JANUARY JUMP START DOCUMENTS - LindsayBeale.com...Too much protein will be converted to sugar and...

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Transcript of JANUARY JUMP START DOCUMENTS - LindsayBeale.com...Too much protein will be converted to sugar and...

© Lindsay Beale 2017



© Lindsay Beale 2017

CFL January Jump Start

Week One Planning CFL 16.8 Eating Plan Lindsay’s Five Day Plan (example) Thirsty work

Does your mind matter?

Get some sleep.

All about Carbohydrates

Sourdough Bread

Dairy and Nuts


Scales and FAT loss Weight and measurement chart

Waist – Hip ratio

Video – how to take measurements.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

Welcome to Challenge Fat Loss January Jump Start


Here we go! You thought it would never come and now it's here! Time to let go of the sweet trolley. Drink LESS booze, if possible cut it out completely for a couple of weeks. Stock your cupboards with vegetables and protein, good fats and DO NOT BUY anything with sugar in the first 5 ingredients! This first week, you are in serious DECHOX.... So, think near to nature, natural foods and drinks. Let's go.

Here are your first FIVE days of CFL eating. Just focus on Monday to Friday, this week. Read the daily plan below, carefully, plan and then sort your menu using the food groups from the FOOD TABLE. I have given you a few examples of what to eat. Choose those examples by all means if it makes eating and planning easy for you. Check the CFL RECIPE BOOKS. Note the simplicity of most and the AMOUNT.


Rotate your protein choices at each meal. If you choose eggs at meal one, choose fish at meal two, for instance. Remember to fill up on the veg/salad from the LILAC coloured box. Add good FATS to your meal. Cook with coconut oil or olive oil, butter or ghee. These fats withstand heat and will not change their chemical structure. DO NOT use vegetable oil or rapeseed oil on this challenge. Avocados are an excellent source of good fats, so are nuts use the amounts suggested) and seeds. A quality organic olive oil/extra virgin olive oil is a must. NO MAYONNAISE, but you can make similar using natural yoghurt, quark, lemon juice and mustard.

Too much protein will be converted to sugar and stored as fat if you eat too big a portion. A 6oz steak is fine, a couple of sausages, fillet of fish, handful of chick peas/brown rice, etc. Most people eat far too much protein and females eat as much as males – NOT RIGHT! Check the amounts on the food table.

Unless you are working-out more than 60 MINS per day. Go easy on GREEN box starchy carbs. You do not NEED pasta to run 5 miles or do a gym session. Unless you are an athlete in training, choose GREEN BOX only once a day and choose vegetables over grains and bread. If you eat too much and do not exercise, it doesn't matter if it's brown rice or sweet potato – if you do little moving, you only need a little starchy carbs. If you get stuck then just ask me on the page.

Any NEW to CFL athletes who are concerned about how much to eat to fuel your sport, then do get in touch and I will help you.

MONDAY: Three meals. You can choose any foods from any of the boxes. NO SNACKS BETWEEN MEALS. Leave 4-6 hours before next meal. If you want to have a piece of fruit, choose to eat it at one of your meals, not in between. Use the portions on your FOOD TABLE.

TUESDAY: Three meals. VEGETARIAN DAY. Nothing from the red box, though you CAN EAT EGGS.

WEDNESDAY. Intermittent Fast AND No roots or fruit!! (no green box – no fruit). Read more below. TWO MEALS TODAY. Choose one piece of protein for each of your meals one and two. Try to not eat bacon, meat and cheese in one sitting, it's too much for the body to process. Lean meats (and not sausages/burgers/bacon/processed hams) are beneficial for the body, simply cooked. Aim to choose ONLY LILAC BOX veg today and put loads of green veg in both meals.

© Lindsay Beale 2017

THURSDAY. Intermittent Fast again. TWO MEALS TODAY. The most important foods are lean meat/fish or eggs, lilac box veg and some good fats. You CAN also eat one piece of fruit and a few nuts today, whenever you like.

FRIDAY. Three meals. Your choice of foods from the boxes. Bear in mind all you have learned this week. Eat your low starch veg with each meal.

What is INTERMITTENT FASTING? Simply put, you move your first meal of the day forwards a bit. I would like you to aim for minimum 16 hours and then eat your first meal of the day. (Count the 16 hours from your dinner on Tuesday evening – so if you eat at 7pm, you break-your-fast at 12 noon. Eat a meal rich in protein/low starch carbs. You will in effect, fast for 16 hours and then have an 8 hour window to feed.

Make sure you use loads of veg from the LILAC list. These veggies/salad add fibre and helps fill you up. Quality protein at each meal (study the RED box and become familiar with protein sources – choosing white meat and oily fish over darker meats at least 3 times per week) and maximum 6 oz portion if possible. FASTING teaches your body to use its stored FAT as fuel. You will burn more calories in your fasted state. You will NOT fall apart, or go dizzy or make bad decisions or drop your metabolism – in fact, your metabolism will increase, as it works hard to keep you warm and burn those stored calories you have had for years. You may get hunger pangs – THAT IS EXPECTED – and it is good.

Your hormones, for a change are doing their correct job and signalling that you need food. The more you make them wait, the longer they will get used to not calling so quickly AND so often. Drink water/fruit teas/herb teas/DECAF anything. Your body requires WATER before food at this stage. This is how you start the detox. You will need the loo more! Make yourself hot, sweaty (exercise!). Sweating detoxes the body. If you suffer detox headaches. DRINK WATER (coconut water is fine – up to 500ml), MOVE, GET ACTIVE. Distract yourself, take blood away from your pounding head and drive it to your deserving muscles. The headaches will stop when your body is clean. You will rarely suffer them if you are hydrated and your body is fed FAT, PROTEIN AND LOW STARCH CARBS.... you WILL suffer them, if you drink caffeine/booze and eat sugar and processed foods. Scary eh?!

The further you move from nature with what you eat and drink, the more ill and unhealthy you will become – and then fat loss becomes nigh impossible. So.... who's ready for change?!

Make sure you have read through the documents, especially the one titled 16.8 as it explains what you are doing this week. Getting used to eating LESS but also at a different time of day maybe totally new to some of you. Habits take time to change, but over the next few weeks, your body will feel less starved in the mornings if you rob it of the sugar and processed carbs that make up a lot of traditional breakfasts and lunches. EG: Processed carbohydrates (all boxed cereals – packaged juices and smoothies – bread, croissants, biscuits). These foods keep you craving all day and fat for life. Removed them for a while and you will soon start feeling more energised and your hormones will not be in constant flux. There are many foods to try and with very small tweaks and changes, you will make huge leaps forward in health and sustained fat loss.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

CFL 16:8 Eating Plan.

What does 16:8 mean? Simply. Fasting for 16 hours and eating your meals within the 8 hours that is left of the day. Intermittent fasting is a simple and very effective way of eating less total food in a day AND taking advantage of the hormonal effect that fasting brings during the night.

It's not difficult to do and I know many of you eat this way often. All I need you to be mindful of is the AMOUNT you are eating. More often than not, many of you just don't eat enough! Choosing to eat twice within that eight-hour window means your foods have to be energy dense – higher FAT content to satiate your appetite. Fat is your friend and should not be feared. I will give you some ideas of foods and meals below, but the easiest thing to do is grab some instant ideas from the CFL recipe books. All the macros (you need to know this word going forward!!) and calories are worked out, you cannot fail!

** If you are involved in heavy training or racing, then I do need to know as your eating has to be sufficient so you can perform. Please let me know if you are in training for an event.

Eating after 8pm. Drinking and eating close to sleep time means your body is processing the food and your sleep hormones will be fighting with your digestion. While your body is processing food, INSULIN is raised and the fat burning is stalled for hours. Another great reason why FASTING is useful. It takes about 12 hours for your body to start releasing hormones to burn your stored fat.... so, you carry on burning fat during the morning... if you are active too – RESULT. Fat on your body will be used as a fuel source so you can be active. Win, win.

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Here is an easy rule of thumb for most of you in the group. There is nothing really banned, but ultimately, some foods are fabulous for fat loss and some are just going to slow you down or stop you completely.

1. Some of you have three stones plus to lose, you should avoid most HIGH starch carbs APART FROM VEGETABLES/SALAD. Choose grains, breads, fruits just a couple days a week.

2. If you have two stones that you want to lose, then eating yoghurt, fruit, breakfast bars, bread, grains, is OK, some of the time, but try not to eat them daily. Get your carbs from veg and salad as above and eat a protein/fat based breakfast.

3. If you are ACTIVE and have under one stone to lose, you can afford to eat more carbs, more often. Your activity ensures you are burning it off. If you are NOT seeing your shape change or your weight budge, then you clearly aren't working as hard in your activity as you think and you will stay the same. REWARDS after exercise are very common and I know many who go to the gym for an hour, or run 5km and then have coffee and cake as a 'well done me'. You can't eat that stuff if you want change.

4. What if you are ACTIVE but still heavier than is ideal? Cut the sugary carbs. Fruits, yoghurts, breakfast bars, grains, bread, crackers.... even those on our CFL food table and recipes. Your body cannot tolerate the amount you're eating. Choose, eggs, avocado and carbs from LOW starch box, seeds, nuts and then right at the end of your choices, comes

© Lindsay Beale 2017

fruit, cheese, yoghurt. If you are still in a muddle. Please ask me. I want you to succeed and if you need help, just shout!

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

Lindsay’s Five-Day Meal Plan. An idea of how to time your meals. You can always eat THREE meals a day on this course. FASTING just means moving your first meal forwards a few hours. Drinks: 2-3 litres water. MONDAY. THREE MEALS. Eaten at 8.00am – 1.00pm – 7.30pm (11.5hour window)

1. Bacon and Avocado Breakfast Muffins x 3 with sautéed spinach and tomatoes

2. Carton Fresh Soup (Waitrose own) with 2 slices SD toast and spread of butter. One orange.

3. Chicken breast cooked in foil with cherry toms/olives et al Orange dressing. Served

with mashed butternut squash and mix, broccoli and cabbage. TUESDAY. Vegetarian Day. Three meals.

1. Creamy Pecan Smoothie (CFL recipes) 1 thick slice SD toast and Almond butter

2. 4 eggs scrambled with tomatoes and spinach/mushrooms. One large pear.

3. Chick Pea and Veg Curry with stir fried spring greens.

WEDNESDAY. I.F. NO roots/fruits. Two meals.

1. 1.00pm 1 avocado. 4 egg omelette with grated cheddar/chopped red pepper/mushrooms. Salad leaves.

2. 7.30pm: Aromatic Chicken Tagine (CFL recipe) with extra green beans

THURSDAY. I.F. Two meals.

1. 1.30pm 2 slices SD toast/half mashed avocado/smoke salmon/cherry tomatoes plus one large pear

2. 7.00pm 6oz Fillet Steak with sweet potato baked chips and large salad.

FRIDAY. Three meals. starting appx 1pm – 5pm – 8pm (7-hour window)

1. Cardamom protein pancakes x 3 with yoghurt and mix berries. (CFL recipe)

2. 2 x slices SD toast with mashed avocado and tomatoes (may not eat this if not hungry and can wait ‘til dinner)

3. Smoked haddock with spinach mushrooms and celeriac chips

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

CFL: THIRSTY WORK. What to drink and what to avoid.

WATER. Name any body part and you will find water is essential to keep it ticking! Our bodies

need H2O because we are 70% water – so drink up. I encourage you to drink water from the

moment you wake up. Overnight you will have dehydrated. Drink water as soon as you rise

and try to drink minimum TWO LITRES a day. MORE if you are exercising and sweating heavily.

You can drink tap water, tonic water, carbonated water, but AVOID all water’s that are

flavoured and sweetened.

SQUASH/CORDIAL Often added to water of course. I would rather you didn’t, but if it makes

you drink a litre of water, then carry on. Choose a quality one and PLEASE avoid any with

sweetener of any sort added. Find an organic one and use it liberally. AVOID all fruit juices.

If you go out to cafes/pubs etc. choose soda water with lime and ice. Any cordial with

sparkling water is great too.

COCONUT WATER. Very popular at the moment is a fantastic alternative to sugary sports

drinks.It’s rich in potassium and great for electrolyte balance. I recommend saving coconut

water for a workout on hot days or when you are sweating heavily during exercise. Great

added to a smoothie too.

MILK/MYLK. ORGANIC cow’s milk, goats milk, ewe’s milk is fine. Alternative to dairy are

nut/grain milks (oat, cashew, almond, rice, hemp, etc): Choose the one with NO Carrageenan,

“Silk- True Almond” is good choice. RAW MILK (sources are rare but can be found. It will be

organic and Unpasteurised, so all the microorganisms/bacteria have not been killed via heat

treating). We use this daily in our smoothie and to make KEFIR.

COFFEE. Fair trade and organic coffee. NEW!! You CAN drink organic CAFFEINATED coffee in

the morning, but finish drinking caffeine by midday. I strongly suggest you stick to ORGANIC

coffee as in general coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed products around, and these

kinds are not treated. BLACK COFFEE in the morning before a workout has also been shown

to enhance fat loss. Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of several degenerative

diseases including cardiovascular disease. So, enjoy your coffee, but try to keep it to 1-2 cups

in the morning AND PREFERABLY BLACK. Personally, I never touch caffeine. I don’t like the

effect on my sleep pattern. It knocks me out of balance and so I prefer to have de-caff. I

usually have one de-caff a day. I do not mention caffeine products in the food plan and will

not encourage its use for a majority of people who come to CFL overweight, very stressed and

inflamed from a diet high in stressor foods. You can choose to drink it if you wish, but go for

quality. Drink it black with no milks added – even in tea. Drink maximum three cups before

NOON (and if you can choose one shot in a café situation, all the better) and switch to

decaf/fruit/herb teas and waters.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

TEA. Tea is rich in antioxidants which is why it has so many health benefits. This is great

because it fights free radical damage, which is responsible for aging and therefore cell

damage. Tea has also been connected to a reduced risk of cognitive decline, stroke and

osteoporosis. Just remember quality counts, choose ORGANIC whenever possible.I

recommend you stick to green, herbal, including rooibos, Kombucha (fermented tea: Great

for those of you who miss the “fizz” in pop) is good for digestion. Just use it in moderation.

CAFFEINATED DRINKS Coke/Red Bull, etc will raise stress hormones and will hinder fat loss IF

you drink them throughout day and ad-hoc. They are also loaded with sugar and chemicals.

If you need a ‘fix’ – always choose a coffee over stimulants from a can.

ALCOHOL. During the week, there is a general ban on booze. It provides many calories but

very little that you can’t get from better sources of food. For many people, alcohol is

something they are just not willing to give up – and you don’t have to. For the average person

having an alcoholic beverage here and there is totally OK and not going to throw all your hard

work out the window Wine contains antioxidants and has shown to be beneficial to your

health in moderate quantities - but sadly, most of us cannot do ‘moderation’, and there go a

load of calories on your stomach. Alcohol STOPS fat loss. Simple. If you drink booze it is in

your system for up to 36 hours. The alcohol has to be burned off before any stored fat can be

burned. That could mean three days of you not losing lard!

I do NOT ban booze on this CFL. But if you drink it daily, it will have a massive impact on your

waistline and efforts. Follow the daily plan and you can enjoy wine, beer and spirits, but it will

not be daily!

Most of us love a drink to relax and unwind. Sadly, if this happens on a regular basis, the

calories sit around your gut and make you fat and flabby. WHAT TO DRINK: The driest of red

or white wines are the best. Choose the 125ml size and add soda water to make a drink last

longer. It won’t make any difference to the amount of alcohol your body has to metabolise

(burn) but it will help you from dehydrating.

All sparkling wines, Champagne, Prosecco drinks are lethal and contain much sugar and we

all know how easily they slide down. One is never enough! Without doubt the worst offender

are the MIXERS that go into drinks causing sugar intake to soar sky high (coke, lemonade, OJ,

cranberry juice, etc). All spirits should have a tonic or soda water added. Grey Goose Vodka

is one of the ‘better’ choices to drink.

All beer/lager/cider is loaded in calories but NOT from sugar, from WHEAT. The classic beer

belly, is really a ‘wheat belly’. Shots are not even worth discussing and neither ‘alco-pop’ type

drinks. Sugar syrups added to spirit to make it ‘taste better’.

If you want to lose fat off your front, stay clear of alcohol most of the time, allowing the odd

glass of wine or beer is fine for those who are active and can help burn the calories they get

from the drink, HOWEVER, booze can take days to ‘burn’ off. The alcohol content is burnt

separately from the calories, so your poor body has lots to do with booze coming in, let alone

trying to burn fat from the food you eat and the stored fat you have on your body. Return to Index

© Lindsay Beale 2017

CFL: Does your mind matter?

What does losing weight and shaping up have to do with your mind and thoughts? Quite literally everything! I have listened to hundreds of people tell me stories about their background, lifestyle, family, friends, work and leisure. It builds a picture of where they are with their ‘lot’ at a given time. Desperate to lose weight quickly, many people sign up for quick fix fad diets and supplements, that offer great results in a speedy time – and they might just do that, but sadly they cannot be sustained long term and as soon as said person stops said quick fix diet, on goes the weight lost and then some. This quick fix diet syndrome makes the industry billions. I have created CFL over ten years and keep tweaking it as I learn more and discover how the brain and body are so tightly linked. Until you treat them as equals, the fat loss code is a tough one to crack.

Before you take one more step and begin this CFL six-week programme, stop your mind from

getting in the way of your goals. Eating and improving your lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight and

it doesn’t just happen because you have paid for the course. It starts with YOU putting into

perspective where you are NOW and taking steps to improve things each day. It might be just one

thing on day one (Drinking 2 litres of water?!) Exercise and activity may come on day two. Going

to bed earlier maybe on day three and so on…. Hurdles to jump, but only one

at a time and not necessarily on successive days. There is no failure.

All I want from you is the WHY you are here. Why have you decided to make improvements now? Is it your age? Health worries? Family history of illness? Obesity? Feeling unattractive? Low self-esteem and confidence? Chances are it is a mix of all those. We are all work in progress and we are all on a spectrum of success, some of us just starting out today, some of us further along the road.

When you say out loud what you want to achieve in this six week course, you will more likely achieve success. What are your top three reasons for being here?




Print this sheet off. Write your top three reasons for starting CFL. Let’s come back to this sheet in a couple weeks. Time for me to chat to you. Get you settled. Help you through the mire that is fat loss – good mood food.

Accept you are not perfect. You may trip up, make mistakes, lose focus. Ask for help and advice. Read the face book posts and get inspiration from others feeling just like you. You are not alone and are certainly not ‘special’ in your quest for health, happiness and fitness. Everyone here wants you to succeed and everyone is as individual as you are, so one size fits all. HORMONES and MENTAL WELLBEING come along with FAT LOSS AND FEEL GOOD.

Stronger together. Let’s get started

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

CFL: Get some SLEEP!

Sleep is the missing link when it comes to sustained fat loss and good health. Our bodies have their own internal clocks that should start winding down when the sun goes down and waking refreshed and energised ready to start the day with sun up. Is that you?! Modern lives and technology, busy schedules, stress and artificial light have all affected our ability to get an adequate amount of sleep – let alone deep, good quality sleep. Both are important.

Sleep time is when the good stuff happens. Your body rests and repairs. The reason why you literally wake up refreshed. Your body is ready to start again. Proper sleep is vital for disease prevention, hormone balance as well as healthy fat loss and maintenance. Studies have shown that people who get less than FIVE hours sleep a night have higher levels of the hormone GHRELIN and lower levels of LEPTIN than people who sleep 7 -8 hours. Leptin is the hormone produced by fat cells and low levels are a signal of starvation to your body. Ghrelin on the other hand, is produced in the stomach and is an appetite stimulant. The more your body produces it, the hungrier you will be. There is a reason why you CRAVE high carbs/comfort foods when you are tired.

Try to go to bed at roughly the same time most nights. Habit is helpful and your body will settle into a pattern. The hours BEFORE midnight can be critical. Studies have shown that every hour of sleep before midnight, is worth TWO after, so being in bed between 10 and 10.30pm. 11pm at the latest.


Turn off TV and mobile devices and hour before bedtime. The artificial light they cast reduces your ability to produce the very important hormone MELATONIN, critical for falling and staying asleep. Additionally, LOW levels of this hormone have been associated with higher breast cancer risks.

Make sure your bedroom is dark. Use black-out blinds. No alarm clock light.

Remove any electrical devices from the bedroom and have at least 3 feet away from you to reduce exposure to EMF (electro Magnetic Frequencies).

Turn your phone to airplane mode so there is not a constant flow of EMF if you have your phone plugged in near your head.

NO caffeine after 12 noon

For those who cannot quiet their brain at night. Leave a pen and paper beside you bed. If stuff comes into your head, then write it down, just a few words, no need for the light on. Enough to make you remember in the morning. This will reduce your anxiety.

Say NO to night-caps! Booze can make you fall asleep initially, but it actually disturbs your REM cycle and causes your quality of sleep to suffer.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017


Carbs are split into three main categories:

1. SUGARS. Are sweet, short chain carbohydrates and include glucose, sucrose, lactose and fructose. 2. STARCH. Is made up of long chains of glucose molecules, which get broken down by the digestive system and enter the blood as glucose. 3. FIBRE. Is indigestible by humans, but can be used by the bacteria in the digestive system, which can be beneficial for health and body composition.


Carbs are broken down and turned into glucose to provide 'energy' for cells in the form of ATP. Many people think that carbs are necessary for energy, but this is actually isn't true. You can produce ATP from both protein and fat, however the process is faster with carbs, therefore, if you are an athlete, or need to quickly replenish energy stores due to fasting or high activity requirements, carbs are your go-to food source.


Whole Carbs are predominantly plant-based foods that grow in nature and contain fibre. Another name for them is complex carbs, because they are digested slowly and haven't had the fibre removed. Examples are vegetables, fruit, grains, tubers and beans. Nuts and seeds contain carbs, but they are also made up by a decent amount of protein and fat. Carbs are also present in dairy products in the form of lactose.

Refined Carbs are made from grains and other plants, but they are highly processed and stripped of fibre. Many refined carbs have added sugar. Refined carbs are called simple carbs because they are quickly digested due to their lack of intact fibre. Examples of refined carbs include, cereals, bread, pasta, sweets and foods and beverages with added sugar.

Most nutrition experts agree that refined carbs should be limited in the diet for a number of reasons. First the average Westerner gets at least 50 percent of their calories from refined grains. Our digestive systems are simply not able to cope effectively with so much sugar, so fast.

Other reasons to avoid refined carbs:

1. They are calorie rich, but nutritionally poor. 2. They contain no useful fibre. 3. They are rapidly digested, spiking blood sugar and insulin.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

4. Combined with a sedentary lifestyle, they increase risk of metabolic problems and diabetes.

5. They trigger food intake by activating reward pathways in the brain, making you eat more calories than you would, if you chose similar food, but UNREFINED. 6. They change the architecture of your brain over time because they alter neurotransmitter levels.


With all these problems, you might wonder why eat any carbs at all? However, eliminating carbs brings hidden dangers. Here are the key reasons to include complex carbs.

*Reduces Inflammation. Complex carbs provide antioxidants and other nutrients necessary for removing free radicals and keeping inflammation at bay.

*Support digestion. Naturally occurring fibre is essential for healthy digestion and it lowers the risk of diseases including, cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

*Get restful sleep. Healthy carbs lower the stress hormone, cortisol, enabling good sleep.

*Athletic performance. Carbs allow many athletes to perform well because they improve replenishment of muscle glycogen stores.

*Better mood. Complex carbs provide the building blocks necessary for the body to synthesise

the feel-good neurotransmitter, Serotonin, which can improve mood and well-being.


1. Sweet potato and Yams. These brightly coloured tubers are packed with antioxidants, fibre and vitamins, making them one of the healthiest foods on the planet. 2. Quinoa. Technically considered a seed, it is composed of an exceptional nutritional balance between carbs, protein and fat, making it beneficial for brain function and cell membrane health. Great for post workout meal or with dinner, eat quinoa with veg and spices that enhance the glucose uptake. 3. Lentils and Legumes. Beans and lentils are some of the healthiest complex carbs, being high in fibre, whilst also providing a balanced macronutrient profile to fight hunger. Lentils have the highest phytonutrient levels of all the legumes making them protective against many stress related diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure and inflammation. 4. Squash family. There's no end to the variation of squash now available to us. Butternut, acorn, spaghetti, yellow summer squash and courgettes. They are packed with nutrients and fibre, while being relatively low in overall carb content. Baked, stuffed, spirallised, they are great with greens or as a substitute for refined carbs, like pasta and noodles.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

5. Bananas and other whole fruit. Fruits are rich in a variety of phytonutrients that have many health enhancing properties. For example, blueberries contain anthocyanins that reduce inflammation and protect against everything from diabetes to cancer. Being low in calories, they are the perfect fruit to assist your fat-loss. If your goal is recovery after intense exercise, then pineapple, watermelon or bananas maybe a better choice. Bananas have the ability to raise the sleep hormone melatonin as well as significantly improve blood oxidant levels. They contain pre-biotics, which are compounds on which the beneficial bacteria in your gut thrive, making them excellent anti stress food. 6. Millet, Buckwheat and Amaranth. Known has 'heirloom grains' that have been cultivated for

over 7,000 years by ingenious populations. They are also gluten free and highly nutritious,

containing more vitamins and minerals than most other grains. Because of the high fibre and

antioxidant content, all three are beneficial for blood sugar control, making them the perfect

'comfort food' to eat with your evening meal or for post workout glycogen replenishment.

7. Oats. Highly nutritious, gluten free and with healthy fibre called BETA GLUCAN that is known to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Oats are unique because they have a blend of different forms of starch which make them great for replenishing energy stores and managing blood sugar. 8. Rice. Many varieties each with their own benefit. Brown rice has all the fibre and nutrients, but also contains phytic acid which makes it difficult for humans to absorb minerals. White rice has less fibre and more sugar, which means it’s great for athletes who need fast restoration of glycogen. It's lower in phytic acid as well as having less arsenic than brown rice! Jasmine and basmati rice have good flavour and red and black rice are packed with anti-oxidants and nutrients along with nutty flavours. 9. Leafy Green Vegetables. You can eat them with abandon as they are so low in calories, but packed with nutrition and fibre 10. Colourful veg. Peppers, aubergine, beetroot, carrots, purple cabbage, artichoke and asparagus, mean you get a great variation of health promoting antioxidants that are linked with better blood sugar management, less inflammation and improved skin and eyesight!


If you have a sedentary job, do not take part in daily activity or exercise, then choose your carbs from the CFL low starch box and eat fruit and the HIGH starch carbs only once a day, or even every other day (or as directed by me for that day).

If you exercise a few times a week, then you can eat MORE from the high starch box, perhaps once a day or after your exercise session (or as above). Athletes and those exercising often and perhaps more than once a day, can eat about 200 grams from all carbs, especially AFTER exercise to replace your glycogen stores. (If you are unsure then contact me for individual guidance.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

It really is simple in that the more you physically do, the more you can eat and lose fat – but I mean from our CFL foods and NOT refined pappy crappy carbs!

Everyone is different and the key to the optimal intake is based upon your goals, body composition and genetics.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017


A brief history.

Sourdough is bread made from the simplest ingredients – just flour, water and salt – which when left to ferment naturally produce cultures to make bread rise. Before the introduction of commercial yeasts in the 19th century all leavened bread was sourdough, dating all the way back to at least 10,000 years ago, with evidence of more like 30,000. But in the past few decades the slow art of sourdough baking has made a fast come-back as new food science reveals its enormous nutritional benefits, as well as exposing some of the detrimental health effects that may result from making quick-rising baker’s yeast bread part of our everyday diets.

The science behind it.

Sourdough is so-called because it has a distinctly sour flavour that comes from the little wonders that are lactobacilli, well known today as “friendly bacteria”. Produced by the fermentation process, these bacteria are very creative, helpful and dynamic, performing all sorts of magic on the dough, just as long as they are left for 12 (or up to 48 hours). While the dough ferments in its bowl, lactobacilli break down the sugar maltose contained in the flour. As a result, it produces lactic and acetic acids, which slow the rate at which sugars are metabolised in our tummies. This means that sourdough does not “spike” the blood sugar like most bread. In fact, recent studies show the steady, moderate glycaemic impact of sourdough equates to that of beans and whole grains, though not all breads are equal.

**Fermentation sparks a chemical reaction to enrich the natural flavours of whole grains

**Synthesising vitamins in whole grains to create new nutrients, especially all-important B12

**Boosting amino acid lysine, which is great for vegans because it makes sourdough a nearly complete protein than sugar. Alright once in a while, but a potential horror show

**Diffusing the phytic acid contained in grains, which helps make minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc markedly more bioavailable i.e. easy for our intestines to send into our blood streams and on to the organs, hair, skin etc., for great wellness!

**Lactic acid, also produced during fermentation, helps promote the growth of healthy flora in the intestines

White baker’s yeast breads, by contrast, metabolise even more quickly when consumed regularly

and long term – and one of the big contributors towards our nation's diabetes rate.

Many people with gluten-intolerances find they can tolerate sourdough

because the long fermentation process allows water molecules into the gluten strands, thus reducing and de-intensifying the gluten content of wheat. However! It’s always wise to read the label; sadly, most commercial sourdough breads sold in the UK today are flavoured to taste authentic, but don’t have the health benefits of the slow-made stuff. Seriously, these

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

days “sourfaux” is everywhere; one major supermarket is currently selling a “sourdough bread mix” containing over 20 ingredients and artificial additives.

So, to sum up...

What are the main reasons that people are turning to sourdough? Because it contains the same friendly cultures as homemade yoghurt and these work chemically on the whole grains during the fermentation process to make the most of flavours and nutrients, and make it much easier for the body to digest. Thus, sourdough promotes gut and metabolic health, keeps you fuller for longer, and lasts longer in the bread bin, though I recommend freezing sliced bread asap and using it for toast – just a few times a week.


Search Farmer's markets and small bakeries for fresh baked bread. Slice and then freeze.

It is more expensive because the stages to make it are longer – just like good meat is more expensive as the whole growth cycle is longer. You pay your money, but if you miss bread – suffer guts ache if you do eat it, then try introducing sourdough bread into your diet. For the course – be governed by the advice on the food table.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

NUTS! (not to be confused with seeds) We love 'em – they are a useful addition to our diets. They add texture and crunch to soft foods. They are useful for filling a gap between meals. They are a good source of protein and fats. A handful of nuts chomps down easily – if you choose salted ones, they really are moreish. HOWEVER, though they are fab for protein, they are also energy dense! They contain a lot of fat for not many nuts! You nut lovers know that it is very hard to stop once you start. BUT WE MUST. If change is going to happen to those who have been 'CHALLENGED' for some time – we have to look at the small stuff and nuts count! Remember, I am advising you for the very best chance of FAT LOSS in the minimum of time.

SEEDS (See the “Food and Planning” Document) should be soaked ideally before use and if you can crush them all the better. Seeds are great sources of Omega Oils, but too many can cause a bit of constipation, so the amounts I have recommended should stop this!

DAIRY Cow's milk and where possible cow's milk products are eliminated from the CFL diet – while in the fat – loss stage. Cow’s milk causes insulin spikes because of the sugar LACTOSE and most people just don't deal with lactose well, they cannot break down the sugars and it is left 'fermenting' in the gut (that glut of chocolate you ate – it can make you bloat and gassy!) Dairy milk produces more phlegm. Acne and spotty skin complaints can clear when you omit dairy. Look at other forms of milk: Goats, Sheep, Rice, Oat, Almond, Cashew, Coconut. In your cuppa, the change will be most noticeable - so maybe try hot drinks that you don't need milk? Some dairy products, though low in carbs are still high in protein. Protein, like carbs (hi starch), can raise insulin levels, and if you eat too much and do too less, during the day, will be converted and stored as fat.

The dairy we need to be mindful over is YOGHURT, CREAM and CHEESES. Very energy dense and

likely to be added to other high fat or protein products, thus making the total calorific value for

the one meal, very high. Finding an alternative that is as tasty, but lower in total fats is a good

idea, leaving the GOOD fats you get via cooking your food or adding to dressings, or from oily fish,

avocado, coconut oil/fat, to make up the bulk of your fat calories.

Butter and Ghee (clarified butter) is fine as it is very low in protein and lactose and does not spike insulin. EGGS are fine and may be eaten daily. 2-4 eggs per meal is fine.

Fat-Free cream cheeses/yoghurt/Greek yoghurt is advised for this course. Usually I would

recommend full-fat everything – but only if you are going to follow a more KETOGENIC approach

to eating whereby eating a high fat and very low carb diet is followed. This I have found is very

hard for clients to keep to and certainly, very difficult to have any sort of social life, so my

preferred dietary recommendations are Moderate Protein and Fat and Low Carbs.

NEW dairy products such as SKYR is a low-fat Icelandic natural yoghurt that is also OK to eat.



DURING THIS CHALLENGE: We will NOT cut out all dairy – but we will NOT be eating it freely.

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© Lindsay Beale 2017

The benefits of KEFIR

Did you know that over 75% of your immune system is housed in your digestive system? Essentially, trillions upon trillions of “good” bacteria and fungus kill the “bad” microorganisms, which keeps you alive and well.

So what happens when you take antibiotics or regularly use antibacterial lotions and soaps?

You literally kill the good bacteria and the bad ones take over. This, in turn, disturbs the symbiosis (balance) of your microbiome which will lead to digestive issues and immune reactions.

Studies have linked everything from autism to most chronic diseases to leaky gut syndrome and improper digestion. Bottom line is that if you can’t absorb the nutrients in your food because you don’t have the proper bacteria balance in your gut, your body will never run on all cylinders because it lacks the fuel.

KEFIR is a fermented drink, traditionally made using cow's or goat's milk. It is made by adding KEFIR grains to the milk. These are not 'grains' in the conventional sense, but cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Over a 24 hour period, the microorganisms in the KEFIR grains multiply and ferment the sugars in the milk turning it into KEFIR. The grains are then removed from the liquid and can be used again. It is incredibly beneficial for digestion and our gut health and thought by many to be healthier and more powerful than natural yoghurt.

KEFIR contains about 30 different microorganisms, making it a much more potent source of probiotics than other fermented dairy products.

KEFIR contains the probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri, and the carbohydrate kefiran, both of which can protect against harmful bacteria.

KEFIR made from dairy is an excellent source of calcium. In the case of full-fat dairy, it also contains vitamin K2. These nutrients have major benefits for bone health. Probiotics like KEFIR can treat several forms of diarrhoea. They can also lead to major improvements in various digestive diseases.

KEFIR May Improve Symptoms of Allergy and Asthma Allergic reactions are caused by inflammatory responses against harmless environmental substances. People with an over-sensitive immune system are more prone to allergies which can provoke conditions like asthma.

You can buy KEFIR in quality health food shops or on line. Here is link to see the product and read more about it. You can buy the grains and make your own for much less!


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© Lindsay Beale 2017


Use them as a guide of your total weight, but do NOT let them define you. The numbers do

not show lean muscle mass gained by your exercise programme.

If you jumped on the scales this morning and were angry/sad/disappointed.

Please do me one favour:

Don’t quit, keep going!

You may want to be THINNER. I want you to be healthy, stronger, fitter, leaner and HAPPY!


You are 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 (you insert the number) weeks into your CFL plan.


Be Patient.Be Persistent.Your body is changing everyday.

And I know what you are thinking......

“but surely I should have lost pounds, I've been good for days!”

Please ........Don’t quit.

You will get strongerYour waist measurements will go decrease. Your clothes will get

loose/fit better.Your mood will improve.You are making BIG changes.


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Day by day, you will make better choices. Choose water over juice.Drink de-caff not


Eat more vegetables than fruit You are doing all the right things,

So, don’t quit NOW.

Hard Facts. What’s going on??

You Are Storing More GLYCOGEN!

Why the scales refuse to budge, even though you are doing all the right things?

• When you begin a new health and fitness programme, your exercise and training

volume usually increases.

• Increased training volume can lead to an increase in your body’s ability to STORE

carbs and water in your muscles.

• This retention of muscle glycogen (the way in which your body stores energy in your

muscles and tissues) increases total bodyweight.

HOWEVER, this total bodyweight is NOT all body fat. As soon as you exercise and start

depleting the glycogen stores from your muscles.... you LOSE total weight on the scales! This

ebb and flow of glycogen and water happens all the time in your body, hence the reason

you weigh more (or less) every time you hop on the scales!

I have trained and helped hundreds of women and men, watched them maintain or stay the

same weight, while seeing body fat drop and measurements decrease. AND, they look


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You cannot measure FITNESS AND HEALTH on the bathroom scales. They don't know you

have run 5 miles, been to the gym, cleaned the house from top to bottom, mucked out the

horses, taken the dogs for a long walk, or whatever. Activity CANNOT be measured by

stepping on the scales. Scales don't know if you play rugby/body-build/strength train or are

obese and very over fat. For athletes and those of us playing/taking part in regular exercise to

shape muscle, bathroom scales are all but useless.

A simple exercise test is a better way of plotting your fitness and health. Better health will

almost always mean you are losing FAT, gaining lean muscle mass and improving your heart

health. Tests don't have to be complicated. A timed walk or run, bike ride or swim over the

same course, every few weeks, will show you are travelling further for the same effort, or

going faster for less effort. It's MEASUREABLE and this is the way to IMPROVE!

Take measurements and photos. Look in the mirror. Be honest with yourself. Plot your

progress by all manner of means – but do NOT let the scales define you and ruin your day.

Get your jeans on, a dress, shirt, pair of trousers, skirt, shorts, swim wear. Whatever it takes.

Feel good in the skin you're in and free yourself from the numbers!

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© Lindsay Beale 2017












START WEIGHT:................................................................

TOTAL INCHES:.................................................................

END WEIGHT:...................................................................

TOTAL INCH LOSS:.............................................................

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© Lindsay Beale 2017


Calculate Your Waist-To-Hip Ratio

A risk of cardiovascular death was 2.75 times higher, and the risk of death from all causes

was 2.08 times higher in people of normal weight with central obesity, compared to those

with a normal body mass index and normal waist to hip ratio.

Working out the risk to your health is simple. Using a tape measure, take the

following steps:

1. Measure your hip2. Measure your waist3. Divide the waist number the hip number

Ideal waist measurement for women: - Ideal: Less than 80cm (32")- High: 80cm to 88cm

(32" to 35")- Very High: More than 88cm (35")

Ideal waist measurement for men: - Ideal: Less than 94cm (37")- High: 94cm to 102cm

(37" to 40") - Very High: More than 102cm (40")

A ratio of 1.0 or more in men or 0.85 or more in women

indicates that you are carrying too much weight around your middle. This puts you at

increased risk of diseases that are linked to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes and heart


Measuring body fat % is the most intelligent way to see if you are carrying excess fat, but

the waist to hip ratios show us once again it's not necessary how heavy or fat you are, it's

where you carry the fat that could be your problem.

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