JB Sprouting Blog

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of JB Sprouting Blog

nutritional benefits of sprouting• seeds become living food as soon as germination takes place, enzymes are then activated which act as catalysts to aid in metabolism, neutralize toxins, and cleanse the blood•Deactivates anti-nutrients making it easier to digest• sprouting wheat increases nutrient density• vitamin E content can increase by 300%• vitamin C content by 600%• vitamin B's content by 20-1200%• vitamin B-17 - the "anti-cancer " vitamin by 100%• wheat sprouted for 3 days can increase in protein by 300%

How to Sprout Wheatberries•choose organic, fresh grains• rinse thoroughly using a colander•place in a container that has a mesh top and soak for 18-24 hours in fresh water, rinse once or twice during this time•drain and rinse•place in a warm dark area• rinse and drain every few hours•Grains are ready to use when baby sprouts appear

after 2 days of sproutingwheatberries sprouted wheatberries

sprouted wheat tortilla ingredients• 1 cup hard wheatberries• I actually used a combination of hard wheat, spelt, and kamut.

• 1/2 teaspoon salt• 1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder• 2 tablespoons vital wheat gluten (optional)• 2 tablespoons olive oil (optional)

step 1After grains have sprouted, mix with salt, baking powder, and gluten.  Pulse in food processor for 90 seconds and slowly add oil if using.  Mixture should form a very soft ball.

step 2separate dough into small balls, approximately 2 inches in diameter.  It is helpful to add some oil to your hands before handling dough.

step 3carefully roll dough into circles about 1/8 inch thick and transfer to a medium low temperature cast iron skillet that has been oiled. (I used coconut oil)  Heat on both sides for about 3 minutes until tortillas are lightly browned but still soft and pliable. 

breakfast!Add a fresh egg, some sprouted adzuki and alfalfa, and a bit of arugula...bon appetit!


1. Isabel Shepird - "How can I grow and use sprouts as a living food" www.herbsarespecial.com

2. Tess Bakeresse - "Sprouted wheat tortillas" 


3. French Meadow Bakery
