January 25, 2015 | 10:30 worship 3rd Sunday after Epiphany · 20/30s Book Discussion - Blue Like...

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Transcript of January 25, 2015 | 10:30 worship 3rd Sunday after Epiphany · 20/30s Book Discussion - Blue Like...


January 25, 2015 | 10:30 worship3rd Sunday after Epiphany

St. CharleS avenue PreSbyterian ChurChJanuary 25, 2015 | 10:30 worship

Welcome back! Though we especially welcome any who come as visitors to St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church for the first time, we most especially welcome those who are our friends and are well known to us. The truth is it is sometimes easier to be welcoming to strangers than it is to our own brothers and sisters. Being the Church and being “in church” reminds us that life in Christ is about welcoming others into our lives, into our church, and into God’s presence. Welcome!


WELCOME Donald R. FramptonVOLUNTARY Steven B. BlackmonANNOUNCEMENTS*CALL TO WORSHIP (responsive) from Psalm 103 Anderson Baker Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits—who heals all our iniquities

and heals all our diseases. As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear

him. For he knows how we were made; he remembers we are dust. Bless the Lord, O my soul.*PRAYER OF THE DAY *HYMN 33 “Praise the Lord! God's Glories Show” llanfairCALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) O God we confess that in diverse ways we have again squandered the birthright of grace

for the fleeting pleasure of having our own way. Forgive us, Father, for preferring to be rulers of our own lives than servants of your kingdom. And fill us with your Holy Spirit that we may again live as the heirs of your grace and love – in Jesus Christ your Son, our Savior.


DECLARATION OF FORGIVENESS (responsive) Hear and believe again the good news of the Gospel, that if we truly repent of our sins they are,

in Christ Jesus, most assuredly forgiven us. Amen.

*Please stand as you are able. Please silence cell phones during the worship service.


PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST READING Genesis 4:8-16 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.MESSAGE FOR THE CHILDREN Brad and Laura Goodson Children in the First Grade and under may now exit with church staff for a time of play. Parents

may pick up their children on the playground following the worship service. SECOND READING Luke 15:11-32 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Other Brothers” F. James Stayton

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (unison), The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ

his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRI 581, Glory to God, The Presbyterian HymnalINVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP At this time please pass the friendship pad, the purpose of which is to know and greet others on

your pew. You may also complete a prayer request card (in the pew rack) and place it in the offering plate. The pastoral and program staff will include your request in its weekly time of prayer. Anyone interested in joining the church is invited to speak to one of the pastors following the service.

PASTORAL PRAYER & THE LORD'S PRAYER THE OFFERING Offertory Anthem "Sing to the Lord" Parker The Chancel Choir *Doxology, 606, Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal *Prayer of Dedication


*HYMN 774 “There is Now a New Creation” stuttgart*CHARGE AND BLESSING *CHORAL RESPONSE “Irish Blessing” Blackmon*VOLUNTARY

If you are visiting with us today, please join us for refreshments in Frampton Fellowship Hall, following the service.

We at St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian Church are called by God’s grace to be a community of faith in Jesus Christ, supporting one another in love, and trusting in the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to enable us to bring hope and healing to a broken world.

SCaPC’S miSSion Statement

Holy worship is central to our life as Christ’s disciples, sustaining us, shaping us, and sending us out into the world. As we continue to grow in membership and giving, we will nurture a greater sense of inclusiveness and belonging within the congregation. We will actively encourage increased involvement in the ministries of the church. We will broaden and strengthen our lay leadership. We will be intentional in our spirituality, relying on the power of prayer to direct us. We will be a mission church, reaching out, in the name of Jesus Christ, to both the local and the global community.

SCaPC’S viSion Statement


Caregiver’s Support GroupFirst Monday of the Month | 12-1 pm | Church ParlorContact: Barry Th ompson, bthomps1@tulane.edu

MOMs Group, for mothers of young children (includes childcare)Mondays | 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. | Challenger ClassroomContact: Ashley Hope, 404-915-0799

PW Monthly Evening Circle and Noon Circle Bible StudiesEvening Circle Contact: Gwen Wertz, g2shuz@bellsouth.netNoon Circle Contact: Libbie Reiss, libbiereiss@yahoo.com

20/30s PINTS (Presbyterians Imbibing in Necessary Th eological Study)Every other Tuesday | 7 p.m. | Location VariesContact: Genny Hagler, genny@scapc.org or join the FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/SCAPC2030/

Christian Book Discussion (CBD) Study GroupWednesday Mornings | 7 a.m. | Between the Bread Restaurant (625 St. Charles Avenue)Contact: John Morton, Jr., 504-451-3567.

Spiritually Hungry Women’s Study GroupWednesdays | 12:30-1:30 p.m. | Land BuildingContact: Miriam Schulingkamp, schuling@aol.com.

Men’s Bible StudyWednesdays | 5:15 p.m. | Phifer LibraryContact: Don Frampton, 504-897-0101 x.110 or frampton@scapc.org.

Th ursday Morning Bible Study & Prayer GroupTh ursday Mornings | 7 a.m. | Land Building, RiversideContact: Henrietta Harris, 504-737-0871 or Phil Stagg, 985-732-4444.

PW Needlework GroupTh ursdays | 10 a.m. - Noon | Land Building, Lakeside ParlorContact: Mary Ann Mott, 504-866-4424.

PW Book ClubFirst Th ursday of the Month | 7 p.m. | Land BuildingContact: Elizabeth Artiques, 504-756-4852.

SCaPC Small GrouPS

Also check out our weekly Sunday School study groups for College and 20/30s (listed with the Sunday School classes)

YOUTH (Grades 6-12)Join us for Sunday Evening Youth Group (Junior High at 4:45 pm & Senior High at 5:45 pm) & Small Groups throughout the year! Contact: Andy Fox, andy@scapc.org.

WorShiP neWS & announCementSThe Flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God and in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Camp, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stribling, and Mr. James W. Stribling by Paige Morrison and Family.

Today’s ushers are: Dave Mize, John Geiser, Kelley McWhirter, Laura McWhirter, Bonnie Shoemaker, Leigh Ferguson, Seth Hagler, Laura Avery, Philip Luchsinger, Judith Luchsinger and Deanna McLendon.

Today’s Acolytes are: Ellie and Anna Schmidt.

Interested in Membership? Are you interested in joining SCAPC or curious to learn more about our church community? Please speak to one of the ministers after church.

Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/scapcnola.

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held immediately following the 10:30 a.m. worship service next Sunday, February 1. All active members of SCAPC are encouraged to attend this meeting. The purpose is to:1. Present the 2015 church budget2. Distribute the 2014 SCAPC Annual Report3. Elect the Congregational Nominating Committee4. Approve changes to the Pastor's terms of call.

RHINO Thanks: Laura & Jonathan Wilt, Don Paxton & Nevada Barr, and Lisa Eldredge & Ken Davis for hosting our volunteers from Wyoming, Maryland, and North Carolina last week. We also thank Don Paxton, Dave White, and Carro Gardner for delivering lunch, treats, and visiting our volunteers on the work sites. It takes a village!

Sunday SChool ClaSSeS - 9:30-10:15 amNursery Care - The Nursery is open from 8:15-Noon every Sunday for children 0-3 years old. - First FloorBible Adventures (3 years old – 3rd grade) - Second Floor, Grade Level Classes.Challenger Class (grades 4 & 5) - Second Floor, Challenger Classroom.Youth Class (6th-12th Grades) - Third Floor, Youth Room.

20/30s Book Discussion - Blue Like JazzJoin us as we read Donald Miller’s, Blue Like Jazz - Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality. For anyone wondering if the Christian faith is still relevant in a postmodern culture. For anyone thirsting for a genuine encounter with a God who is real. For anyone yearning for a renewed sense of passion in life. Blue Like Jazz is a fresh and original perspective on life, love, and redemption. Books provided.Led by Stephanie Haniford | 3rd Floor Youth Room

Feasting on the WordJoin us each week for a deeper exploration of the biblical texts of that day’s service. Our understanding of the Scriptures, read and proclaimed in worship, will be reinforced and expanded during this discussion.Led by: Michael O’Keefe, Bob Smith, and Amy Morriss | Land Building, Riverside

Rooted: The Apostles’ Creed“I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in…” On a weekly basis, we join together to say what we believe. The words of The Apostles’ Creed are so familiar that we don’t always need to print them in the bulletin when we call for the weekly recitation of our beliefs. But what do these words mean? What have we committed to when we repeat them? And why these words? The Apostles’ Creed class will explore the history, the meaning, and the intent of The Apostles’ Creed, basing our discussion on this book by local Rolling Elvi minister, Ray Cannata.Led by: Crorey Lawton and Phil Stagg | through February 8 | Library

uPCominG eventS


TODAY:Youth Group Scavenger Hunt - Who doesn't love a good scavenger hunt? Wear your warm clothes, and bring a friend for this fun night of fellowship. Oh yeah...bring that new iPhone so that you can record the memories. Tonight at normal youth times. Questions? Contact Andy Fox, andy@scapc.org.

Souper Bowl of Caring 2015 – Th e Challenger Class (fourth and fi fth grade) is teaming up again with Souper Bowl of Caring to help tackle hunger in our city. We are hosting a food drive now through Sunday, February 1. Bring non-perishable food items to the bins in Frampton Fellowship Hall. On Superbowl Sunday (Feb. 1), students from the class will be stationed after the services collecting cash and food donations. All proceeds benefi t Second Harvest Food Bank. Questions? Contact Michele Murphy, michele@scapc.org.

20/30s PINTS - Join us for PINTS (Presbyterians Imbibing in Necessary Th eological Study) on Tuesday, January 27 at 7 PM at the home of Catherine Cauley and Claire Karas. (5967 Laurel St.) Bring your favorite beverage and join us for theological discusion and fellowship! Questions? Contact Genny Hagler or join the FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/SCAPC2030/.

WNO Jazzes it up on January 28! - Ronald Markham, CEO of the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra is this week’s speaker. Founded in 2002 by Artistic Director Irvin Mayfi eld, “NOJO” serves as a powerful vehicle for celebrating and advancing the cultural and historical legacy of New Orleans Jazz. Make your reservation today at www.scapc.org/wno. Wednesday, January 28 | 6:30 p.m. |Frampton Fellowship Hall

First Wine Tasting Club Meeting - Th e fi rst Wine Tasting Club meeting will take place on Th ursday, January 29 at the home of Geoff Snodgrass. Local wine expert, Scott Rainey, will select the wines and tell us about them. To RSVP, e-mail Geoff Snodgrass, geoff @snodgrassplc.com. Future tastings will take place once a month on Th ursday evenings, after work from 5:30 to 6:30 at off site locations, including private homes and wine shops. Appetizers will be paired with wine selections. Th e cost per person will range from $10-$15. Whether you are an oenophile or just wondering what all the fuss is about, this is a great opportunity to sample some grapes and make new friends!

20/30s Super Bowl XLIX Party - Join us next Sunday, February 1 at 5:30 p.m. in the Land Building for a Superbowl Potluck Party! New England Patriots vs. Seattle Seahawks. Bring your favorite football party snack and join us for a great time! Questions? Contact Genny Hagler, genny@scapc.org.

Caregiver Support Group Monthly Meeting - In our community, many people are caring for aging parents, a beloved spouse or another family member. Th is is an incredibly tough job, even on the best days. Th is monthly group provides encouragement, support, and a safe place to hear others and be heard. Meets the 1st Monday of each month. Questions? Barry Th ompson (bthomps1@tulane.edu) Monday, February 2 | noon | Parlor.

PW Book Club Spring Books - February 5 - Last Night at the Lobster by Stewart O'Nan, March 5 - Nine Lives: Mystery, Magic, Death, and Life in New Orleans by Dan Baum. Meets at 7 p.m. in the Land Building for lively discussion and refreshments! Questions? Contact Elizabeth Artigues, artigues@cox.net.

Christian Book Discussion (CBD) Study Group - Please join the Christian Book Discussion (CBD) group each Wednesday morning from 7am - 8am. We meet in the CBD at Between the Bread Restaurant (625 St. Charles Avenue). We are currently reading Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon. Th e only requirement is a tenacious appetite for reading, the desire for lively discussion, and a thirst for new ideas. Th e coff ee is good too! Questions? Contact John Morton, Jr., 504-451-3567.


Menu: Pork Loin, Fresh Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli Salad, Fresh Fruit, and Peach Cobbler.

Program: Ronald Markham, CEO of the New Orleans Jazz Orchestra is this week’s speaker. Founded in 2002 by Artistic Director Irvin Mayfi eld, “NOJO” serves as a powerful vehicle for celebrating and advancing the cultural and historical legacy of New Orleans Jazz.

Make your reservations online at www.scapc.org/wno and we'll see you there!

Wednesday, January 28

SAVE THE DATE:1/27 | 20/30s PINTS1/28 | WNO - Ronald Markham, CEO New Orleans Jazz Orchestra1/29 | SCAPC Wine Tasting Club Meeting2/1 | Annual Congregational Meeting2/1 | Souper Bowl of Caring2/1 | 20/30s Superbowl Party2/2 | MOMs Group2/2 | Caregiver's Support Group2/5 | PW Book Club2/9 | MOMs Group2/9 | PW Noon Bible Study2/10 | 20/30s PINTS2/10 | PW Evening Circle Bible Study2/17 | SCAPC Offi ce Closed - Mardi Gras2/18 | Ash Wednesday Service2/23 | February Session Meeting

2/22 | 20/30 Lunch at DatDog2/24 | 20/30s PINTS3/2 | MOMs Group3/2 | Caregiver's Support Group3/5 | PW Book Club3/8 | 20/30s Lunch at TruBurger3/9 | MOMs Group3/9 | PW Noon Bible Study3/10 | PW Evening Circle Bible Study3/10 | 20/30s PINTS3/15 | Youth Group to Pelicans Game3/16 | MOMs Group3/21 | 20/30s Oyster Roast3/23 | MOMs Group3/23 | March Session Meeting3/24 | 20/30s PINTS3/29 | Palm Sunday Orchestra Performance

Community Ministries Partner "Program of Hope" Homeless Mission Needs Your Help! - January is our turn to provide: deodorant, reading glasses, toothbrushes, toothpaste, travel size hand lotion, soap, inexpensive gloves, diapers (size 4 & 5), ladies underwear (S, M, L), men's boxers (M, L, XL), undershirts (L, XL). Place donations in box in FFH. Questions? Contact T.J. Jensen: chemistree@sbcglobal.net or (512) 694-3071 or Ann Van Horn: hvanhorn3@gmail.com.

Sign up for SCAPC's Daily Devotional! - A team of church members have been diligently working to bring a new daily devotional to SCAPC and it is fi nally here! To sign-up, go to www.scapc.org and enter your e-mail into the sign-up box on the sidebar of the SCAPC homepage. Questions? Contact Phil Stagg, phil@scapc.org.

Book Donations Needed for the Johnson Community Garden's Free Library - Th e James Weldon Johnson Community Garden is looking for book donations for their Free Library. If you have any books you would like to donate, contact Vincent Grossi at johnsongardennola1@gmail.com.

Calendar oF eventSSunday, January 25, 2015 - Jim Stayton preaching8:30 a.m. Chapel Worship Service & Communion9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes (church wide)10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Service4:45 p.m. Jr. High Youth Group (Youth Room)5:45 p.m. Youth Dinner (Youth Room)6:15 p.m. Sr. High Youth Group (Youth Room)

Monday, January 26, 20151:30 p.m. Program Staff Meeting (PL)

Tuesday, January 27, 201510:30 a.m. SCAPC Staff Meeting (PL)7:00 p.m. 20/30 PINTS (Cauley home)

Wednesday, January 28, 20157:00 a.m. CBD Study Group (Between Th e Bread, 625 St. Charles Ave)12:30 p.m. Spiritually Hungry Women’s Bible Study Group (LB-Lakeside)5:15 p.m. Men’s Bible Study (PL)6:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Out Dinner (FFH)6:30 p.m. WNO Program – N.O. Jazz Orchestra CEO, Ronald Markham (FFH)7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)

Th ursday, January 29, 20157:00 a.m. Th ursday Morning Bible Study & Prayer Group (LB-Riverside Room)10:00 a.m. PW Needlework Group (LB-Lakeside Room)

5:30 p.m. SCAPC Wine Tasting Group (Snodgrass home)

Sunday, February 1, 2015 - Don Frampton preachingSouper Bowl of Caring8:30 a.m. Chapel Worship Service & Communion9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes (church wide)10:30 a.m. Sanctuary Worship Service11:30 a.m. Annual Meeting of the Congregation11:45 a.m. Cherub Choir (Choir Room)12:15 p.m. Ringers & Singers (Choir Room)5:30 p.m. 20/30s Super Bowl Party (Land Building)

PL: Phifer Library | LB: Land Building | FFH: Frampton Fellowship Hall

1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 | (504) 897-0101 | www.scapc.org1545 State Street | New Orleans, LA 70118 | (504) 897-0101 | www.scapc.org

St. Charles Avenue Presbyterian ChurchDONALD R. FRAMPTON, SENIOR PASTOR

frampton@scapc.org x.110


phil@scapc.org x.117


jim@scapc.org x.123


steven@scapc.org x.125


michele@scapc.org x.116


andy@scapc.org x.124


wayne@scapc.org x.115


emma@scapc.org x.111


caitlin@scapc.org x.118


carol@scapc.org x.113


pierce@scapc.org x.114


emily@scapc.org x.112


genny@scapc.org x.119


sarawarren1@yahoo.com 504-884-1954