James Ogden Portfolio

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of James Ogden Portfolio

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


     J ames Ogd en


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    Contact James Ogden




  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    Table of Contents5| Letterhead 

    7 | Business Card 

    9 | Event Ad 

    11 | Flier 

    13 | Web Design

    15 | Photodesign

    17 | Montage

    19 | Brochure

    21 | Logos

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


     Very Good Building Company

    Thank You, For Your Business.Ron Swanson1245 City St. Pawnee IN 93482245.654.3215Pawneeindiana.com,Ronswanson@thegovernment.com

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    Business CardThis project was made to practice our design skills in creating professional business cards.

     Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

    February 27, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Use the basic tools in Illustrator & InDesign.

    Create a new logo to t a company or personal image. Do not imitate existing logos or use previous designs. Don’t use photos or live trace.Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Photos areokay on business card and letterhead as additional design elements. Letterhead should be 8.5

     x 11, full-bleed optional, but trim only .125. Business card should be 3.5 x 2 and printed above

    center on a vertical page. Apply typography rules, keeping small copy.Keep designs simple with light watermarks and drop shadows and plenty of white space.Include contact information: name, address, phone, website, and email on each piece. Use peri-ods, bullets, or spaces in phone number; no parentheses/ hyphens.

    I rst used Adobe Illustrator to create the tool logo by tracing simple clip arts in order to

    create vectored images. I then transferred it to Adobe InDesign to create the layouts for both.Once the logos were transfered, and after I had made the stationary, I created a layout thatwas consistent with what I hade prevously designed. Transfering elements such as the place-ment of the logo, and the three different colored lines accenting the design.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


     Very Good



    Ron Swanson

    1245 City St. Pawnee IN 93482




  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    Event AdThis is a project made to demonstrate the design capabilities of Microsoft Word.

    Microsoft Word, basic scanner software

     January 31, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Comprehend image sizing (how pixels and inches work together)

    Find, scan and import a high-quality image.Create a full-bleed design.Choose a color scheme and typeface(s) that work for your message and audience.

    Learn to use only Word design features without using any Adobe programs, includingPhotoshop.

    I used Microsoft word and a personal scanner to create this ad. The main image was scannedoff the back of a copy of Star Wars Battlefront by Dice and EA games. I wanted to keep withthe theme of Star Wars throughout the ad, so I downloaded a free font that matches the title,and created the red and green accents to look like lazer blasts, and keep things in the same


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    This was the rst project in the Design class. Used to demonstrate our initial abilities with Adobe InDesign and our understanding of typography.

     Adobe InDesign

     January 22, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

     Apply the design principles and use appropriate typography.Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic ier layout.

    Retrieve image and logo from links on this page.Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign document to keep links inInDesign intact.

    I used Adobe InDesign to create this yer. Primarily I used the text-box and type-on-path

    tools, but I also used the shape tools mixed with the gradient color option to create some

    of the other design elements. I made sure to repeat the elements that I was using. I alsoensured that everything was well aligned.


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


     G   r  a  d     

    u  a  t  e 


    L  e a  d     e r  s  h     i      p  


    C    o   n            f          e  r   e  n  c  e  

    Do you want to have the competitive edge in business?

    Come learn how at Vouant Communication’s annual

    Graduate Leadership Conference.

      Vouant Communications is devoted to helping tomorrow’s

    leaders gain essential leadership skills in the workplace.

    During this dynamic three-day seminar, attendees will meet

    with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss

      breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating

    attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.

      Conference is available to graduating seniors.

    O   c   t   o  b  e  r    2   1   


    8    a  . m  .  –   5     p  . m  . 


    L  i   n  c   o  l    n   C    o  n  v   e  n  t   i   o  n   C    e  n  t   e  r   


    S    p  a  c  e   i   s   l   i   m  i   t  e  d   . 

    Registration and more information available at, http://www.vouantcomm.com/leaders

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    Web Design A project desgined to teach us the basic principles of HTML and CSS.

    Text Wrangler 

    March 12, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Size and optimize an original logo as a .png for a web page so the long side is300 – 500 pixels.

    Write content to describe the process of creating your logo and how it appeals to a targetaudience. (Minimum of 200 words. Include rationale for colors, appeal to target audience, de-sign skills, etc,)

     Acquire a working knowledge of HTML. (Include all required tags – Doctype (provided), html,

    head, title, meta charset (provided), body, h1, h2, p, ol or ul (with li tags), img, br, and a

    link to blog)

     Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. (Customize the provided CSS provided to format theHTML to complement the logo design. Change at least the following: The h1 text color & h1

    background color, font colors for the paragraphs & list items, the background color, font fami-lies and add at least one css comment.)

    Identify hex colors to match logo, using Photoshop color picker.

    Open the HTML page in a web browser and capture a quality screen shot with .5 inchmargins for printing.

    Using Text Wrangler for Mac, I used html and css coding to create this webpage. I’ll admit that

    this was not my favorite project. My mind didn’t seem to want to wrap aroud the concepts ofcode. I fortuantly had an initial layout that I could build off of.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    PhotodesignThis project was created to demonstrate our ability to take quality photographs, and edit themin Adobe Photoshop.

     Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

    February 6, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Learn basic photography skills.Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match those colors, then incorporate the colors intothe layout.Use a digital camera to take a quality image, then download it.

     Adjust image levels, saturation, color balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for NDE(non-destructive editing.)

    Size and crop the image, then place on an 8.5×11 page layout.Use layers to design text, and repeating graphic elements in Photoshop.

    Print with full-bleed margins. Trim only 1/8″ (0.125) from all four sides.

    I used a Nikon camera and photoshop to create this yer. Using photoshop I made a fewminor edits to the photo I took, like sharpness, contrast and other elements like those.

     After I had edited the photo, I transfered it to Adobe Indesign in order to put everythingtogether. I honestly wasn’t sure what to create with this design, so it’s not the mostserious of projects.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


     MontageThis is a “Spiritual” project made for my design class. I decided to take something controver-sial and close to a lot of people’s hearts in order to really get people to look at it and considermy design. It was created to demonstrate our abilities with more advanced editing tools in

     Adobe Photoshop.

     Adobe Photoshop

    February 14, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Use the FOCUS design process with strong focal point and ow 

    Unify a layout with a consistent theme and dominant spiritual messageLearn to blend two or more images together gradually, using masksDemonstrate more advanced Photoshop skills for layout with multiple elementsUse a mask to apply a lter to one part of the image

     Apply typography principles (titles, quotes, events or scriptures…your choice)

    Format type: Legibility; Small copy & Title with varying text size. Theme word(s)

    Select good quality images

    I used Adobe Photoshop and a standard google image search. After choosing my topic, Isearched for a high quality image, (nothing under 1024×768) and added it into my photo. I

    decided on a good shape for my image because I didn’t want to simply use the standardrectangle. I then feathered the edges to make them softer and found a good image for mybackground. I used different masking techniques on the background image of the feet to makeit blend well with both the main image and the black background. After deciding on somegood text, I chose how to break it up. After some suggestions and critiques, I was able to

    break it up further and make everything easier to look at.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio






    Why wouldn’t

     youchoose  them  

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    BrochureThis is a design made for a brochure layout made for my band, The Noisy Neighbors.

     Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

    March 26, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Set up and align a two-sided, folded document.Create an original, new logo and use it in a brochure.Incorporate quality images. Incorporate at least four quality images, not including the logo.One should be clipped in Photoshop and text-wrapped in InDesign so the text follows the

    cutout shape of the image.Write at least 250 words of original copy in at least three paragraphs,headers, and subheaders.Trim for a full bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.

    I rst used Adobe Illustrator to design the logo. After this I found the pictures for the band

    member that I wanted to use. I knew that I wanted this brochure to be an introducing tool forthe band. After nding the picture that I wanted, I cropped it so that each person was isolat -

    ed. After this I found a picture from a show and inserted it as well and did some editing inPhotoshop in oder to get ride of the background. After writing the bios for the members andthe band itself, I put everything together and moved it all until it looked the way I wanted it to.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio




    Ben’s talent on the bass is what drew him into the attention of

    his band. Having grown up in Michigan, latter to marry a mutual

    friend of James and Austin, they all quickly grew close. Preferring

    the heavier styles of music to the rock that many bands tend to

    flow toward, his influence is heard greatly in the fast paced and

    deep bass lines of the band’s music.

    Easily the most laid back and carefree of the group, his influence

    keeps the music and the mood light, especially when things get

    tough. His primary style of music leans towards the sounds of Jason

    Mraz. His band-mate James, whom he’s been a friend with since

    early high school, fondly says, “Your music sounds like what would

    result if Jason Mraz and Coldplay had a baby.”

    Having grown up in Wisconsin with Austin, their friendship was a

    solid foundation with which the rest of the band could build on.

    As the drummer for the band, he makes sure everything is neat

    and sounding uniform. He was immediately accepted as the bestpossible drummer for the band after his flawless performance of

    legendary Blink-182 drummer, Travis Barker’s covers.

    Calling no place home, James has lived his life in many different

    places, Utah, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, California, Idaho and back again.

    He has sung his whole life and considers it the one thing he is truly

    good at. With a very 90’s skater-punk background and attitude, he

    keeps the music fast and gritty, also making things interesting when

    he gets bored back-stage. However, he is being mellowed by his

    wife and new baby on the way.

    Brought to you all the way from the Midwest, theNoisy Neighbors have been playing together for

    a staggering two months. Coming from different

    areas of the Midwest, they all have differingbackgrounds that make their sound as unique as

    it is. Some of their favorite things about home

    are things like, the greener grass from the sideyou wish you were on, the fat, fat cows, and the

    strength of the second amendment in the area,

    that allows them the right to shoot stuff. They

    would like to share publicly, a personal messageto their namesake, their neighbors, “We

    apologize for the noise, but we feel

    that the fact that you called

    the cops on us was


    Follow us on Facebook: 


    Upcoming Shows: April 24th, The Burg

      March 3rd, Skizzies

      March 13, Eagle’s Ballroom


    For booking call: (918)899-0607

     The band can also be seen most Thursday nights at the Burg

    Ben Mcdaniel

     Austin Neeley

    Eric Sprouce

    James Ogden


      Front   Inside

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio


    LogosThis is a project made to demonstrate my knowledge of the basic elements of design, the useof Adobe Illustrator, and color.

     Adobe Illustrator 

    Fabruary 21, 2016


    Nichole Nugent 

    Create three completely different, original logos to t a company or personal image that will

    appeal to the audience. Do not imitate existing logos or use previous designs.

    Market research: gather opinions from at least ten people about which logo appealsmost to them.Use only the Illustrator tools to create and draw your logos. (No Illustrator pre-fabricated

     ares, symbols, etc.. No photos or live-tracing. You may use an image or drawing as a guide to

    trace it with the pen/pencil, but delete the image before submitting.)

    Rene one logo with variations for color 

    I used Adobe Illustrator to create this logo. I found a high resolution picture of the front ofa gun, looking down the barrel. I then traced the basic shapes of that image and created myown version of that picture. I then used different colors in a monochromatic scheme to try and

     nd a color that matched the mood of the logo.

  • 8/18/2019 James Ogden Portfolio






    Pro Airsoft Supplies