Jeff DeGraff

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Jeffrey T. DeGraff

2670 Wayside Drive

Ann Arbor, MI 48103


The Ross School of Business at the

University of Michigan

701 Tappan, Room 4328

Ann Arbor, MI 49019-1234



Twenty-seven years teaching experience at the Ross School of Business at the University of

Michigan with a an average teacher evaluation rating of excellent in BBA, MBA, EMBA

and Executive Education

Developed and teach Leading Innovation and Creativity and Work

Secure real and develop world projects for students to develop innovative solutions to real

challenges at institutions like PBS, NPR, City of Detroit, the Henry Ford, the Detroit

Symphony Orchestra and the State of Michigan

Student action learning projects advance the University of Michigan mission by developing

innovation solutions for the North Campus Research Complex, the Center for the

Development of New Medicines, Detroit Creative Corridor Center and the University


Designed and developed University of Michigan Certified Professional Innovator

Certificate Program with a Net Promoter Score of 4.9 on a 5 point scale

Member of the University of Michigan Office of Research Advisory Committee for the

Distinguished University Innovator Award

Advisor for the development of the Munger Graduate Residence and the redesign of the

Taubman Health Sciences Library

Author of eight books and numerous articles on leading innovation

Host of PBS special on leading innovation

One of original 25 LinkedIn Influencers

Creator and commentator of NPR segment, The Next Idea

Created top rated channel on Connecting the Dots of Innovation on MOOC site Big Think

Write columns and blogs for Inc., Fortune, Wired, Psychology Today, Huffington Post,

LinkedIn and a wide array of other publications and sites with over a two million readers a


Advise several schools within the University of Michigan on the development of innovation

focused community and curriculum development including the Medical School, College of

Engineering, a2ru/ArtsEngine, the Human Resources Department, the Childhood Obesity

Center and the Department of Kinesiology to name a few

Frequent representative for the University on the subject of leading innovation, including M-

Connex video on jumpstarting innovation entitled Leading Innovation and fourteen part

Certified Professional Innovator series, and massive open online program Creativizing:

Mastering the Five Levels of Innovation.

Recipient of Voices of the Staff Faculty Award


Collaborator in operationalizing the Competing Values Framework as an innovation and

value creation methodology

Program director for multiple Executive Education programs covering a wide array of

business topics

Rainmaker for customized corporate Executive Education programs, including the GE

Master’s Program which received a 4.9 Net Promoter Score, the highest in GE history

Place doctoral students at top research sites

Advise former students who have won numerous innovation awards, including the Franz

Edelman Prize for Innovation in Operations Research and the Management Sciences, Genius

Award in Marketing Analytics Innovation (Association of National Advertisers) and the

Google Directors Den Award.

Creator of numerous innovation development processes and methodologies widely used in

leading companies

Developer of leading innovation culture and competencies assessment

Founder of Innovatrium Institute of Innovation where students and faculty regularly work

with top businesses and organizations on innovation challenges

Popular speaker and one of the brand enhancing public faces of the Ross School of Business

Substantial consulting experience at the CEO level for numerous high profile multinationals


Master teacher: Leading creativity and innovation

Public speaking: Ranked top academic speaker

Course development: BBA, MBA, EMBA and Executive Education

Rainmaking, client relations and development

Process development: Innovation strategy, measurement, creativity methods, and

organizational development


The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Executive Education, Ann

Arbor, MI

Clinical Professor of Management and Organizations, September 2001 to Present

Develop a broad range of Executive Education courses and teach them at multiple international

locations. Achieved average teacher evaluation rating of excellent, and consistently rank among

highest rated faculty. Extensive successful proposal, course development, and customer

relationship management experience with both public and customized client programs.

Executive Education experience includes:

Director of Amcor Leading Innovation custom program

Director of Barton Malow innovation program

Director of Boehringer Ingelheim innovation program

Director of Certified Professional Innovator Certificate program

Director of GE Manufacturing Supply Chain Masters program


Director of DSM customized program, Advanced Manufacturing Course

Director of GE Energy Executive program

Director of GE Money Executive program

Director of Leading Change program

Director of Leading Innovation program

Director of Management of Managers program

Director of PACCAR customized program, Leading Managers

Director of Pfizer customized program, Leading the Organization

Director of Reuters customized program, Leading Edge

Director of Select Comfort customized program, Leading Innovation

Faculty for the AB InBev customized program

Faculty for the BASF customized program

Faculty for the Boehringer-Ingelheim customized program

Faculty for the Citibank customized program

Faculty for the Executive Program

Faculty for the Human Resource Executive Program

Faculty for ICBC customized program

Faculty for the Lexmark customized program

Faculty for the Management II program

Faculty for the Management of Managers program

Faculty for the Mann and Hummel customized program

Faculty for the Manufacturing Executive Program

Faculty for the National Arts Strategies program

Faculty for the National Intelligence Agencies program

Faculty for the Nissan customized program

Faculty for the PCC custom program

Faculty for the Pitney-Bowes customized program

Faculty for the Positive Leadership: Creating Spectacular Organizational Success

Faculty for the Pressing Problems Workshop: Managing Creativity

Faculty for the Rapid Intelligence Workshop: Creativity at Work

Faculty for the Renewing Global Strategy

Faculty for the Spectrum Health customized program

Faculty for the University of Michigan Heath System customized program

Faculty for the Whirlpool customized program

Faculty for the WITS University customized program

Member of the Executive Education Advisory Board

Served on the Dean’s Executive Education Review Committee, charged with making

recommendations to enhance the program

Creator and Director of the Certified Professional Innovator Certificate Program, School of


Executive MBA experience includes:


Faculty for the Professional Development Seminar Leading Innovation (2005-Present)

Faculty for the MO 631 - Leading Value Creation (Fall 2003 and 2004)

MBA experience includes:

Designed, developed and teach MO/Strategy 563: Leading Innovation (2008-present)

Nominated for the Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize (Fall 2009)

Faculty advisor to the Organizational Strategy Consulting Club (2009-present)

Advisor Design and Business Club (Winter 2010 - present)

Presenter Leading Innovation in Troubled Times at Ross Alumni Reunion (Fall 2009)

Presenter MO Department panel on Michigan Recovery (Fall 2009)

Presenter at MO Department faculty meeting on the innovative use of “idea markets” and

“collaborative open innovation networks” (Winter 2010)

Faculty for MO563 Leading Innovation and Creativity (Fall 2008 - present)

Kickoff Faculty for Ross Leadership Initiative Foundation Session (Fall 2007 and 2008)

Faculty for the IESA MBA program (Winter 2006 and 2007)

Guest Faculty Presenter for Positive Organizational Scholarship Incubator Session (Fall


Guest Faculty Presenter for Operations and Management Science Departmental Seminar

Series (Fall 2007)

Guest Faculty Presenter for BIT 646 Projects in Solving Societal Problems Through

Enterprise and Innovation (Winter 2005 and 2006)

Guest Faculty Presenter for Ph.D. Program in Accounting Special Seminar (Winter 2004)

BBA experience includes:

Designed, developed and teach MO 463: Creativity at Work (2013)

BBA orientation keynote speaker (2012 and 2013)

Designed and delivered workshop for Michigan Practical Life Skills program

Additional responsibilities include developing and delivering Creativity Competencies, an

Executive Skills workshop, and various student orientations, graduation speeches, and alumni


Dissertation committee member for Harris Wu, “Utilizing Structure and Context in an Online

Document Repository—Towards Collaborative Knowledge Management,” April 14th, 2005

Institutional affiliations include:

Faculty for Positive Organizational Scholarship Group

Competing Values, LLC, Ann Arbor, MI

Managing Partner, January 1990 to Present

3M, AbInBev, Acuity, ADC, AdTran, Alexion, Allied Signal, American College of Surgeons,

American Express, American Society of Employers, Anheuser-Busch, Apple, Argus, Ashland,


Association of Art Museum Directors, Association of Organ Procurement Organization, Bank of

America, Barton Malow, Bayer, Biogen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bosch, Bridgestone, CalFarm

Insurance, Canadian College of Health Leaders, Ceridian, Cigna, CISCO, Citrix, Clark-Hill,

Clorox, Coca-Cola, Colgate, Comerica, Concordia University, Con Edison, Consumers Energy,

CSC-Index, Culture Source, Daily Mirror Group, Daimler, Detroit Energy, Detroit Chamber of

Commerce, Detroit Public Schools, Detroit Zoological Society, Deutsch Bank, Discover Ready,

Domino’s Pizza, Dow, Eaton, EDS, Environmental Protection Agency, Equinix, Executive

Leadership Institute, Fannie Mae, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Federal Reserve Bank,

FedEx, Fidelity, Florida Power and Light, Ford, GE, Google, GM, Grainger, Hagerty, Haworth,

Henry Ford Medical Group, Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Hermann Miller,

Hexcel Corp, Honeywell, HSBC, Hybris, ICBC, Ingersoll Rand, John Deere, Johnson and

Johnson, Johnson Controls, JP Morgan, Kinaxis, Knight Ridder, KPMG, La-Z-Boy, League of

American Orchestras, Lenovo, Little Caesars, Marriott, McDonalds, Media & Entertainment

Services Alliance, Meijer, Mercedes-Benz, Mercer-Delta, MetLife, Michigan Economic

Development Corporation, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center, Michigan Municipal

League, Microsoft, Milliken, National Association of Corporate Directors, NeoCon, New York

Life, New York University Medical Center, Nigerian Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund),

Ocwen, Paragon, Perceptron, PCC, Pfizer, Plastipak Packaging, Polaroid, Proctor and Gamble,

ProMedica, ProQuest, Prudential, Quad Graphics, Sabre, San Antonio Spurs, Sanofi-Aventis,

Shinola, Society of Surgeons, Spectrum Health, SPX, Standard Products, Steelcase, Stream

Global, Syngenta, Tech Data, TetraPak, the Toledo Museum of Art, the University of Michigan

Medical Center, the Veteran’s Administration, Thomson-Reuters, Toyota, United Soybean

Board, United States Department of Energy, United States Air Force , United States Navy,United

Technologies, University of Dayton, University of Western Ontario, University of Wisconsin,

Venture Investors, Veterinary Study Group, Visa, Vonage, Walbridge, Weather Channel, Weil,

Gotshal and Manges, Wells Enterprises, WITS University, YPO-WPO, Zurich National

Collaborator in operationalizing the Competing Values Framework as an innovation and value

creation methodology that integrates strategy, finance, innovation development and human

resource management disciplines. Creator of innovation incubation processes and change

management methodologies widely used in leading companies, including the Creativize Method.

Developer of a leading innovation culture and competencies assessment used by GE, Pfizer, and

American Express. Creator of the Innovatrium Institute of Innovation, a not-for-profit innovation

partnership between top universities and top firms to develop new practices for leading


University of Michigan, School of Business, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource

Management Department, Ann Arbor, MI

Adjunct Associate Professor, January 1990 to August 2001

Developed and taught over 35 sections of MBA courses over an eight-year interval. Achieved

average teacher evaluation rating of excellent, and consistently ranked among highest rated

faculty in the School.

Created a new course, Managing Creativity, and got it approved by the School as a

permanent offering.


Redeveloped two existing courses, Managing Innovation and Managing Change to

become cornerstones for general management, consulting and strategy career paths.

Assisted and advised student groups, including the Michigan Consulting Club and the

Black Business Student Association, and faculty on leading edge intervention practices

and market opportunities.

University of Michigan, Office of the Vice Provost for Information and Technology

Development, Ann Arbor, MI

Strategy Development Advisor, January to June 1995

Develop strategies to establish an Academic Outreach Program to extend Michigan's curriculum

and audience in targeted categories and markets around the world. Assess internal needs and

media capabilities of the University community. Identify possible industry partnerships and

initiate negotiations. Explore opportunities for highbred degrees between departments. Create a

business plan for a virtual University.

Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland

Visiting Professor, July and August 1994 and 1995

Develop and teach MBA course Managing Creativity. Average teacher evaluation rating of

excellent. Assist and advise student, government, and industry groups on leading edge

intervention practices and market opportunities.

Domino's Pizza Distribution Corp., Ann Arbor, MI

Vice President of Communications and New Ventures, September 1985 to December 1990

Leadership responsibilities for all facets of professional services including human resources,

public relations, information services, and finance for one of the fastest growing multi-billion

dollar international company in the 1980s. Member of Distribution Executive Team. Developed

a pioneering distributed data processing system and corporate training company. Advisor to CEO

on corporate strategy. Incubated innovation initiatives into start-up firms.


Leading creativity and innovation, innovation incubation processes, collaborative innovation

networks, and measuring innovation and growth


The Innovation Code: The Creative Power of Constructive Conflict (with Staney DeGraff),

August 2017, Berrett-Koehler

Making Stone Soup: How to Jumpstart Innovation Teams, June 2014, Amazon Publishing

Certified Professional Innovator Handbook, December 2014, Amazon Publishing

The Enlivened Self: The Art of Growing, December 2013, Amazon Publishing


Innovation You: Four Steps to Becoming New and Improved, August 2011, Random House

Leading Innovation: How to Jumpstart Your Company’s Growth Engine (with Shawn Quinn),

August 2006, McGraw-Hill

Competing Values Leadership: Creating Value in Organizations (with Kim Cameron, Robert

Quinn, and Anjan Thakor), August 2006, Eward Elgar Publishing

Creativity at Work: Developing the Right Practices to Make Innovation Happen (with

Katherine Lawrence), August, 2002, Jossey-Bass


“Rethinking the Liberal Arts for Business Education: The Rise of the Pracademic,” BizEd,

December 14, 2016

“How to Create a Creative Leader” by Jeff DeGraff, Talent Quarterly, Issue 7, Fall 2015

“Constructive Conflict: The Essential Role of Diversity in Organizational Innovation” by Jeff

DeGraff and Chris Mueller, Positive Organizing in a Global Society: Understanding and

Engaging Differences for Capacity Building & Inclusion, Routledge, September, 2015

“Leading Innovation in a Creative Milieu” by Peter Bacevice and Jeff DeGraff, The Kindai

Management Review, February 2013

“Innovativeness as Positive Deviance: Identifying and Operationalizing the Attributes,

Functions, and Dynamics That Create Growth” by Jeff DeGraff and Daniel Nathan Roberts, The

Oxford Handbook of Positive Organizational Scholarship, July 2011

“The Sky’s the Limit when it comes to innovation. But how best to stimulate it? Training went to

the Innovatrium to find out” Cover story, Training, January, 2010

“How You Innovate is What You Innovate,” by Jeff DeGraff, The 2009 Pfeiffer Annual:

Leadership Development, October 2008

“Open Source Your Innovation,” by Jeff DeGraff and Pete Bacevice, Journal of Innovative

Management, Winter 2008

“Innovation Mavens,” Human Resource Executive Magazine, June 16, 2007

“Growth Gone Wild: Keeping unprecedented growth from killing your business,” My Business,

February/March 2007

“Leading Innovation: A Playbook for Growth,” Dividend, Fall 2006

“Creativizers: Find them and Use Them” Leadership Excellence, December 2006


“What Makes a Company Innovative?” ManageSmarter, October 18th 2006

“Innovation Drives Growth but Doesn’t Require Reinventing the Wheel or the Menu” R&I

Magazine, October 2006

“Make Innovation Work in Your Workplace” (with Peter Bacevice) Training and Development

Magazine, August 2006

“Managing Innovation in China and the US” Peking University Business Review, No. 1, Vol. 18,

January 2006

“Leading Innovation: A Playbook for Growth” Dividend, Winter 2007

“The Case for Creativizing the MBA”, MBA Roundtable, Summer 2005, 15-19.

“5 Ways to Innovate”, Fintra, January, 2004, 9.

“Creativity at Work: Navigating the Roadmap to Value Creation”, Dividend, Spring 2003

“Creating Sustained Shareholder Value – And Dispelling Some Myths” (with Robert Quinn and

Anjan Thakor). Financial Times Pt 5, October 25, 1999

"The Revisionary Visionary - Beyond Leadership as Performance Art." (with Suzanne Merritt),

Journal of Aesthetic Education, September 1996

"Strategic Dislocations: Reconsidering the Role of Benchmarking in the Development of Core

Competencies." (with Erna-Lynne Bogue and Charles Stout) Best Practices in Health Care,

v1, January 1996

“Notes on Computer Literacy.” International Journal of Instructional Technology, v12 No 3,



Member of the University of Michigan Office of Research Advisory Committee for the

Distinguished University Innovator Award

Faculty advisor to Munger Hall

Faculty advisor to Entrepreneurship Program

Faculty advisor to Order of Angel

Faculty advisor to Design + Business Club


Faculty advisor to Human Capital Club

Faculty advisor to M-Powered Club

Advisory board member of the Research Institute of Management Innovation At Kinki

University (2009-present)

Advisory board member of The Institute for Innovation and Growth at Washington University


The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Executive Education Steering

Committee, Ann Arbor, MI 2008-present

The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Dean’s Executive Education Review

Committee, Ann Arbor, MI 2006

Program Fellow, Aspen Institute (Think tank member on Tomorrow's Corporation panel to

determine future trends in business), Aspen, CO, 1993

Advisory Board Member, University of Michigan - School of Information Studies, Ann Arbor,

MI, 1990 to 1992

Advisory Board Member, State of Michigan – Governor’s Telecommunications Task Force,

Lansing, MI, January 1988

Advisory Board Member, PBS - Business Television, Washington. D.C., 1988

Board of Advisors. Wayne County, Private Industry Council, Detroit. MI, 1987


University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Ph.D. Educational Technology, Minor: Communication and Information Studies, August


Dissertation: Towards a Theory of Presentational Form: A Case Study

What makes television instructional? This work is an integrating analysis of competing and

diverging views of instructional television from the perspectives of formalist and semiology

based media theory, algorithmic cognitive inquiry strategy, and videographic production

techniques. The dissertation explores, via a case study of the PBS series The Brain, how

presentational forms are a junction of common discourse between media theorists, instructional

designers, and television producers. The work of Noel Burch and John Ellis is drawn upon to

generate a common lexicon for the material object of television, and to articulate overlap and

gaps in all three perspectives. The dissertation committee was comprised of (Chair) Michael

Streibel. Ann Becker. Liz Ellsworth, Harry Zimmerman, and Ted Pope.


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

M.A., Communication and Information Studies, April 1982

Teaching Assistant and Fellow: Department of Communication and Residential Program. Llyod

Hall Scholar

Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

B. S., Communication Arts and Sciences, Minor: English, April 1980

Michigan Secondary Teaching Certificate


Average over 25 keynote speeches a year for corporate clients and conventions. Listed below are

few diverse highlights:

Developing an Innovation Mindset in Air Force Officers, US Air Force War College,

Montgomery, Alabama, May 22, 2017

Innovation Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Governance, National Association of

Corporate Directors Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., September 18, 2016

Integrating Innovation into an Operational Excellence Framework, Association of Organ

Procurement Organization Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, June 21, 2016

Master Class in Innovation, Univ. of Michigan, Department of Surgery, Continuing Education

Series, October 28, 2016

How Outside-In Innovation will Rest Control of Health Care from Health Care Providers, GE

Healthcare, Annual 30 Rock Healthcare CEO Conference, New York, NY, September 28, 2016

Jumpstarting Innovation in University Curriculum, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn, Conference to

Launch the Talent Gateway, September 23, 2016

Innovation and the Transformation of the American Film Industry, Media & Entertainment

Services Alliance Annual Summit, Los Angeles, CA, June 14, 2016

The Innovator’s Journey from Start-up to Budge Bracket, Detroit Chamber of Commerce Middle

Market CEO Summit - Detroit Chamber, Detroit, MI, October 27, 2016

Building Detroit Innovation, Crain’s 100 Anniversary Celebration, Detroit Athletic Club,

Detroit, Michigan, April 12, 2016

Developing a Creativity Cluster in Detroit, Culture Source Annual Meeting, Museum of

Contemporary Art Detroit, January 27, Detroit, Michigan

Leading Collaborative Innovation in the Academy: Beyond the Boundaries, University of

Western Ontario, Annual Faculty Conference, London, Canada, October 30, 2015


Collaborative Innovation Leadership: Stepping beyond the Boundaries, Canadian Health

Leaders Association, Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, October 20, 2015

Creating Scalable Innovations in Manufacturing, Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center,

Proud to Manufacturer in Michigan Conference 2015, Mt. Pleasant, MI September 24, 2015

Leading Innovation in the Age of Health Care Transformation, Doris and John Cameron oration,

Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, John Chapman Oration, Washington, D.C., May 17,


The Innovation Challenge, Translational Oncology Program, University of Michigan, NCRC,

December 12, 2014

Developing Innovation Competencies, Detroit Human Resources Summit, GM Renaissance

Center, Detroit, MI, November 18, 2014

Making Innovation Happen in Michigan, Michigan Economic Development Annual Conference,

November 13, 2014

The New Physician as Innovator, Medical School Orientation, University of Michigan, August 4,


Fostering Innovation at the American College of Surgeons, American College of Surgeons,

Annual Regents Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 19, 2014

What It Will Really Take to Reestablish Detroit as a Center for Innovation, Detroit Tech Expo

Innovation Forum, The Fillmore Theatre, Detroit, May 21, 2014

Stirring Up Collaborative Innovation in Michigan Governor’s Economic Summit, Grand Rapids,

MI, March, 2014

Making Stone Soup: How Collaborative Innovation Works…and Doesn’t in Detroit, OpenCo,

Detroit, MI, September 2013

Making Innovation Happen: From Ideation to Patentability, GM Patent Awards Ceremony,

October, 2013

Jumpstarting Innovation in the Age of Health Care Reform, American College of Surgeons,

Chicago, IL, April, 2014

Connecting the Dots of Innovation in Health Care Research, Medical Research Leadership

Academy, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2013

Every Company is Healthcare Company, TEDMED, Washington, D.C., April 2013


Innovation You, YPO-WPO, Ann Arbor, MI, March, 2013

The Future has Come and Gone and You Missed It, Graduate Management Admissions Council

Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2013

Revitalizing the Biotech Sector in Michigan, MichBios Annual Conference, Plymouth, MI, April


Connecting the Dots of Innovation at the University of Michigan, Business and Finance Annual

Conference, Ross School of Business, Ann Arbor, January, 2011

Driving Growth thru Innovation in the Not-for-Profit Sector, Council for Michigan Foundations

Annual Conference, Traverse City, MI October, 2010

Jumpstarting Michigan’s Innovation Engine, Innovation Destination, University Research

Corridor Symposium, Troy, April, 2010

Leading Innovation in Not for Profits, Executive Leadership Institute, April, 2010, Ann Arbor

Making Stone Soup: Teaching Collaborative Innovation at the Ross School of Business,

Michigan California Seminar, San Francisco, April 2010

Developing Sustainable Innovation Capabilities at the University of Michigan, Michigan Human

Resources Department Strategic Planning Retreat, Ann Arbor, March 2010

Creating Collaborative Open Innovation Networks, Atlanta Leadership Symposium, Atlanta,

February, 2010

Leading Collaborative Innovation, University of Michigan Annual Employee Voices

Conference, Ann Arbor, October, 2009

Creating an Innovative Culture at Michigan, Rackham Graduate School Team Development

Retreat, Ann Arbor, September, 2009

Driving Entrepreneurial Innovation in a Down Market, Benjamin Franklin Award, Bethlehem,

PA, May, 2009

How to Jumpstart Michigan Growth Economy, Executive Learning and Mentoring Series,

Lansing, MI, May, 2009

Creating Brand You, Ross Leadership Initiative Foundation Session, Ann Arbor, August 24,


Emerging Innovation Marketing Practices in Latin America, Televisa Annual Client Conference,

Mexico City, Mexico, June 27, 2007


Innovation Strategies and Practices in Asia, Asian-Pacific American Forum, Los Angeles, CA,

May 1, 2007

Creating Growth Competencies at the Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Annual Retreat, Clinton

Presidential Library, Little Rock, AR, April 11, 2007

Making Innovation Happen, General Electric Annual Leadership Conference, Orlando, January

8, 2007

Leading Technological Innovation, COMDEX, San Francisco, CA September 19, 2006

Leadership and the Road to Value Creation, FBI Annual Leadership Conference, Ann Arbor,

August 14, 2005

EMBA Commencement Speech, The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan,

April 30, 2004

Weird Science of the MBA, Graduate Management Schools Admissions Council, Newport Beach,

February, 2004

Leading Innovation, GE Women’s Network Annual Conference, New York, New York, 2004

Creating an Innovatrium, Mendoza School of Business, Notre Dame, 2003

Wholonics Value Creation, University of Michigan, Alumni Presentation, Ann Arbor, 2001

Managing Innovation, RVC Greenhouse Fund CTO Conference, New York, 2001

The Renaissance of the Total Individual, Young President's Organization Beyond the Bottom

Line Conference, Manila, 1996

Beyond Strategic Benchmarking, University Health Care Consortium Annual Conference,

Chicago, 1996

How Far to Ithaca? Navigating Change in the Non-Geographic Age, Aspen Institute

Tomorrow's Corporation Conference, Aspen, 1993

Simulations in Innovation Strategy: Beyond Organization, CSC-Index Vanguard Conference,

San Francisco, 1992

Technological Innovations: The Corporate Advantage, Association of Educational

Communications and Technology National Convention, Anaheim, 1990

Where Are the Entrepreneurs of Education? Michigan Association for Computer Users in

Learning Annual Conference, Traverse City, 1990


Innovative Corporate Information Systems, MacWorld, Boston, 1989

How to Build Environments Where People Are Self-Motivated, Small Business Administration,

Governor's Convention, Detroit, 1989

Notes on How To Create an Innovative Business, University of Iowa, School of Business

Administration Inauguration of the Executive Learning Program, Iowa City, 1989

Instructional Television Networks and the Future of Continuing Education, Telestrategies

National Bureau of Affairs Special Issues Convention, Washington, 1988,

How to Build Bench Strength in the Executive Ranks, Michigan President's Forum Quarterly

Meeting, Lansing, 1987

Technology and The Lost Art of Teaching, Environmental Protection Agency National Training

Conference, Ann Arbor, 1989


I write a regular column for the following publications and blogs:

Inc. (

“Innovating Your Way to a Good Job [Infographic]”April 11, 2016

“The Top 3 Creativity Blockers--and How to Manage Them” March 28, 2016

“It's the Talent, Stupid” March 14, 2016

“The Conscious Company and Other Myths” February 29, 2016

“Walking the Tightrope on the Innovation Bell Curve” February 16, 2016

“The Art of Making Time for Your Biggest Ideas [Infographic]” February 1, 2016

“How Breakthrough Ideas Become Mainstream” January 18, 2016

“This Is How America Can Become the World's Most Creative Country” January 4, 2016

“Why Crowdsourcing Has Ruined the Art of Innovation” December 21, 2015

“The Graduation Speech I Didn't Give [Infographic]” December 14, 2015

“How to Play the Innovation Game [Infographic]” November 30, 2015

“Innovating Innovation Strategy: Part 3” October 26, 2015


“Innovating Innovation Strategy: Part 2” October 19, 2015

“Innovating Innovation Strategy: Part 1” October 12, 2015

“Infographic: Recreating Your Company” October 6, 2015

“The Greatest Innovations Are the Ones You Don't See” September 21, 2015

“Teaching Your Leaders How to Learn” September 14, 2015

“The Question Is The Answer” September 7, 2015

“Culture Creates the Economics of Innovation” August 31, 2015

“Skeptics Create True Believers in Your Innovation” August 24, 2015

“A Map for Engineering Your Next Innovation [Infographic]” August 17, 2015

“Assembling Your Innovation Advisory Board” August 10, 2015

“When Nobody Wants Your Innovation” August 3, 2015

“The Three Realities of Innovators” July 27, 2015

“Start an Innovation Chautauqua” July 20, 2015

“The Unlikely Source of Your Next Big Breakthrough” July 13, 2015

“The Wisdom of the Rule of Three” July 6, 2015

“What Will You Give Up to Make Room For Innovation?” June 29, 2015

“How to Win the Innovation Race” June 22, 2015

“Picture This: Using Visual Aids to Inspire Creativity” June 15, 2015

“The 4 Most Creative Kinds of Leaders” June 8, 2015

“3 Unexpected Ways to Get More Innovative” June 1, 2015

“From Brand to Brand New: How to Re-Create Your Brand” May 25, 2015

“How to Free Up Your Ability to Think Creatively” May 18, 2015

“The Innovator's Storybook: Creativity and the Well-Told Tale” May 11, 2015


“The Good, the Bad, and the Future of Creative Collaboration” May 4, 2015

“The Secret to Teaching Creativity at Business School” April 27, 2015

“Using the Right Innovation Tool for the Right Innovation Job” April 20, 2015

“The Myth of Creativity On-Demand” April 12, 2015

“The Best Way to Look for the Next Big Thing” April 6, 2015

“Positive Thinking: A Brief User's Guide” March 30, 2015

“The Future Has Come and Gone: You Just Missed It” March 23, 2015

“Want Radical Innovation? Here's Where to Look” March 16, 2015

“The New Rules of Innovation” March 9, 2015

“The Inverse Innovation Cycle”, February 16, 2015

“Innovation Starts in the Belly of the Beast”, February 9, 2015

“Innovation in Higher Education: Here We Go Again”, February 2, 2015

“Critics Make the Best Innovation Evangelists”, January 26, 2015

“Innovation Hurts: Why Courage is More Important than Creativity”, January 19, 2015

“How to See the Future First”, January 12, 2015

“The Top Innovations We Should've Seen in 2014”, January 5, 2015

“How to Lead Innovation like Superheroes: Knowing When Your Strength Becomes a

Weakness”, December 29, 2014

“The Upside of Discovering Your Incompetencies”, December 22, 2014

“Need to Get Creative? How to Create an Idea Space”, December 15, 2014

“How to Do More With Less”, December 8, 2014

“How to Weed Out Projects That Aren't Worth Your Time”, December 1, 2014

“How to Jump-Start Radical Change in Your Company”, November 24, 2014


“How to Find Your Next Super Star Employee”, November 17, 2014

“The Low-Risk Way to Design Breakthrough Products”, November 10, 2014

“The Key to Creating Partnerships That Work”, November 3, 2014

“4 Innovation Strategies to Forecast the Future”, October 27, 2014

“How to Turn Conflict Into Creativity”, October 20, 2014

“How to Create Better Ideas Faster”, October 13, 2014

“What is Innovation?” October 6, 2014

Salon (

“This is the end of marriage, capitalism and God. Finally!” February 6, 2016

Fortune (

“So, you want to be a creative genius?” September 13, 2013

“Oh, the joys of screwing up,” March 18, 2013

“Why innovation is so hard,” January 16, 2103

“Why the ‘most innovative’ companies aren’t,” March 13, 2013

“7 deadly sins of business growth,” September 5, 2102

LinkedIn Influencers (

“Omphaloskepsis aka Contemplating Your Own Navel,” May 5, 2104

“Complexity First; Simplicity Last,” April 28, 2104

“The Mongolian Barbeque Effect on Innovation,” April 14, 2014

“It’s Time We Invented a Holodeck,” April 7, 2014

“Trying to Create Tomorrow’s Company with Yesterday’s Rules and Tools- Pat III, Moving from

the Old to the New,” March 31, 2014

“Trying to Create Tomorrow’s Company with Yesterday’s Rules and Tools- Pat II, The New

Rules and Tools,” March 24, 2014


“Trying to Create Tomorrow’s Company with Yesterday’s Rules and Tools- Pat I, The Need for

Speed and Magnitude,” March 17, 2014

“Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity- Part V,” March 10, 2014

“Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity- Part IV,” March 3, 2014

“Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity- Part III,” February 24, 2014

“Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity- Part II,” February 17, 2014

“Mastering the Five Levels of Creativity- Part I,” February 10, 2014

“Doing the Creative Work the Company Cant- Part III, How You Innovate is What You

Innovate,” February 3, 2014

“Doing the Creative Work the Company Cant- Part II, The Rise of the Creativizer,” January 27,


“Doing the Creative Work the Company Cant- Part I, The Way of the Café,” January 20, 2014

“Collaborative Innovation, The Cure for Pharama’s Innovation Affliction?” January 13, 2014

“Is this the Accidental End of Marriage, Capitalism and Religion,” January 6, 2014

“Innovation is Messy, Navigating the Twists,” January 2, 2014

“Embracing Failure and Working at the Edges,” December 23, 2013

“Innovation as Deviation, Embrace the Unknown,” December 16, 2013

“From Theory to Action, Taking Purposeful Action,” December 10, 2013

“Master the Art of SODOTO- See One, Do One, Teach One,” December 2, 2013

“Wholonics-The Structures and Dynamics of Wholeness,” November 25, 2013

“The Discoverers”, I Learned to See the Bigger Picture,” November 19, 2013

“My First Job I was Henry Ford in Reverse,” November 12, 2013

“In Praise of Control Freak Innovators,” November 4, 2013

“The Innovation Genome,” October 29, 2013

“The Pangloss Paradox or On Excessive Optimism,” October 21, 2013


“Harvesting Winning Ideas,” October 14, 2013

“Stop Starting and Start Stopping if You Want Innovation to Happen,” October 8, 2013

“On Congressional Conflict and Constructive Innovation,” September 30, 2013

“Joyriding with Any Rand,” September 18, 2013

“The Art of Growing Old,” September 16, 2013

“The Two Faces of Facebook,” September 13, 2013

“The Innovation Do-Over List,” September 11, 2013

“A TED Talk on Changing Health Care from the Outside In,” September 9, 2013

“Learning to See the Future First,” September 5, 2013

“Multitasking There’s an App for That,” August 29, 2013

“Out with the New and in with the Old,” August 26, 2013

“Save Us, Creativity!” August 22, 2013

“Creating Your Secret Identity,” August 20, 2013

“Making Stone Soup- How to Really Make Collaborative Innovation Work, Where You work,”

August 12, 2013

“The Joys of Screwing Up,” August 5, 2013

“Why the Most Innovative Companies Aren’t,” August 1, 2013

“Why Innovation is So Hard,” July 30, 2013

“MacGyver Mind, McDonald’s Mind,” July 9, 2013

“For All the Go to Guy’s on Father’s Day,” June 10, 2013

“Class of 2013, The Graduation Speech I Didn’t Give,” May 7, 2013

“Alien Innovator Syndrome,” April 1, 2013

“On the Hypocrisy of Innovators,” March 4, 2013


“Why Leaders Don’t Understand How to Play the Innovation Game,” February 11, 2013

“Your New Year’s Absolution,” January 16, 2013

“Changing into Your Christmas Culture,” November 27, 2012

“Rebalancing Your Portfolio Life,” November 15, 2012

“Recreating Your Company,” October 26, 2012

“Innovating Your Way to a Good Job,” October 2, 2012

Psychology Today (

“Enlighten and Entertain,” September 5, 2012

“Show; Don't Tell,” August 29, 2012

“From Theory to Practice,” August 22, 2012

“Take Multiple Shots on Goal,” August 15, 2012

“Getting Better Every Day in Every Way,” August 8, 2012

“Apprentice the Sorcerer,” July 26, 2012

“Go Double Dutch,” July 13, 2012

“Hide Inside Trojan Horses,” June 20, 2012

“Break Down the Game Film,” June 14, 2012

“Forget 80, 20; Use the 20/80 Rule Instead,” June 5, 2012

“Viva la Revolucion,” May 23, 2012

“Devise with Revisionary Eyes,” May 17, 2012

“Watch the Weather,” May 10, 2012

“Sync it Up,” May 1, 2012

“Inventory the Goods,” April 18, 2012

“Take a Higher Point of View,” April 3, 2012

“Exhibit the Artifacts of Life,” March 29, 2012


“Empty the Bag,” March 22, 2012

“How to Grow – Part 2,” March 14, 2012

“How to Grow – Part 1,” March 8, 2012

“Thoughts on the Structure and Dynamics of Growth,” February 28, 2012

“A Capital Idea,” February 14, 2012

“Youtopia is Nowheresville,” February 1, 2012

“A Waldorf Salad,” January 25, 2012

“Deconstruct to Reconstruct,” January 16, 2012

“The Most American Thing in America,” January 11, 2012

“Customize the Contradictions,” January 3, 2012

The Huffington Post (

“Creating Your Secret Identity,” November 6, 2012

“Save Us Creativity,” September 13, 2013

“Out With the New and in With the Old,” August 9, 2012

“Multitasking: There's an App for That,” July 10, 2012

“The Two Faces of Facebook,” June, 26, 2012

“We Are the Company - and Books - We Keep,” May 18, 2012

“Learning to See the Future First,” June 2, 2012

“The Art of Growing Old,” March 27, 2012

“MacGyvering Our Way Out of the Creativity Crisis,” May 19, 2012

“Joyriding with Ayn Rand,” February 28, 2012

“The Innovation Do-Over List,” February 10, 2012

“The All-Wheel-Drive of Republican Candidates,” January 17, 2012


“The New Mass as New Coke,” January 6, 2012

“Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss,” December 15, 2011

“The Patron Saint of Mediocrity (or How I Would Settle for Merely Competent Leaders),”

December 12, 2011

“It's Education, Stupid (Not Taxes),” November 28, 2011

“On Congress, the Deficit and the 20/80 Rule,” January 16, 2011

“The Missed Call,” January 12, 2011

I regularly write numerous additional columns for the following publications and web sites:

American Express (

B2C (

Best Thinking (

Big Think (

Chamber of Commerce (

Examiner (

Management Innovation Exchange (

PBS Next Avenue (

Thought Leaders (


Michigan Radio: The Next Idea (

I co-created a regular NPR segment and appear as a guest on Michigan Radio’s most popular

program and write essays each month:

“Forget net neutrality, regulatory neutrality is what we really need,” May 13, 2017

“The watch me web,” May 8, 2017

“Go to college or die early,” May 1, 2017

“Currency innovations like bitcoin could render bank deregulation moot,” April 3, 2017

“Maybe we should build a wall to keep our talented people in,” March 27, 2017

“Employment for all Americans is ideal, Protectionist trade policies are not the way to do it,”

March 6, 2017


“When it comes to health care reform, innovation will matter more than politics,” February 23,


“Americans now see the truth as relative. What comes next?” February 16, 2017

“Some games are over after one win or loss. Democracy is not that kind of game,” January 19,


“What’s coming next in 2017? Hint: It’s not autonomous vehicles,” January 12, 2017

“Is this the end of marriage, capitalism, and God?” December 8, 2016

“The world is complex, so why do we let our candidates talk to us like simpletons?” November

7, 2016

“To both candidates, where exactly will the jobs come from?” November 3, 2016

“For better or worse, technology erodes boundary between personal and professional life,”

October 20, 2016

“Nobel Prizes show that the biggest innovations are happening at molecular level,” October 13,


“To fight the system, ignore it and innovate now,” September 29, 2016

“When it comes to attracting corporations to Michigan, talent tops low tax,” Jun 6, 2016

“U-M business program seeks to create "renaissance in innovation" in Michigan,” April 18,


“It's time to rethink liberal arts education in Michigan,” April 4, 2016

“Where do the truly great innovations lie?” January 7, 2016

“Despite politics, strides made in 2015 to break Michigan's status quo,” December 17, 2015

“Israel's innovation success shows Michigan could use more political courage”, November 23,


“Today's open source movement takes cue from Ben Franklin”, November 16, 2015

“When efficiency hinders innovation, carmakers must learn to ‘just say no”, November 2, 2015

“More arts education key to creating Michigan's culture of innovation”, August 27, 2015

“The Kalamazoo Promise is working, so why is it only in Kalamazoo?” July 20, 2015


“With our divisions growing, Michigan could use a common story”, June 22, 2015

“Michigan's missing the boat on its freshwater economy”, May 28, 2015

“Innovator says Michigan doesn't need radical public transit overhaul”, March 16, 2015

“New immigrants are crucial to Michigan's future”, February 26, 2015

“Technology not the cure-all for Michigan's classrooms”, February 12, 2015

“Standards and efficiency stifle innovation”, February 5, 2015

“Automotive innovations can help diversify Michigan economy”, January 19, 2015

“Let's try playing favorites to boost Michigan's economy”, December 15, 2014

“Time to turn Michigan's "three economies" into one”, December 15 1, 2014

“Michigan's future starts with new ideas”, November 17, 2014

Additional Citations and Appearances

Interview with Jeff DeGraff: Influencer and Dreamer, Episode 12,,

March 2, 2017

Encouraging Innovation through Conflict with Jeff DeGraff, Episode 145,, April 19, 2017

Appearance on WJR program The Internet Advisor, “The Future of Consumer Electronics,”

January 10, 2015

How to Kickstart Innovative Thinking with Jeff DeGraff of the Michigan Ross School of

Business, Ross School of Business, Leading in Thought and Action video series, October 14,


Appearance on NPR program Craig Fahley Show, “Michigan Economic Development”, March

26, 2014

Daily Business, “Five Qs: Jeff DeGraff on Innovation as it Relates to Michigan”, March 19, 2014

Appearance on NBC program Flashpoint, “Revitalizing Detroit”, November 27, 2013

“Innovation Mavens,” cover story, Human Resource Executive, June 16, 2007

“Leading Innovation: A Playbook for Growth,” Dividend, Spring, 2007


“Profs: Build a New Generation of Leaders for Ongoing Success,” Enterprise Notebook, April


“Summer Reading List from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business,” Michigan

Future, May 30, 2007

“On average, bosses getting younger,” Detroit Free Press, December 22, 2006; story also

appeared in the following publications under various titles: Columbia Daily Tribune, January

10, 2007; Providence Journal of Rhode Island, January 14, 2007; Honolulu Advertiser,

January 15, 2007; Columbus Dispatch, January 21, 2007;, January 21, 2007; San

Jose Mercury News, January 21, 2007;, January 14, 2007; and Times

Argus, January 14, 2007

“IT Builds a Better Idea,” cover story, CIO, February 1, 2007

“CEA Attempts To Bolster PARA Confidence,” Twice Magazine, February 2, 2007

“Growth Gone Wild,” My Business, February 2, 2007

“Innovation drives growth but doesn’t require reinventing the wheel or the menu,” cover story,

R & I Magazine, October 2006

“Queen of Pop: Meet Mary Minnick. She’s blunt. She’s impatient. . .” cover story,

BusinessWeek, August 7, 2006

“Frankly speaking, haute dogs go gourmet,” USA TODAY, September 18, 2006

“Vacation? What’s that?: Some job-addicted Americans just can’t bring themselves to break

away,” Detroit Free Press, June 24, 2004

“Firm Services,” Partner’s Report for CPA Firm Owners, December 2004

"Innovate or Die Trying," cover story, Training, May 1, 2006

“Performance Management That Drives Results,” Harvard Management Update, September 1,