Jesus’ Blessed Beatitudes Blessed are the Persecuted Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday, August 28...

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Transcript of Jesus’ Blessed Beatitudes Blessed are the Persecuted Redeemer Lutheran Church Sunday, August 28...

Jesus’ Blessed Beatitudes

Blessed are the Persecuted

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Sunday, August 28th

Welcome toRedeemer!

As Christians we trust God’s promises to bring us through all persecution.

Jesus comforts us with the assurance that eternal life in heaven is ours.

For Our Guests

If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you.

If you’d like to learn more about Redeemer and its ministry, please talk to Pastor Wolfe or a church member after the service.

Children’s Message

Each week, our younger worshipers are invited to the front of church before the sermon hymn to hear a special message for them from Pastor Wolfe.

Need to Know what’s going on?

• Check the church calendar,• Get access to sermons,

and more.

Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips

Prayer before Worship

Dear Jesus, Your beatitudes are so rich in content and brimming with blessing.

Teach us to remember our blessings always and to trust in eternal blessings to come in heaven.

Bless our prayers and praise today. Amen

Please be courteous

and silence all pagers and cell phones.

Thank You


Redeemer Lutheran Church observes the biblical practice of member communion. (This has also been called close communion.)

If you are not currently a member of our congregation, we would kindly ask that you speak with our pastor before communing.

We look forward to talking about this very important issue with you!

Redeemer Rally Day Kickoff

Sunday, September 11th after service

Highlights of Redeemer’s Fall & Winter events

Activities – Games – Prizes

Prison Ministry Training

Sunday, August 28th

Presentation by Mr. Nack

WELS Prison Ministry

10:15 am

Training Session to follow

Housing for Watertown, SD Students

8th grade students on a field trip Houseing is needed:

Friday, September 9th

Pick up students at 7:30pm Return them to Redeemer Saturday morning.

Please sign up at the bulltin board in the back of church if you can help

Redeemer Choir

♫ Wednesday evenings at 7pm. ♫ Singers of all ability are welcome to join♫ We are in special need of more men to balance the choir’s sound.

Choir practices will be starting again