JAN 701 Instruction

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Transcript of JAN 701 Instruction

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction




    JAN-701/901MAN 701/901M

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Cautions for High Volta

    High voltages, ranging from several hundreds to tens of thousands

    electronic apparatus, such as radio and radar instruments. These

    harmless in most operations. However, touching a component insi

    dangerous. (Any person other than authorized service engineers

    inspect, or adjust the unit.)

    High voltages on the order of tens of thousand volts are most like

    deaths from electrical shocks. At times, even voltages on the order of se

    could lead to electrocution. To defend against electrical shock hazards,

    into the inside of apparatus. When you put in a hand unavoidably in

    strongly suggested to turn off the power switch and allow the capacitowith a wire having its one end positively grounded to remove residual c

    put your hand into the inside of apparatus, make sure that internal

    charged. Extra protection is ensured by wearing dry cotton gloves a

    important precaution to observe is to keep one hand in your pocket a

    using both hands at the same time.

    It is also important to select a secure footing to work on, as the s

    electrical shock hazards can be more serious. In the event of electrical sburnt site completely and obtain medical care immediately.

    Precautions for Rescue of V

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Method of First-Aid Treat

    Precautions for First-Aid Tre

    Whenever a person is struck by an electrical shock, give the patient

    immediately on the spot, unless it is absolutely necessary to move the

    sake. Once started, artificial respiration should be continued rhythmicall

    (1) Refrain from touching the patient carelessly as a result of the acc

    could suffer from electrical shocks by himself or herself.

    (2) Turn off the power calmly and certainly, and move the patient a


    (3) Call or send for a physician or ambulance immediately, or ask some

    (4) Lay the patient on the back, loosening the necktie, clothes, belts an

    (5) (a) Feel the patient's pulse.

    (b) Check the heartbeat by bringing your ear close to the patient's (c) Check for respiration by bringing your face or the back of your


    (d) Check the size of patient's pupils.

    (6) Opening the patient's mouth, remove artificial teeth, cigarettes, c

    any. With the patient's mouth open, stretch the tongue and insert a

    the mouth to prevent the tongue from being withdrawn into the thclenches the teeth so tight that the mouth won't open, use a screw

    force the mouth open and then insert a towel or the like into the mo

    (7) Wipe off the mouth to prevent foaming mucus and saliva from accu

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Treatment to Give When the Patie

    Pulse Beating but Has Ceased to

    Performing mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration - Fig. 1

    (1) Bend the patient's face backward until it is directed to look bac

    placed under the neck.)

    (2) Pull up the lower jaw to open up the airway. (to spread the airwa(3) Pinching the patient's nose, breathe deeply and blow your brea

    mouth strongly, with care to close it completely. Then, move yo

    take a deep breath, and blow into his or her mouth. Repeat blow

    a minute (always with the patient's nostrils closed).

    (4) Continue artificial respiration until natural respiration is restored.

    (5) If the patient's mouth won't open easily, insert a pipe, such as on

    vinyl, into either nostril. Then, take a deep breath and blow intothe pipe, with the other nostril and the mouth completely closed.

    (6) The patient may stand up abruptly upon recovering consciousne

    lying calmly, giving him or her coffee, tea or any other hot drin

    drink) to keep him or her warm.

    Meouth-to-mouth artificial respiration with the patient's head lifte

    (1) Lift the back pa

    head. Support the

    of your hand and

    other hand..

    Many patients will

    opened by lifting

    way to ease mout


    (2) Closing the patien

    mouth, press your

    patient's nose

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Treatment to Give When the Patien

    Pulse Beating and Has Ceased to B

    Performing cardiac massage - Fig. 2

    If the patient has no pulse beating, with the pupils open and no he

    the patient has a cardiac arrest and requires immediate artificial re

    this until a medical specialist arrives, and follow his or her directions a

    (1) Putting one hand on about the lower one third of the patient's ribs

    over the back of the first, with your elbow fully stretched (with

    cant press to the extent the patients ribs are depressed), apply

    the hands to press the patient's body until it is depressed abou

    about 50 times a minute). (Cardiac massage.)

    (2) If only one first-aider is available, perform a cardiac massage then give mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration 2 times. Repeat t

    first-aiders are available, while one person performs a cardiac

    and the other should give mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration 2

    sequence (combined cardiac massage and mouth-to-mouth


    (3) Check the patient's pupils and feel the pulse from time to time.

    restored to normal and the pulse begins to beat regularly, stop trpatient calm while giving him or her coffee, tea or any other hot

    her warm while watching him or her carefully.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction



    Thank you for purchasing the JRC JAN-701/901M ECDIS.

    This equipment is ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Informa

    the performance standards of the IMO (International Maritime O

    IHO (International Hydro graphic Organization), and serves

    reduce fuel combustion, reduce voyage time and automate voya

    For the best operation and performance results, read this

    before use.

    Keep this manual in a convenient place for future reference.Make use of this manual when experiencing operation difficu

    This LCD uses 1,310,000 (JAN-701)/1,920,000 (JAN-901M

    Film Transistor).

    If some pixels on the screen are not clear, the color is differ

    brighter than usual, it is not because of defect, instead it is

    characteristic of the TFT display technology.

    The information in this manual is subject to change without n

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Before Operation

    Pictorial IndicationVarious pictorial indications are included in

    shown on these equipment so that you can

    and correctly and prevent any danger to y

    persons and any damage to your property d

    indications and their meanings are as follows

    Please understand them before you read this

    This indication is shown where any person is

    danger of being killed or seriously injured

    neglected and these equipment are not operat

    This indication is shown where any person

    injured or any property damage is suppose

    indication is neglected and these equipmen


    Examples of pictorial indication

    The mark represents CAUTION (including DAN

    Detailed contents of CAUTION (Electric Shock i

    Electric left.) is shown in the mark.

    The mark represents prohibition.

    Detailed contents of the prohibited action (Disass

    Disassembling the example on the left) is shown in

    The mark represents instruction.

    Detailed contents of the instruction (Disconnect the

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Precautions Upon Equipment Op

    Never remove the cover of this equipment.

    Touching the high-voltage section inside will cause an electr

    Do not attempt to disassemble or tamper with this equipmen

    Otherwise, a fire, an electric shock, or a malfunction may oc

    Do not place a glass or cup containing water, etc., or a sm

    this equipment.

    If water or such object gets inside, a fire, an electrical shoc

    may occur.

    In case water or a metal object gets inside the equipment,

    immediately, unplug the power supply cable from an electric

    our head office, or a nearby branch or local office to request

    Keeping the equipment in operation under such condition m

    electric shock or a malfunction.

    In case you find smoke, strange smell or unusual hea

    equipment, turn off the power immediately, unplug the powe

    an electric outlet, and contact our head office, or a nearby b

    to request servicing.

    Keeping the equipment in operation under such condition man electric shock.

    Do not use the offset function during navigation.

    If the equipment is used with the offset value entered as the

    the position of your ship displayed on the screen is shifted

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    Before starting automatic sailing, be sure to check the safe

    crossing safety contour.

    Otherwise, accidents may result.

    If the own ship has arrived at the boundary of a WP during a

    sure to check the safety and perform turning manually (pre

    while keeping the [GUARD] key pressed).

    Otherwise, the ship keeps the course with the leg bearing,


    Never attempt to check or repair the inside of the equipmen

    Checking or repair by an unqualified person may cause a


    Contact our head office, or a nearby branch or local office to

    Before disposing of used lithium batteries, insulate them by

    their and terminals.Otherwise, they may short-circuit to generate heat, explode

    If the LCD module breaks and the liquid inside spills out to

    wash it off immediately under running water for more than

    find any skin problem afterwards, consult a doctor immediate

    in your eye, wash it off immediately under running water

    minutes, and then, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Edit routes in accordance with the world geodetic system (W

    Use of routes edited with any other geodetic systems may c

    During sailing, be sure to check own ships position and b

    necessary, regardless of whether the automatic sailing is in

    Otherwise, accidents may result.

    Do not turn off the power during index creation by Chart Por

    Otherwise, a malfunction may occur.

    If checking of the equipment is unavoidably necessary, be

    power before starting checking.

    Otherwise, a fire or a malfunction may occur.

    If a fan alarm or CPU temperature rise alarm has occurred, the power.

    Keeping the equipment in operation may cause a fire or a m

    After turning off the power, contact our head office, or a nea

    office to request servicing.

    To clean the surface of the equipment, do not use any orga

    thinner or benzene, as this may deteriorate the surface coatUse a clean, dry cloth to wipe off dirt and dust thoroughly fro


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    Equipment Appearance

    Stand-alone type (JAN-701M)

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    Stand-alone type (JAN-901M)

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    Flash-mount type

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    AIS : Automatic Identification System

    ARCS : Admiralty Raster Chart Service. A raster chart publ

    ARPA : Automatic RADAR Plotting Aid. Collision prevention

    AUTHORIZATION CODE : Encryption key for C-MAP Ed.2. Supplied by C-MA

    AUTO SAIL : The system automatically navigates to keep the s

    automatic sailing.

    Base CD : Chart CD containing a complete chart data.

    Cell Permit : A file containing an encryption key for S-63 ch

    PRIMAR STAVANGER, and Hydrographic and Oce

    Japan Coast Guard.

    Chart Portfolio : Software to manage the charts. Imports and update

    C-MAP Ed.2 : C-MAP Edition 2. A digital chart format by C-MAP N

    C-MAP Ed.3 : C-MAP Edition 3. A digital chart format by C-MAP N

    C-MAP : Nautical chart in a digital format by C-MAP Norway

    CO. TO STEER : Course to steer. Heading command.

    COG : Course Over Ground

    Data Server : Organization providing S-63 chart.

    Display : Screen displayed on the LCD.

    DIST. : Distance

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    GC : Great Circle

    HDG : Ships heading

    Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department:

    Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department

    Publisher of ENC.

    Import (for Chart Portfolio) : A procedure of enabling the chart supplied by Ba


    Leg : Line between two consecutive waypoints

    LMT : Local Mean Time

    LON : Longitude

    Primary : Main positioning sensor.

    PRIMAR STAVANGER : A Norwegian company supplying charts. Publisher

    Range : An area of the chart displayed on the screen. Repr

    length of the chart display screen.

    RL : Rhumb Line

    Rubber band : Border that indicates the selected range.

    S-57 : IHO transfer standard for digital hydrographic data.

    S-63 : IHO Data Protection Scheme

    SA Certificate file : An electronic file certifying the supplier of S-63 c

    update of S-63 chart.

    Scale : The display scale.

    SENC : System Electronic Navigational Chart

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    Update (for Chart Portfolio) : A procedure of reflecting the update data suppli

    imported chart.

    Update CD : Chart CD containing the chart data updated from Ba

    been imported.

    USER CODE : A user-specific code assigned by JRC. Required


    UTC : Coordinated Universal Time

    VRM : Variable Range Markers

    WOL : Wheel Over Line

    WOP : Wheel Over Point

    WP : Waypoint

    WP-WP : The division of the leg specified by two waypoints.

    consecutive waypoints.

    XTD : Cross Track Distance

    XTL : Cross Track Limit

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    PREFACE ..............................................................................................................

    Before Operation....................................................................................................

    Precautions Upon Equipment Operation ...............................................................

    Equipment Appearance..........................................................................................


    Chapter1 Overview

    1.1 Function...............................................................................................

    1.2 Features ..............................................................................................

    1.3 Components........................................................................................

    1.4 Construction ........................................................................................

    1.5 System Configuration..........................................................................

    Chapter2 Names and Functions

    2.1 Function of Operation Panel and LCD brilliance control......................

    2.2 Function of the Screen ........................................................................

    2.2.1 Display Panel............................................................................

    2.2.2 Menu Title Bar ..........................................................................

    Chapter3 Basic Operation of ECDIS

    3.1 Menu Operation ..................................................................................

    3.1.1 How to Select the Menu ........................................................... How to Use the Trackball ............................................ How to Select the Menu.............................................. How to Use the Shortcut Menu...................................

    3.1.2 Various Panels..........................................................................

    3.1.3 How to Enter Numbers and Letters .......................................... Use of the PS/2 Keyboard........................................... Use of the Software Keyboard .................................... Numerical Input........................................................... Character Input ...........................................................

    3.2 General Flowchart...............................................................................

    3.2.1 General Flowchart ....................................................................

    3.2.2 Flowchart for Sailing .................................................................

    3.3 Power ON/OFF and Preparation.........................................................

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    3.4.1 Selecting ROUTE and To WP Using the Display Panel ...........

    3.4.2 Selecting ROUTE and To WP from the Menu ..........................

    3.4.3 Calculating Distance to Run.....................................................

    3.5 Changing the Object Category (S-57/C-MAP Only)............................

    3.6 Shifting the Chart.................................................................................

    3.6.1 Shifting the Chart with the [HOME] button ...............................

    3.6.2 Shifting the Chart with the Cross Cursor...................................

    3.6.3 Shifting the Chart with the Hand Cursor...................................

    3.6.4 Shifting the Chart with the [PORT LIST] Button .......................

    3.6.5 Displaying the Chart by Entering the Position..........................

    3.7 Zooming In/Out the Chart (S-57/C-MAP Only) ....................................

    3.7.1 Zooming Area Using the Rubber Band (S-57/C-MAP Only) ....

    3.7.2 Zooming In/Out (S-57/C-MAP Only).........................................

    3.7.3 Switching the Range (S-57/C-MAP Only) .................................

    3.7.4 Switching the Scale (S-57/C-MAP Only) ..................................

    3.8 ARCS Chart Display Options (ARCS Only) .........................................

    3.8.1 High Resolution Area Selection (ARCS Only)...........................

    3.8.2 Selecting Larger/Smaller Chart (ARCS Only) ..........................

    3.8.3 Selecting Chart under Cursor (ARCS Only) .............................

    3.8.4 Selecting Chart from All (ARCS Only) ......................................

    3.8.5 Changing Active Panels (ARCS Only)......................................

    3.8.6 Loading a Low Resolution Chart (ARCS Only) ........................

    3.8.7 To Select the High Resolution Chart (ARCS Only) ..................

    3.8.8 Displaying the Note and Diagram (ARCS Only)........................3.8.9 Displaying Temporary and Preliminary Notice (ARCS Only).....

    3.8.10 Adjusting Datum (ARCS Only) ...............................................

    3.9 Selecting a S-57 Chart (S-57 Only).....................................................

    3.10 Displaying a User Chart ....................................................................

    3.11 Accepting the S-57 Updating Chart ...................................................

    3.12 User-Marking/Highlighting.................................................................

    3.12.1 Marking the Event Mark (EVENT)..........................................

    3.12.2 Marking the Information Mark.................................................

    3.12.3 Marking the Tidal Stream Mark...............................................

    3.12.4 Highlighting.............................................................................

    3.12.5 Inputting Clearing Lines..........................................................

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    3.17 Operating EBL/VRM..........................................................................

    3.17.1 Operating EBL/VRM Using the Operation Panel ...................

    3.17.2 Operating EBL/VRM Using the Menu..................................... Selecting 1-step/2-step Option.................................. 1-step Operation ....................................................... 2-step Operation .......................................................

    3.18 Running Fix .......................................................................................

    3.19 Maneuver Curve................................................................................

    3.20 Cross Bearing....................................................................................

    3.21 Selecting Motion/Azimuth Mode........................................................

    3.21.1 Selecting Motion Mode...........................................................

    3.21.2 Selecting Azimuth Mode (S-57/C-MAP Only)..........................

    3.21.3 Setting Chart Fix Mode...........................................................

    3.22 My Port List .......................................................................................

    3.22.1 Adding to My Port List ............................................................

    3.22.2 Deleting My Port List ..............................................................

    3.23 Logbook.............................................................................................

    3.23.1 Displaying the Logbook..........................................................

    3.23.2 Setting Logbook Options........................................................

    3.24 Setting the Chart Options..................................................................

    3.24.1 Setting S-57/C-MAP/ARCS Options.......................................

    3.24.2 Setting Other Chart Options ...................................................

    3.24.3 Setting Scales.........................................................................

    3.25 Setting the Alarm Options ..................................................................3.26 Monitoring Dragging Anchor..............................................................

    3.27 Setting the View Options ([View])......................................................

    3.27.1 Setting Radar Options ............................................................

    3.27.2 Setting ARPA/AIS Options......................................................

    3.27.3 Setting Analog Meter Options.................................................

    3.27.4 Setting Logbook Options........................................................

    3.27.5 Clear Voyage Distance ...........................................................

    3.27.6 Setting Date/Time...................................................................

    3.28 Shifting Own Ship Position.................................................................

    3.28.1 Shifting Using the Cursor .......................................................

    3.28.2 Shifting by Entering the Position ............................................

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    22/507 Making a New Route File (Table Editor) ...................... Editing a Previous Route File (Table Editor) ............... Importing Route Files.................................................. Exporting Route Files ..................................................

    4.1.3 Route Planning Using the Graphic Editor................................. Graphic Editing Mode.................................................. Graphic Editing Menu and Button Functions (Graphic Operation Flowchart for Graphic Editor (Graphic Editi Making a New Route File (Graphic Editing)................. Editing a Previous Route File (Graphic Editor) ........... Importing Route Files.................................................. Exporting Route Files .................................................. Creating a Route Using EBL/VRM Keys and Dials.....

    4.2 Creating an Alternate Route................................................................

    4.2.1 Operation Flowchart .................................................................

    4.2.2 Creating Alternate Route..........................................................

    Chapter5 Chart Editing

    5.1 Chart Edit Mode ..................................................................................

    5.2 Menus and Button Functions ..............................................................

    5.2.1 Chart Editing Menu...................................................................

    5.2.2 Button Functions.......................................................................

    5.3 Operation Flowchart .............................................................................

    5.3.1 Flow of User Chart Edit ............................................................

    5.3.2 Operation when Editing User Charts......................................... Creating a New User Chart ......................................... Editing a User Chart.................................................... Merging User Charts................................................... Importing User Charts.................................................

    5.4 Manual Update Operation....................................................................

    5.4.1 Flow of Manual Update.............................................................

    5.4.2 Operation when Manually Updating Objects ............................

    5.5 Entering Objects..................................................................................

    5.5.1 Selecting Object Types.............................................................

    5.5.2 Entering Objects .......................................................................

    5.5.3 Hiding Objects (Only during the Manual Update Operation).....

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    7.3 Setting the User Key ...........................................................................

    7.4 Connection ..........................................................................................

    7.5 Sensor .................................................................................................

    7.5.1 Primary Position and Secondary Position ................................

    7.5.2 Bearing Setting .........................................................................

    7.5.3 Speed Setting...........................................................................

    7.5.4 Depth Setting............................................................................

    7.5.5 Date Data Source Setting.........................................................

    7.5.6 Time Zone Data Source Setting ...............................................

    7.6 Color Test (ARCS Only) ......................................................................

    Chapter8 Chart Portfolio

    8.1 Entering/Exiting the Chart Portfolio.....................................................

    8.2 Chart Portfolio Screen .........................................................................

    8.3 Overview Flow Chart...........................................................................

    8.3.1 Overview Flow Chart ................................................................

    8.3.2 Import/Update of S-57 Chart .................................................... Import of S-57 Chart in Chart Portfolio......................... Update of S-57 Chart in Chart Portfolio ......................

    8.3.3 Import/Update of S-63 Chart .................................................... Import of SA Certificate file.......................................... Selection of SA Certificate file ..................................... Import of Cell Permit ................................................... Import of S-63 Chart.................................................... Update of S-63 Chart ..................................................8.3.4 Import/Update of ARCS Chart .................................................. Checkup of ARCS ....................................................... Import of ARCS in Chart Portfolio ............................... Update of ARCS in Chart Portfolio...............................

    8.3.5 Import/Update of C-MAP Ed.2 Chart........................................ Checkup of C-MAP Ed.2 ............................................. Import of C-MAP Ed.2 Chart in Chart Portfolio ........... Update of C-MAP Ed.2 Chart in Chart Portfolio..........

    8.3.6 Import/Update of C-MAP Ed.3.................................................. Checkup of C-MAP Ed.3 ............................................. Import of C-MAP Ed.3 Chart in Chart Portfolio ...........

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    8.7.1 [S-57] Accepting Chart Update.................................................

    8.7.2 Setting the S-63 Options ..........................................................

    8.7.3 Setting the C-MAP Options ......................................................

    8.7.4 Setting the ARCS Options ........................................................

    8.7.5 Setting the Boot Options ..........................................................

    8.7.6 Setting the Advanced Options ..................................................

    Chapter9 Playback

    9.1 Entering/Exiting the Playback .............................................................

    9.2 Playing Back the Logging Data...........................................................

    Chapter10 Maintenance and Inspection

    10.1 Confirming Alarm...............................................................................

    10.2 Daily Maintenance.............................................................................

    10.2.1 Color Pattern (S-57) ...............................................................

    10.2.2 Gray Scale..............................................................................

    10.3 Replacing Consumables...................................................................

    10.4 The PWR FAIL Lamp and Power Supply Input .................................

    10.5 User Maintenance Menu...................................................................

    10.5.1 Backup Option........................................................................

    10.5.2 Hardware Key Information......................................................

    10.6 Troubleshooting.................................................................................

    Chapter11 After-Sales Service

    11.1 Maintenance Service.........................................................................

    11.2 Retention Period of Repair Parts.......................................................

    11.3 When Asking for Service ...................................................................11.4 Checks and Inspection......................................................................

    Chapter12 Disposal

    12.1 Disposal of the Product .....................................................................

    12.2 Disposal of Used Batteries................................................................

    12.3 Disposal of LCD Module ...................................................................

    Chapter13 Specifications

    13.1 Bridge Display Terminal ....................................................................

    Chapter14 Reference

    14.1 Alarm Fuction ....................................................................................

    14.2 Chart-Related Alarm Information.......................................................

    14.2.1 Alarm Information of ARCS Chart............................................

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    Repair Request Form

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  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    1 1

    FunctionThis equipment is navigation system with ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display a

    functions conforming to the ECDIS Performance Standards adopted in Resolut

    assembly of the IMO. Consequently, this equipment can become the core of a

    system (INS) or integrated bridge system (IBS) that supports one-man bridge op

    Safe sailing

    Energy-saved sailing


    Compliance with the ECDIS defined by the IHO/IMO Availability of S-57edition 3.0/3.1 (supporting S-63) format, C-MAP Ed.2/E

    databases (when C-MAP Ed3 is used with the optional C-MAP Ed3 upgra

    Own ships track display and planned-route display on the electronic chart

    Automatic checking of the safety contours and dangerous areas of the ow


    ARPA target display and AIS target display on the electronic chart

    Superimpose display of radar echo on the electronic chart (when ECDIS

    radar overlay kit)

    True/Relative motion display

    North-up/Course-up display

    Display of route information such as latitude/longitude at destinations, b

    waypoints, and planned arrival time

    Availability of two EBLs/VRMs

    Writing of memos with alphabetic characters into the electronic chart

    Display of information such as the date/time, current position, heading, an Display specifications

    Size: 18.1-inch color LCD (JAN-701)

    23.1-inch color LCD (JAN-901M)

    Selection of colors (conforming to the IMO/IHO) suitable for the daytim

    dusk Display of the symbols and colors recommended by the IHO

    Navigation Planning

    Editing of route informationAddition, deletion, and modification of waypoints on the electronic chart

    Calculation of the distance between waypoints, bearings, and planned arr

    Up to 512 waypoints per route

    Checking on the crossing of the safety contours and dangerous areas on

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    1 2

    FeaturesThis ECDIS has the following features:

    Displays vector charts such as S-57 and C-MAP, and raster charts such a

    Safe navigation ensured by the crossing alarm function for safety contou

    and the guard ring function (not available for ARCS)

    Optimized displays of navigation warnings, weather warnings, and emerge

    connected Navtex receiver

    Ease of operation supported by high-speed drawing and high-speed proc

    Ease of user chart creation

    Multi view function to display two charts at a time (not available for C-MAP

    Wide range view in addition to single or multi view

    Route planning in two ways, using table editor or graphic editor

    Creation of alternative route during voyage

    Automatic sailing by connecting with autopilot

    Playback function to check the voyage

    S-57 update portfolio

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    1 3

    ComponentsA list of components and optional accessories is shown below.


    Name Model Quantity

    Bridge Display Terminal

    (JAN-701) NCD-4224

    (JAN-901M) NCD-4308

    1 Main U

    (JAN-701) NWZ-147-ACDisplay Panel

    (JAN-901M) NWZ-1581 Includ

    Operation panel (type A) NCE-7721-A

    Operation panel (type B) NCE-7721-B

    Either ty


    Type A h

    Type B d


    (JAN-701) NDC-1264 1 IncludProcessing unit

    (JAN-901M) NDC-1309 1 Includ

    Instruction Manual (Japanese) 7ZPNA0512 1

    Instruction Manual (English) 7ZPNA0513 1

    Analog Interface Kit MPXP32636 1 Option

    Serial Interface Kit MPXP32637 1 Option

    Radar overlay kit MPXP32691 1 Option

    C-MAP Ed3 Upgrade kit MPXP33436 1 Option

    Optional keyboard NCE-5009 1

    (JAN-701) MPXP33088Canvas cover

    (JAN-901M) MPXP330891 Option

    (JAN-701) MPOL30350Lightproof hood

    (JAN-901M) MPOL303451 Option

    Spare Parts (CMJ-462 NSK I/F) 7ZZNA0400 1 12pcs

    CD CleanerAccessaryFD Cleaner

    7ZZNA0426 1 Packin

    Note 1) The analog interface kit (MPXP32636) includes the serial interface

    the packing list included with the kit.

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    1 4

    ConstructionThe outline drawing of the unit is shown below.

    Mass: Approx. 125 kg Cab

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  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    MASS:APPROX. 3.1kg NCE7721-A Operation

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    1 5

    System ConfigurationThe following diagram shows an example system configuration connected with th

    When ECDIS mode is used, it displays navigation data received from the sensor

    When Conning Display mode is used, it displays navigation data received fro

    connected with the equipment.

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    This equipment can be operated both from the Operation panel and the display.

    2 1

    Function of Operation Paand LCD brilliance contro

    (1) Function of operation panel

    Fig. 2.1 and Fig. 2.2 show the operation panel. Table 2.1 describes the na

    part on the operation panel.

    Fig. 2.1 Operation Panel (Type A)



    3 28 29

    9 10 4 5 6 7 8

    23 11 14 15 16



    13 20 21 22

    17 18 19




    9 10 4 5 6 7 8

    T bl 2 1 N d F ti

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Table 2.1 Names and Functions

    No. Name Function

    1 POWER Turns the power on.

    2 PWR FAIL Indicates the AC power supply error.(See 10.4 The PWR FAIL Lamp and Power Su

    3 PWR ACK Stops the alarm at occurrence of PWR FAIL.

    (See 10.4 The PWR FAIL Lamp and Power Su

    4 VIDEO*1

    Adjusts the brightness of radar echoes.

    5 RAIN*1

    Suppresses rain/snow clutter.

    6 SEA*1

    Suppresses sea clutter.

    7 GAIN*1 Adjusts receiver gain.

    8 RANGE Range up.

    Range down.

    9 RADAR*1

    Turns ON/OFF the radar echo display on the ch

    10 ALARM ACK Press to acknowledge an alarm.

    11 ROUTE PLAN Starts/ends route the route planning function (ta

    12 DAY/NIGHT Changes the display color of the screen to suit the lighti

    13 PANEL Dims the operation panel in five steps.

    14 TGT DATA Displays the detailed information of a selected A

    15 AIS ACT Activate a selected AIS target.

    16 AIS IN-ACT Deactivate a selected AIS target.

    17 AIS/ARPA Selects AIS/ARPA display.

    18 INFO Reads out the attributes of each object on the c

    19 HOME Returns the own ships position into the display.

    20 USER One of the following user-registered functions is

    (See 7.3 Setting the User Key.)

    - Starting the route graphic editor

    - Starting the chart editor

    - Displaying the chart option setting screen

    - Displaying the own ships option setting scree

    - Adding to the port name list

    - Changing the ARCSs active panel

    - Loading ARCSs low resolution

    - Displaying the logbook

    - Printing the screen contents

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    2 2

    Function of the ScreenThe screen consists of two areas, the chart display area and display panel (inform

    menu title bar appears when this equipment enters the menu mode.

    Chart Display Area:

    The chart display area displays the electronic chart stored on hard disk. (S-57


    On the chart, the following will be displayed according to your settings:

    Your ships symbol and vector at the primary position

    Your ships symbol and vector at the secondary position

    Head line

    Primary position track and time label

    Secondary position track

    EBL/VRM markers

    RADAR echo

    Other ship symbols, vectors and ships track (when ARPA/AIS is installed)


    Also, various screen panels will be displayed on electronic charts according to th

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Display Panel:

    The display panel displays various navigation information for sailing including al

    will be frequently used for navigation operation are arranged in this panel.

    Memo: All of the button functions in the display panel can be accomplished by the

    Menu Title Bar:

    When the [MENU] button on the display panel is left-clicked, the menu title bar op

    to allow menu operation.

    Left-clicking the [MENU] button once again or left-clicking the chart display area


    2 2 1 Display Panel

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    2.2.1 Display PanelThe contents of display panel will change according to the chart being selected

    ARCS. The following shows the typical displays common to S-57/C-MAP and AR

    Name of positioning system

    Name of primary system position

    Geodetic system name

    [MENU] button used to enter the menu mode.

    Course and speed of primary (The vector of

    over the ground.)

    Ships heading

    Log speed (speed through the water)

    Course to steer (CTS) (It is displayed during Au

    Vector time


    Date and time of Local Mean Time. ( ) show

    Current primary system position (Latitude/Long

    Route name being selected (UNLOAD ap

    selected. Drop-down list shows all route names

    Next waypoint being selected (Drop-down list s

    waypoints manually.)

    Auto sailing status. See Auto Sailing Status Pa

    Information panel for To WP, XTD, Dest

    Drift. See page 2-10 and 2-11.

    The contents of this CHART panel differs dep

    type. For S-57/C-MAP, see page 2-8. For ARCS

    Alarm display buttons. Up to 3 alarm names and the

    displayed e g ARR (Arrival) To see all alarms le

    (1) CHART Panel

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    (1) CHART Panel

    CHART Panel for S-57/C-MAP

    When left-clicked, shows the registered port name liname position will be displayed on the chart.

    When left-clicked, EVENT mark is put at the own ship p

    SENC (System Electronic Navigation Chart) informatio

    buttons. When the button is lit in green, correspo


    BASE: Shows basic information such as geographic

    intended to be sufficient for safe navigation.)STANDARD:

    Shows standard information (First selection a

    ! : Shows all objects that belong to standard info

    OTHER: Shows all information.

    The selecting Drop-down list is lit in green.

    Scale of the chart being displayed (Drop-

    available scales.)

    Range of the chart being displayed (Drop-

    available ranges.)

    Motion (selectable with the drop-down list but

    True: Your ship moves on the chart. W

    the predetermined limit on the

    automatically shifted to keep disp

    Relative: Your ship stays on the screen

    objects move instead.

    Free: Chart is displayed regardless of t

    Azimuth (selectable with the drop-down list b

    North Up: The chart always orients north.

    Course Up: Your ships heading always face

    (The chart rotates. This is effective

    Rotation: You can rotate the chart by thusing the degree specifying box o

    Rotational degree entry box for Azimuth Rota

    CHART Panel for ARCS

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction



    Function of the [EVENT], [PORT L

    buttons is the same as for S-57/C-M

    Displays the geodetic system of the chart.

    Displays the original scale of the chart.

    Scale of the chart being displayed

    Range of the chart being displayed

    Motion (selectable with the drop-down list b

    True: Your ship moves on the chart. Wh

    the predetermined limit on the s

    automatically shifted to keep displa

    Relative: Your ship stays at the center of

    geographic objects move instead.

    Free: Chart is displayed regardless of the

    Chart offset values

    (2) To WP, XTD, Dest WP, Route and Drift Panels

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    To WP:


    Dest WP:

    Select from Actual Speed / Calc. Ave. Speed /

    Actual Speed:

    Displays time to go and estimat

    destination No. by the actual spCalc. Ave. Speed:

    Displays speed to the destinatio

    estimated time of arrival

    Calc. ETA:

    Displays time to go and estimat

    destination No. by the setting o

    Destined waypoint (selectable from the drop-d

    Speed to arrive at the destined waypoint by the e

    Di t f hi t th i t

    Track deviation (Deviation from the direct rout

    Cross Track Limit (Port side)

    Cross Track Limit (Starboard side)

    Distance from the ship to the to waypoint

    Bearing from the ship to the to waypoint

    Estimated Time To Go to the to waypoint

    Estimated Time of Arrival at the to waypoint

    Speed to arrive at the to waypointby the pl


  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction



    (3) Auto Sailing Status PanelThe auto sailing status panel will be displayed as follows:

    Displays the autopilot steering mode.

    See the autopilot instruction manual for de

    steering modes.

    BLANK: Not Auto Sailing BLANK: Not

    MAN: Manual Turning mode KEEP: Kee

    Current direction calculated by the difference

    HDG vectors

    Current speed calculated by the difference b

    HDG vectors.

    New Course

    To WP

    Own Ship[New Course]

    2.2.2 Menu Title Bar

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    2.2.2 Menu Title BarWhen the [MENU] button on the display panel is left-clicked, the menu title bar op

    to various menus.

    The following shows the menu trees:

    Table 2.2 Menu Tree

    Main Menu Submenu Submenu/Option

    (1) Cursor (1) Scroll

    (2) Zoom Area

    (3) High Resolution Area

    (4) EBL1/VRM1(Dashed-Line) (1) Ship-Centered

    (2) Floating

    (5) EBL2/VRM2(Dash-Dotted-Line) (1) Ship-Centered

    (2) Floating

    (6) Remove EBL/VRM (1) EBL1/VRM1(Dashed-Line)

    (2) EBL2/VRM2(Dash-Dotted-Lin

    (7) Running Fix

    (8) Remove Running Fix

    (9) ARPA Manual Acq

    (1) ARPA Release

    (2) Activate AIS

    (3) Deactivate AIS

    (4) S-57/C-MAP/ARCS Information

    (5) Other Information

    (6) Maneuver Curve

    (7) Remove Maneuver Curve

    (8) Cross Bearing...

    (0) Option...

    Table 2.2 Menu Tree -- Continued

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Main Menu Submenu Submenu/Option

    (2) Chart (3) Change Active Panel

    (4) Load Low Resolution (5) Note and Diagram

    (6) Temporary and Preliminary

    (7) Adjust Datum Offset...

    (8) Datum Transformation...

    (4) Select S-57 Chart...

    (5) User Charts (1) Select User Chart...

    (2) Chart Editor...

    (3) Unselect User Charts

    (6) Manual UpDating...

    (7) Scale (1) Select Scale

    (2) Select Range

    (3) Zoom In

    (4) Zoom Out

    (8) Azimuth (1) North Up

    (2) Course Up

    (3) Rotation

    (9) Motion (1) True

    (2) Relative

    (3) Free

    (1) Fix View

    (2) Accept S-57 Updates

    (3) Print Display

    (4) Save Screen

    (0) Option (1) S-57/C-MAP/ARCS...

    (2) Other Charts...

    (3) Scale...

    (3) Ship (1) Adjust (1) Cursor (2) Enter Position...

    (3) Enter Offset...

    (4) Clear Offset

    (2) Monitoring Dragging Anchor (1) Create Monitoring Circle

    Table 2.2 Menu Tree -- Continued

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Main Menu Submenu Submenu/Option

    (4) View (4) Guard Zone1

    (5) Guard Zone2(3) ARPA / AIS (1) ARPA1

    (2) ARPA2

    (3) Internal ARPA

    (4) AIS

    (5) ALL

    (6) ARPA Release ALL

    (7) Deactivate All AIS

    (8) ALL List

    (9) Select List

    (4) Analog Meter

    (5) Logbook

    (6) Multi View (1) Single View

    (2) Top Bottom

    (3) Right Left

    (4) Right Top View

    (5) Left Top View

    (6) Right Bottom View

    (7) Left Bottom View

    (8) Select Area

    (9) Wide Range View

    (0) Option (1) Radar...

    (2) Guard Zone

    (3) ARPA/AIS...

    (4) Display Panel

    (5) Logbook...

    (6) Voyage Distance Clear

    (7) Date / Time... (5) Route (1) Select Route...

    (2) Unload Route

    (3) Select Next WP...

    (4) Create Alternate Route

    Table 2.2 Menu Tree -- Continued

    M i M S b S b /O i

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Main Menu Submenu Submenu/Option

    (8) Tool (1) File Manager...

    (2) Chart Portfolio... (1) Create (2) Top Window

    (3) Chart Abbreviation

    (4) Navigation Data Graphs...

    (5) Set User Key

    (6) Bilingual

    (9) Maintenance (1) Connection...

    (2) Sensors...

    (3) Color Test...

    (0) For Engineer

    (0) Exit

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    Operationof ECDIS

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Do not place any object on the operation panel.

    Avoid placing anything extremely hot, in particular, as t


    Do not apply any undue shock on the operation panel,

    Otherwise, a malfunction may result.

    Notes on Description:

    (1) Keys/Buttons/dials/menu names:

    The keys on the operation panel, buttons on the display panel and the men

    [xxxx] in this book.


    [RADAR] key (on the operation panel)

    [MENU] button (on the display panel)

    [(1) Cursor] (menu name)

    (2) Menu operation description:

    The sequential operation to access to a menu is written as follows:

    Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(2) Information M

    You will learn how to access to a menu later.

    Before starting operation, please understand how to operate the menu


    The flowchart described in 3.2 General Flowchart will give you gen


    Menu Operation

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    3 1

    Menu OperationTo operate this equipment, it is necessary to know how to select menus and set o

    Basic procedure to access to a menu and set options using the trackball sectAlso, major panel (dialog box, etc.) types that will appear during operation, an

    and letters are described.

    3.1.1 How to Select the Menu3.1.1.1 How to Use the Trackball

    Trackball section on the operation panel


    The trackball is used to mo

    screen for position designatio

    on the display panel, menu de

    Left button:

    Used for fixing and selecting or selecting a button, menu

    screen. Pressing the left

    left-click in this book.

    Right button (Shortcut menu s

    Used for displaying a shortcu

    Pressing the right button is wthis book.

    Major cursors

    Cross Cursor

    Indicates the position on the chart.

    Lens Cursor

    Appears when

    selected. The

    drawn to magMarking Cursor

    Appears while in User Chart Edit/

    Manual Update mode and Route

    Graphic mode Used to add objects

    Hand Cursor

    Appears whe


    (Moves the cursor.)

    Right button(Right-click)

    Left button(Left-click) How to Select the MenuAs for example the following menu operation is described here

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    As for example, the following menu operation is described here.

    Select [MENU] - [(2) Chart] - [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(2) Information Mark]

    The general menu selection procedure is as follows:

    (1) Opening the menu (entering Menu mode)

    (2) Selecting the menu

    (3) Selecting the submenu/options

    (1) Opening the menuFor opening the menu, left-click the [MENU] button on the display panel of

    The menu title bar appears on the upper part of the screen.

    [Menu Title Bar]

    Step-by-step operation to press the [MENU] button on the disp

    1) Rotate the trackball to move the cursor to the [MENU] button.

    2) Left-click the left button on the trackball section to select the [MENU] bu

    Then the menu title bar will open.

    How to close the menu:

    Left-click the [MENU] button on the display panel or left-click at any position on th

    Explained as Left-click the [MENU] button.

    The menu title bar o

    (2) Selecting [(2) Chart] ([MENU] - [(2) Chart])

    Select the [(2) Chart] on the menu title bar.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    The Chart menu will open.

    Step-by-step operation to select [(2) Chart] menu:1) Rotate the trackball to move the cursor to [(2) Chart] on the menu title

    2) Left-click the left button on the trackball section to select the [(2) Chart

    Then, the [(2) Chart] menu will open.

    Explained as Left-click [(2) Chart].

    The [(2) C

    (3) Selecting [(1) Marking/Highlighting] - [(2) Information Mark]

    1) Left-click [(1) Marking/Highlighting] on the Chart menu.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Then, the Marking/Highlighting submenu will open.

    2) Left-click [(2) Information Mark].

    Then, the Location/Attribute panel will open.

    Shifting the

    will also op

    submenu. How to Use the Shortcut MenuYou may use the shortcut menu by pressing the right button (by right-clicking).

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Example 1: By right-clicking on the chart display

    Example 2: By right-clicking on the chart display while performing operation

    Right-clicking the chart may

    open a shortcut menu.

    Left-click a menu item

    e.g. Zoom In.

    Right clicking on the chart may open a shortcut menu

    3.1.2 Various PanelsThe major panel types that will appear on the screen and how to operate them ar

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    j p yp pp p

    Value entry box

    You can enter numbe

    1) First, left-click the


    2) Next, enter the va

    3) To fix the entry, sbox, if any, or the

    Drop-down lis

    1) Left-click th

    dropdown lis

    2) Left-click an



    Y di l f l

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    You can display one of panels

    1) Left-click one of tabs to disp

    Check box

    Left-click the item to turn it ON or OFF.

    The check mark () shows that the

    selected item is set to ON.

    Option button (Radio button)

    You can select one of items you want.

    Left-click one of items to turn it ON.

    (Other items are automatically tuned

    OFF.) The check mark ( ) shows theselected item.

    List box

    You can select any item in

    Left-click the item to turn it O

    The check mark () show

    is set to ON.

    To scroll up/down the list:

    Left-click the [UP]/[DOW

    While left-clicking the

    trackball so that it moves

    The scroll bar will be locate

    the bottom of the panel.

    3.1.3 How to Enter Numbers and LettYou can enter numbers and letters into the value entry box or text box using th

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    buttons on the display or optional full key board. Use of the PS/2 Keyboard


    You cannot enter letters using the PS/2 keyboard in case an optional


    1) Loosen the 2 screws in front of the equipment that fasten the PS/2 keyb

    2) Pull out the PS/2 keyboard.

    Put in the PS/2 keyboard in the reverse order and fix it firmly when you pla Use of the Software KeyboardLeft-click [Keyboard] of [Alarm List] button.

    O th ti l

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    On the operation panel

    Press the [OPTION2] key.The software keyboard will be displayed.

    Like the PS/2 keyboard, numbers/characters/symbols can be input by clicking t

    keyboard. To switch between uppercase and lowercase characters, left-click the[Shift]+[Lock] button is enabled, the uppercase input mode is active, and the

    displayed on a yellowish green background. To close the software keyboa



    [Shift] button [Close] button

    Uppercase and lowercase characters are

    time the [Shift] button is left-clicked.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction

    68/507 Character InputThis section explains the character input rules.

    To input an uppercase character from the software keyboard click the [Shif

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    To input an uppercase character from the software keyboard, click the [Shif

    then click the character button.

    Example: Input [M].

    Click the [Shift] button, confirm that the [Shift] button is enabled tu

    the button display has changed to the uppercase mode, and then c

    To input an uppercase character from the optional PS/2 keyboard, press

    holding down the [Shift] key.

    Example: Input [M].

    Press the [M] key while holding down the [Shift] key.

    Example of inputting the characters Note 1:

    1) Left-click on the arrow mark or in the text box. The cursor will appear 2) With the software keyboard, enable the [Shift] button and left-click the [N

    With the PS/2 keyboard, press the [N] key to input [N] while holding dow

    Character cursor

    3) Press the [O] button to input o.

    4) Press the [T] button to input t.

    5) Press the [E] button to input e.

    6) Press the [1] button, and press the [ENTER] key to fix the entry.

    Editing of input characters:

    If you input Nott by mistake, press the [Backspace/

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    The following shows a general flowchart to use JAN-901 and the flowchart for sa

    3.2.1 General Flowchart

    Power switch ON

    Startup Menu


    Input ARCS PIN

    (ARCS only)

    Startup Screen

    Navigation & Planning



    Screen brightness

    Operation panel brightness

    Sound volume

    Radar echo, etc.

    [Startup Menu] [Startup

    The [Startup Screen] will beautomatically displayed if [ ]

    is left-clicked or no operation is

    conducted for 10 seconds.

    [Navigation & Planni

    ROUTE selection

    WP selection

    Sailing monitoring

    Alarm monitor

    (Arrival, Route, etc.)

    Operation panel


    Display paneloperation

    M ti

    Rout Planning

    Table editing

    Graphical editing

    User chart making


    Chart display aSailing(For detailed description, see 3.2.2 Flowchart forSailing.)

    (From the menu )


    3.2.2 Flowchart for Sailing

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Sailing start

    Select ROUTE

    Select To WP

    Move you ship to the sea

    Ship's bearing


    Be sure that the background

    sky blue. If it is sky blue, your

    is shifted by the offset func

    case, return its color to gray


    If an alarm occurs, the alarm panel will blink in red and

    Check the alarm contents and, after confirming it, pre

    key on the operation panel. Pressing the [Alarm List]

    panel shows the alarm contents. (For detailed descrip

    Release the Alarm ([ALARM ACK]).)

    Select a route name you want from the display pane


    Select the To WP (for example 1 or AUTO SELEC

    Move your ship manually. Your ship will always be d

    Flowchart for Sailing -- Continued

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    When the ship crosses a waypoint boundary, t

    WP, and an ARR (arrival) alarm occurs.

    After confirming the alarm contents, press th

    operation panel or the alarm button on the dis

    When the ship exceeds the boundary of the fina

    will occur.

    After confirming the alarm contents, press the

    operation panel or the alarm button on the displa

    Select "UNLOAD". Then the route selected disa

    Route monitoring

    ("ARR (Arrival)" occurs

    when arrived at the WP.)

    Arrived at the final destination

    ("ROUTE" alarm occurs.)

    Unload the route

    It repeats itself until the

    ship arrives at the lastWP before the final


    End of sailing

    3 3

    Power ON/OFF and PrepaHow to turn the power ON and OFF and preparation before sailing are described

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Note that, when you turn the power OFF, you must terminate the system by f

    sequence described here.

    Also, how to recover the system in case of hung up is explained.

    3.3.1 Power ON ([POWER])On the operation panel

    Press the [POWER] key.

    The power turns on, and the [PWR] key will light. After a short while, the startup

    Do not turn on the power of the equipment with a floppy d

    floppy disk drive.

    The equipment will not start normally.

    [POWER] key

    When ON: Lighting

    3.3.2 Selecting the Startup MenuThe power turns on, and the [POWER] key will light. After a short while, th


  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    p y

    You can select one of items.Navigation & Planning

    If [ ] is left-clicked, the [Startup screen] will first appear, and then the Navig

    will be displayed.

    Chart Portfolio

    You can update the S-57 chart. Left-clicking this menu will open the chart portfo

    8 Chart Portfolio.)

    PlaybackYou can update the S-57 chart. Left-clicking this menu will open the chart portfo

    8 Chart Portfolio.)

    Color Pattern

    Displays the S-57 chart color pattern. (See 10.2.1 Color Pattern (S-57))

    Gray Scale

    Displays the gray scale for the color test. (See 10.2.2 Gray Scale)


    The [Startup Screen] will be automatically displayed if no operation is conduc

    3.3.3 Startup Screen and ARCS PIN Input (

    1) If ARCS has been installed, the ARCS PIN panel will be display

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Planning] is selected in the Startup menu. Input the ARCS PIN and lefThe [Startup screen] will be displayed if the inputted ARCS PIN is corre

    left-clicked on the ARCS PIN panel, or if the [Cancel] button has bee

    has not been installed, however, the ARCS PIN panel will not be d

    screen] will be displayed instead.


    ARCS will not be dispARCS PIN is inputted


    ARCS will not be dis

    button is left-clicked


    The ARCS PIN pa

    once after [Navigat


    To show the ARCS P

    left-clicking [Cancel],

    ECDIS, and then, turn

    the startup procedure.

    ARCS will not be disp

    term has expired.


    Use the softw

    keyboard to in

    Be sure to ca

    displayed on

    2) After the Startup screen appears, the Navigation & Planning screen w

    short while.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    [Navigation & Planning Screen (Example)]

    3.3.4 Power OFF OperationOn the operation panel

    Press the [POWER] key.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    The power is turned off and the [POWER] key light goes out.


    If the [POWER] key is pressed during Navigation & Planning, the [Startup M

    momentarily, but the power will eventually be turn off.

    3.3.5 Adjusting the Brightness and SouPerform the following adjustments as required.

    (1) Brightness of the screen ([BRILL])Adjust the Brilliance control on the LCD monitor to adjust the brightness on

    JAN-701 JAN-901M

    [POWER] key

    When OFF: Unlit

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    2) The alarm volume is changed in seven steps by left-clicking the [Adjust

    3) Set the output of sound. Volume is a setting value of the [Adjust Volum

    OFF1 or OFF2 is used to connect with the One Touch Alarm System

    in DE-FAULT.

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Sound LevelAlarm

















    The soun

    varies de













    : Alarm sounds.

    3.3.6 Changing the Display Color ([DAYou can change the display color to obtain optimum display matched with the li

    bridge. Select one of the following display colors

    Day Bright

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Day Bright

    Day Whiteback (For S-57/C-MAP only)

    Day Blackback

    Dusk (For S-57/C-MAP only)


    Key operation:

    1) On the operation panelPress the [DAY/NIGHT] key.

    Each time you press the key, the display color changes.

    Menu operation:

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(1) Day-Night] in that order, and then

    want.In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(1) Day-Night] in that order.

    The mark will be attached to the selected item.

    In the following screen, [(1) Day Bright] is selected.

    When you select one of items, the menu closes and the display colo



    When you change display colors, note that a [Night] color especially

    information difficult to read/see.

    3.3.7 How to Release the Alarm ([ALAWhen an alarm occurs, a buzzer sound and the alarm button on the display p

    operator of an alarm. At the same time, the details of the alarm are displayed i

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    1. When multiple alarms occur at the same time, the alarm display will change

    notify the alarm, three alarm buttons and the [Alarm List] button are used. The t

    display the abbreviated name of the alarm. While the [Alarm List] button is

    panel to see the details of the alarm.

    After confirming the contents of the alarm, press the [ALARM ACK] key on the op

    the alarm button on the display panel to stop the alarm. The details of alarms

    will not be displayed in Message Display Area 1. You can display the historymenu operation. (See 3.23 Logbook)


    Do not stop the alarm unless you confirmed its cause.

    Memo: For alarm settings, see 3.25 Setting the Alarm Options.

    (1) When no alarm is found

    If no alarm is found, only the [Alarm List] button is displayed and the button

    (2) When an alarm occurs

    The alarm and the [Alarm List] button blink in red and an alarm sounds.

    (3) Stopping the blinking alarm

    1) Confirm what kind of alarm has occurred.

    On the operation panel

    Nothing is displayed here.

    Lights in green.

    Up to three alarms can be displayed here.

    Blinks in red.

    Shows the number of alarms.


    If an XTE (Cross Track Error) occurs, the XTE alarm occurs and the [XT

    Blinking stops when you press the [ALARM ACK] key on the operat

    left-click the [XTE] button on the display panel, and the [XTE] button sta

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    When the ship enters the limit, the [XTE] alarm is released and tdisappears from the button.

    Also, if the ship enters the limit during blinking the alarm, the alarm is re


    The alarm lit or blining in red disappears only when the alarm cause is

    2) If two or more alarms have occurred, confirm the cause of alarms and

    key on the operation panel repeatedly until all alarms stop.

    Left-clicking the alarm button repeatedly will also stop the alarms.

    To stop the blinking alarms, you can repeatedly left-click the left-mo

    press the left-most alarm button, the alarm not yet stopped will shift t

    stopping operation.)

    (4) Opening the alarm list

    1) At any time, left-click the [Alarm List] button on the display panel.

    Then, the Alarm List panel opens.

    If you open the Alarm List panel when the alarm blinks, the alarm b

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    also blinks.After confirmation, you can stop the blinking alarm by left-clicking

    Alarm List. The color of the left-clicked button stays lit in red.

    You can also open the Alarm List panel from the menu:

    In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(7) Alarm] - [(1) List] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(6) Alarm] - [(1) List] in that order.

    2) Left-click the [Close] button to close the Alarm List panel.

    Button blinks in red:

    The alarm occurs and it is not acknowledged yet.

    Button stays in red:The alarm is acknowledged but it is continuing.

    Button changes to green when the alarm cause is removed.

    (5) Displaying the alarm history table

    You can display the alarm history on the sailing.


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    The alarm history is cleared once [Navigation & Planning] exits. To

    lists, see 3.23 Logbook.

    Menu operation:

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(7) Alarm] - [(2) History] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(6) Alarm] - [(2) History] in that order.

    Then, the Alarm History panel opens.

    2) Left-click the [Close] button to close the Alarm History panel.

    3.3.8 Displaying the Radar Image ([RAYou can turn ON/OFF the radar image on the chart. The radar image can be ad

    the operation panel.

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    To display a radar image, the optional rader board must be installed on

    image must be sent from the radar system.

    It is not possible to display the image from the Radar in chart conversion by

    If the radar system displays a short-range image, and a long-range image

    same time, the radar image on the ECDIS may be distorted.

    While the radar image is displayed, the display range can be changed in 10


    For ARCS, the available display range differs depending on the chart display

    beyond 120nm is selected, the radar image will be turned off automatically.

    Memo: For Radar settings, see 3.27.1 Setting Radar Options.

    (1) Radar display ON/OFF from the menu

    Turning ON/OFF the Radar 1:

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(2) Radar] - [(1) Radar 1] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(2) Radar] - [(1) Radar 1] in that order.

    Each time you left-click [(1) Radar 1], the Radar 1 display is turned ON a

    When it is turned ON, the mark is attached to the [(1) Radar 1].

    The menu is closed and the image from the Radar 1 will be superimpos

    When the radar image is turned ON, the display range rings for radar ec

    Turning ON/OFF the Radar 2:

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(2) Radar] - [(2) Radar 2] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(2) Radar] - [(2) Radar 2] in that order.

    Each time you left-click [(2) Radar 2], the Radar 2 display is turned ON a

    Wh it i t d ON th k i tt h d t th [(2) R d 2]

    (2) Radar display ON/OFF from the operation panel

    On the operation panel

    Press the [RADAR] key.

    The image from the radar selected by the menu operation above will be sup

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    To clear the image, press the key again.When the radar image is turned ON, the display range rings for radar echoe

    (3) Radar image adjustment (on the operation panel)

    Note: If menu panel adjustment ([(4) View] -[(0) Option] - [(1) Radar] R

    selected, the following dials do not work. In this case, change the menu

    dials. For details, see 3.27.1 Setting Radar Options.

    [VIDEO]: Adjusting the brightness of radar echoes

    The [VIDEO] dial adjusts the brightness of radar echoes. Turning the

    increases the brightness. Adjust to the best brightness to view radar ech

    [RAIN]: Suppressing rain and snow clutter

    The [RAIN] dial suppresses clutter caused by rain and snow. Tu

    (ANTI-CLUTTER RAIN dial) to the right enhances the contours of tar

    images of rain and snow.

    Take care not to over-adjust this dial. Otherwise, you may miss smal

    reduces sea clutter. So, using both the [RAIN] and [SEA] dials is more e

    this dial turned as far as possible to the left.

    [SEA]: Suppressing sea clutter

    The [SEA] dial lowers the reception sensitivity in near distances to reduce

    [SEA] dial (ANTI-CLUTTER SEA dial) to the right increases the effect of s

    Take care not to over-adjust this dial. Otherwise, you may miss small targ


    [GAIN]: Adjusting sensitivity

    The [GAIN] dial adjusts the reception sensitivity of RADAR echo. Turnin

    right increases the reception sensitivity and widens the distances in whic

    3.3.9 Turning the ARPA/AIS Target Display ON/OFYou can turn ON/OFF the ARPA/AIS target information on the chart using the ope


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    ARPA information is displayed only when it is received from the ARPA radar

    AIS information can be displayed only when it is received from the AIS recei

    For ARPA/AIS target settings, see 3.27.2 Setting ARPA/AIS Options.

    (1) ARPA/AIS display ON/OFF using the operation panelOn the operation panel

    Press the [AIS/ARPA] key.

    The target information sent from the radar currently selected will be superim

    (2) ARPA/AIS display ON/OFF from the menuARPA 1, ARPA 2 and AIS can be independently selected. Selecting ALL

    ARPA 1, ARPA 2 and AIS displays at the same time.

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(1) ARPA 1], - [(2) ARP

    ALL] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing meSelect [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(1) ARPA 1], - [(2) ARP

    ALL] in that order.

    Each time you select [(1) ARPA 1], [(2) ARPA 2], or [(4) AIS], its display i

    When you select [(5) ALL], items [(1) ARPA 1], [(2) ARPA 2], and [(4)

    turned ON and OFF.

    When the selected item is turned ON, the mark is attached.

    (3) Opening the ARPA/AIS list

    Note that the items Bearing, Distance, CPA and TCPA in the table are

    ARPA/AIS option settings. See 3.27.2 Setting ARPA/AIS Options.

    1) In the normal menu

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    1) In the normal menuSelect [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(8) ALL List] in that orde

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(8) ALL List] in that orde

    The ARPA/AIS List panel opens.

    2) Perform the following operation.

    Left-click one of the tabs, to open the ARPA - Port, ARPA-Starboard

    When you opened AIS panel, the [View AIS Detail] button becomes Left-click the [Close] button to close the ARPA/AIS List panel.

    List items:

    The items are the same for ARPA-Port, ARPA-Starboard and AIS. The P


    Bearing: Bearing to the ARPA/AIS target

    Distance: Distance to the ARPA/AIS target

    Heading: Heading of the ARPA/AIS target

    Course: Course of the ARPA/AIS target

    Speed: Speed of the ARPA/AIS target

    Position of the ARPA/AIS target

    CPA (Closest Point of Approach)

    TCPA (Time to Closest Point of Approach)

    [View AIS Detail] button function:

    You can view the detailed information on AIS.

    When you left-click this button, the AIS Information panel will open.

    Left-click the [Close] button to close the AIS Information panel.

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    - Ships Name: Name of the AIS target ship

    - MMSI: 9-digit unique user ID

    - Status: Status of the AIS target




    - Nav. Status: Navigation status of the AIS target

    0: UNDER WAY USING ENGINE: Under way

    1: AT ANCHOR: Anchoring

    2: NOT UNDER COMMAND: Not under command

    3. RESTRICTED MANOEUVRABILITY: Steering capabilities are limited

    4: CONSTRAINED BY HER DRAUGHT: Draft is limited

    5: MOORED: Mooring

    6: AGROUND: Grounding

    7: ENGAGED IN FISHING: Fishing

    8: UNDER WAY SAILING: Sailing

    9: RESERVED FOR HSC: High-speed craft

    7: Surveyed: Measuring type

    8-15: Not used: Not used

    - Position Accuracy: 0: Low, 1: High

    - Ships Type: Types of AIS target

    2X: WIG: Wing-in-ground effect craft

    30: FISHING VESSEL: Fishing vessel

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    30: FISHING VESSEL: Fishing vessel31: TOWING VESSEL: Towing vessel

    32: TOWING VESSEL-L > 200M B -> 25M: A towing vessel having a length of

    of 25m or longer

    33: DREDGE OR UNDERWATER OPE (Engaged in dredging or underwater

    dredging or conducting underwater operations

    34: VESSEL-DIVING OPE (Engaged in diving operation): A vessel conducting

    35: VESSEL-MILITARY OPE (Engaged in military operation): A vessel b

    operations36: SAILING VESSEL: Sailing vessel

    37: PLEASURE CRAFT: Pleasure craft

    4X: HSC (High speed craft): High-speed craft

    50: PILOT VESSEL: Pilot vessel

    51: SEARCH AND RESCUE VESSELS: Salvage vessel

    52: TUGS: Tugboat

    53: PORT TENDERS: Tender boat

    54: WITH ANTI-POLLUTION EQUIP (Vessels with anti-pollution facilities or eq55: LAW ENFORCEMENT VESSELS: Patrol vessel

    58: MEDICAL TRANSPORTS: Medical vessel

    59: RESOLUTION NO18: MOB-83 (Ships according to Resolution No18 (Mo

    the Radio Regulation

    6X: PASSENGER SHIPS: Passenger ship

    7X: CARGO SHIPS: Cargo ship

    8X: TANKER: Tanker

    9X: OTHER TYPE OF SHIP: Other types of ships

    For categories 2X, 4X, 6X, 7X, 8X, and 9X, the second digit indicates types of







    For categories 6X, 7X, 8X, and 9X, the second digit indicates a vessel status.

    X5: NOT UNDER COMMAND: Not under command

    X6: RESTRICTED BY (her ability) MANOEUVRE: Steering capabilities are lim

    (4) Activating and Deactivating AIS Targets ([AIS ACT] / [AIS IN-A

    The default for AIS targets is display in the inactive state. The procedu

    activating and deactivating AIS targets.


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    Activating:1) On the operation panel

    Press the [AIS ACT] key.

    In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(2) Activate AIS] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(3) Cursor] - [(2) Activate AIS] in that order.

    Or right-click on the chart, then select [Activate AIS] from the shortcut mThe cross cursor will change to a box cursor.

    2) Move the cursor with the track ball to an AIS target that is not active, t

    AIS target will become active, the status will be changed to active,



    1) On the operation panelPress the [AIS IN-ACT] key.

    In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(3) Deactivate AIS] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(3) Cursor] - [(3) Deactivate AIS] in that order.

    Or right-click on the chart, then select [Deactivate AIS] from the shortcu

    The cross cursor will change to a box cursor.

    2) Move the cursor with the track ball to an AIS target that is active, then

    target will become inactive, and the vector will not be displayed.

    Inactive Active

    (5) Panel Display of ARPA/AIS Target

    Left-click on the ARPA/AIS target displayed on the screen so that ARPA

    displayed on the Selected Target panel.

    1) On the operation panel

    Press the [TGT DATA] key

  • 7/25/2019 JAN 701 Instruction


    Press the [TGT DATA] key.

    In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(5) Other Information] in that order.

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(1) Cursor] - [(5) Other Information] in that order.

    Or right-click on the chart, then select [Other Information] from the short

    The cross cursor becomes the box cursor.

    2) Use the trackball to move the cursor to the ARPA/AIS target, and then leThe Selected Target panel will open and ARPA/AIS target information

    In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(4) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(9) Select List] in that o

    In the Table Editing menu, Graphic Editing menu, User Chart Editing me

    Select [MENU] - [(5) View] - [(3) ARPA/AIS] - [(9) Select List] in that o

    If you wish to have the Selected Target panel open in advance,

    - Up to 3 targets can be simultaneously displayed on the Selected Target p

    selected first is displayed in the top panel. As new targets are selected and

    move down by one. When the fourth target is selected, the bottom target d

    display the first target selection.

    - To delete a panel display, left-click on the [Release] button provided in each

    below the deleted panel, it moves up by one.

    Target La

    Name of t


    Bearing tow




    Course to


    Speed of the ARPA/AIS target


    Closest point of approach to

    the AIS target


    Time to closest point of

    approach to the AIS target

    3.3.10 System Restoration in Case of AbnormaOn the operation panel

    Press the [POWER] key.

    If the power does not turn off, then hold it down for approximately 10 seconds to

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    After a while, press the [POWER] key on the operation panel to turn ON the syst

    [POWER] key

    3.3.11 Using the CD Drive and FloppyOpening the panel on the front of the main unit will allow you to use the CD drive

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    CD dri

    Eject b

    and clo


    when i

    from th

    Floppy disk drive

    Access lamp: Will light green

    when the writing to or reading

    from a floppy disk.

    Eject button: Use to eject a

    floppy disk.

    3 4

    Selecting ROUTE and To When you start sailing, select the ROUTE and To WP as follows: Note that the ro

    the route type. More specifically, the extension .rtn is used for Normal type an


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    3.4.1 Selecting ROUTE and To WP Using the D(1) Selecting the route using the display panel

    1) Left-click the drop-down list button to open the ROUTE list.

    2) Left-click the route name you want in the drop-down list.

    When you select the route name, it is read from hard disk and the routthe chart.

    The initial route status is UNLOAD.

    Deleting the route:

    To delete the route being selected from the chart, left-click the drop-downROUTE list, and then left-click UNLOAD.

    The selected route is deleted from the screen.


    If the scheduled route is on floppy disk or on the navigation workstat

    hard disk using the File Manager. See 7.1 File Manager.

    (2) Selecting waypoint using the display panel

    As you sail, the waypoint number that the ship is currently heading to is dis

    There are two ways, automatic and manual, for selecting the waypoint num

    Automatic selection (Auto Select):

    The waypoint nearest the current position becomes the next waypoint. Wh

    waypoint, the waypoint is automatically updated to the next waypoint.

    Manual selection:

    To select any waypoint, manually select the waypoint.

    1) Left-click the drop-down list button to open the To WP list.

    2) Left-click any waypoint number.For example when you start from the beginning of the

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    For example, when you start from the beginning of the

    selected route, left-click 1 in the To WP drop-down


    3.4.2 Selecting ROUTE and To WP from(1) Selecting the route from the menu

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(1) Select Route] in that order. Th


    (2) Selecting the waypoint from the menu

    1) In the normal menu

    Select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(3) Select Next WP] in that order.

    The Select Next WP panel opens.

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    2) Select the WP you want by left-clicking it, and then left-click the [OK] bu

    WP is displayed on the To WP panel of the display panel.

    3.4.3 Calculating Distance to RunYou can calculate the distance between WPs or between own ship and a

    (Calculating Distance panel).

    1) In the normal menu

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    Select [MENU] - [(5) Route] - [(6) Calculate Distance to Run] in the or

    Then, the Calculating Distance panel opens.

    2) Left-click the drop-down list button in the [From] panel, and select [Way

    [Own Ship]. If you have selected [Way Point] or [Own Ship], select th

    from the WP No. drop-down list. If you have selected [Picked Point]

    left-clicking an arbitrary point on the route.

    3) Left-click the drop-down