January 12th bulletin 2013

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church update

Transcript of January 12th bulletin 2013


Creation: Forming

the World Isaiah 45:18

The Church at Study 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. Superintendent: Jack Polihronov



Praise and Worship…………………………….Golovenko Family

Hymn of Praise……………..No.537……….......He Leadeth Me

Intercessory Prayer……………………………………Clara Baptiste

Praying for Revival and Transformation, Excellence in Morals

Offering………Conference Advance……….Simone Shepherd Next Week……Church Budget

Dedication of Mary-Anna Abigail Scale

Children Story…………………………………………Marilyn Topper

Scripture Reading………..John 3:5-8………..Moses Onyango

It is Time for a Change Elder Gord Rayner

Song of Com……….No.260………Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit

Benediction…………………………………………….Jack Polihronov

Sunset this Sabbath 5:13 pm Next week 5:21 pm

Please send all the bulletin related information to: bekorben@gmail.com

Announcements Today

1. FIRST Reading: membership transfers OUT: Nina Knox to Woodstock SDA Church.

2. Children's Ministry meeting scheduled for today at 2:00 p.m. has been cancelled until further notice.

3. Social Life Committee meeting on at 2 PM following the Potluck.

4. The Bible Study Class attracted large amount of interest last Sabbath evening and will continue weekly. TONIGHT at 5 pm elder Jack Polihronov will continue the study on “twisting the scriptures.” Next Sabbath, January 19 at 5 pm pastor Alex will offer a study on biblical meaning of the “sons of God” in Genesis 6, and the identity of Michael the Archangel. For more details see the schedule in the foyer. The “unformatted” approach will allow maximum participation by those attending and will address questions that arise from the Sabbath School and daily experiences. We welcome your questions and suggestion of topics for study.

5. TONIGHT - youth sports and games night at the Spanish Church & Gym, starting at 6 pm, located at 649 King Street.

6. Worship Committee meets TONIGHT at 6 pm to discuss matters of schedule and making our worship experience more participatory. Second worship alternative time will be discussed. Members of the praise team please join us at 7 pm.


7. Pathfinders Club meetings will resume tomorrow, January 13, starting at 10 am.

8. You are invited to a Wedding Shower honoring Steve Hurst and Ashley on Sunday, January 13, 2013 2 PM in our Fellowship Hall.

Later Events

9. Games Night: Mark your calendars and plan to come and enjoy an evening of Table Tennis, Crokinole, Dominoes and other table games on Saturday January 19th 7-10 PM in our Fellowship Hall. Please bring your favorite table games and folding card tables!

10. Men’s ministry breakfast January 20 at 8:30 am. The discussion book is “A Place for us guys.” How do guys, men, fit into church today? What is our place and role in family and society?

11.The next Table Tennis club meeting at the church is on Sunday January 20th 3-5 PM and continuing every 2nd Sunday. Players of all skill levels are welcomed and basic instruction will be provided. We had a great start, and look forward to seeing even more people coming next time. If you are interested, please talk to Rixon Gultom or Don Topper.

12. Your opportunity to Serve our Community! Thursday, January 24, 2013 a group of 16 volunteers from our church will meet 7 pm at 513 Talbot St. with the Sanctuary London ministry leaders. The Sanctuary opened up about a year ago to serve the homeless in partnership with the Christian Reformed church. Pastor Gil Clelland had been organizing the services downtown for increasing number of homeless arriving from Chatham, Owen Sound and all other surrounding cities, as London is the hub of social services. Before our church community could offer help for this increasing crisis we need to learn. This meeting will be a “two hour walking tour” of downtown, hands-on learning how to interact with people in need. A sign-up sheet is posted in the foyer. The first preference will be given to those currently in leadership of our church as it would be necessary for the leadership team to have the first hand experience. More opportunities for training will come in February as we move into more Community outreach.

13. First annual Church Business meeting for the 2013 Budget and plans will take place January 26 at 6 pm. Departmental leaders, please submit your plans to the treasurer Edwin Onyango as the Finance Committee will be preparing plans for 2013 and beyond.

14. Next School of Evangelism class will take place January 27 at our church. Class will be taught by Richard Roschman on “Understanding the secular postmodern mind,” and begin at 10:00 am, continue to 4:00pm.

15. Baby shower for Mercy Nleya-Ncube and Ndaba Ncube on Sunday, February 10th 3:30-5:30 p.m. (Note change of date). Please join with us as we welcome the blessing of another new addition to our church family.

16. ABC BOOKMOBILE will be at the Church on Feb. 27th, 2013. Don't forget to order your BOOKS. Call 800-263-3791 for orders. Thanks


17. Congratulations to Arthur and Alla Druzcz on the birth of their fifth child, baby boy Michael, born on January 7, 2013.

18.For all the events on the church calendar, booking of the fellowship hall, and ministry planning please contact Sandi Rusek sandirusek@hotmail.com or Yolanda Ndiweni ndiweni@hotmail.com

19. Outreach to Homeless. Opportunity to serve a meal, pray, share the Gospel with homeless has opened up to a team of 12 volunteers monthly! Following Sabbaths from 6 to 9 pm our team will be at 696 Dundas Street Ark Aid Christian Mission. Parking is available behind the building. Dinner begins at 7 pm with 15 minutes devotional time and ends at 8 pm, followed by a cleanup. A We serve on: January 19, March 9, April 20, May 18, June 15, 29; July 20, August 17, September 21, October 19, November 16, December 21. A sign-up sheet is available in the foyer at the main announcement board. We invite a rotation of volunteers, so everyone can participate.

20. Personal Ministry opportunity: Discover Bible School coordinator needed! Carolyn Dowdell will take care of mailing the Discover Bible School (DBS) lessons, corresponding with interest, scoring and following up studies. The second aspect of Personal Ministry responsibility is to assist church members with discovering their own spiritual gifts and connecting each individual with a meaningful ministry. A coordinator for Spiritual Gifts Discovery process and tracking members’ ministry involvement is needed. Ministry training also is under the responsibility of the Personal Ministry department. Currently elder Cameron Munro expressed interest in coordinating this work. Angella Gregory shared an interest in volunteering. We need more volunteers to start an effective ministry. In If you are interested in helping with please speak with pastor Alex Golovenko.

21. The Church Board of leaders met past Monday to review the strategy how to REACH London. All ministry directors are to submit their plans for reviving and transforming their ministries together with budgetary requests no later than January 19th to the Treasurer and the first Elder. Next Board meeting will take place February 18 and work on the community outreach and evangelism cycle strategy.

22. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church service on Wednesday night at 7 pm. It is time for extra prayer, deeper Bible study, and testimonies.

Health TIP

Apples and especially the apple peel appear to be have anti-cancer properties by inhibiting tumour growth in human breast and prostate cancer cells. So eating an apple a day, does keep the doctor away.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS Jan 15 Anatoli Golovenko Jan 19 Ivan Kasule

Jan 15 Betty Haskell Jan 21 Maria Carreiro

Jan 18 Gavin Reid-Kindness Jan 24 Alisha Sealy

Jan 18 Nola Reeve Jan 27 Pat Thompson

Start something that matters, Grow in Grace!

The new year has began... Kids are back to school. Adults are getting ready to file taxes for the past year... Church Ministries are making plans for yet another year... Some are making resolutions, writing in a journal to keep self accountable. Some are on their knees pleading with God for new beginnings. How will this year be different for you? We hear about needs around us all the time. We hear about needs all around the world. We know our personal needs. What will you start new this year? Will you start something that really matters?

Last year we invited the whole congregation to consider five practical steps toward revival: read the entire Bible, pray for the entire world, sacrifice one of your luxuries to give financially for others, discover a new culture, mentor someone to grow in Christ. Have you done these steps? Have you done at least a couple of these? If you have read the Bible – pick up a different version and read

anew in this year – you will be blessed with Encountering Jesus! Continue praying for the world. Our Prayer Ministry team will be developing resources to keep you updated for the word-wide needs. What about your luxuries? In 2012 our family had spent $5,000 less than the previous year, simply saying “no” to unnecessary things. We used the saved money to pay off past debts and educational loans, and contributed extra $500 for ministry. Do you budget your life to be a blessing for others? How brave are you to venture out into the multicultural

neighbourhood where you live and meet someone different? Today the universe has moved next door to you! No need to go overseas on a mission trip. Mission can begin at home. You witnessing to a person from Iran, or Somalia, or Azawad could lead others in their homeland to know Christ. Great Commission is more possible today. Are you doing it? Finally, have you mentored someone? Are you mentoring?

You can begin at home, mentoring and training your children in basic Christianity. This year let’s hold each other accountable to do what we say we will . The banner is present in the sanctuary to remind us all of our duty. Next week we will hang yet another banner – our strategy to REACH London. We don’t want to overwhelm you with information and “to do” lists. Start something that matter!

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko