Jelly Roll Roll...

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Transcript of Jelly Roll Roll...

Jelly Roll Inspirations March 2014 #1 

Compiled By Liz Katsuro  


Susan B.’s amazing quilt!

This compilation of photos made with jelly rolls and strips was compiled by Liz Katsuro,, all rights reserved, copyright March 2014. 

 All photos were submitted by their owners with permission to be used for this purpose. The original artists retain and reserve all rights to their photos. Photos contained herein may not be used for any other purpose unless given express 

written consent by their individual owners.  

This e‐book may be distributed freely provided the content is completely unaltered. 

 This compilation is intended to be free content to inspire jelly roll quilters and those just starting out using jelly rolls. It may NOT be sold for any purpose. 



This e‐book was put together as a thank you to our many customers and friends who are on the emailing list for our store at It is not 

intended as an ad, and as such, you will not find advertising on every page! That being said, in cases where photos have used fabrics carried in our store, or at the time of this writing we carry something very similar, we will put a short link to that product, meant as a convenience to those who wish to create something 


So excited by the response to my latest call for jelly roll photos – got a TON! If you’ve still not sent in a picture of your project, please feel free to send it to me (Liz) at to go into a future compilation of quilting inspirations! Priscilla M.’s patriotic quilt for the Quilts of Valor charity!

Helle B.’s awesome blocks!

Sheila C.’s lovely Race!

Sue S.’s awesome baby quilt!

Pastel blender jelly rolls (used in this photo) found here!

Regina N.’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd quilts! Pretty good, no?

Love them all!

Emily G.’s awesome “Lilac Maze” rail fence quilt. (Pattern here) LOVE it!

Debby P.’s colorful quintet of quilts!

3 Dudes block pattern tutorial is here!

I love all of these quilts. Color’s my “thing” so you know I would! They are gorgeous. Spectrum sampler jelly rolls are here.

Krystal J.’s lovely little bargello! Her quilting website is here!

These fabrics can be found in blue/green blender rolls!

Marea B.’s “Lily Pond”! I just love this!

Irina O. from Switzerland sent these gorgeous pictures!

Bethany J.’s awesome quilts!

This is a “courthouse steps” log cabin block! Animal print rolls are here

Pamela M’s awesome quilt (another first-timer!)

I always say… if you’re new to quilting… start with a jelly roll quilt! There are so many great patterns that are newbie-friendly and look so intricate when finished! :D

Cindy Jo F. sent in her lovely double zig zag rail fence:

This is a short-run jelly roll “Sasha” fabrics from David textiles – there are a few left in the clearance section now (March!)

Love them… miss those fabrics! They were some of my favorites!

Glenda B.’s awesome quilts!


Melissa F.’s latest creation!

Linda W.’s awesome rail fence! Love the pinwheels!

Another by Emily G.! I really love this pattern – a great one for jelly rolls!

And its border and quilting:

I love the fun quilting!

Kathy R.’s Irish Chain – my favorite pattern!

Deborah S.’s stunning quilts!

Love the colors – these are not our fabrics but we have a pink/black/grey blender that will get the job done!

And animal print braids!

Of all the rolls we regularly carry, I think the animal print is my favorite – every picture I get from someone using the animal prints is just so impressive!

Retha R.’s awesome Race using orange blenders and a few stray browns!

Eileen L’s Box Blocks quilt! Pattern is here – Eileen’s spacing out of the different hues in this quilt is absolutely perfect, don’t you think?

Love this one!

Penny E.’s awesome patchwork bed cover and bolster cushion! So lovely!

Last but not least… Helen E.’s placemat and table runner! I spy mixed batiks in these projects. So pretty!

That is it for this edition, but there are SO many photos I didn’t get to that will be going into next week’s e-book! If you didn’t see your picture, don’t fret, it’s coming! :D I only got through the emails sent almost immediately after I requested pictures on March 4th and still have tons of emails from March 4th and after. Thanks SO much for all the pictures – I get tons of emails thanking everyone for the pictures and the inspiration!

Email pics any time to me at to be included in the future compilations. I’ll keep making them as long as there are jelly roll project pics being sent my way! Liz K., owner