#JamIT, 48 hours, collaboration and creation at Østfold University College #Forskningsdagene

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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I forbindelse med Forskningsdagene er alle avdelinger ved Høgskolen i Østfold invitert til en helg med faglig innhold og mye moro. Vi skal tenke og skape sammen innenfor IT-avdelingens forskingsområder IT4Living, IT4learning og IT4Green.

Transcript of #JamIT, 48 hours, collaboration and creation at Østfold University College #Forskningsdagene

48 hours, collaboration &




A short story why we do this

Beathe Due / case / intervju HiØ 30.5.2013 2


Social Sciences


Natural Sciences

Interdisciplinary methods make research and innovation more exciting, creative and useful

Challenge stereotypes & embrace the unexpected

Who defines «right» and «wrong» usage of technologies? !Why were women, youths, grumpy old men, women again, criticized for using technology «wrong» or not as expected - by whom? !If surprised by usage - embrace it! !«The time will come, he predicted, when Mrs. Smith would spend an hour with Mrs. Brown ‘very enjoyably cutting up Mrs. Robinson’ over the telephone» (Aronson 1977:31)


#cloudsandconcerts: data analytics is a way to understand and discover surprises

To discover surprises - you have to ask questions, new questions, challenge your own stereotypes and listen to people thinking different than you !

#lyseideer - from data analytics to user participation, user testing & prototyping - that’s when it starts to be exciting!

How can we use these methods to meet Østfold University College’s research areas?


Technology, energy, society!

IT4Living Technology, health, welfare


Technology, media, learning

#HiØ students - you are the next makers!

Summary: use your skills this weekend, challenge stereotypes, move outside your comfort zones, embrace surprisers…
