January 31, 2018 CALIFORNIA FILM INSTITUTE Dear L and R · The Pharaoh Akhenaten was of such a...

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Transcript of January 31, 2018 CALIFORNIA FILM INSTITUTE Dear L and R · The Pharaoh Akhenaten was of such a...


January 31, 2018 CALIFORNIA FILM INSTITUTE Dear L and R Thank you for coming to San Rafael. I ask your help in exploring a concept that may help beleaguered Sweden and Europe. The concept is that we are “owned” by a human like but non-human species. This is not a being from elsewhere in our Galaxy, an alien extraterrestrial, but is a crypto-terrestrial that has always been on Earth. The Pharaoh Akhenaten was of such a species. The late Mac Tonnies wrote “The Cryptoterrestrials, A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, but died in his sleep at age thirty-four before he could publish it. His Mother and friends completed his task. The enormous Extraterrestrial genre is designed to direct attention away from what has been here all along and have us search out to infinity. If this Cryptoterrestrial concept is true, then all philosophies and religions that do not reflect this concept are hopelessly flawed. If you are of a mind to do so, you can put me in contact with people in Sweden and Europe who are desperate to find a new way of thinking about our deteriorating civilization and the refuge disaster. The Muslim refugees can be thought of as bowling balls, and the Europeans as the pins. Who is bowling? I say it is the Cryptoterrestrials and their henchmen who are trying to drive humanity into functional extinction as chiseled in granite on the Georgia Guidestones: 500 million, one language, one religion.

“Just look at us: Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” - Michael Ellner Do you think Ellner’s statement is true? I do, and I think this system of dysfunction has been imposed on us over tens of thousands of years. What is the history that reveals this? Ellner does not directly include “history” in his blurb, but what the historians give us is upside down and censored. Ralph Epperson gets right to the point: (The Unseen Hand, An Introduction


to the Conspiratorial View of History). We have to dig around looking for facts and one of the facts we find is that a civilization existed on Earth during the Ice Age, and mapped the entire earth when sea level was about 400 ft. lower. Charles Hapgood published: Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, in 1966. This idea is fought by academia. What happened to this Ice Age Civilization? Where did it go? Comets bombarded the earth about 12,900 years ago at the end of the Ice Age. Multiple comets slammed into North America and the mile thick Laurentide Ice Sheet that covered Canada. This caused enormous floods and carved out the Washington State Scablands The U.S. area was burned up and this was followed by the 1,300 year Younger Dryas cooling. Giant Beavers, Giant Sloths, North American Lions, Mastodons, Wooly Mammoths, the Clovis People, and North American Giants became extinct. Over 100,000 Giant burial mounds have been found in the U.S., but the Smithsonian Institute hides the skeletons. The Ice Age Civilization must have been heavily damaged and the bases in Antarctica frozen by the Younger Dryas cooling. During the Ice Age there was no ice cap over the Antarctic Queen Maud Land Coast, now the ice is a mile deep. What was the mysterious Ice Age Civilization? I think it was dominated by the large brain Akhenaten type hominids of great mathematical ability, but very limited artistic ability, and zero compassion and ethics. We humans were their slave herd. There exists considerable circumstantial evidence for all this. Homo capensis (Boskop Man) found in Boskop South Africa, had a brain 30% larger than ours, an estimated average IQ of 149, with 10-15 % of the population at IQ 180 or higher, as calculated by Professors Lynch and Granger, authors of Big Brain. At Fredrick FitzSimmonds’ Archeological site near Boskop, a Skeleton with a large brain cavitu was found in an elaborate tomb, while humans were “casually interred.” Who was in charge there? A similar situation was found in Paracas Peru


The Paracas skulls were discovered by Tello in 1928 and are still ignored by academia. Large elongated skulls have been found on five out of six continents (Brien Foerster) Humans surgically elongated infant skulls to resemble past leaders. Large skull DNA is not human. R Broom ’s 1919 paper on Homo capensis is studiously ignored by academia. Academia intently ignores these fascinating skulls. I have personal experience with this. Fascinating information and artifacts continually ignored by the establishment is a form of evidence and should be recorded as such. A list of Assaults on Humanity: Assault by War (Delivered by Conspiracy) Assault by Suppression of Ethics Assault by Electromagnetic Radiation Saturation Assault by Poison Food, GMO, Pesticides, Reduced Minerals, Fluoride Assault by Geo-engineering Weather Control Assault by HAARP Weather Control (Storm, Drought , Flood) Assault by Assault by Dumb Down Education Assault by Disinformation Assault by Currency Inflation Assault by Unavailable Decent Jobs Assault by Poverty Assault by Starvation Assault by Income Tax Assault by International Trade Assault by Police Brutality, Unlawful Intrusion Assault by Private Prisons


Assault by Entrenched Government Protected Pedophilia Assault by Government Child Theft Assault by Government that is not Actually Government but is a Private Corporation Assault by Authorized Lying. Assault by Medical Care that is Primitive (Cancer Rx, Autoimmune disease Big Pharma, Suppression of Advanced Rx, i.e.: Rife Technology) Assault by Vaccination Assault by Bioweapons (e.g.: Morgellons, Lyme, Ebola) Assault by False Flag (i.e.: 9/11 attacks) Assault by highly Advanced Directed Energy Weapons (9/11) Assault by Mind Sway/Control Technology Assault by Big Brother Snooping Assault by Being a Refugee Assault by Refugee Rape Assault by Imprisonment for Holocaust Denial Assault by Alien Abduction (likely EEG heterodyning) For me this list adds up to an attack on Human Civilization. Who would organize this for hundreds of years, perhaps thousands of years? Most of the people I know are relatively kind and thoughtful. Where does this rottenness come from? I think that a non-human species, directing their psychopath minions, is trying to destroy human civilization, and again become dominant and unchallenged on Earth. But to fully make sense of this mess one must postulate a very weak minded humanity easily victimized, or a human mind that is exquisitely well understood by its adversary, and impaired by religious and secret society rituals and oaths. The very long time we lived under species domination (possibly greater than 160 thousand years) accounts for this exquisite understanding of our mind. We live under the threat of sudden catastrophic destruction. Following this letter are references pertaining to the Younger Dryas Comet hits, and warnings that the Earth crossing Taurid Stream contains more big chunks that we will soon re-encounter. Graham Hancock has written about


this in: Magicians of the Gods, 2016. It seems to hinge on the interpretation of Gobekli Tepe Pillar 43. Graham is brilliant and I take him very seriously. He plunges far ahead of the establishment, and is original and usually right. He is rather an Ingmar Bergman of archeology. This comet thing is a matter of life or death survival and I trust Graham way beyond academia. I went to Contact in the Desert at Joshua Tree in 2016, primarily to meet Graham and gave him a sheet of paper on my theory. He folded it carefully, tightly, and put it in his pocket. I have not heard from him and he has not answered my email. Now I learn that he had a seizure and will not be at 2018 Contact in the Desert. He has used Ayahuasca and felt that it spoke to him. He was very skeptical regarding ET contact in 2015, but from what I have read, has changed his mind. This now leads us into a most difficult, and dangerous realm, the realm of torture imposed from over the horizon, which includes electronic mind control, and emotional control. This highly developed military technology is widely used on civilians, and cannot be detected by equipment available to civilians. Synthetic telepathy also referred to as v2k, voice to skull, can put the chatter from artificial intelligence into someone’s head 24/7. Muscle twitches, jerks, falls, and electric shocks, can be imposed. The AI can whisper to someone in his or her voice so that it seems to be the individual’s own thoughts. Sexual experiences can be inserted into someone’s mind and body. This is essentially the same as alien abduction, but the nature of our dysfunctional society is that we are compartmentalized and groups that should talk to each other don’t. I think this an imposed deficiency to control us. A university is a bunch of bright people hermetically compartmentalized. The Matrix Deciphered https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_matrix57d.htm dr Robert Duncan (at 16 min) - demaskator nr 1 w tematyce kontroli umysłu - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tL2mSBGXvM

Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, 2010, by Robert Duncan

Surveillance, Torture and Control in the Modern World …: A Collection of Links to Inform the General Public and Targeted Individuals about the Crimes of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment … Kindle Edition by Rosanne Marie Schneider (Author)


My thoughts on Graham Hancock are: they got to him, and it is not Ayahuasca talking to him, it is v2k. He is too important to not be hacked. Has any of this happened to me? Yes it has, and I know many victims. Could Ingmar Bergman or his associates have been subjected to brain intrusion signals? I would like to know your thoughts on this. The first date of electronic intrusion that I can mark is 1962. This was the approximate onset of alien abduction, which I regard as a multi modality show to frighten, confuse, and control us. In 1950 Enrico Fermi and Edward Teller couldn’t find any Extraterrestrials, now they are everywhere. Alien Abduction is threatening and disturbing (The Threat, Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda by David M. Jacobs, PhD) It is a preview of humanities future in a box. UFOs, which are antigravity ships built here on Earth with embezzled 400 plus trillion dollars, are ready to inflict massive destruction on Earth. The men who have built them have had their minds tied up in knots by a system of super secrecy and deception. Richard Sauder talks about this with me in a Skype interview, and wrote: “What I have come to call The Machine has its tentacles into everything and everyone. It is very deeply intelligent, but without any sympathy, empathy or compassion whatsoever. It offers humanity a Faustian bargain, which humanity has stupidly accepted, at the price of its soul, its physical survival and the well-being of the planet itself. It is using humanity for its own purposes. It is soulless, merciless, pitiless, relentless and it will not stop coming. It is ruthlessly bent on conquest, subjugation and ruin of this planet and humanity and most of the biosphere. The entire planet is under massive assault. Look around the world and you see the evidence for what I am saying everywhere.” Richard Sauder, 2016 UFOs are supposed to be the chariots of the extraterrestrials, always. It is incredible that a project like this can remain hidden, but not surprising considering the establishment “news service.” The 1986 encounter of Captain Terauchi in his cargo JAL 747, Flight 1628, is remarkable for a number of reasons, one being followed by a space ship as large as an aircraft carrier. But also, why this 747, and why so spectacular a demonstration? I


think this is evidence of a faction within the Cabal, and evidence that the Japanese political structure is considerably different from the massively infiltrated West. I am talking about the Japanese Ministry of Finance, which I learned of from Eamonn Fingleton, author of Blindside, and: The Ministry- http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/h/hartcher-ministry.html The following is from The Subversion of Physics, which is in references. The confusion in physics resulting from suppression of the study of the aether, and the suppression of the work of Tesla, Lorentz, and Poincaré, by the Einstein Terror, takes on an alarming aspect when we view it from the perspectives of the embezzled 400 plus trillion dollars used to develop the Secret Space Program, zero point energy technology, vast, secret, underground and under ocean floor facilities, and massive mind control operations. It is clear that engineering with advanced principles on many scientific fronts has been secretly accomplished. Gigantic space ships controlling the gravitational field exist. From Electro Gravitics II, by Thomas Valone PhD: “The force is not a physical one acting initially at a specific point in the vehicle that then need to be translated to all the other parts. It is an electrogravitic field acting on all parts simultaneously….the vehicle would be able to change direction, accelerate to thousands of miles per hour, or stop.” Speed and direction is effected by merely altering intensity, polarity, and direction of the charge. “Thus the new science seems to strike at the very foundation of Einsteinium Relativity Theory.” The quotes above are from an article written in 1956. Space ships of enormous size have been observed. Radar has tracked objects coming in from deep space, and Jacques Vallee has plotted the increase in UFO sightings when Mars is close. Elana Freeland with Clifford Carnicom have observed something enormous blocking out the stars as it went over.


Dear L and R, I an 82, a retired neurologist, a graduate of Stanford University and Yale Medical School. I tell anyone who will listen that I didn’t know anything until 1996 when I began my study of conspiracy, starting with the Shakespeare authorship question. The information I have acquired should be taken seriously and researched. I am on a lower rung of the ladder, and in writing to you I am attempting to reach others far higher. If the Secret Space Program UFOs, the vast Underground and Under Ocean Floor Facilities, and the incredible remote torture and advanced MK Ultra Mind Control technology are under the control of a non-human species that thinks it owns us, we have a problem. They have the technology, the hardware, and the motive, to cull “their herd” way down over a weekend. Why have they not already done so? I don’t know but they are sure trying multiple slow methods which will avoid massive destruction. But, their records cover the Younger Dryas Catastrophe, and way back before that, so they know Earth will bounce back. They may be waiting to perfect and develop more super soldiers for clean up, or they may be waiting on the comet schedule. Unfortunately I am writing about non-fiction, but maybe I should submit this as a treatment for a Science Fiction film. I am including reference pages and will look into sending email. Thank you so much for reading this. With the very best wishes Ed Edward Spencer MD edspencer3000@mindspring.com PS: He was Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. Paper at end for comic relief.


Fingerprint Of A Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago

by Graham Hancock | See: Twitter , Facebook, Google+ Published 5th December 2014 - Articles


The graphic shows the vast swathe of our planet that geologists call the Younger Dryas Boundary Field. Across this huge “fingerprint” spanning North America, Central America, parts of South America, most of Europe and parts of the Middle East as well, the tell-tale traces of multiple impacts by the fragments of a giant comet have been found. Some of these fragments, were TWO KILOMETRES or more in diameter and they hit the earth like a blast from a cosmic scatter-gun around 12,800 years ago. This was near the end of the last Ice Age, from which our world had been emerging into a pleasant warming phase, but the impacts set in train a kind of "nuclear winter" and plunged the planet back into a period of deep cold and darkness that lasted until around 11,500 years ago. It is this period of extreme cold that is referred to as the Younger Dryas (after a characteristic Alpine tundra wildflower, Dryas octopetala) but it is only now, with conclusive evidence of the comet impact, that we can be sure what caused it. For the past seven years academics have been involved in such an intense dispute about whether or not a comet impact actually occurred 12,800 years ago that the implications of what it might have meant for the story of civilisation have not yet been considered at all. But every attempt to refute the impact evidence has in turn been refuted and the case for the Younger Dryas comet is now so compelling that it is time to widen the debate. It is clear now that some of the largest fragments of the comet hit the North American ice cap, which was still a mile deep 12,800 years ago, and caused cataclysmic flooding (I had the opportunity to explore some of the extraordinary effects of this on the ground in September 2014 when I drove from Portland, Oregon, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, with catastrophist researcher Randall Carlson). Simultaneously other large fragments hit the northern European ice cap with the same cataclysmic effects. The result was a global disaster that lasted for 1,300 years. It is, I believe, the "smoking gun" that made us a species with amnesia and wiped out almost all traces of a former high civilisation of prehistoric antiquity. But there were survivors, who preserved at least some of the knowledge of the civilisation that had been destroyed with the intention of transmitting it to future generations, so it is not an accident that the first traces of the re-emergence of civilisation, in the form of the earliest known megalithic architecture and the re-promulgation of agricultural skills, occur at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey 11,500 years ago — a date that coincides exactly with the end of the Younger Dryas and the return to a more congenial global environment. Everything we have been taught about the origins of civilisation occurs AFTER 11,500 years ago — in other words AFTER the radical punctuation mark of the Younger Dryas. It is what happened before that we desperately need to recover. These are amongst the mysteries that I am exploring in Magicians of the Gods, the book that I have been researching for the past three years and am now in the midst of writing.

Graphic from Kinzie, Firestone, Kennett et al. "Nanodiamond-Rich Layer across Three Continents Consistent with Major Cosmic Impact at 12,800 Cal BP", The Journal of Geology, 2014, volume 122, p. 475–506.

Dedicated Servers and Cloud Servers by Gigenet. G+. Sitemap and site privacy policy. Contact. ©2003-2018 Graham Hancock

Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling


http://www.pnas.org/content/104/41/16016.abstract Richard Firestone, Allen West and Simon Warwick-Smith: The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes (A Super Nova 230 light years distant exploded, intensely radiating the Australia side of Earth 41,000 years ago, and sent shock waves of debris into the solar System and Earth about 13,000 years ago) GRAHAM HANCOCK ANCIENT & FUTURE CATACLYSM - THE GREAT RETURN OF THE COMET! DARK JOURNALIST - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWmaiexDRGs

Statement of Captain Terauchi, Pilot of JAL Flight 1628 http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1317.htm


1956, Navy Flight Encounters Gigantic UFO, UFO Casebook Files http://www.ufocasebook.com/navy1956.html Skulls below in Paracas Ica Museum, Peru.



Brien Foerster examining skull The Enigma of Cranial Deformation: Elongated Skulls of the Ancients by David Childress and Brien Foerster

Brien Foerster youTube- Many excellent videos on elongated skulls https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brien+foerster&oq=brien+foerster&gs_l=youtube.3..0l5.3996.11052.0.14999.

Elongated skulls found around the world (THIS SITE HAS DISAPPEARED) http://www.cheapestpcrepair.com/wow/tag/omsk-russian-skull-heads-longer-pharaoh-akhenaten-ancient-egyptians-nubian-skull-paracas-peru-pyatigorsk-museum-iki-stones-elongated-skulls-disproportionately-large-heads-premodern-conehead-coneheads/

Some Skulls have residual skin and hair attached. They have not been examined by Professional paleontologists, and have not been DNA analyzed by establishment science, i.e.: no publically available papers.


DNA Analysis of Paracas Elongated Skulls Released: Unknown To Any Human, Primate, or Animal http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/02/12/dna-analysis-of-paracas-elongated-skulls-released-unknown-to-any-human-primate-or-animal/

They are approximately 3000 years old, and initial DNA analysis of them has revealed that they may not have come from humans, but from a completely new species, according to Paracas Museum assistant director, researcher and author Brien Foerster. Here is the apparent quote from the geneticist who did the testing

“Whatever the sample labeled 3A has came from – it had mtDNA with mutations unknown in any human, primate or animal known so far. The data are


very sketchy though and a LOT of sequencing still needs to be done to recover the complete mtDNA sequence. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample 3A indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree. The question is if they were so different, they could not interbreed with humans. Breeding within their small population. they may have degenerated due to inbreeding. That would explain buried children – they were either low or not viable” (Source)(Source)

Image next page: Killing Field in Peru, sent to me by Brien Foerster, author of the very informative: The Enigma of Cranial Deformation, Elongated Skulls of the Ancients



HiEd.ThesiteiscalledCamacho,whichisanancientcemeteryabout2000yearsoldnearParacas.Thereisanareaneartothiswhereseveralelongatedskulledpeopleappeartohavebeenviolentlykilledandburiedinamassgrave,unceremoniously.Brien Below: drawing of the Boskop skull, brain size 30% larger than Homo sapiens. The Boskop skull produced a sensation that was swept away by the discovery of the Piltdown man hoax. See: Big Brain by Professors Lynch and Granger Gary Lynch, Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry & Human Behavior University of California Irvine, California 92697-4292 Richard H. Granger, Jr., Ph.D.


Professor of Psychology and Brain Science Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 Boskop Man skull discovered in Boskop South Africa. Found in 1913 by two Afrikaner farmers. They offered it to Frederick William FitzSimons for examination and further research. Many similar skulls were subsequently discovered by paleontologists such as Robert Broom, William Pycraft and Raymond Dart. (From Wikipedia)



“…there seems to remain but one conclusion, namely, that in South Africa in very early times there lived a race of primitive man characterized by having a large skull with very thick parietal bosses, a brain of great size and a powerful jaw with incisors and canines much larger than those in modern man. For this type of which we at present only know the one specimen, I propose the name Homo capensis, regarding it as sufficiently distinct from Homo sapiens to be worthy of specific rank.”


Brain size- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_size SHAKESPEARE AUTHORSHIP CONTROVERSY From:EdwardSpencer<edspencer3000@mindspring.com>Sent:Monday,September25,20178:24:46AMTo:Delahoyde,MichaelEdmundSubject:Justdiscoveredyou Hello Professor Delahoyde, I wish to communicate with you about Oxford, and the state of our beleaguered civilization. Thanks Ed Spencer MD Retired neurologist 1415 250 1835 “Doit,England.HowdoesOxfordfitintoyourvision?”DearProfessorDelahoyde,Formeitallbeganin1996withaFrontLineProgramontheShakespeareauthorshipquestion.AtlastIcouldunderstandwhytheDroeshoutetchingseemedtheimageofadementedturnip.FromthereItraveledtotheJFKAssassination,RFKAssassination,MLKAssassination,theU2“shootdown”,TheBayofPigs,andofcoursein2001,tothe9/11attacks.SomeyearsbackIdevelopedapresentationontheacrosticsfoundintheSonnetsbythelaterRalphTweedale,anddeliveredit



My extreme interest in the Sonnets is covered in my letter to Professor Zimbardo who devised the infamous prison experiment at Stanford.

Dear Professor Zimbardo: I have read 513 pages of The Lucifer Effect and have decided to write to you before finishing. It is an excellent book, however from my perspective it contains significant errors and actually leads the reader astray. Who am I to say this?


I was born in 1935, attended Stanford University graduating with a degree in Chemistry in 1957, and completed medical school, with much angst, at Yale in 1962. I have practiced neurology in Petaluma since 1972. In about 1996 I began to study the way the world works, beginning with Shakespeare. Gradually I noted a widening divergence of the way I interpreted the world compared to friends and family. After the 9/11 attack my study became intense and my divergence from those around me increased precipitously. I couldn’t help but notice that I was swimming upstream, toward where I thought truth might hide, while everyone else was floating merrily down stream toward what I considered to be harsh rapids leading to the high, high falls. My intellectual and emotional journey has been primarily through books, initially on Shakespeare, then on the JFK assassination, and eventually, a few years back, arriving at the late Antony C. Sutton. For a while Sutton was my hero and a waypoint, which I circled while trying to establish a course. I have enclosed his book America’s Secret Establishment, and web references for other works. I one much to the brilliant Antony Sutton who died before I could meet him, and what I owe him for most is the naïveté he nurtured and caused to bloom in me. I have only recently discovered that the late brilliant Antony Sutton was a ‘limited hang out’ artist who terminated the trail miles and miles before the end. I would like to communicate with you about all of this by sending letters and references, and I would like to soon meet with you. I will close my opening gambit, on which I hope you will bite, with Sonnet 104. For fun: The warm, soft, voluptuous: Sonnet 104 Attached is a photocopy of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 104. There are 14 lines (numbered) and each line has a first word. They are:


1-“To,” 2-“For,” 3-“Such,” 4-“Have,” 5-“Three,” 6-“In,” 7-“Three,” 8-“Since,” 9-“Ah,” 10-“Steal,” 11-“So,” 12-“Hath,” 13-“For,” and 14-“Ere.” Page B(not included) gives the frequency of the first letters of words in “Hamlet.” If we chose 7 of the first letters of words in a sequence, SUCH AS LINES 5 THROUGH 11, we can establish the probability of occurrence of that string in ANY ORDER by multiplying the frequencies. E.g.: for 8, 10, 11, 5, 7, 6, 9 we have: SSSTTIA, which is: 78/1000 x 78/1000 x78/1000 x104/1000 x 104/100 x 46/1000 x76/1000 = 1: 55.7 million. And this is for the string of 7 first letters in ANY ORDER, such as T,S,I,S,T,A,S But the string of 7 first letters, (LINES 5 THROUGH 11) as it appears in Sonnet 104 isn’t in just ANY ORDER. It is: 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 which is: T I T S A S S On line 5 the word “springs” (underlined) relates to TITS. On line 10 the word “figure” (underlined) relates to ASS The Sonnets are just full of this stuff. Either this is just a really big coincidence or somebody in there is trying to tell us something. Is this a coincidence such as Oswald’s extraordinarily accurate three rapid shots fired from a rifle with a misaligned scope, or is more like the explosion of TWA800 which is reported to have occurred in the center wing tank from an ignition of fuel and air (which could not be experimentally duplicated), and occurred in a 747 which previously had been struck by lightening over Rome? This center wing tank hypothesis was certainly considered strong enough evidence for the NTSB to ignore the 700 or so eyewitnesses who saw something bright rise from the water and explode in or near the airplane. Or, was this Elizabethan coincidence something like the military exercise that occurred simultaneously with the 9/11 attacks and had


taken the jet fighters far from New York and the Pentagon, and filled the radar screens with fictions blips; or is more like the passport of Mohammed Atta that survived the crash of the 767 into the North Tower and was found on the Street? http://tinyurl.com/2mtbz I have not disclosed all that is in Sonnet 104, and the complete printing of the Sonnets is just full of this stuff. The author of the one hundred fifty four Sonnets signed them with acrostics that identify him, with an exceedingly high probability, as author. The Sonnets tell the story of his life. The late Ralph Tweedale did this work on the Sonnet acrostics. There should be someone in math and computers at Stanford who would like to work on this. I hope to hear from you soon for we are entering the rapids and I can hear the roar of the falls ahead. With best wishes, Edward Spencer MD

To me, fair friend, you never can be old, For as you were when first your eye I eyed, Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold Have from the forests shook three summers' pride, Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn'd 5 In process of the seasons have I seen, Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn'd, Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green. Ah! yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand, Steal from his figure and no pace perceived; 10 So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand, Hath motion and mine eye may be deceived: For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred; Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead. 14


The acrostics can be found in the topography of the sonnets as originally printed.

At the Seattle Oxford conference a kind British Gentleman informed me that the correct British term is “arse.”

Google British term for “ass”

I think that there is also a difference in "feel" between the British English word "arse" and the American English word "ass" in its "buttocks" sense. The British version is vulgar but does not have the sexual overtones of the American version.Oct 27, 2010




To Prof. Delahoyde 3 Excerpts from: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1991/10/the-case-for-oxford/306478/ {In 1609 the sonnets were published, with a preface referring to "our ever-living poet." The phrase strongly suggests that the poet was dead. The title, Shake- speares Sonnets (rather than Sonnets by Shakespeare), also implies that additions are not to be expected. "The numerous misprints indicate that the poet who took such pains with Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece had no part in supervising the printing of his most important body of non-dramatic verse," Schoenbaum wrote.”

And I can't resist citing a similar play on words in these lines, fondly regarded by Oxfordians, from Sonnet 76:

"That every word doth almost tell my name, Showing their birth, and where they did proceed."}


Oxford used strange spelling to make the acrostics work; the topography of the printed Sonnets is all-important. Oxford must have worked more intensely on the Sonnets than anything.


Definitionoftopography1 a :the art or practice of graphic delineation in detail usually on maps or charts of natural and man-made features of a place or region especially in a way to show their relative positions and elevations b :topographical surveying 2 a :the configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features b :the physical or natural features of an object or entity and their structural relationships

• the topography of human chromosomes

• the political topography of our time

Pages 1 through 22 and 91 through 109 are noted below. For example:

1_ indicates a simple x acrostic marker; 2~W indicates a W in Sonnet 2; 3~IL indicates I and L in Sonnet 3; 91,92~SH indicates the letters SH overlapping Sonnets 91 and 92; 96,97,100 indicate three Sonnets used to make S.

1_ 2~W 3~IL 4~L 5~IA 6~M 7_ 8~S 9~H 10~A 11~K 12_ 13~E 14~S 15~P 16~E 17_18_ 19~A 20` 21~R 22~E 91,92~SH 93~A 94~K 95~E 96,97,98~S 98,99,100~PE 101~A 102~R 103~E 103_ 104~OX 105~F 106~O 107,108~R 108,109~D "That every word doth almost tell my name, Showing their birth, and where they did proceed." It takes work to find the Vere, de Vere, E Ver, acrostics, and when you try other works of literature you find them only occasionally, not in the continuing sequential profusion found in the Sonnets.


I remember reading that the Sonnets were in the possession of Elizabeth Trentham, and when she was not at home someone came in, “stole” them, and printed them. Oh thank you naughty printer and thank you most careless and beautiful Elizabeth Trentham! So why did Oxford hide his identity and why was there great pressure on him to do so? Here enters a narrative most juicy and sexy: There are some who say the paternity and maternity of the baby Edward de Vere were not as advertised, and this small baby, this bundle of potential, posed a threat to those holding power and seeking more power, the threat that he might become king. How would this work? What I have read inclines me to believe that the lord who married Elizabeth would have essentially become king, and any son of Elizabeth would be in line to be crowned king. It seems that, remarkably, Edward de Vere, Seventeenth Earl


of Oxford actually posed a double threat. Paul Stretiz has written a book that provides a hint in the title: Oxford Son of Queen Elizabeth. Doubtless you are familiar with these arguments, which I find interesting and compelling because they are based, as far as I know, solely on circumstantial evidence. In my own experience I found myself shunned when discussing the issue of the Queens virginity, which I maintained was political propaganda and not hymenesque. I produced great consternation when I reached into medical knowledge and said that Thomas Seymour, the Lord Admiral stepfather of 14 year old Elizabeth, and alleged impregnator (pp48-49), was probably regarded as sort of a despicable hero, who had, with his fervent, illicit actions, rescued the princess from the lethal fate of becoming an elderly primigravida, a woman pregnant for the first time at an advanced age. Why was this a problem? Now it isn’t as there are: well lighted operating room, intubation, anesthesia, sterile surgical instruments and techniques, typed and cross matched blood transfusions, packed cells, intravenous fluids, O Negative un-type matched emergency trauma blood, antibiotics. Back then there were none of these, and the older a woman became without having a child, the greater the danger of childbirth, and elderly was defined as 35, which now days is just a kid. Exercising the machinery early in youth markedly reduced this risk in later years. Catherine Parr, wife of the Lord Admiral, died from complications of childbirth. I read that Voltaire dumped his 40 year-old mistresses, who then consoled herself with a young man who was apparently not so quick on the withdrawal as Voltaire. She became pregnant and died. I related this all this to a stunned group that didn’t appreciate this medical insight, but the hazards of childbirth were always on the minds of Elizabeth’s advisors. As I wrote in the beginning: “I wish to communicate with you about Oxford and the state of our beleaguered civilization.” I had moved away from Oxford as I looked more and more into the structure of the events assaulting us, and now I’m moving back to Oxford for solutions.

Who or what is at the pinnacle of power on planet earth? How do we find out? What do we do? It seems so incredibly difficult and complicated. Who will help?

To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;


No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there’s the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover’d country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.–Soft you now! The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons Be all my sins remember’d.

An admission: While alone, pacing back and forth, struggling, trying to understand, I had a sudden thought. “I need someone really smart to help me, but who? I KNOW, I’LL CALL UP……!” Horrified I tried to shut my mind down, to not let the thought emerge, be recognized, come into being, I had to stop it !!!


The brakes on my mind smoked, the brain tyres squealed in agony, it was coming, coming, coming.. I KNOW !! I’LL CALL UP EDWARD DE VERE, OXFORD’S THE MAN WHO CAN DO IT !!!!! Well, there it was. I could imagine the doctor and nurse, all in white and sporting huge syringes of Thorazine, moving in for the Rx. Pretty sure the sexy blond nurse was my wife. Now, years later, many disasters further along, I realize that we might have to reconstruct Oxford’s mind as best we can, cuz we need him oh so badly. This will be a lengthy process requiting multiple minds. Ready? We need to unshackle the hog-tied human mind/physically assaulted brain. Now at the end of part 3 comes a sneak preview, things to study in the dark of night so as to not to frighten the sleeping: (1) Letter reproduced in Charles H. Hapgood FRGS, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Chilton Books, Philadelphia and New York, 1966, p. 243.


Westover Airforce Base Massachusetts

6 July 1960 SUBJECT: Admiral Piri Reis World Map To: Professor Charles H. Hapgood, Keene College, Keene, New Hampshire. Dear Professor Hapgood, Your request for evaluation of certain unusual features of the Piri Reis World Map of 1513 by this organization has been reviewed. The claim that the lower part of the map portrays the Princess Martha Coast of Queen Maud Land Antarctica, and the Palmer Peninsula, is reasonable. We find this is the most logical and in all probability the correct interpretation of the map.


The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949. This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513. HAROLD Z. OHLMEYER Lt Colonel, USAF Commander

Taken from: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/egipto/fingerprintgods/fingerprintgods00.htm# “Despite the deadpan language, Ohlmeyer’s letter1 is a bombshell. If Queen Maud Land was mapped before it was covered by ice, the original cartography must have been done an extraordinarily long time ago.” - Graham Hancock

Following are excerpts from the letter by Lorenzo W. Burroughs, Captain, USAF, Chief, Cartographic Section:

“… The comparison also suggests that the original source maps (compiled in remote antiquity) were prepared when Antarctica was presumably free of ice. The Cordiform Projection used by Oronteus Fineaus (sic) suggests the use of advanced mathematics. Further, the shape given to the Antarctic continent suggests the possibility, if not the probability, that the original source maps were compiled on a stereographic or gnomic type of projection (involving the use of spherical trigonometry) d. We are convinced that the findings made by you and your associates are valid, and that they raise extremely important questions affecting geology and ancient history, questions which certainly require further investigation…” (2)


Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling http://www.pnas.org/content/104/41/16016.abstract Richard Firestone, Allen West and Simon Warwick-Smith: The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes (A Super Nova 230 light years distant exploded, intensely radiating the Australia side of Earth 41,000 years ago, and sent shock waves of debris into the solar System and Earth about 13,000 years ago) There are more things in heaven and earth, POTUS Trump Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Until Next Time With warm regards Ed