Jeff's b'day

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of Jeff's b'day

Connect the following!




When he crossed the gates of

IIM Bangalore for the first time…

Jeff was a very shy and innocent boy

Poor Jeff was so afraid…

So many strange faces and scary people…

Magic Diary…Is there no one willing to be my friend ?

When Jeff was about to quit…

An outstretched arm

grabbed hold of him….

I am there for you Jeff…

I promise you my deepest love, my fullest

devotion and my tenderest care.

My Hero!!!!

Together they explored the world of luxury brands and cosmetics to the envy

of many

I cant believe it! How Jeff & Mehta

gets full marks in all Projects???

Anonymous DML

But in one Section D Party!

Jeff found a new partner to Mehta’s horror!

Now it was obvious!!!

Mehta tried

very hard to

get his dear

Jeff back!!!

But his moves didn’t work out as planned!

But to everyone’s surprise

A new player entered the scene!!!

Your hair and my hair…Same pinch!!!

Which Shampoo?

I use Garnier..It has fruit extracts…blah blah..

But Mehta still tries to get his love back!!!

Look Jeff...I solved it No.. Don’t Look Jeff...I solved it first…see


DATE : 11-01-2012TIME : 00:00

“Because I am worth it!”