Jaws in Space - How to develop & pitch creative ideas

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Jaws in Space - How to develop & pitch creative ideas


“jaws in space”how to develop & pitch creative ideas




this is distilled


we made this



2.1m page views; 105k+ ‘likes’; 4.7k+ tweets; 1,055 LRDs



a few years ago we made this


textit got just 31 ‘likes’


we *still* don’t always get it right


this stuff is *really* hardignore anyone who tells you otherwise


coming up with a ‘good’ ideais paramount


but what do we mean by a ‘good’ idea?


something that appears to have worked?


pop quiz!


raise your hands if you think this is a ‘good’ idea





618 LRDs


ok, what about this one?





189 LRDs


what about this one?





59 LRDs


tricky, huh?


it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking ‘guides get links’ - let’s do loads of guides!


it’s not always the case &

over time formats can become less effective


let’s try something else... I’m going to show you 2 pieces - which got the most links?






64 LRDs


181 LRDs


ok, you’ve seen which got the most links, but which got the most interactions on facebook?


50k facebook interactions


5k facebook interactions


the relationship between social shares and links is not as linear as you might expect


it is incredibly tough to figure out whether something is ‘good’ idea or not


& most of us don’t have the luxury of creating & launching a bunch of different things

before hitting on a winner


we get fired


so how do we get better?


we started out with this




authors Chip & Dan Heath identified 6 factors make an idea ‘stick’:



& we’ve added one of our own:



this is hard to explain in the abstract, so I’m going to use an example





if you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself

~ Albert Einstein



‘how famous creative people work’







ok, so this may not make your jaw drop…but it is a different take on the topic


long form articles and listicles are the most popular formats in the space, whereas this is visual & explorable




we’re going to

win the space race

~ not said by JFK


‘win the space race’is an abstraction

it’s intangible, no one knows what you mean


we’re going to put

a man on the moon



this isn’t just about the language you use


well-executed data visualisation makes concepts more concrete

you can only hold around 6 pieces of information in your head, but you can take in much more than that

visually to determine patterns





comes in two flavours:


is the data credible?



is this credible coming from podio?


using data from other credible sources is a reasonably safe bet for most brands


be very careful if you’re commissioning your own data


there are two modes of failure here


a failure to gather statistically significant data or weak methodology


being self-serving

if a bingo company did a study that found people who played bingo were happier than those who didn’t

would you think it credible?




this provokes an emotional reaction




does this piece?



it does provoke curiosity and

people are passionate about productivity & the habits of successful people




have we uncovered a story?



no, but this piece supports the editorial around this topic




would you look good sharing this?



makes you look smartand/or

makes you look culturedand/or

makes you look interested & interestingand/or

makes you look like they care about being creative


the ‘success’ framework is great, but it has its drawbacks


good ideas rarely seem like good ideas at their inception,that’s what stops the majority of people from having them

~Drew Gummerson


it’s a useful tool, but it can be used as a weapon


don’t use this to shoot ideas down,use it to build ideas up


how can we develop this idea to make it moresimple?unexpected?concrete?credible?emotional?story-driven?shareable?


use it to evaluate or compare and contrast ideas to see which are the strongest


you don’t need to hit all 7

but more is more ☺


but there’s another issue with the framework


clients don’t always understand why they should care about these criteria


there’s insufficient onus on why this is a good idea for their company


we found that some of our best ideas weren’t getting signed off


we needed to get better at pitching ideas


the high concept pitch for alien was

“jaws in space”


that’s a lot of information in just 3 words


the ship is not sleek & clean like in other sci-fi moviesthis is grubby, broken, low-tech


this film will be filled with tension & conflict,not everyone will understand the danger they’re in


you won’t see much of the predator until the end


I could go on for hours...


our aim was not to be able to pitch our ideas in 3 words


but to distill our thinking & communicate why our ideas were right for the client


this is what we came up with


how is this idearelevant, resonant & different?


I’ll deal with each in turn, using the daily routines piece as an example





this is about ‘brand fit’why is this the right thing for the company to do?


podio’s strapline is ‘empowering you to work the way you want’


they target people in the creative industry


‘daily routines’ places podio in the conversations people are already

having about how best to work,without being self-serving




why will your target audience & target publishers care about this?


creativity & productivity are perpetually hot topics:





people share this stuff, so publishers want to publish this stuff


& the publishers we want coverage from feature this stuff

@hannah_bo_banna(excerpt from a buzzsumo content analysis report)


people will share our piece because it:

makes them look smartand/or

makes them look culturedand/or

makes them look interested & interestingand/or

makes them look like they care about being creative




how is this different from what’s already out there?how are we adding value?


this data has been visualised before



but this is a posterit wasn’t built for the web


this execution doesn’t allow you to compare the creative routines of the people featured,

or explore the data, our execution will


we use relevant, resonant, different alongside the ‘SUCCESS’ framework


it means our ideation process is more rigorous


& it forces us to think harder about whether or not our ideas make sense for our clients


most importantly - it makes getting sign off from clients easier


how did it all go down?



you will never be 100% confident



658k page views; 33k+ ‘likes’; 10k+ tweets; 632 LRDs


please note:


results like this don’t just *happen*


we spent over 60 hours promoting this piece


the bigger picture


getting good at this stuff is hard


there’s a few things we do which we think have helped us get better


focus on ideas, not formats



an idea is a novel combination of

previously unconnected elements in a way that adds value


an infographic is not an idea;it’s a format


further reading:

how to produce content people will sharehttp://dis.tl/MJ-share

how to produce better content ideashttp://dis.tl/MJ-idea

lessons in virality from axl rosehttp://dis.tl/HS-axl


take this sh*t seriously


a few years ago we used to ‘present’ creative ideas like this:



yep, it really was that bad...



you won’t be surprised to hear that sign off was an issue


today we present creative ideas in person, with a slide deck

we also spend significantly longer on the ideation process


we use these frameworks to build ideas up, not knock them down


good ideas come from everywhere,

it’s more important to recognise a good ideathan to author it

~Jeanne Gang


keep on keeping on


we consistently work on improving our approach & our processes



good luck out there x


Images:alien: http://www.wired.com/2010/02/0205hr-giger-born-science-fiction-artist/unexpected - http://thabto.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/shocked-face.jpgdaily rituals - http://24.media.tumblr.com/011d7a30de400a6f5f9244775f95781a/tumblr_mmg8etEJt81qzlz5go1_r1_1280.jpgemotional - http://adland.tv/ooh/feed-sa-trolley-ambient-south-africaswing - https://www.flickr.com/photos/21745851@N00/4805435840facepalm - http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=facepalm no finish line - http://www.quotesvalley.com/images/50/there-is-no-finish-line-5.jpgdanbo - https://www.flickr.com/photos/nomadic_lass/6889892777/in/set-72157629144987013unicorn - http://queenofheartsonthesleeve.tumblr.com/post/58736423727/ok-not-much-but-here-it-is-3

Big love to to the wonderful Distilled folks who helped me put this together.


Hannah SmithContent Strategist, Distilled caffeine addict; book worm; would really like a unicorn...

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