Janakalyan 17 Annual Report 2013-14

Post on 20-Jul-2016

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This report witnesses the existence of Janakalyan for 17 successful years in the field of development! It is indeed a matter of happiness to make it public on the eve of 18th anniversary of Janakalyan! Like every year, we are releasing the report on 2nd July, the Foundation Day of Janakalyan, with a hope that we will be given more opportunities to serve the target groups in better fashions in the days to come.During these 17 years, Janakalyan has served its primary target group i.e. the Bengali refugees aiming at their all round development and we now claim that we have brought many tangible and intangible changes in the lives and livelihoods of this primary target groups (please see impact assessment section of this report for details). This journey was not that easy like any other developmental journey. It saw many troughs and crests but Janakalyan did not stop there instead continued with more enthusiasm and efforts, every time it was at the bottom of the pyramid. Many strategies were adopted, many programs were designed, implemented, mistaken, learnt, redesigned, again implemented, assessed, reassessed, and finally we are here today. However, care has always been taken that if not good but our interventions should not harm any of the target groups in any manner. During this journey, we have come up with many innovative models, tested in various contexts, which are the treasure of Janakalyan and could now be replicated in similar context in any part of the country. These innovations could be grouped as 7Es such as Environment (water), Employment (sustainable agriculture), Empowerment (community), Education (rural), Entrepreneurship (rural), Energy (solar) and Ensuring (health) services to all living beings.The year under reporting is another successful year added to the history of Janakalyan; it has also several milestones that the team crossed over 365 days of the year. More emphasis was on refugee rights like reservation, mother tongue education, land rights, voter rights, etc. in addition to its regular programs viz. Jan Sanghatan (Empowerment), Jan Krishi (Employment), Jan Jal (Environment), Jan Shakti (Energy), Jan Udyog (Entrepreneurship), Jan Shiksha (Education) and Jan Raksha (Ensuring health). It has received 1st ever grant from Government of India for leadership development of minority women, a grant from Indian Council for Social Science Report for a research study, etc. are some new paradigm shift in the organization. However, it would be wrong on my part if I do not put on record that in terms of funding it was a bad year thought in terms of activities and impacts, it was a memorable year again. In addition, the reserve funds of Janakalyan as well as my personal accumulation was exhausted totally to complete the college building as well as managing the recurring expenditures of college. Further, I had also to avail huge loan against my only residential plot to complete the college building. Now I humbly request the communities, well wishers and donors to come forward to sustain the institute initiated for the benefits of the refugee children. I strongly believe that these bad days won’t last forever………..

Transcript of Janakalyan 17 Annual Report 2013-14








JJAANNAAKKAALLYYAANN AAnn  IInnssttiittuuttiioonn  ffoorr  IInnnnoovvaattiioonn  IInntteeggrraatteedd  IInnssppiirriinngg  IInntteerrvveennttiioonn  










Annual Report 2013-14

Our Products‐ 










Ensuring health  




Brain Trust of 











Annual Report  2013­14  



About Janakalyan Janakalyan  is a society  registered under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 on 2nd  July 1997 at Raichur with a team  of  dedicated  rural  people  to  serve  the  rural  communities  in  general  and  four  holy  mothers  (Manavimata, Bhoomata, Gangamata and Gomata) in particular.   

Vision Statement Creation of an enabling healthy environment where all individual has equal access to and control over the Social, Cultural, Educational and Political institutions with an economically secured livelihood  

Mission  Statement    Janakalyan  exists  to  empower  four  holy  mothers  so  that  an  economically  secured  healthy atmosphere is developed where all individual identity has their deserved status through institution building by 2020  

Goal  of  Janakalyan    To  serve  four  holy mothers  viz. Manavimata  (woman),  Bhoomata  (soil), Gomata  (animals)  and Gangamata (water)  

The Objectives   1.  To implement developmental programs for child, woman & weaker sections. 2.  To implement programs for socio‐economic status improvement of the communities. 3.  To implement programs for disabled, handicapped & street children. 4.  To develop & demonstrate new technologies, suitable  for rural population  in all the related  fields and motivating 

the people to adopt it. 5.  To implement programs for healthy environment development. 6.  To implement poverty alleviation programs. 7.  To open and manage nursery, primary, middle and High Schools and also colleges of various disciplines including UG 

and PG courses  in the field of medical, engineering, computer sciences, agriculture, social works and also  in other disciplines, as may be found necessary from time to time. 

8.  To run technical colleges such as DEd, BEd, ITI, Diploma, Engineering, Medical, Ayurvedic, etc. 9.  To run any kind of educational institutions for children, women and farmers of the country including KVK, RSK 10.  To conduct teachers training courses 11.  To open and manage reading rooms, Libraries with all kinds of facilities. 12.  To run adult education programs for the rural illiterate. 13.  To conduct skill up‐gradation & vocational training programs for unemployed youths, women and farmers. 14.  In  fulfillment  of  the  objectives,  it may  seek  any  kind  of  assistance  from  various  sources  and  take  up  any  other 

activities as found necessary by the Governing Board. 15.  It may borrow the loans from various Government and Non‐Govt. Organization. 16.  Publication of Journals, Magazines and Souvenir etc. in the public interest.  

Our Services to the Mankind Over the period, Janakalyan has evolved its own developmental models suitable for its clients, which are now the unique products of Janakalyan; thus Janakalyan has confined all its activities to these products (7Es)‐ E1‐ Empowerment: Jan Sanghatan: An initiative to bring community together on a common platform to resolve issues E2‐ Employment: Jan Krishi: An initiative to improve the livelihoods of farmers by making agriculture profit‐making E3‐ Environment: Jan Jal: An initiative to make judicious use of water for irrigation using water efficient technologies E4‐ Education: Jan Shiksha: An initiative to decentralize education in rural India using innovative tools of Janakalyan E5‐ Entrepreneurship: Jan Udyog: An initiative for the unemployed rural youths to create job‐creators & not job‐seekers E6‐ Energy: Jan Shakti: An initiative of Janakalyan to harness renewable sources of energy for production & consumption E7‐ Ensuring health: Jan Raksha: An initiative of Janakalyan to protect health of all living beings using affordable tools  

Our Values & Beliefs • India  lives  in  its  villages  and  therefore  Janakalyan  dedicated  itself  for  uplifting  rural  communities.  Janakalyan 

understand that there are issues in urban slums also, but it restricted itself working for the rural communities only to reduce the gap between urbanized India and rural Bharat 

• Janakalyan believes in empowerment and sustainability strategies and all its programs are designed with these core principles through institution building. 

• Accountability and transparency are core values of Janakalyan and maintained at all levels to its highest degree. • Janakalyan never considers itself an alternative to Government but a watchdog for the community. It does believe 

itself as an assisting agency for the Government in developing the nation and its citizens. 

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  


Annual Report 2013‐14 



Sectors  Particulars  Page No.Vision, Mission, Goal, Objectives 

About Janakalyan  1 

  Content  2 

  From Director’s Desk  3 

  17th Year in bullets : 2013‐14  4 

Empowerment‐ Jan Sanghatan 

Fight for Rights – Convinced the High Level Committee to recognize Bengalis as Schedule Caste in Karnataka 

Emplyment‐ Jan Krishi 

Fight for Survival – Land, the only source of livelihood, needs to be utilized to fulfill requirements  

Environment‐ Jan Jal 

Fight for Water – Save Water to Save Earth and the major responsibility is onto the Human Beings 

Ensuring Health‐ Jan Raksha 

Fight for Hygiene & Sanitation – Education alone can make effective use of toilets with an intervention with hygiene kit 

Education‐  Jan Shiksha 

Fight for Post‐metric Education – Ensure Post‐metric education to rural child to avoid child marriage and child labor 


Entrepreneurship‐ Jan Udyog 

Fight against Begging – Create employment for leprosy affected beggars to ensure their livelihood security 


Energy‐ Jan Shakti 

Fight for Light – Harness soalr energy to help students reading even during load shedding  


Impacts Assessment 

Impacts on primary target group of Janakalyan – the refugees  14 

Ideas in Incubation 

Journey ahead to Janakalyan – support sought from donor communities 


Documentation  Major Reports brought out by Janakalyan during 2013‐14  17 

Transparency   Compliance to Credibility Alliance Norms  18 

Resources  Audited Financial Statements of Janakalyan at the end of 31.3.2014 


Look Back  Footsteps of Janakalyan  21 

Album  Important Moments  22 

Stakeholders  Management Team, Donors, Bank, Auditor and Contacts   

Annual Report  2013­14  


From Director’s Desk   

This report witnesses the existence of Janakalyan for 17 successful years in the field of development! It is indeed a matter of happiness to make it public on the eve of 18th anniversary of Janakalyan! Like every year, we are releasing the report on 2nd July, the Foundation Day of Janakalyan, with a hope that we will be given more opportunities to serve the target groups in better fashions in the days to come.

During these 17 years, Janakalyan has served its primary target group i.e. the Bengali refugees aiming at their all round development and we now claim that we have brought many tangible and intangible changes in the lives and livelihoods of this primary target groups (please see impact assessment section of this report for details). This journey was not that easy like any other developmental journey. It saw many troughs and crests but Janakalyan did not stop there instead continued with more enthusiasm and efforts, every time it was at the bottom of the pyramid. Many strategies were adopted, many programs were designed, implemented, mistaken, learnt, redesigned, again implemented, assessed, reassessed, and finally we are here today. However, care has always been taken that if not good but our interventions should not harm any of the target groups in any manner. During this journey, we have come up with many innovative models, tested in various contexts, which are the treasure of Janakalyan and could now be replicated in similar context in any part of the country. These innovations could be grouped as 7Es such as Environment (water), Employment (sustainable agriculture), Empowerment (community), Education (rural), Entrepreneurship (rural), Energy (solar) and Ensuring (health) services to all living beings.

The year under reporting is another successful year added to the history of Janakalyan; it has also several milestones that the team crossed over 365 days of the year. More emphasis was on refugee rights like reservation, mother tongue education, land rights, voter rights, etc. in addition to its regular programs viz. Jan Sanghatan (Empowerment), Jan Krishi (Employment), Jan Jal (Environment), Jan Shakti (Energy), Jan Udyog (Entrepreneurship), Jan Shiksha (Education) and Jan Raksha (Ensuring health). It has received 1st ever grant from Government of India for leadership development of minority women, a grant from Indian Council for Social Science Report for a research study, etc. are some new paradigm shift in the organization.

However, it would be wrong on my part if I do not put on record that in terms of funding it was a bad year thought in terms of activities and impacts, it was a memorable year again. In addition, the reserve funds of Janakalyan as well as my personal accumulation was exhausted totally to complete the college building as well as managing the recurring expenditures of college. Further, I had also to avail huge loan against my only residential plot to complete the college building. Now I humbly request the communities, well wishers and donors to come forward to sustain the institute initiated for the benefits of the refugee

children. I strongly believe that these bad days won’t last forever………..

2nd July 2014 Prasen Raptan Shantinagar Executive Director


17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  


17th Year in bullets: 2013‐14  

⇑ Janakalyan has passed through the accreditation process of Credibility Alliance, New Delhi for good governance, accountability and  transparency norms based on detailed study of policies, processes and  practices  adopted  in  Janakalyan  as  an  institution  for  social  action.  Janakalyan  proposal  on Mahila  Kisan  Sashaktikaran  Pariyojana  submitted  for  Saharanpur  district  of  Uttar  Pradesh  is shortlisted out of 256 proposas and recommended to Government of India for sanction. 

⇑ Janakalyan has received first grant from Government of India in its history under Nai Roshni scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs.  

⇑ Janakalyan has also received a research grant from Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New  Delhi  to  take  up  a  research  study  all  over  India  on  emergence  and  growth  of  social entrepreneurship in India. 

⇑ Monthly  Donation Option  (MDO) was made  enable  by GiveIndia  for  supporting Maa  Sarada  PU College through payroll giving during the year. 

⇑ Sasakawa  India  Leprosy  Foundation  (SILF), New Delhi  collaborated with  Janakalyan  to  initiate  an intervention to stop begging but ensure livelihood through entrepreneurship by the leprosy affected beggars of Hospte and Gadag self settled colonies. 

⇑ Payment Gateway of Janakalyan made live on the website www.janakalyana.org on 18.12.2013. ⇑ Janakalyan has registered itself for Professional Tax during the year and its ECR No 302609289 ⇑ Application for registration of Janakalyan with CSR Hub submitted to TISS, Mumbai submitted. ⇑ About  1.38  acres  of  land  at  Survey  No  473/2  is  converted  as  Non‐Agriculture  for  commercial 

(education) activities on 28.4.2014. It is also approved under section 109 of Karnataka Land Reform Act to be purchased by an institute like Janakalyan by Deputy Commissioner, Raichur. 

⇑ 17th Foundation Day of Janakalyan celebrated meaningfully on 2nd July 2014 by distributing critical kits to vulnerable children, women and farmers in the presence of Deputy Secretary of Z.P. Raichur. 

⇑ The Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax finally issued the order after detailed scrutiny of accounts of Janakalyan for 2010‐11 without any issue. 

⇑ Participated in Credibility Alliance workshop on CII‐CSO Bridge at New Delhi to enhance the skills of CSR activities and identify potential partners for Janakalyan. 

⇑ Listened to Mr Gopal Krishna Gandhi at CSO‐CSR Bridge, one of the successor of Gandhi family. ⇑ An  special event  “Farmers – Officers  interface” with NABARD, Bankers, all  line Departments, etc. 

were held on 28th October 2013 to work out possible synergies with various line departments. ⇑ Maa Sarada Jayanti celebrated as 2nd Annual Day of College on 24th December 2013 in the gracious 

presence of Swami Chinmayananda Maharaj of Ramkrishan‐Vivekananda Ashram, Koppal ⇑ Participated  in Development Dialogue 2014 and One  farmer and one  staff was  felicitated as Best 

Farmer and Best Staff ⇑ Participated in Fundraising Workshop on CSR at Pai Hotel Bangalore by Resource Alliance ⇑ An event called Ashirvad for the outgoing batch was held  just before the board examination of 2nd 

PUC students of Maa Sarada Pre University College. ⇑ Surprise visit of GiveIndia to the project villages of  Janakalyan. Few cases, where we have yet not 

distributed the kits were visited by GiveIndia on 31.3.2014 and thus disabled our Dos for 3 months. ⇑ Received  Swami  Vivekananda  Chariot  at  Sindhanur  and managed  the  event  very  successfully  on 

16.7.2014 to commemorate the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. ⇑ Swamy  Tyageeshwarananda,  Swami  Mahakavyananda,  Swami  Soukhyananda  Maharaj  and 

Chakravorty Sulibele visited Maa Sarada College and addressed the students on 17th July 2014. 

Annual Report  2013­14  


 ⇑ Dharna  at  Jantar  Mantar,  New  Delhi  on  violence  against  minority  Bengalis  in  Bangladesh  and 

meeting at Bangladesh High Commission, New Delhi on 17th April 2014. 

 ⇑ Invited as Guest Speaker to the International Bangla Bhasha Divas celebration at Calcutta University 

on 28th July 2013. ⇑ Role of Bengali Refugees in Indian Politics – co‐authored with Dr Subodh Biswas and released by VC 

of Calcutta University on 28th July 2013 at Dwarbhanga Hall of Kolkata University, Kolkata. ⇑ Submitted  appeals  to  Rashtrapati,  PM,  Social  Justice Minster,  Sonia  Gandhi,  Rahul  Gandhi,  etc. 

about various issues related to Bengali refugees all across the country. ⇑ Government of Karnataka  issued a GO on caste  reservation of Bengali communities based on  the 

demand of  Janakalyan and constituted a High Level Committee headed by ACS of Karnataka. The committee meeting for SC certificate at Vidhana Soudha was convened on 9.12.2013. 

⇑ Few rounds of meeting with Chief Secretary (Kaushik Mukherjee), Additional Chief Secretary (Umesh V), Commissioner, Social Welfare, Regional Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Tahasildar, DD, Social Welfare,  Principal  Secretaries  of  Social Welfare,  Revenue,  etc.  regarding  various  issues  of Bengali refugees. 

⇑ Few rounds of meeting with BEO, DDPI, Commissioner, Director, Secretary of Education Department for Bangla Bhasha introduction in Government Primary Schools of Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project. 

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  


⇑ Meeting with Sri H D Kumaraswami, Former Chief Minister of Karnataka on 17.11.2013 at Sindhanur regarding the issue of SC certificate to Bengalis 

⇑ Meeting  with  Sri  Sharana  Prakash  Patil,  Medical Educaton Minister for SC certificate. 

⇑ Meeting with Sri H Anjaneya, Social Welfare Minister for SC certificate. 

⇑ Meeting with many MLA, MLC, MP, other leaders about help regarding SC certificates. 

⇑ Meeting with Sri T Yogesh, KAS, Assistant Commissioner, Lingasugur  regarding  refugee  issues;  one  of  the  best meeting wherein the AC agreed to resolve many of our issues. 

 ⇑ With a plan to revive GNAN, the new board is elected as per the procedure. ⇑ Participated in Odisha Refugee Convention as a delegate from Karnataka state. 

 ⇑ Biggest event of Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project with DC, Tahasildar and others wherein the critical 

kits are distributed to the women, farmers and students. ⇑ The Matribhasha Vijay Divas celebrated at R H Colony No.3 to commemorate the victory of mother 

tongue after 43 years in Karnataka. ⇑ Strike Against  liquor sale  in villages at Tahasil office, Sindhanur  in collaboration with various other 

organizations; hundreds of women participated in this event. ⇑ The  conflict  between  police  and  Bengali  communities  resolved  very  tactically  by  intervening 

between them. ⇑ About 4 students from University of Agricultural Sciences stayed in the campus for 15 days as part of 

their curriculum to learn field issues.  


Annual Report  2013­14  


Jan Sanghatan Fight for Rights –  

Convinced the High Level Committee to recognize Bengalis as Scheduled Caste in Karnataka    

“I failed to secure a medical seat even with 96% score in my +2 examination while my friend from a reserved community is a doctor today with mere 88% marks”, says one of the refugee children of Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project.”  

This is how the fight began long back on 26th January 1950 when the Constitution of India was adopted by the Parliament of India. The India’s freedom fight saw its saddest end on 15th August 1947 by dividing the country and  its victims were Bengalis and Punjabis as part of  their provinces went  to newly born country Pakistan. Anticipating  the  consequences of partition,  the  aware of higher  caste  communities took the benefits of exchange of properties and settled themselves  in India, especially  in West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Orissa, etc. soon after partition. However, the illiterate rural communities, especially  from  the  lower strata, did not  leave  their ancestral properties and  later became victims of communal riot. In addition, Government of India also sent their central Ministers to Bangladesh  to  request  the  Hindu  communities  to  stay  back  as  long  as  they  can;  otherwise,  the Government of India, having financial constraints, will not be able to rehabilitate the influx of refugees if they arrive at a  time:  rather  they can come  to  India  in phases. With all  these assurances, when  they started entering Indian borders, the neighboring states were saturated and thus they had to reluctantly get rehabilitated in other parts of the country, one among them is Karnataka.   The  communities  those  crossed  the border  in early 70s are basically  from  lower  strata of  the  society socially,  economically  and  educationally.  They  belong  to  Namasudra,  Pod/Poundra  and  Rajbanshi communities. These are considered as SC  in eastern part of  the country but not  in other parts where they have been  forcefully  rehabilitated by Government of  India. Therefore, even after 67 years after independence, they are still backward as they are deprived off their constitutional benefits.  Janakalyan, took this initiative to fight for these communities, soon after its inception, and succeeded to convince the Government of Karnataka to constitute a high level committee headed by Additional Chief Secretary of Karnataka, with 2 Regional Commissioners as member and Commissioner of Social Welfare Department as Member‐Secretary of  the committee. Continuous  follow up and persuasion could help the  committee  to meet  on  9.12.2013  and  a meeting  chaired  by  Sri  Siddharamaiah,  honorable  Chief Minister of Karnataka on 3.1.2014 at his Home Office to consider our appeal. Subsequently, we met the Social Welfare Minister Sri Anjaneya H, District Incharge Minister Sri Sharanaprakash Patil, MLAs, MLCs, MPs and other leaders to get their support for our cause. Further, we also met all the members of the high  level  committee  and  the  Chief  Secretary  of  Karnataka.  The  support  of  Sri  Amlan  Biswas,  IAS, Regional Commissioner of Gulbarga Division should be written in Golden letters.  The next historical event  in this series was an event at R H Colony No.4 on 27th January 2014 wherein more than 3000 people gathered to honor the Deputy Commissioner address to the communities. He promised  that  the  report on our SC  status would be  submitted  to government within 30 days of  the event.  We  are  expecting  a  favorable  decision  on  this  in  couple  of  months  and  if  succeed  in  this endeavor, a golden era would start for these communities. Janakalyan team is now planning to bring the similar  communities of 18  states under  the  same umbrella  to  give  it  a  shape of movement  for  their rights; supports  from every social being  is solicited  for  this great cause  to address  their constitutional deprivation. 

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  


Jan Krishi Fight for Survival –  Land, the only source of livelihood, needs to be utilized effectively to fulfill family requirements    

“The model developed by Janakalyan  is extremely useful for farming communities of tail end of irrigation project having small  land holding but needs heavy  investment and  is  labor  intensive” says the participating farmer. 

 Farmers at the tail end of Tungabhadra Irrigation Project in Sindhanur Rehabilitation Project are granted with 4‐5 acres of  land;  land  fragmentation over a period of 4 decades have  left each  family with 1‐2 acres reducing the per capita land availability further. Irrigation has also become inadequate nowadays. Land fertility has gone down to any extent due to usage of chemical‐heavy method of cultivation. High cost of inputs with less productivity made all the farmers defaulters in financial institute over a period of time. 

 Farmers Technology Transfer Fund (FTTF) is a NABARD supported intervention taken up by Janakalyan to demonstrate a model which could make the farmers self sustainable with the small piece of  land that they are having at their disposal. It is nothing but intensified integrate farming system. The objective is to create water harvesting structures in their farms, harvest excess water during rainy season, use it for life saving irrigation during peak season along with fish, trees, compost and vegetables.  The project initiated in September 2013 with 5 farmers and has a plan to extend to 5 farmers every year for 3 years. The farmers are trained about the concept of water budgeting, judicious use of water, fish cultivation, vermicompost making, vegetable cultivation, etc. by  the experts drawn  from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Raichur.   


Annual Report  2013­14  


Jan Jal Fight for Water –  

Save Water to Save Earth and the major responsibility is onto the Human Beings  

“Water  Bank  concept  of  Janakalyan  has  helped  us  to  enhance  productivity  in  addition  to improving  the  land  fertility,  especially  for  us  at  tail  end  of  irrigation  projects  of  India;  it  is  a proven model  today as  tested  in Tungabhadra as well as Malaprabha  Irrigation Projects” says farmers in the result sharing program organized by the farming communities. 

 Thanks to Deshpande Foundation for supporting the intervention through Give2Asia to test the model in the tail end of Malaprabha Irrigation Project consecutively for 4th year;  it was  initially tested  in the tail end  of  Tungabhadra  Irrigation  Project  with  the  support  of  Sir  Dorabji  Tata  Trust  and  Hivos,  The Netherlands  from  2001  onwards  with more  than  40  farmers.  Today,  the  farmers  from  tail  end  of Tungabhadra Irrigation Project are excavating the Water Bank with their own investment, bank loan or other forms of credit; this proves that the model is economically feasible and therefore the farmers are coming forward to invest on it at their own. With this successful experience, Janakalyan team thought of replicating  it  in another similar context and thus chose Malaprabha tail end where  it has excavated 90 Water Bank since 2010‐11.  Tungabhadra Irrigation Project, Raichur District  Malaprabha Irrigation Project, Gadag District 2001‐02  2002‐03  2003‐04  2004‐05  Total 2010‐11  2011‐12  2012‐13  2013‐14  Total

6  9  5  21  41  10  27  8  45  90 

 What is this proven model? The tail end of any irrigation project in India faces a peculiar problem called 2‐extremes  of water  availability  –  excess water  during  rainy  season  inundating  standing  crops while inadequate  water  during  peak  season  drying  up  of  standing  crops  –  depending  on  the  irrigation requirement of upper  reach  farmers.  Janakalyan,  for  the  first  time  in  India, has developed  this model and  implemented  with  Bengali  farmers  rehabilitated  in  Sindhanur.  After  successful  replication  in Malaprabha tail end, Janakalyan now declares it as a feasible proven model for the whole country. One can tell it with confidence based on the following statistics. 

Y ear 2010‐11  2011‐12  2012‐13  2013‐14  Project Grant  46%  24%  36%  28% 

Farmers’ Contribution   54%  76%  64%  72% We believe  that when  farmers have come  forward  to  invest up  to 76% of  the excavation cost,  it  is a feasible  model.  The  detailed  report  is  published  separately  for  the  project  activities,  strategies, achievements  and  learning. After  successfully  implementing  it  in  tail  ends  of  2  irrigation  projects  of Karnataka, Janakalyan team  is confident to other tail ends of any  irrigation projects  in India to address the peculiar issue of tail end farmers. We can customize the model based on local/donor requirements to ensure optimum benefits to the farming communities.  

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Hygiene Kits Provided in Raichur District 2010‐11  2011‐12  2012‐13  2013‐14  Total87  10  105  72  274 

Jan Raksha Fight for Hygiene & Sanitation – Education alone can make effective use of toilets with an intervention with hygiene kits 

“There are hundreds of  toilets not being used due  to unhygienic maintenance;  it  is only after Janakalyan’s  intervention with  education  and  hygiene  kits, we  are  now  using  the  toilets.  The elderly,  the pregnant women need not wait  till dark  to defecate  in open”  says  the woman of rehabilitation colony. 

Phy sical co nstructio n o f to ilets in the rural areas do es not chang e the habit o f the co m m unities; m o st o f these are being used as sto re ro o m s. There are m any reaso ns w hy the to ilets are not being used by them , m ajo r am o ng this being - a) im pro per m aintenance o f the to ilets due to lack o f aw areness, b) unhy g ienic c o nditio n inside the to ilet due to lack o f cleaning ag ents, c ) m o re w ater req uirem ent, d) traditio nal practices, etc. Janakaly an has co nstructed 200 to ilets w ith the suppo rt o f Info sy s F o undatio n in past w hile m otivated m any others to m ake use o f Total Sanitatio n Cam paig n. But realized that educatio n is an essential co m p o nent to m ake these used by the co m m unities in additio n to a starter kit having essential hy g ienic m aterials such as to ilet brush, cleaning ag ent, so ap , deterg ent, buckets, m ug s, bro o m s, etc. W ith the supp o rt o f G iveIndia, it has initiated an interventio n to m otivate and chang e the behavio r o f the rural co m m unities to use to ilet reg ularly . The table furnishes the o utreach o f Janakaly an till date since initiatio n o f the interventio n.

W hile hundreds o f to ilet co nstructed using g o vernm ent g rants are being used differently , the to ilets co nstructed by Janakaly an in its project villag es are used 100% due to the behavio ral chang e co m m unicatio n pro g ram w ith the hy g iene kit supp o rt thro ug h G iveIndia. Janakaly an is sure o f replicating it in o ther parts o f the co untry to o by custo m izing the interventio n based o n the lo cal/do no r req uirem ents.

Annual Report  2013­14  


Jan Shiksha Fight for Post‐metric Education –  

Ensure post‐metric education to rural child to avoid child marriage and child labor  

“I would  have  become mother  of  a  child  by  now  like my  classmate  had  there  not  been Maa Sarada Pre University College started by Janakalyan  in the year I had passed my matriculation; today I am perusing my degree education” says one of the passed out girl from the college. 

Hundreds o f children have beco m e victim s o f child m arriag e / child labo r since establishm ent o f the Sindhanur Rehabilitatio n Project in 1968 -7 1. All g irls and m o st o f the bo y s are dro pped o ut fro m the educatio n sy stem after co m pleting their m atriculatio n in the lo cal scho o ls due to the fo llo w ing reaso ns- a) The c olleg es are lo c ated only in the c ities (far aw ay from these villag es) b) F inanc ial burden on parents (fees, books, stationary , dress, m ess, etc .) c ) Ac c om m odation problem in the nearby tow ns/c ities (as these c om m unities are not c overed under any

reservation sy stem ) d) Transportation problem from villag e to the nearby tow n/c ities as there are no public c onvey anc e e) Sec urity to the g irls w hen they are aw ay from hom e for educ ation f) G ender disc rim ination – w hy to educ ate a g irl w hen she has to g o aw ay from us?

The result is child m arriag e/child labo r; the co nseq uences are still birth, under-w eig ht birth, m alno urished children, infant m o rtality , m aternal m o rtality , fam ily pro blem s, divo rce, suic ide, etc.

An institute to pro vide po st-m etric educatio n to these children at their do o rstep is initiated by Janakaly an thro ug h M aa Sarada Pre University Co lleg e. The effo rts o f 2 y ears thro ug h this initiative is furnished in the table.

W ith all effo rts, w e co uld succeed to bring in 57 students in the 1st y ear (2012-13) in the po st m etric educatio n w hile it is 39 in the current (2013-14) y ear. There are m any o thers w ho have passed their m atriculatio n but did not jo in po st-m etric educatio n but beco m e victim s o f child m arriag e/ child labo r. All tho se w ho jo ined po st-m etric educatio n did no t co m plete their 2-y ears tenure but dro pped in the m iddle o f the co urse. Ho w to address this so c ial devil w hich is fo rc ing the children to child m arriag e/labo r?

In additio n, Janakaly an also has few o ther supp o rts to co ntinue their educatio n such as- 1) Educatio n kit pro vided to po o r students having g eo m etry bo x, w ater bo ttle, scho o l bag , pen, penc ils… 2) Parents o f p o o r students

are supp o rted w ith artisan to o l kit/sew ing m achine to secure their liveliho o ds

3) Students are pro vided w ith a stipend to g et adm issio n in po st-m etric educatio n.

4) Students study ing in M aa Sarada PU Co lleg e are pro vided w ith Rs.400 pm to w ards tuitio n fees.

Academ ic Y ear

M ale Students F em ale Students Enro lled Dro pped % dro p o ut Enro lled Dro pped % dro p o ut

2012-13 31 12 39% 26 5 19%2013-14 21 3 14% 18 3 17%

Ty p es of Education Services 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total

Educatio n Kit 66 20 102 7 5 263 Artisan kit 6 4 25 38 7 3 Help refug ee g irls fo r educatio n 4 3 9 14 30

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Jan Udyog Fight against Begging –  Create employment for leprosy affected beggars to ensure their livelihood security 

“M any w ell w ishers have visited us, donated us m any thing but nobody has so far thoug ht about m aking us entrepreneurs so that w e bec om e self dependent and live a dig nified life” say s a leprosy affec ted g irl o f G adag self settled c olony .

Peo ple w ith lepro sy are usually seen w ith a so c ial stig m a and thus they usually settle in the o utskirt o f the c ities and depend so lely o n beg g ing fo r their survival. There are 2 such self settled co lo nies in Ho spet and G adag c ities; there are abo ut 13 fam ilies in Ho spet M ukti Ashram w hile abo ut 43 fam ilies in G adag self settled co lo ny . Janakaly an w ith the supp o rt o f Sasakaw a India Lepro sy F o undatio n (SILF ) dec ided to create a cadre o f entrepreneurs am o ng the y o uths fro m these co lo nies, w ho sho uld take up their o w n self em plo y m ent ventures and sto p beg g ing . They sho uld be chang e-m akers and shall m otivate others by beco m ing m o dels fo r their fello w co lo ny -dw ellers. W hen discussed the idea w ith these co lo nies, all o f them had sho w n very m uch interest and expressed their w illing ness to partic ipate. Acco rding ly , the reso urce and skill m app ing is do ne w ith the stakeho lders and finalized 2 enterprises fo r 6 m em bers each in these 2 co lo nies as stated belo w - 1) Starting a plastic articles m anufacturing unit in Ho spet co lo ny using the w astes as the y o uths o f this

co lo ny has eno ug h skill and experience in this. 2) Veg etable Pro ductio n and M arketing by Ho spet M ukti Ashram y o uths as they have abo ut 4 acres o f

fertile land w hich is nearer to the m arket w ith adeq uate irrig atio n fac ility .

F inally , the business plan fo r Ho spet M ukti Ashram w as finalized using partic ipato ry to o ls and subm itted to SILF fo r appro val w hile the G adag plan is y et to be prepared; they are having so m e issues w ith their residential plo t and are busy in settling that, therefo re dec ided to take up later. The plan o f Ho spet plan is appro ved by SILF and w e are w aiting to initiate the interventio n in Ho spet M ukti Ashram as so o n as the benefic iaries o pen their bank acc o unt.  

Annual Report  2013­14  


Jan Shakti Fight for Light ‐  

Harness solar energy to help students reading even during load shedding    

“It is really w orth installing a solar lig hting sy stem at hom e having students study ing in sc hool/ c olleg es, espec ially w hen they are fac ing public exam inations” say s a student o f 10th standard w ho c ould really benefit from the dem onstration o f the solar lig ht in his house just before the board exam ination.

Lo ad shedding is co m m o n these day s and it is m o re so in rural areas; schedule lo ad shedding is 6 ho urs during the day w hile unscheduled is num ero us. The students face lot o f difficulties to study espec ially during and befo re their exam inatio n (F ebruary – April) and the lo ad shedding is m o re during this perio d due to sho rtag e o f w ater in hy dro -electric o r therm al po w er plants. On the other hand, the so lar energ y is abundantly available during this perio d o nly but not tapped fo r the pro ductive purpo ses.

   W ith the supp o rt o f SELCO, Janakaly an dem o nstrated the reading lig hts in ho uses to help students study ing w ith uninterrupted po w er supply . It co uld also be used fo r lig hting the ho use o r any o ther ho useho ld purpo ses. The m o del is apprec iated by the co m m unities and shall be pro pag ated no w in these villag es. The Energ y Reso urce Institute (TERI) has also develo ped a fo rced draft steel sto ve and a m ud sto ve under its clean energ y project to reduce eco lo g ical burden. Janakaly an is planning to spread it am o ng its targ et g ro ups fo r the w ider benefits o f the so c iety and enviro nm ent. The rural India is suffering fro m lack o f firew o o d and the LPG has y et not reached the rural India. The w ho le m ass is dependent o n firew o o d w hich is a burden o n eco lo g y . This endeavo r is to reduce the g lo bal w arm ing to so m e extent.


17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Impact Assessment Impacts on primary target group of Janakalyan – the refugees 

 Janakaly an to o k birth to address the issues o f rehabilitated refug ees in India and is o n the jo b since 1997 ; it has achieved a lot as stated in o ur previo us annual repo rts but there is m uch to achieve in the day s to co m e. The m ajo r im pacts w hich have been accrued to these prim ary targ et g ro ups are enlisted belo w - 1) The m ajo r issue o f irrig atio n is reso lved thro ug h w ater harvesting structure intro ductio n alo ng w ith

intensified integ rated farm ing sy stem

2) F arm ers never sell their co m p o st rather purchase to apply in their farm s fro m o ther so urces. 3) M ilk has bec o m e the seco nd larg est so urce o f inc o m e, w hich they never tho ug ht o f selling earlier; the

m ilk pro ducer co o perative so c ieties are functio ning w ell in all co lo nies. 4) Veg etable is available in the villag e m arket w hich they earlier used to purchase fro m Sindhanur o n

w eekly basis; to day , peo ple fro m Sindhanur co m e to these co lo nies to purchase farm fresh veg etables. 5) F ish they used to catch fro m rivers but to day g ro w n in these farm po nds; a so urce o f inc o m e fo r them . 6) M indset o f peo ple chang ed fro m paddy /c o tto n to m ulti-cro ps; m o re pro fit w ith diversified cro ps. 7 ) Cheaper credit available in the villag es due to SHG interventio n o f Janakaly an. Life has beco m e easy . 8 ) Co nnectio n has im pro ved w ith telepho ne, ro ad, transpo rt, etc due to pressure created by Janakaly an. 9) Peo ple in adm inistratio n and g o vernm ent have beco m e aw are abo ut these co m m unities and respo nd

w ell no w even the Chief Secretary and Chief M inister. 10) G o vernm ent has sanctio ned a PU Co lleg e to Janakaly an fo r ensuring po st-m etric educatio n. 11) G o vernm ent has respo nded by pro viding m o ther to ng ue (Beng ali) educatio n in g o vernm ent scho o ls 12) G o vernm ent has co nstituted a Hig h Level Co m m ittee o f 4 IAS o fficer abo ve the rank o f

Co m m issio ner to reco g nize Nam asudra, Po d/Po undra and Rajbansi as SC at par w ith W est Beng al. 13) These 4 co lo nies have g o t expo sure and co nnectio n w ith their fello w bro thers residing in o ther states

thro ug h the effo rts o f Janakaly an. 14) Acceptance o f Beng alis have increased thro ug h the co o rdinated effo rts o f Janakaly an and also

because its services are extended to lo cal Kannadig as.

Annual Report  2013­14  


Ideas in Incubation Journey ahead to Janakalyan – support sought from donor communities 

Janakaly an as an o rg anizatio n has learnt m any aspects o f develo pm ent thro ug h its jo urney in the secto r in last 17 y ears; but due to lack o f reso urces, all its ideas are not being translated into g ro und fo r the benefits o f the deserving c o m m unities. Tho ug h w e have achieved m uch w ith w hatever little reso urces that w e have been able to m o bilize fro m vario us do no rs, but there is a lo ng w ay to g o and w e need reso urces to translate all these ideas, w hich are in incubatio n perio d, fo r the g eneral use o f public.

The w o rk plan fo r next few y ears o f Janakaly an co uld be enlisted as under and w e seek supp o rt fro m all co rners o f he so c iety to help us translate these into actio n so that tho usands o f needy and deserving c o m m unities derive benefits o ut o f it. 1. Rep lication of Proven M odel: The pro ven m o del o f Janakaly an like w ater harvesting fo r liveliho o d

im pro vem ent o f tail end farm ers, Co m m unity M o nito ring Pro cess (CM P), W ag e Earners (W E) G ro ups, Ag riculture Interest G ro ups (AIG ), Neig hbo rho o d G ro ups (NHG ), G NAN (G aribi Nirm o o lan Avartan Nidhi), etc. shall be replicated in o ther parts o f the state and acro ss the c o untry .

2. Rural Education: The refug ee-co m m unities reside m o re than 20km aw ay fro m the taluk headq uarter and thus alm o st all the g irls dro p their educatio n after m atriculatio n and beco m e victim s o f child m arriag e. The M aa Sarada Pre University Co lleg e started by Janakaly an m ust cater to these needs o f refug ees. Lack o f financ ial reso urces is an issue to be handled it sm o o thly . Sim ilar institutes are req uired in o ther rehabilitatio n projects in India w here Beng alis have been rehabilitated by G o I.

3. Com m unity Em p ow erm ent Cell: Info rm atio n is po w er is said but not practiced; m o re so in Raichur district because g etting access to info rm atio n fo r the rural co m m unities is next to im p o ssible even after RTI Act. Need fo r a Co m m unity Training Center is stro ng ly felt in this directio n w hich Raichur district lacks & Janakaly an w ishes to establish a full fledg e capac ity enhancem ent cum kno w ledg e center fo r the co m m unities o n all aspects o f rural lives and liveliho o ds fo r w o m en, farm ers & y o uths.

4. Rehabilitated Refug ee Issues: Issues related to rehabilitated refug ees in India are m any and peculiar w hich dem ands spec ial q ualities to understand and address. Janakaly an beg an its develo pm ent jo urney thro ug h these refug ees and ac q uired expertise in handling their issues. There is a g reat dem and fo r bring ing all refug ees o f India under a co m m o n um brella and Janakaly an believes that it is the sing le ag enc y in India w hich can strateg ically address their valid issues in due co urse o f tim e.

S. No. W e seek y our kind sup p ort for these activities / p rog ram s Budg et

1 Liveliho o d Im pro vem ent o f Tail end farm ers by creating w ater harvesting structures 10,000,000 2 F arm ers Techno lo g y Transfer F und 5,000,000 3 Liveliho o d Im pro vem ent o f beg g ars thro ug h self em plo y m ent ventures creatio n

and pro viding shelter and fo o d in p ilg rim s o f India 100,000,000

4 Ensuring rig hts o f refug ees resettled in India and pro viding their children eq ual rig hts w hich are due to them as c itizens o f India


5 Setting up o f a Training cum Capac ity Building Center fo r w o m en and farm ers 15,000,000 6 Health, Hy g iene, Educatio n and Liveliho o d im pro vem ent 10,000,000 7 M ahila Kisan Sashaktikarana Pariy o jana 300,000,000 8 Rural Educatio n Im pro vem ent initiatives fo r the ado lescent and y o uths 500,000,000 9 Adeq uate po rtable drinking w ater to the rural po o r 150,000,000 TOTAL 1,210,000,000

APPEAL: Janakalyan has a dedicated team with skill and knowledge to transfer your resources to the deserving groups  and needs  about Rs.121  crores  to  accomplish  the  above  targets. We urge  for  your  generous  support ONLINE and/or request you to deposit the same in our State Bank of India account No.30168833165 having IFSC SBIN0007861  in  favor  of  Janakalyan.  You  can  also  donate  online  through  the  following  links: http://www.jankalyana.org  or  http://www.giveindia.org/m‐1155‐aapna‐janakalyan.aspx.  Your  support could be as small as Rs.100 to any amount you like to donate for a cause.     

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Documentation Major Reports brought out by Janakalyan during 2013‐14  Like every year, progress reports for various projects were published during the year 2013‐14 as a policy of  Janakalyan  and  also  as per  the  requirements of  supporting organizations. The  following  are  those reports and all these area available on our website www.jankalyana.org and can also be obtained from our office by request.      






2nd Annual Report  Maa Sarada PU College 

Volume IV JAN SHIKSHA (GiveIndia) 

Vol – 2: Interim Report  JAN KRISHI (NABARD) 

Vol – 3 : 1st Annual Report  JAN KRISHI (NABARD) 

Volume XII JAN JAL (Give2Asia) 

Volume XI JAN JAL (Give2Asia) 

Annual Report 2013‐14 

Annual Report  2013­14  


Compliance to Credibility Alliance Norms Identity: • Janakalyan is a registered institution under Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 (No. SOR/28/97‐98  dated  2.7.1997)  at  Raichur,  Karnataka  and  committed  for  people’s  empowerment  having  its jurisdiction all over India 

• Janakalyan  is  registered  u/s  12A  of  Income  Tax  Act,  1961  (F.No.12A/26/CIT/GLB/02‐03)  and  also with Commissioner of  Income Tax u/s 80G of  Income Tax Act, 1961 for 50% tax exemption to the donors and is valid for lifetime (Registration No. F.No.76/80G/CIT‐GLB/07‐08). 

• Janakalyan is registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 (No. 094610029) • PAN of Janakalyan is AAATJ5178Q and TAN is BLRJ02258E • Janakalyan is also registered with EPFO and the Establishment No. KN/RCR/39005 • Janakalyan is registered with Professional Tax and the ECR No 302609289 • Visitors are welcome to visit us at the address given in the back cover of this report or in our website www.jankalyana.org; all certificates, annual reports, audit reports can be viewed on the website.  

• Name and address of Bankers: SBH  (ADB), Sindhanur‐584128 for FC and SBI, Sindhanur & Syndicate Bank, Jawalagera, Sindhanur‐584143 for domestic contributions 

• Name and address of auditors: M/s P. K. Subramanian & Co, Bresthwarpet, Raichur‐584101   

Vision, Aims/Objectives and Achievements: Janakalyan  has well  defined  and written  Vision, Mission, Goal & Objectives  and  the  same  could  be referred in “About Janakalyan” section of this report. Achievements during the year could be referred in “Year at a glance” & “Footsteps of Janakalyan” sections of this report.  

Governance: The details about the Governing Board members as on 31.3.2013 are listed below‐ Name  Age  Sex  Designati

on Occupation  Areas of expertise  Participation 

in Meeting Relation to 

other memberDr. Sharanagouda 

S Hiregoudar 37  M  President  Asst Prof in UAS, 

Raichur Expert in food & milk 

processing technologies3  Not related

Smt Kalpana Roy  48  F  Vice President 

Teacher, Meenakshi 

Public School, Sindhanur 

Education expert; women empowerment, 

rural development 

4  Not related

Sri D H Kambali  48  M  Secretary  President, Aniketan College, 


Education, Advocate, Media and 


4  Not related

Sri Santosh Sutar  38  M  Member  Program Officer, CEE, South 

Regional Office, Bangalore 

Expert in environment, hygiene, sanitation and 

school education projects 

2  Not related

Sri Ramappa K T  38  M  Member   Asst Prof in Agril Engg College 

Soil & Water, Irrigation, Drainage expert 

4  Not related

Smt Renuka Patil  40  F  Member  Program Officer, Mahila 


Women empowerment, health, hygiene, 


4  Not related

Sri Sunil Sarkar  72  M  Member  FarmerR H Colony No.2

Agriculture and education 

3  Not related 


17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



• Janakalyan board met 4 times during the year on 9.6.2013, 9.6.2013 (AGM), 6.10.2013 and 12.1.2014; the minutes are documented and circulated regularly 

• The Governing Board members are elected every year  in  the AGM by  the General Body; during  this year the Governing Board was constituted on 9.6.2013. 

• The Governing Board of Janakalyan approves programs, budgets, annual report and audited financial statements; the board ensures the organization’s compliance with laws of the land. 


Accountability & Transparency:  • Total  sitting  fees  to  the  General  Body  members  during  the  year  is  Rs.4,100/‐  and  expenditures incurred towards food, accommodation and travel for AGM and GB meeting is Rs.6,283/‐ 

• The remuneration to Executive Director is Rs.271,596/‐ during 2013‐14  • Three highest paid and lowest paid employees of Janakalyan during reporting period are‐ 

Highest Paid Employee  Lowest Paid Employee Prasen Raptan  G Virupanna  Ravi B   Narayan Raptan Rs.22633/‐ p.m.  Rs.12765/‐ p.m.  Rs.6369/‐ p.m.  Rs.4349/‐ p.m. 

 Staff Details as on 31.3.2014 is given below as per the desirable norms of Credibility Alliance 

Name  Designation 

Year of Joining 

Years of Experience 

Remuneration (Rs p.m.) 

Benefits (Rs p.m.) 


Sri Prasen Raptan  ED  1997  17  22633 780  M Sri Sudhanya Sikdar  Agriculture  2006  7  9413 780  M Sri Manojith Biswas  Accountant  2007  7  9087 780  M Sri Basawaraj H  Operator  2011  5  8000 0  M Sri Raghavendra C   Lecture  2012  4  6398 363  M Sri Shivaraj Patil  Lecturer  2012  6  11960 780  M Sri Husenappa A  Lecture  2012  6  6398 363  M Sri Ravi B  Lecture  2012  4  6398 363  M Sri Nagaraj M  Lecture  2012  7  6398 363  M Sri G Ayanna   Lecture  2012  7  6398 363  M Sri Lakshimikanta D  Lecture  2012  7  6398 363  M Sri Praveen Kumar  Lecture  2012  6  6398 363  M Sri Virupanna G  Principal  2012  5  12765 780  M Sri Narayan Raptan  Lecture  2012  22  6398 363  M  

• The total cost of national travel by board members as well as personnel is Rs.27,425/‐ to present the proposal before the Mission Director of Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission on short notice. 

• The total cost of international travel by board members as well as personnel is Rs.NIL 

Annual Report  2013­14  


Abridged Financial Statements Audited Financial Statements of Janakalyan at the end of 31.3.2014 


JANAKALYAN Income Tax Assessment Year 2014‐15 

Receipts & Payments Accounts for the period ended 31.3.2014 RECEIPTS  2012‐13  2013‐14    PAYMENTS  2012‐13  2013‐14 O/B of Cash Balance  13865  10192  Expenses incurred for project  6264966  3571888 O/B of Bank Balance  794531  382315  Statutory Audit Fee (PKS & Co.)  17978  19663 O/B of FD   2065084  140000  Employee benefits  37494  65298 Grants from Indian Donors  2180727  1522603  Bank service charges  3890  6013 Grants from Foreign Donors  17369  799084  TDS deducted by Bank from FD  3650  1260 Donations   3414315  2035637  Payment of loan  0  427956 Membership fees  36410  7407  C/B of cash  10192  2602 Interest earned  131240  26762  C/B of Bank  382315  663307 Loan and Advance Received  3511930  260222  C/B of FD  140000  141614 TDS on salary payable  21712  13295  Work advance to staff  50220  737 Other Receipts  56620  0    Assets Creation  4333098  294979     0    Professional tax paid to government  0  2200 

Total Receipts  12243803  5197517    Total Payment    12243803  5197517  

Income & Expenditure Accounts for the period ended 31.3.2014 Expenditure  2012‐13  2013‐14    Income  2012‐13  2013‐14 Expenditures for all programs  10929909  9572959    O/B of unspent amount of donors  788494  509884 Unspent amount of donors C/B  360485  1236667    Grants from Foreign sources  17369  799084 Administrative expenditures  721539  318498    Grants from Indian sources  2180727  1522602 Work advance written off  0  0    Membership fees  36410  7407 Excess  of  income  over expenditure 

139207  0    Contributions from individuals  2353834  287213   Interest from FD and SB  141107  26762 

        Farmer Share  448600  300578         Fees from students  182801  230605         Application fees/ Hitachi revenue  426880  1217241 

        Loan & advance  0  260222         Loan considered as income  0  5849871         Overspent amount of donors  5498205  13295         Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)  21713  0         Sale of old assets  55000  25085         Excess of expenditure over income  0  78275 

Total Expenditure  10680252  11128124     Total Income  12151140  11128124  

Balance Sheet as on 31.3.2014 Liabilities  2012‐13  2013‐14 Assets 2012‐13 2013‐14

Capital account  9554461  8886988    Fixed assets  7374012  6784814 Reserve Fund  25543  25543    Cash in Hand  10192  2602 Unspent amount of donors  360485  1236667    Cash at Bank  382315  663307 P K Subramaniaim&co Payable  16494  15000    Fixed Deposits in Banks  140000  141614 Accrued Interest receivable  0  0    TDS receivable from IT Dept  16169  17429 TDS on Salary Payable  0  0 Overspent amount  5498205  5849871 Caution Deposit  2200  2200 Work advance to staff  50220  24757 Loans and advances  3511930  3317996     0 

Total Liabilities  13471113  13484394 Total Assets  13471113 13484394As per our report of even date    

For P K Subramaniam & Co.            For Janakalyan Chartered Accountants 


Partner                 Date: 14.4.2014     Place: Sindhanur        Secretary       Executive Director 

17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Footsteps of Janakalyan  





The  year 2013‐14 being 17th  year of  Janakalyan,  it  is  termed  as  year of Paradigm  Shift;  shift  is  seen  in diversification of activities  within  its  programmatic  framework  of  7Es  (Environment,  Education,  Employment,  Entrepreneurship, Empowerment,  Energy  and  Ensuring  health  for  all  living  being)  by  taking  up  research  activities with  the  support  ICSSR, leadership training to minority women with the 1st ever GoI fund to Janakalyan, entrepreneurship among  leprosy affected beggars and many more. However, more time was also spent for refugee rights during the year while more investment was on the education institute initiated by Janakalyan. It has also integrated payment gateway for online donation.  



Fight for Rights  The  year  2012‐13  is  16th  year of  Janakalyan  existence!  It was  earmarked  for  fighting  for  the  rights of  its primary  target 

groups,  the Bengali  refugees. Accordingly,  succeeded  to ensure Bengali  teaching  in government  schools and  the day was celebrated on 1st March 2013 as Matribhasha Vijay Divas and a Matribhasha Vijay Stambh was unveiled. Maa Sarada PU College  building  was  inaugurated  on  8th  January  2013  on  the  eve  of  160th  Birth  Anniversary  of  Holy Mother  Sarada. Government of Karnataka issued a gazette notification to consider providing reservation to these Bengalis.  




 Care Year 

The year 2011‐12 being 15th year of existence of Janakalyan, to make  it meaningful it is declared as “Child Care Year” and accordingly the activities were focused on child empowerment. Supporting refugee girls’ education, providing education kits to  the children, major operation of a cute girl and above all, opening a new college  for  the  refugee children are notable activities during the year. Developed Sexual Harassment Policy 2011 and relooked at all operational policies of Janakalyan like  Service  Rules  2001,  Procurement  Policy  2005, Gender  Policy  2007,  and  Investment  Policy  2011.  Credibility  Alliance accredited Janakalyan under desirable norms of highest standard in governance, accountability and transparency. The new website designed with www.jankalyana.org instead of www.jankalyan.in. Janakalyan Annual Report 2010‐11 was selected as top 10 best annual reports in the country by CSO Partners. National Alliance of refugees initiated in Karnataka. 



Year of 


The year (2010‐11) marked completion of 14 years in the sector of rural development; Janakalyan started replication of  its innovative models demonstrated successfully during the  journey of development  in other similar context.  Identification of similar area and donors continued during  the year and succeeded  to  initiate  intervention  in Gadag district.   Similarly,  the other major initiative taken up during the year is towards online fundraising through GiveIndia registration, accreditation by Credibility Alliance, affiliation to Bharat Welfare Trust, lifetime renewal of 80G of IT Act, etc.  





ent  The year (2009‐10) marked completion of 13 years in the sector of rural development; in its history of these 13 years, never 

entered  into  emergency  management  activities.  Janakalyan  initiated  gradual  phasing  out  from  Raichur  district  during previous  year  but  due  to  an  emergency  call  of  the  nature  in  the  operational  area,  Janakalyan  had  to  initiate  disaster management activities in the flood affected villages of Sindhanur on humanitarian ground. The intervention concentrated on ensuring rights of children and women in flood affected villages and successfully implemented in 10 villages. 



Year of N

ew Era  The year (2008‐09) is the 12th year of operation in Raichur district and at this juncture Janakalyan board felt that Janakalyan 

needs to compress its activities in Raichur and move in some other area. It started trimming its staff‐size from the beginning of the year as well as programs. Study in other districts of Karnataka as well as research on potential donors started during the  year.  Janakalyan  also  done major  surgeries  to  its  operational  strategies,  amended  its  byelaws,  changed  its  board structure and composition and many more. To sum up, it could be said that Janakalyan took new birth with new spirit. 



Year of E



The year (2007‐08) is the year of expansion both in terms of area of operation as well as its role change. UNICEF appointed Janakalyan as the nodal agency for  its programs  in Raichur district and the prestigious national flagship program viz. Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) implementation through the NGOs was assigned to Janakalyan. Janakalyan implemented the TSC in 300 villages of all 5  taluks of Raichur district  through  local NGOs.  Janakalyan also participated  in various national and international programs, activities, meeting and workshops. The state  level CRC convention was hosted by  Janakalyan and represented Karnataka in National level CRC convention. Janakalyan celebrated 10th Foundation Day on 12th January 2008 as mark of 10 years of contribution to the society. 



Year of R


The year  (2006‐07)  is the year of recognition wherein  Janakalyan built a strong network with government as well as non‐government agencies. Government assigned many planning tasks to Janakalyan  in the district such as perspective plan for NREGA, Suvarna Gramodaya, Kugram Suvarna Grama, etc. and  the plans prepared by  Janakalyan was appreciated  in  the state  level meetings by Sri Srinivas Murthy, the Principal Secretary of RDPR  in Hotel Atria, Bangalore.  Janakalyan was also invited to train the NGOs of Mandya district in preparation of perspective plans for Suvarna Gramodaya. In the district also, it could build an  image and for any developmental  initiatives, Janakalyan  is provided with the first opportunity. Janakalyan has developed a corpus during this year. Janakalyan also established a campus of its own. 



Year of H

RD  The year 2005‐06 could be termed as year of HRD wherein Janakalyan had to recruit more than 150 staffs at various cadres 

and train them  in various sectors to carry out the activities undertaken  in the district. The staffs are recruited  in each and every  village  of  the  Sindhanur  block.  Similarly  the  project  inflow  was  also  very  high  and  many  activities  had  to  be implemented in parallel.  

Annual Report  2013­14  





The 9th year (2004‐05) is recorded as the year for diversification. Janakalyan has expanded its area of operation and reached each and every village of Sindhanur taluk as well as neighboring taluks also. Further, the activities have also been diversified to health, education, sanitation, nutrition  focusing child and mother. Linkages with UNICEF established and  it became the major donor for Janakalyan.  





The  year  2003‐04  is  the  year  of  confidence  building.  An  organization  working  with  all  sections  of  society  as  target communities for the past 8 years has developed self‐confidence in achieving maximum success in its target. Looking to our professional management,  dedicated  team  of  human  resource  and  judicious  use  of  financial  resources  another  two  big projects  JSYS and HIVOS were added  in our  list. We also  see considerable  change  in conditions of our  target community resulting because they have started believing in themselves and our propositions.  



Year of Sustainability 

The year 2002‐03 is the year for sustainability of the organization. Sustainability of an Organization is nothing but having a dedicated professional team of Human Resource and a constant flow of Financial Resources. Towards this, Janakalyan put all the effort to have a competent team by recruiting a set of fresh graduates because they could be tuned according to the vision  and mission  of  Janakalyan. Many  efforts were  put  to  see  that  the  programs  as well  as  the  organization  become sustainable.  The  year  is  also most  Planned  Year  in  the  history  of  Janakalyan;  also  received  the  FCRA  registration  and exemption under  section  12A of  Income  Tax Act,  1961. We  received  first  foreign  grant  for  the Cotton Based  Integrated Farming  System  development  program.  Janakalyan  got  lot  of  publicity  during  the  year  through  its  program  called  Jana‐Udyog. The area of operation was extended to outside the block as well as district. The administrative Office was established at Jawalgera keeping the conveniences like Bank, Post, Transportation and area of operation in mind.  



Year of  



The year 2001‐2002  is  the year of  transformation. After proper  training of  the  top management,  it  realized  that  till date Janakalyan was functioning without proper planning.  Planning Meeting was introduced for the first time in the organization to  organize  the  activities  in  a  systematic way  after  assessing  the  needs  of  the  community  in  a  participatory way.  The organization  also  gave  emphasis  on  professionalizing  the  approach  by  recruiting  the  qualified  employees  like  B.V.Sc., M.Tech., MSW, M.Com., MA graduates. A detailed Service Rules for Janakalyan was also adopted during the year. A few sets of  innovative programs also got  introduced during  the year. The year  is  termed as Mass Mobilization Year because  lot of efforts was put to organize the community in demanding their rights from the concerned authorities. 



Year  of Self Initia


The year 2000‐01 is an important year for Janakalyan wherein the top management of the organization undergone various training  at  renown  Institutes.  Therefore,  the  same  programs were  continued  during  the  year without much  difference. However, the major step  initiated during the year was formation of a Cluster Level Federation of SHGs and starting a Milk Marketing Center at Sindhanur through this Federation. Kitchen Garden Program was another innovative program to recycle the water  to  grow  vegetable  in  the  house‐yard. Most  of  the  activities  /  programs  got  hindered  during  this  year  due  to improper management as the staffs were deputed for higher studies.  However, a research study was undertaken during the year in the Rehabilitation Project by the staff.  The area of operation got extended to outside Rehabilitation Project. 



Year of C



The year 1999‐2000 could be termed as Capacity Building Year for Janakalyan. Maximum effort was put to train the staff of Janakalyan at various NGOs and Institutions through training and exposure. Awareness generation, training and exposure for the community (woman & farmers), relation building with local officers, etc. were the major activities during the year. Fund flow also  started  from  this year. Women Development & Empowerment Program, Mahila Arthika Swavalambane Yojana, Participatory Technology Development  in Cotton, Dairy Development Program, and Child Labor Elimination Program were the programs  of  the  year.  The  important  innovation  of  Janakalyan was  Sansar Pathshala, Kishori Vikash Program,  Shree Shakthi Sabha and Sangha Darshini Samittee. The fourth mata i.e Ganga Mata was added to the objective upon suggesting it by most of the distinguished visitors to Janakalyan. 



Year of C

onceptualization   Year 1998 began with new hopes. The concept of raising income level of the farmer was added with land reclamation (soil 

fertility / health management and preserving  it  for the generations to come).  It also worked out  for subsidiary sources of income  for  these  communities  and  found  animal  husbandry  as  a  viable  option;  started  promoting  the  same  along with agriculture. By the end of the year it realized that raising the income level through its different approaches would not serve the purpose  if proper mechanism  is not adopted to save the earned  income; thus, started promoting Self Help Groups of men and women. And thus the objective of Janakalyan was formulated as “to serve 3 holy mothers i.e. Manavi Mata, Bhoo Mata & Go Mata”.  It also started working with children, keeping education as the focal point through ASHA & Child Labor Schools. 



Year of 


Janakalyan took birth in July 1997 with an objective to assist the refugees & repatriates to raise their income level through intervention  in  the  field of agriculture.  It started working with  farming communities with  its own  resources. The strategy adopted to work with these peasant communities was ‘awareness generation’ among the mass about the mistakes that they have already done and the ways to rectify it. Training & exposure were 2 tools adopted to convince these farmers about the proposition that Janakalyan was propagating about organic farming.  


17th Year  JANAKALYAN: An Institution for Innovation Integrated Inspiring Interventions  



Important Moments……           With Padmashree awardee….         Releasing book in Calcutta University           

        With Swami Chaitanyananda &        MP Sri Shivaramagouda 


All bankers & line departments            With swamiji in the campus                        


Former CM Sri HD Kumaraswami  

In a meeting with Assistant Commissioner            With Sri Chakravarty Sulibele in campus 









Annual Report  2013­14  








 Prasen Raptan 




















Our Partners• Government of India 

• Give2Asia (Deshpande Foundation) • GiveIndia • NABARD • ICSSR • SILF  

Our Banks • State  Bank  of  Hyderabad  (ADB), Sindhanur 

• State Bank of India, Sindhanur • Syndicate Bank, Jawalagera 

 Our Auditor 

M/s P K Subramanian & Co Chartered Accountants 

# 11‐5‐23, Kartik Complex Bresthwarpet, Raichur‐584101 Email: pkssvk9@sancharnet.in 

 Head Office Address 



JANAKALYAN Shantinagar, R H Colony No.4 Sindhanur – 584143, Raichur 

Karnataka, India  Tel: +91 8535 264488, 264140 

Cell: +91 9448570745 Email: info@jankalyana.org 

Website: www.jankalyana.org   

Branch Office Address  


JANAKALYAN Veeresh Nilaya, Saraswati Nagar, Naragund Taluk, Gadag District, 

Karnataka, India  Email: jankalyana@bsnl.in 




Manojit Biswas 



Sudhanya Sikdar



G Virupanna 



Shivaraj Patil 






Praveen Kumar 



Husenappa A



Nagaraj M 



Laxmikant D 



Ravikumar B S



G Ayyanna