JavaScript Operators

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of JavaScript Operators


@Ahmed Murtaza

Unary Operators++x [pre-increment]

X++ [post-increment]

--x [pre-decrement]

X-- [post-decrement]


Binary Operators

Arithmetic operators

Assignment operators

Comparison operators

Logical operators

Arithmetic Operators

+ { x + y }

- { x - y }

* { x * y }

/ { x / y }

% { x % y }

Riddle•Use all five operators ( + - * / % )

•The answer should be 27

(operators should be in same sequence)

Assignment Operators= { x = y }

+= { x += y}

-= { x -= y}

*= { x *= y}

/= { x /= y}

%= { x %= y}

Comparison Operators== { x == y }

=== (strict) { x === y }

> { x > y }

< { x < y }

>= { x >= y }

<= { x <= y }

!== (strict) { x !== y }

!= { x != y }

Logical Operators&& (AND) { x < y && x > z }

|| (OR) { x < y || x > z }

! (NOT) { x != y }

Ternary Operators

Condition ? expression1 : expression2

Example ::

(10 === ‘10’) ? alert(“Equal”) : alert(“Not Equal”);

By ::

Ahmed Murtaza@ahmedgmurtaza