Jeopardy 4:5

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Jeopardy 4:5










5 10Sequence

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Team OneTeam One

Team TwoTeam Two

Team ThreeTeam Three

Team FourTeam Four

Team FiveTeam Five

Team SixTeam Six

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What is happening in this picture? What will happen next. Give details.

What is happening in this picture? What will happen next.

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What is happening in this picture? What will happen next.

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What is happening in this scene? What will happen next?

What is happening in this scene? What will happen next?

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Tell about what you like to do for fun. Where do you go?

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Tell about what you like to do after school. Where do you go? What do you

usually do?

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You are at the mall. You see a really good friend who moved away and whom you haven’t seen for 3 years. What do you ask him?

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Tell about a famous person you would like to meet. What do you like about this

person? What would you do with this person?

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What would you have done if you had won the lottery last week?

Look at the sentence below. Notice the words that are underlined. Think what they mean. Below the sentence are two possible meanings. Choose the right one.

Mary was feeling blue about the loss of her dog.

a. turning color b. sad and upset

QUESTION: You are asked to find the meaning of:

a. a colored picture

b. the underlined wordsc. the sentence

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Read the two sentences below. Part of each sentence gives a reason. Find that part and read it out loud.

Mother went to bed early because she was tired.

Tom worked had in order to get good marks.

QUESTION: You are asked to find:

a. the time

b. a reasonc. the place

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Read the little story. Then read the two sentences below the story. Read out loud the sentence that tells what happened next.

Dick ran into the store. He was not looking where he was going. Jack was running, too. He wasn’t looking either.

*The man gave Dick the milk and bread.

* The boys ran into one another.

QUESTION: You are asked to find out:

a. where Dick went

b. what happened nextc. why the boy ran

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Read the little story. Then read the two sentences below the story. Read out loud the sentence that tells what happened next.

Dick ran into the store. He was not looking where he was going. Jack was running, too. He wasn’t looking either.

*The man gave Dick the milk and bread.

* The boys ran into one another.

QUESTION: For the little story you are asked to:

a. make up an ending

b. choose an endingc. have no ending

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From this little story you should get an idea of how Dick felt. Find the word below the story that tells.

Dick saw something in the dark. His heart skipped a beat. “Oh,” he thought, “if I could only get out of here.”

Dick was … happy, sad, afraid

QUESTION: You are asked to find out:

a. what happened

b. how Dick feltc. where Dick was

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Some camels start to run just as soon as the rider dismounts. Such behavior could leave a person stranded in the desert, far from water. Sometimes camels just won’t do what their riders want them to do. Sometimes the animals want to go where they please. The worst habit a camel can have is to throw its rider by kneeling quickly.

The story mainly tells:

a. Why camels don’t like their riders

b. Why camels run awayc. How people travel in the desertd. What bad habits some camels have

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Years ago, guests at weddings were often given white gloves as presents. The white gloves were given not only to those who attended the wedding, but also to all friends of the bride and groom. To cut down on the cost, some families gave paper gloves. The gloves served to remind the guests of the happy wedding they had attended.

The story mainly tells:

a. Why people wear paper gloves

b. What gifts people often gave at weddingsc. How customs changed. What weddings are like

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The cat is one of nature’s most amazing animals. It has 288 light bones of incredible strength. It also has 517 spring-like muscles. As a result, the cat almost seems to float into the air when it jumps. Furthermore, it can pick up the directions of a sound ten times faster than a dog can. Its vision is six times better than that of a person.

The main idea of the paragraph is:

a. Why cats are unusual

b. How many bones cats havec. How much cats weighd. How well cats can hear

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One species of fish has a strange appetite. These fish, known as glanis, catch and eat large birds swimming on the surface of the water. Gulls, geese, and ducks are sometimes found in their stomachs. It seems difficult to believe, doesn’t it? Most often we think of birds eating fish. Turnabout is fair play, says the glanis.

The story is mainly about:

a. What most fish eat

b. Why birds eat fishc. How big the glanis ared. What the glanis eat

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Birds rarely sing while on the ground. They give calls and chirps while flying or perched on a bush, fence post, or branch of a tree. If birds sang while on the ground, they would be telling cats and other enemies their location. What bird would want to be on the ground when an enemy comes near?

This paragraph is mainly about:

a. Why birds chirp

b. What lives on the groundc. When and where birds usually give their callsd. Why birds like trees

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British women like to own different kinds of hats. Back in the year 1500, women liked to _(1)_ many pairs of gloves. Queen Elizabeth owned about 1,000 ___ (2)___

Choose the right word:

(1) own, fancy, swim, smile

(2) cats, pairs, servants, ships

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For years people thought the giraffe could not make a sound. One day a zoo keeper overheard a soft mooing. The giraffe, he said, makes a ___(1)__ like a ___(2)__.

Choose the right word:

(1) good pet, funny face, sudden wink, sound

(2) pig, cow, mouse, bird

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The slimy snail is an amazing little fellow. The leathery skin of its foot is so __(1)__ that it can climb over the __(2)__ of a razor blade without injury.

(1)beautiful, tough, red, soft

(2) edge, side, handle, corner


The bottle tree grows in Australia. The trunk of the tree is shaped like a bottle. The branches look like flowers sticking out of a __(1)__. People always __(2)__ to look at this unusual tree.

(1)glass, pot, bottle, vase

(2)avoid, try, forget, stop

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Why is February the shortest month of the year? Some say Augustus Caesar, ruler of Rome, __(1)__ a day from February and added it to August. Augustus didn’t want July, named after Julius Caesar, to be __(2)__ than August.

(1) burst, punished, tested, stole

(2) shorter, faster, longer, weaker

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What have you learned playing this game?

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