January 2015 - Johnson Family Update

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Together we can make a difference. Read about the many exciting projects we have planned to change the lives of our children in Cambodia and make their home self-sustainable.

Transcript of January 2015 - Johnson Family Update

1095 Hilltop Drive, Suite 369, Redding, CA 96003


January 31st, 2015 Beloved Friends and Family, Faith is a double-edged sword and when used correctly brings miraculous results. This is my focus right now. Actually to be more direct, my thoughts are on which side of the sword do I use, and in what circumstance do I use it? Let me start by explaining what each side represents. One side of this sword is the “go to battle” side. This is usually my “go to” weapon of choice. Probably the reason for this is I have been saved all of my life, therefore I know what the Word says that I have, I know what the Word says I can do and I know who the Word says I am. With this side of the sword I am tenacious about what the Bible declares. I join myself with these declarations and fight the good fight of faith. I don’t shrink back from difficulty and am not swayed by disappointment or hardship. After all, we are engaged in a war and the enemy will not roll over dead. I keep going with this zeal until there is victory. Doing battle with this side of the sword is not a bad thing at all unless the Holy Spirit is calling me to rely on the other side. The second side of this double edged sword doesn’t lose its razor edge by forgetting all that faith is, but capsulizes all of the above from a “stance of rest.” This is the hardest one for me. When I have direction coupled with conviction, I’m ready to help my Father accomplish all that He has declared. Yet sometimes He wants me to know all that I know and yet wait. This waiting, while believing, but not helping to make it happen is tough. This side of the sword is as sharp as the “go to battle” side but how it’s welded in ones hands is completely different. Where the first side of the sword is fought with a soldier’s mentality, the other side is fought from a son’s heart. This side waits and holds fast until breakthrough. Both are vital and both are miracle workers. The key? Since it is easy for me to fight from one side of the sword, sometimes I will go into battle without asking the Holy Spirit for direction. I have so many victories from this side of the sword; it would be foolish to use the other, especially if time is relevant to victory.

1095 Hilltop Drive, Suite 369, Redding, CA 96003


Kimberly and I are in a season right now that would be easy to fight from the “go to battle” side, because time has relevance in the answer. Two days ago my wonderful wife was convicted that we didn’t ask the Holy Spirit what stance we were to take. Notice that my wife had to bring me to attention on this one. We prayed and guess who took an interest into our future? The Holy Spirit did, of course. He gave us explicit direction to stand back, in awe and watch His faithfulness. He told us, “You are my son and daughter. I have you on this one.” Wow! This was a great feeling, but also a scary one. Remember, I usually fight from the soldier side. Bottom line, both sides are necessary and both are effective. Our Father loves us so much that He wants us to rely solely on Him. Sometimes that means to battle as a soldier and other times to wait and let Father come through. We pray that whatever situation you are going through right now that you will have supernatural wisdom to know which side of the sword to fight with. We join our prayers with yours and declare that God will perfect all things that concern you, in Jesus name. Amen! Psalms 138:8 We love you! Bob & Kimberly

P.S. Please take some time to read through the booklet enclosed in this letter. We invite you to partner with us in changing the lives of 91 children and 17 staff in Cambodia


(Everything we are doing now is to empower them to be self-sustaining in the future.)



We invite you to partner with us

No man is an island; no man can do alone what he can accomplish as part of a family united in love, with the

same heart and vision. Together we are able to accomplish above and beyond our highest prayers and

wildest dreams. Together we can because He is.



Johnson Family Asia Trip Cost: $15,000 Raised $1,700 Needed $13,330

3 Countries (Cambodia, Thailand and China) in 7 weeks with 5 children under 5 and leading a team that ranges in size from 10-70 people at different stages. Why? The answer is simply – How can we not? We carry the Fathers love and are filled with His Spirit and there are so many people who need His touch. We will be spending a week with our orphanage that we have adopted in Cambodia doing self-sustainability projects, and loving on our 91 children. Our doctors’ on the team will be holding a medical clinic as well. We are taking a team to experience the many attributes of global injustice and to provide cutting edge and spiritual solutions to these third world problems. The team will be working with Destiny Rescue in both nations as they pour into their staff, the rescued girls and at risk children. There will nightly street ministry in the red light districts and Bob will be going out on rescues each night.


Testimony Time: Last year the rescue teams experienced more rescues during the time that Bob went out with them than they had ever before experienced. This carried on after Bob had left. The leader commented that Bob carried something that broke and shifted things for them and for the future of the many girls they were able to rescue because of that. Praise Jesus! Would you partner with us in sending us to the nations? Whether that is in prayer or finances, or both, as you feel led. Ask Holy Spirit what part it is that you are to have in this mission. Ask Him for what is to be your YES? To donate towards our trip you can do so online at http://www.bobandkimberly.com/fundraising-portal-johnsons or send us a check made payable to BKJM with the reference Asia M1.

Four years ago in Cambodia on January 30th — this little girl changed the course of our lives. Just 3 days out of being trafficked, she was broken, shy and timid when I was asked to pray for her. I took her in my arms and prayed a fathers blessing and Fathers heart for. By the time I had finished praying this little girl had been transformed before my very eyes – There was hope in her eyes, there was LIFE. I was completely undone by the power of Father’s love to heal instantly. That was four years ago and Kimberly and I go back every year. 1000s of peoples’ lives have been changed because we have said YES to going and you have partnered with us in sending.



“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


Staff University - Tuition

Four of our volunteer staff go to university in-between serving the children and our home. We are so excited to announce that thanks to a generous donor, we have obtained full funding for each of them for this year.

Moeun Sreyphors — Sex: Female Major: English literature, School fee: $400/year. — FUNDED

Sao Savoeun — Sex: Male Major: Civil Engineering School fee: Scholarship — Not Applicable

Tha Ratana — Sex: Male Major: Information Technology (IT) School fee: $450/year — FUNDED

Moeun Sokha — Sex: Male Major: English literature School fee: $400/year — FUNDED

Moeun Puth — Sex: Male Major: IT School fee: $250/year -FUNDED


Child University - Tuition

Continued education for most Cambodian children is difficult enough, let alone for those without a family to support them. Our heart is to sponsor our children once they have graduated high school so they can see their dreams come true and live out their destiny. Currently we have three children that are going to graduate this year and need sponsors to continue their education:

Ban Sambath — Sex: Male Ban would like to go to University to study Ministry and Theology

Thoeun Buntheum — Sex: Male Thoeun would like to go to University to study Information Technology

Choub Sokhom — Sex: Female Choub would like to go to University to study Accounting and Finance

You can sponsor a child to go to University for $50 a month or $600 per year which includes their transport and textbooks. Simply reference your check or payment with “Asia” and the child’s name.



"Child Sponsorship Make a difference in a child’s life!

For just $30 a month or $360 a year you can help provide a quality life for one of

our children. This sponsorship goes towards all of their day-to-day needs

including education, food and clothing. All of the photos of our kids are available on our website at www.bobandkimberly.com

By the end of this month we will have online sponsorship available for each child

on our non-profit website: www.extremelove.org. Until then if you’d

like to give simply make a check payable to BKJM and reference the child’s name that

you’d like to sponsor.





Shower Facilities Cost: $ 3000

FUNDED 100% Our children in Cambodia currently shower outdoors in their swimsuits with a bucket and no privacy. Whilst some of this is the cultural norm for those living in the country and/or in poverty, this leads to uncleanliness and the spread of various ailments, such as lice. Thanks to one of our amazing donors this will no longer be an issue, as we will now be able to implement private shower facilities ! !

Chicken Coop/Eggs Cost: $3,000 FUNDED 100% Providing a chicken coop will allow our children to have both meat and eggs, a vital part of their diets. Not only will this provide needed protein for our home, but will also produce both meat and eggs on a large enough scale to sell and trade on the market to support other needs in our home. !


Aquaponics System Cost: $4,000 Aquaponics is the practice of taking aquaculture and hydroponics and using them together to create a self-sustaining environment that will grow plants, vegetables, and fish. This concept allows us to maximize use of the land to grow as much food as possible. Using the aquaponics system allows us to provide a maximum food to space ration and make sure the children are fed.




Pigpen Cost: $3,000 This pigpen, similar to our chicken coop, will both feed our children as well as produce an income as we sell and trade them for other needs in our home. Unlike the typical Cambodian concrete pigpen, we will likely have our pigs in a Rice Husk Fodder, which has many added benefits including there being virtually no smell with lower maintenance & prices.

Fishpond Cost: $4,000 Fish is another cost-effective means of providing protein. At the home, we have a smaller pond, which is a place to start our smaller fish and allow them to grow. We’re in the midst of digging out a larger pond to transfer the fish into when they have outgrown the small pond. We will also be inputting a solar-powered water recirculation system to maintain the pond keeping our fish healthy.

Computers $ 300-500 per laptop

Pictured on the left is one of six of the home’s current desktop computers that were donated to them. There are 91 children in the home and our heart is for them to take online English courses, amongst other things, to better their chance at getting a good job in the future. Our dream is to give them ten laptops with software.

More projects to create self-sustainability All our projects are designed to help take our children’s home from desperate poverty to being self-sustainable and generating it’s own income. By providing this these projects help prevent our children from falling victim to such evils as child trafficking, involvement in crime, etc. These projects will undoubtedly be making a huge long-term impact on not only our orphans but also the community that cares for them.

Rain Water Collection System Cost: $5,000 OCTO currently purchases water from the nearby village in large barrels. This is not only time consuming but limits their ability to function from a self-sustaining viewpoint. They don’t have their own water supply. Their rainy season starts in August and we would like the system up and running before that time.



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How to give made easy

" Johnson Family Asia Trip

" Rain Water Collection System Project

" Aquaponics Project " Pigpen Project " University Project

" Fishpond Project " Chicken Coop

Project " Child Sponsorship

Please reference the name of the child you’d like to sponsor: _________________ Your name: __________________ Check #_____________ Amount $____________ !

Thank you for partnering with us to love and care for the orphan in Cambodia. Every dollar, every prayer and every person that stands with us makes a difference. Donate online at: www.bobandkimberly.com/donate and be sure to reference which project you’d like to give toward. Or fill out the below form, and send it along with a check made out to BKJM to:

1095 Hilltop Dr Suite 369

Redding, CA 96003 !!!
