen. 7 we all know Noah’s story. that He took two by two. No he didn’t, he took two by two of the uncleaned animals. But it says in verse 2 You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, so clearly before the biblical chapter 11 of clean and unclean law that was given in the Torah, that God already gave these laws in the garden and that’s why Noah already knew about these laws. The Sabbath was given before Mt. Sinai.

We see in Exodus 16 “The Sabbath was given before Mt. Sinai. How do we know that, because in Exodus 16 he commands his people to not go out and pick up the manna on the Shabbat. He says go out and pick up twice but you had better rest on the next day. And that is before Mt. Sinai. The gentile are encourage to keep the Shabbat.

In Is 56:6­7 we will discover that the gentile themselves are encourage to keep the Shabbat. It says: “Also the sons of the strangers, that join themselves to the LORD, to serve Him, And to love the name of the LORD, to be His servants, everyone that keeps the Sabbath from polluting it, And take hold of my covenant” Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. And it finishes with one of the most powerful verses we all know. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” but the entry to the house of all nations was a must keep the Shabbat. Some says that Sabbath cannot be found in the New Testament. We find it all over the place in the New Testament. As a matter of fact, one of the most powerful argument is Sabbath everywhere is this. If i give 10 commandment to my children and they keep nine of them but they don’t keep one which am i going to talk about. The one that they didn’t keep. And I suggest that the seventh day Sabbath does not have to be reiterated in detail because in Jerusalem they were all Jewish people and everyone is keeping the Shabbat. There is no reason to chastise them for that.

When Does Sabbath End? Mat 5:17­19 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men also, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

Rev. 21 tells exactly what the Sabbath was done away with, because the inference is when heaven and the first earth had passed away. The first heaven and earth will pass away after the millenium ; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain as far as i know we still have all of the above not one jot or tittle will pass away. And also I suggest that the Sabbath is not also the least of the commandment. It is one of the top five and one of the greatest. So if he says we will be the least in the kingdom for breaking the least of the commandments, how much more for breaking the greatest. The Sabbath is included to the generic over the umbrella of the commandment itself.

Does Faith Do Away With The Law?

Paul says in Romans 3:21 “Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.” the law undoubtedly including the Sabbath. For Paul to uphold the law of God but not uphold this they will be stoned immediately for that 1 John 5:2­3 “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.” Let

me point out the obvious the new testament not been written yet it didn’t exist. John, one of the most jewish apostles, the only thing he could've been talking about was what is called the tanakh, what we call the Old Testament, The Torah, the commandments of God were certainly include the fourth.

Rev. 14:12 “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” In the Tribulation we see that the God’s people were defined in two things: Not just believe in Jesus , but you proved your love for God like 1John say: by keeping his commandments, there is interesting paradox or this connection of dichotomy that fits together in a beautiful picture of proving actually the love for God. Just like we prove our love to one another. What would marriage be like if the husband didn’t actually prove his love by doing things for his wife. In the millennium, we can still see the Sabbath, Is 26:22 “For as the new heavens and the new earth Which I will make shall remain before Me,” says Yahweh, So shall your descendants and your name remain. And it shall come to pass That from one New Moon to another, And from one Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says the LORD. I beg to differ, Maybe I could be wrong in this lifetime but in millenium, we will be keeping the Sabbath and makes a difference so much so that there will be punishment to mankind for not doing so.

Zechariah 14:6, when it says, not only the sabbath, but we will be keeping the feasts of tabernacle and rain will be cut off from those parts of the world, that do not.

Recap of Jim Staley’s Opening Statement:

So far the Sabbath was given to the man in the garden on the 7th day and was intended for eternity.

Man forgot the Sabbath, got caught up in egypt for 400 years, didn’t even remember his God, Had to reintroduce himself through Moses, So he reintroduces himself to his people, so this time He writes it down so they don’t forget.

Jesus kept the Sabbath as well as all of the apostolic Christians. The Sabbath is instituted in millenium as well as feast days It was only after the destruction of the temple, the influx of gentiles into the assemblies

and the 18th benediction added by the Jews that put a curse on early believers that the Gentile Christians began to be detached from the roots of their faith.

They began to embrace a mixture of paganism and biblical truths together into their churches. As a matter of fact, it was not God, Yeshua or the disciples,that changed the Sabbath, but was man’s idea and anti­semitism that changed the Sabbath from it’s biblical root.

When The Church Left The True Faith:

As time went on, the church marched further and further from its roots, while church officials fell right in the footsteps of the pharisees trading the commandments of God for the

traditions of men, even making the very thing that God says is eternal, making it bondage and labeling it something that is heretical

In 135 A.D. Hadrian, after the barkopa revolt, outlawed the study of Torah, the circumcision, and observance of the sabbath, putting huge pressure on the christians of the day to distance themselves from their jewish brothers, for the sake of survival. Settling the debate on which day would be the Sabbath.

Finally, In 321 A.D The roman emperor Constantine said this: On the venerable day of the sun let the magistrate and people residing in the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. From that day on there was no way that you were going away against the church because the church and state were one of those days. And if you did you’ll gonna find yourself, if not excommunicated you could die and many thousands died by just keeping the Shabbat. This issue was not just a black and white issue taking care of the cross. We see this debate raging on for all the way to centuries, all the way through Martin Luther , and even today.

In A.D 325, Pope Sylvester officially named Sunday “the Lord’s Day” and in A.D 338, just three years later Eusebius, the court bishop of Constantine, wrote, “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath we have transferred to the Lord’s Day (the first day of the week) as more appropriately belonging to it”

Who Changed Sabbath? The Catholic Church. And if we move forward to the conversation of catechism and catholic doctrines we see it a question and answer which is the Sabbath Day Catholic Catechism:

Q: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? A: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church, in the Council

of Laodicea, (A.D 336) transferred the solemnity from saturday to sunday. Q: Why did the Catholic Church substitute Sunday for Sunday? A: The Church substituted Sunday for Saturday, because Christ rose from the dead on

a Sunday, and the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles on a Sunday. Of course today, with modern archeology and historical document that didn’t happen on

Sunday. Q: By what authority did the church substitute Sunday for Saturday? A: The Church substituted Sunday for Saturday by the plenitude of that divine power

which Jesus Christ bestowed upon her! There are bishops that says those keeps on Sunday Sabbath are under the jurisdiction of

the Roman Catholic Church. History proves that the Sabbath was everywhere, from multiple centuries. We have

Socrates, Scholasticus, that in 5th century saying this: “For although almost all churches throughout the world celebrate the sacred mysteries (of the Lord’s Supper ) on the Sabbath of

every week, yet the christians of Alexandria and at Rome, on account of some ancient tradition, Pagan sun god worship, have ceased to do this”

Another Historian confirmed this, stating, “The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere , assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as the first day of the week, which custom is nevered observed at Rome or at Alexandria. “

Let me proposed the question that sit in your soul this evening “Who ended up ruling the world” ­ Rome . And whoever rules makes the rules. Today my contentions are as follows:

1. The Sabbath is given in the beginning of time and is made clearly with God original intention was for all men and for all time. My Opponent will have to prove the Sabbath was never intended to be kept in the garden or in the millenium, and was not given to man as a blessing for rest.

2. Historical counts prove that biblical Sabbath was changed without prescription to authority and this change was never given by God, Yeshua, or the disciples rather happened over time as gentiles christian became divorced from their christian roots. There were identity crisis among gentile believers after they were kicked out in the synagogues. They naturally created their own brand of interpretation of scripture that would distance themselves from their Jewish brothers Remember 99% of all the church fathers were pagan, polytheistic, gentile backgrounds. Try to understand a jewish bible written by jews and a jewish culture using the hebrew language with anti­semitism. It is a formula for disaster from the very beginning. My opponent will have to show wherein the scriptures where in prophesied the very seal of God’s people it say, and the top five commandment would actually change. After all the name Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. . Furthermore will have to explain while if intent of Christ was to abolish the Sabbath. the very gift and seal of God for his people and the disciples knew about this, and taught this, why is there not a single straight forward passage in the entire Bible stating this change and why.

This is the largest single change in the history of the bible prophecy and there is not a single dialogue about it. Inside or outside of the scriptures. Where is the debate why aren’t the jews in a massive uproar, they killed eleven out of 12 disciples and there is no single charge against them for keeping the Sabbath or not keeping the Sabbath. If they were teaching their converts to break the shabbat or say that every day is the same they would have pulled them right into the sanhedrin according to the oral and the torah, the laws of the jews and they would have stoned them or killed them on the spot. They tried that even with Paul if you recall. What does he says : they accused me of teaching against the law of God , and what happened he goes in and he is encouraged by the Apostle James to take a nazarite vow. And he does so to prove that he is not teaching against the law of God. of which the Sabbath is apart.

Is The Law Bondage or A Blessing? Lastly , he would have to explain how something was traditionally called bondage in christianity has been such a blessing for countless of christian everywhere. If keeping the Sabbath the day the bible said that the bondage is so many people were healed , relationships, marriages, families were restored. All they says the results begin when the keep the Sabbath. Could it actually be true that God meant what did he said on Mt. Sinai when i set before you blessings and cursings, Blessings if you keep my commandments. Was God trying to put people in bondage, in the Garden God told man not to eat the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The serpent came along and whisper into their ears. God didn’t really don’t mean what he said. He knows if you eat it you will be more like him. Your eyes will be open and you will be able to worship him better. I suggest to you today that this strategy is exactly what he’s done with the Sabbath. He didn’t really mean what he said. Open your eyes and see that sunday much better days to celebrate sabbath after all God doesn't really care about which day anyway. I believe the enemy has stolen huge blessings from God’s people because we keep falling in this deceptive traps. i believe that the burden of proof lies with my opponent prove that God did not mean what he said and to explain to all of us how he call us a blessing has now become a burden and a curse.

My friends from very beginning of this debate that started certainly when the gentiles, the 18th benediction, where the jewish people and the christian were meeting on Shabbat together as history proves but eventually the christian grew in number became irritating to the non believer jews and so as they says the 17 prayers they added 18th. And in that 18 prayer they put a curse on all of the christian . And so they couldn’t say the 18th benediction which means that they were called heretic and were expelled from the synagogues and that was the beginning of anti­semitism in the church.

We came from the same place where we have fallen from the same tactics which the

enemy has given. I suggest that we go back to the beginning and restoration of all things and grab hold of the blessings instead we don’t even know were missing. If The Law Is Done Away With, We Have HUGE Problems.

Ladies and Gentleman we can committed adultery, we can murder, we can do anything we want, cause there is no law , in fact i would point my opponent to 1John 3:4 that says that the definition of sin is this : sin is the transgression of God’s law . So if my opponent is correct and the law of God has been done a way with, then we don’t have single other definition of sin in the entire bible and we got a theological nightmare on our hands because the Baptist organization alone over the last 50 years spent 2 billion dollars on mission, to tell people about Jesus around the word. Which is a lofty and amazing goal that i fully support. But why we are telling anybody about Jesus if the law of God is done away with because the definition of sins is breaking the law of God. And so with the Law of God done away with there is no definition of sin,

there is no reason to tell them that they need Jesus, for what? for breaking something that does not exist. We should save our money in that case.

I would suggest that we are reading this scripture wrong we don’t understand the definition of God’s law in the 1st century in idiomatic expressions and the oral law and everything put together in the way that it is. Here’s why : When he says under the law, that we are under the law, I will cut to the chase and let you know it not an american english phrase, the way we read that is that we are no longer under the law. Meaning that you have to keep it. In English today it’s legal expression that mean exactly the way it means today. The constitution of the United States is not done away with. If we are under the law that means you broke it, you’re under it, you’re under the penalty of the law. It is an idiomatic expressions in hebrew in the 1st century culture is very obvious that you are not under the penalty of the law. God came not to remove what he called his words which ended up being made flesh. He came to remove the penalty. In Colossians 2, my opponent began to tell you that what was nailed to the cross is the ordinances it is not the ordinances of God’s law my friends they were nailed to the cross we have paul, very schizophrenic, who says he upholds those very same ordinances That my opponent says is nailed to the cross.

What was nailed to the cross in the 1st century was they were ordinances and the Aramaic makes it very clear that the bonds and the written ordinances of our sins. Meaning that on judgement day what you held accountable too , there are two books: the book of life and the book of works. And if your name was not found in the book of life everything that you do is found in the book with ordinances, handwritings that are written against you. If you get a ticket for speeding . I want to commend , i want to free you from that. Do i go to United States supreme court and ask them to obliterate the law of all Stop signs and speed limits? Or do I simply pay your ticket. And remove all the ordinances that stood against you. So let’s begin with so many places to go.

What Does The 1st Day Of The Week Mean?

The 1st day of the week 1 Corinthians 16:1­2; First of all it doesn’t say that they met on Sunday in this verse only that they were to set an offering aside and he says on the 1st of the week which by the way there is argument that the first of the week in hebrew could actually possibly mean one of the sabbath. I don’t subscribe to that but i actually believe that means one of the sabbath which how they counted in the 1st century, 1st day ‘til sabbath, the 2nd day til Sabbath because everything is about the Sabbath. So by the mere fact that they even chose the greek phrase “Mia Sabbaton” prove that they were counting the entire counting system in the 1st century revolve around the Sabbath, because it does not say “on Sunday”, It doesn’t even say it’s the 1st day of the week, but instead one of Shabbat. And every historical commentator that knows the original language in it’s context knows that’s how they counted, one of the Shabbat, two of the Shabbat , and so they met on the 1st day of the Shabbat but it does not say that they met on the 1st it only says that set aside and offering on this , and what is even more interesting is the greek phrase lay by him in store every commentator that i could find of Greek academia says this: that it means stored it up at home. there was no bringing it to church, there was no

church in the 1st century , it was the synagogues , and the synagogues were closed on Sunday. It was the Romans that kept their Sabbath on the Sunday the venerable day of the sun.

Romans 14 Is Talking About Fasting.

He also mentioned Romans 14:4­5 “who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. “ We are led to believe that the Shabbat, there was no even a debate on 1st century of when the 7th day is, and we let to believe that there was a debate a heavy debate in the 1st century on which day the Sabbath was. If we read this context carefully and we understand the culture of what the debate were, the debate was over fasting. This day were fasted 2 times of the week, Pharisees did it on one day and the sadducees did it on a different day is a huge debate. On which camp you're going to come into and the context gives it away and verse 1 says receive who is not weak in their faith but do not dispute over doubt something’s one believes that he may eat to all things. and the very next verse after verse 6 said he who observe the day and observe it to Lord does not observe the day to the Lord he is not observing. He who eats eats unto the Lord and he who gives God thanks for he does not eat the whole context is about food but were let to believe by commentators that this is about the Sabbath, It is not about the Sabbath it is simply about food. Running out of time here, so let me go back to all the things he had mentioned.

Pentecost was not on a Sunday, The history records tell us otherwise, we will go back to the writing of Josephus the first century Jewish historian who says that on the second day of unleavened bread, which is the 16th of the month so you have to know about the first century feast days, is that the 14th was when the passover meal was, the very next day was the 15th. the 15th is the first day of unleavened bread which was a high sabbath, on a hebrew calendar, the 16th, is the day they started counting for the feast shavuot or in Greek, Pentecost, If you count 50 days from the 16th, it is not on a Sunday, it can be on any day, it is only the christian church mainly and some sects…. in messianic circles that believe that shavuot or the feast of Pentecost is on Sunday, even in the Aramaic versions of targa uniqlo, on Leviticus 23:15 the very scriptures that are used tell us when that happens is an count you after the festival day from the day you brought the homer of the elevation seven weeks after the festival day which one not on Shabbat after the high Shabbat so the mistake the christians make not understanding the culture of the Hebrews is they believe that it is the weekly Sabbath not understanding that the first day of unleavened bread is a high Sabbath The Middle Wall Of Separation: Ephesians Chapter 2 verse 14 that is a big one, lots of people get this one misunderstood so i am just going to go over it real quick and i will end with it even though there's every single one of the verses that my opponent has brought up every one of them have been misunderstood I could go to each one of them have many teachings on each one of these two for He is himself our

peace was made both one is broken down the middle wall of separation abolishes flash the entity that is the law of containing commandments as I already make made that very clear that He's not getting rid of the Law of God or we got massive Schizophrenia in the new testament with disciples telling us to keep the Commandments of God and I will leave you with this in Romans 8 it says 9 is as you are not in the flesh but in the spirit If indeed the Spirit of God dwells in You know anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ is not using a crisis in the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit of Life Is because of righteousness but If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you He who raised Christ but it will also give you Life to sit there for brother we are debtors not to the flesh to Live according to the flesh for we are not to live by the flesh of the Spirit for as many are led by the Spirit of God's sons of God for you do not receive the Spirit of Bondage he says the Spirit Freed not be the Spirit of Bondage but against the Spirit of Adoption by the Cry Abba father the Spirit himself bears witness And goes on and says that those who have the Spirit of God actually keep the Law of God those are in the Flesh cannot Church Fathers: Justin Martyr

My opponent asked the question are the these first and second century church fathers “Are they Anti­Semites” Let's discover Justin Martyr who he quote multiple times to prove that

church services were on Sunday which I fully agree but the mistake that my opponent is making is that the church had already become apostate on this issue as we will discover and should we

trust church fathers that had no virtually no he break or training and were very much Anti­Semites as we shall discover Justin Martyr recorded multiple times to Previous case

dialogue that fell between 138 and 161 AD says:

As we too would observe your circumcision and the Sabbath days and in a word all of your festivals If you were not aware of the reason why they were imposed upon you namely because of your sins and the hardness of your heart the customer circumcising the flesh

handed down from Abraham was given to with a distinguishing mark to set you off from other nations and for most christians the purpose of this was that you and only you might suffer the afflictions that are now justly yours that only your land be desolated your cities be ruined by fire and the fruits of your lamb be eaten by strangers before your very eyes and not one of you be permitted to enter your city of Jerusalem. Your circumcision of the flesh is a mark by which you can certainly be distinguished from other men as I stated before It was by reason of your sins and the sins of your father that among your precepts got imposed upon you the observance of

the Sabbath as a mark even though was given Abraham to Isaac and Jacob.

Church Fathers: John Chrysostom My opponent says that none of them I'll recorded to keep it. He kept all the commands of

God says right there in Genesis Chapter 26 in which the Sabbath according to the New

Testament Jesus himself said it was given and made for man certainly he would be keeping Sabbath John Chrysostom at 344 A D says:

one of the greatest of the church fathers by the way is called the Golden Mouse said this missionary preacher famous for sermons and addresses to the Synagogue is worse than a Brothel. The den of Scoundrels and Repair Wild Beast the template demons devoted to a

doctoral idolatrous cults the refuge of brigands and up into barclays in the cavern of devils it is a criminal assembly of Jews a place of meeting for assassins of Christ the house worse than a

drinking shop a den of thieves a house of ill fame dwelling of Iniquity the wreckage of devils a golf an Abyss of Perdition. I would say the same things about their souls as for me I hate the

Synagogue I hate the Jews for the same reason.

Church Fathers: St. Augustine In 354 St. Augustine says this:

How hateful to me are the enemies of your scriptures how I wish that you would slay them the Jews which are too rigid source of the the shipping none to oppose your word gladly would I have

them die to themselves and live to you On and on It goes that the so­called church fathers are heavily slanted against the Jewish people and against their Jewish roots. If you will because of the Anti­Semitism they did not understand scripture as they did not speak Hebrew fluently. They did not understand the Jewish idioms of the day why there was not a single one there to explain it to them. These are greek philosophical people coming into faith in Christ which is great but understanding the scriptures the way that the Jewish people wrote them was something foreign to them as we already have seen he brings up the shadow of coming on the Tarmac and the the wife that has a chat you come down and you hug the wife I would suggest that you look totally agree the fee stays the festivals are all shadows.

Type And Shadows

The shadows are there to lead you to the reality so if you want to be close to messiah and you can't figure out where you're at you might want to start with the shadows which would lead you to the fight of the messiah. It's a straw man argument to say that the shadow is done away with it's not done away with by the mere fact that the shadow is their.

In his own example, it proves that the shadow never leave as long as the son of the living God. If you will stands behind and cast the the light upon the sun itself it will always cast a shadow which is why we see the festivals in the Feast days and the Shabbat which I agree. Our shadows in the millennium if there was any time that we would do away with the shadows, would you not think that it would be in the millennium. If there's any time that we should do away with the shadow, should be in the creation itself why would is a given whatsoever, but he is not address any of my contentions that the Sabbath itself was given in creation before Man's sin was never intended to ever be taken away. Jesus gives us a very clear instructions that was given to man and he gives instructions on how to keep It. Man was working in the garden, He needed a

rest. If we take away the physical from the spiritual that's like Yeshua Jesus when he tells and talks about the commandment of murder and he gives the spiritual principle behind it. That you If you even think of hatred in your heart, you have committed murder. So he brings the spiritual in connection to the physical are weakly led to believe.

What Michael Brown Said About Sabbath:

Ladies and Gentlemen because Jesus gives us the spiritual to the commandment that the physical application is done away with shall I not have hate in my heart but can I still commit murder. The physical and the spiritual are connected. They are not separate no more than a shadow is separate from the reality. On the meeting of the first day of the week even Michael Brown the World's expert on apologist; an apologists on improving the Jew the Jewish Messiah is Yeshua himself. In on over 20 Books says this: there is no biblical support. By the way, he does not believe that the Sabbath is for today. He says there is no biblical support for the view that after the resurrection of Jesus the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. There is some evidence that as early as the late first or second century believers gathered before or after work on sundays to celebrate the Lord's resurrection but this was not related to the concept of the Sabbath and a strong arguments can be made against the Sabbath being changed to Sunday with in the New Testament Itself. It was not until the fourth century that the church formally declared that the Sabbath had been moved to Sunday with the question begs to be asked by what authority do you do this. This is from with the World's greatest Apologist. On many issues and he doesn't believe in the Sabbath and he understands but the Sabbath being the medium the first day we had nothing to do with the Sabbath Itself . There Is Not A Single Mandate For Believers To Keep The Sunday

For those who believe that God meant what he said, when he told us to remember The Sabbath keep it holy in the garden before men sinned. We are in a win win situation because is was not a single commandment that mandates believers keep the sunday, nor is there a single commandment obliterating the sabbath. nor is there any proof anywhere in the bible that God changed his mind about the day that he set apart and he calls it holy . As i have talked about in my opening statement and I gave my contention my opponent not answered any of my contention that i gave. Of explaining why did God give the Sabbath day on the 7th day in creation before men sinned, and why did he call it holy, and why did Jesus said that it is made for man, and he says….. the law said that if a man commits breaks the Sabbath he shall be kill, that’s absolutely true.

Ladies and Gentlemen, for all of us have fallen short of the glory of God wages of sin is death. He’s right. the differences is that our Lord sent the Messiah to die to pay for the penalty for us to breaking the Sabbath not so that we don’t ever stop keep it again like Paul says shall we continue to sin because faith came never may it be. A day that set aside before men sinned, a day was called a seal for his people, the day Jesus and the disciples kept all the christian kept outside of Rome and the day that we be mandated when he comes back. There no commandment telling us to stop keeping the Sabbath, only assumptions from misunderstood text quotes from anti­semitic church fathers that they were looking for any way to distance

themselves from the jews. So Chris if you were right and I’m wrong I will lose nothing, absolutely nothing. But if you are wrong and I’m right you have to answer to God why you choose to follow the church fathers who hated the jews instead the father of the church who is the son and his son was jews.

Isaiah 58:13­14 ““If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. “ Jim Staley: My Christian Roots

At the end of the day, I’ve been on both sides of the fence I’ve celebrated Sunday as for Sabbath thirty years of my life. The last 10 years I’ve chosen to return to christian roots of my faith and all i can tell you is that i can personally tell you that following God at his word in both spirit and in truth has radically change me as a person. it has radical change my marriage and my family. It is truly a delight to come together every friday evening as a family and bless my children as you see from the slide of the powerpoint as they move through the slides you will begin to see that the Sabbath is a blessing. I get a chance to bless my children and my wife every single week, i get a chance to explain to them the Lechem, what the bread is the life of Yeshua himself the wine his blood and the fruitfulness thereof the candles the light and explain the light each and every week to take away the sabbath from the God’s people and call it bondage is one of the most heretical statements i’ve ever had myself which now on the other side am embarrassed of. Solomon said that the end of his life, this is the end of the matter. All have been hurt, fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Everyone of us have two choices of who you’ll gonna follow. You can choose to follow the church fathers if you like. But for me and my house we will follow the father of the church.