James M. Robinson - lampuntomyfeetministries.church

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Transcript of James M. Robinson - lampuntomyfeetministries.church

''An_ absolute gold mine of the literature of ,Gnosticism."

- The Los Angeles Times


The definitive new translation of the Gnostic scriptures,

complete in one volume

James M. Robinson General Editor


Introduced by


Translated by


The Apocalypse of Peter is a pseudonymous Christian Gnostic writing that contains an account of a revelation seen by the apostle Peter and interpreted by Jesus the Savior. The persecution of Jesus is used as a model for understanding early Christian history in which a faithful gnostic remnant is oppressed by those "who name themselves bishop and also deacons ."

This document belongs to the literary genre of the apocalypse. It is organized around three vision reports attributed to Peter. The visions are explained by the Savior, who functions as the interpreting angel commonly,found in apocalyptic literc,\ture. In a series of prophecies that actually reflect past events , the early Christian church is portrayed as divided into various factions which oppose the gnostic community. The world is a hostile environment for the immortal souls , (the Gnostics) , who outwardly resemble the mortal souls (non-Gnostics) but in-wardly differ from them by virtue of their immortal essence. Having been given knowledge of their heavenly origin, the Gnostics long for the return of the heavenly Son of Man, who will come as the eschatological judge to condemn the oppressors and vindicate the Gnostics.

The apocalyptic form of this tractate has been employed to present a gnostic understanding of Christian tradition about Jesus . The traditional material is skillfully interpreted in accordance with gnostic theology. The first visionary scene, depicting the hostile priests and people about to kill Jesus (72,4-9) is inter-preted in terms of at I.east six groups characterized as " blind ones who have no guide.'' Many of these groups appear to be from the orthodox church, b4t some of them may be better understood as rival gnostic · sects. The second scene (81,3-14) describes Peter's vision of the crucifixion of Jesus. The accompanying interpretation by Jesus makes a distinction b~tween the external physical form and the living Jesus; the latter stands nearby laughing at his ignorant persecutors. The third visionary scene (82,4-16) corresponds to the resurrection of Jesus in or-thodox tradition , but it is interpreted in gnostic terms as a reunification of the spiritual body of Jesus with the intellectual light of th~ heavenly pleroma.

TheApoca/ypse of Pete,: is significant in several respects. It contains impor-tant source material for a gnostic Christology that understands Jesus as a docetic redeemer. The view of the Gnostic community, including its relationship to Peter as its originator, is another key theme of this document. Of considerable interest are the identity of the gnostic group to which the writing is addressed, and the stage of the controversy, between emerging orthodoxy and heresy , presupposed


by the tractate . It would appear that the Apocalypse·o· -l'P t. , • • • , . • • • 'J e er was wri tten m the third century. when this d1stmct1on between orthodoxy and h . I I d

eresy was rather c ear y rawn. • .


VII 70, 13-84, 14

Apocalypse of Peter 1 ·

As the Savior was sitting in 15 .the temple in the three hundredth (year) · of I the covenant and the agreement of I the tenth pillar, and I being sat- · isfied with the number I of the living, incorruptible Majesty, zo he said to me, "Peter, 1 blessed are those I above belonging to the Father

I who

revealed life I to those who are from the life, through 25

me, since I re-, minded (them); 1 they who are built I on what is strong, 1 that they may

hear my word I and distinguish ,words 30' of unrigJ:iteousness and

I trans-

gression of law I from righteousness, as 71 being from the height of 1

every word of this pleroma I of truth, having I been enlightened in good pl,easure by 5 him whom the principalities sought. I But they did not find I him, nor was he mentioned I among any generation of

I the

. prophets. He has IO now appeared among these, 1 in him who appeared, 1

who is the Son of Man I who is exalted above the heavens in I

a fear of men of like es~ence. 15 But you yourself, Peter, 1 become perfect

I in

accordance with your name with myself, 1 the one who chose ybu, b~-cause I from you. I have estabHshed a base 20 for the remnant whom I , have ·' summoned to knowledge. 1 Therefore be strong until the


imita-: tion of righteousness - i' of him who had summoned you,

25 having

summoned you I to know him in a way .which is I worth doing because of the rejection I which happened to him, and the sinews

I of his hands

and his feet, 30 and the crowning I by those of the middle region, 1

and the body of I his radiance which they bring 1 1n hope of 72 service be-cause of a reward I of honor - _ as he was about to reprove

I you three

times I in this night.'' And as he was saying 5 these things, I saw the pri~sts

I and the people

running up I to us with stones, as if they I would kill us; and I was afraid I that we were going io die.' · And 10 he said to me, "Peter, I have told I you many times that

I they

are blind ones who have I no guide. If you want I to know their blind-ness, 15 put your hands upon ·(your) eyes - 1 your ·robe - and say '

what you see." I

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11·•1 I ! ii, @·

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I r~ ! ~· I I ~I I I. ,,I

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But when I had done it, I did not see I anything. I said, ' ' No one sees (this way)." 20

Again he told me, 1 ~'Do it again." . / And there came I in me fear with I joy, for I saw a I new light greater

than the 25 light of day. Then I it came down upon the Savior. 1 And I told him about those things I which I saw.

And I he said to me again, "Lift up 30 your hands and I listen to what 73 the priests and the people are saying.' '

And I I listened to the priests as they sat I with the scribes. The multi-tudes were I shouting with their voice.

When he 5 heard these things from me I he said to me, "Prick up your ec!rs I and listen I to the things they are saying." 1

And I listened again. "As,you -sit 10 they are praising you." And I when I said these things, the Savior said, 1 "I have told you

that these (people) I are blind and . I deaf. Now then, listen to 15 the things which they are telling you I in a mystery, and I guard them. Do

. 20 not tell them to the I sons of this age. 1 For they shall blaspheme you in these ages since they I are ignorant of you, 1 bµt they will praise you in knowledge. 1_

"For many I will accept our teaching in the beginning. 25 And they will turn I from them again by the will I of the Father of their error, 1

because they have done what he wanted. 1 And he will -reveal them 30 in his judgment, i.e, 1 the servants of the Word. 1 But those who .became 74 mingled with these shall become I their pi:isoners, 1 since they are without percep(ion. 1 And the guileless, good, 5 pure one they push I to the worker of death, 1 and to the kingdom of I those who praise Christ

_ 1 in a restoration. 10 And they praise the men I of the propagation of falsehood, 1 those who will come after you. 1 And they will cleave,to the name I of a dead man, thinking 15 that they will become pure: But I they will become greatly defiled and they will I fall into a name of error, 1

and into the hand of an I evil, cunning man and a 20 manifold dogma, and ·they will be I ruled .1 heretically. · "For some I of them will I blaspheme the truth and 25 proclaim evil

teaching. And I they will say evil things I against each other. Some I will be named: 1 (those) who stand in. (the) strength 30 of the archons, of a man .

1 and a naked woman I who is manifold I and subject to much 1

suffering. And 75 those who say these things will I ask about dreams. And if they I say that a dream I came from a demon 5 worthy of their error, then I t_hey shall be given perdition instead I of incorruption.

"For evil I cannot produce I good fruit (cf. Lk 6:43). For 10 the place


frorn which each of them is I produces that which is like itself; 1 for not every soul is I of the truth, nor I of immortality. 15 For every soul of these ages I has death assigned to it I ip. our view, because I it is always a slave, 1 since it is created for its desires 20 and their eternal I de-struction, in which I they are and I from which they are. 1 They (the souls) love the creatures 25 of the matter which came forth I with them.

''But I the immortal souls are not like these, 1 0 Peter. But indeed, as long as I the hour is not yet come, (the immortal soul) 30 shall I resemble ·a rnortal one. 1 But it shall not reveal I its nature, that it 1

• alone is the 76 immortal one, and thinks about I immortality, having faith, 1 and desir-ing to renounce I these things.

"For people do not gather 5 figs from thorns or from I thorn trees, if . they I are wise, nor grapes I from thistles (cf. Lk 6:44). 1 For on the one hand, that which is 10 always becoming is in that I from which it is, be-ing I from what is not good, which I becomes destruction for it (the · soul) and I death. But that (immortal so1,1l) which comes to be 15 in the Eternal One is in the One of I the life and the immortality of I the life which they resemble. 1

"Therefore all that which exists I not will dissolve into what 20 exists not. 1 For deaf and I blind ones join only with I their own kind. 1

"But others shall change 25 from evil words I and misleading I mys-teries. Some I who do not understand mystery I speak of things which


they do not understand, 1 but they will boast I that the mystery I of the truth is theirs I alone. And 55 in haughtiness 77 they shall grasp at pride 1 to envy the I immortal soul which has become a pledge. 1 For every authority, rule, 5 and power of the aeons I wishes to be with I these in the creation of I the world, in order that those who I are not , );laving been forgotten 10 by those that are, 1 may praise them, 1 though they have not been saved, nor have they I been brought to the Way by them, 1 always wishing 15 that they may become I imperishable ones. 1 For if the immortal soul I receives power in an I intellectual spirit - . But im-mediately 20 they join with one I of those who misled them. 1


"But many others, 1 who oppose the I truth and are the messengers 25

of error, will I set up their error and I their law against I these pure thoughts of mine,) as looking out 20 from one (perspective), thinking 1

that good and evif I are from one (source). 1 They do business in 78 my word. And they will propagate I harsh fate. 1 The race of immortal 1

souls will go in it 5 in vain I until my Parousia. 1 For they shall come out of them - 1 and my forgiveness of I tl;eir transgressions 10 into which they fell through I their adversaries, 1 whose ransom I got I from the


slavery in which I they were, to give them 15 fteedom that ,they may cre-ate I an imitation remnant I in the name of ,a dead man, 1 who is Her-

. mas, of the I first-born ·of unrighteousness, 20 in order that the light which exists I may not be believed I by the little ones. I But those of this sort are the wo;kers I who will be cast into the outer darkness, 25 away from the sons I of light. For neither will they I enter, 1 nor do they per-mit I those who are going up to ,30 thelr approval for I their release.

'' And still others I of them who suffer think I that they will p~rf ect. 79 the wisdom of the brotherhood I which really ·exists, which is the 1

spiritual fellowship with those I united in communion, 5 through which 1 the wedding of I incorruptibility shall be revealed. 1 The kindred race 1 of the sisterhood will appear 10 as an imitation. 1 These are the ones

. who oppress I their\brothers, saying I to them, 'Through this-1 our God has pity, 15 since salvation comes I to us through this,' not knowing 1

the punishment of those who I ate made glad by those who I have done this thing to the little ones whom 20 they saw, (and) whom they took 1

prisoner. 1

'' And there shall be others I of those who are outside our I number who name themselves 25 bishop and also I deacons, as if they have re-ceived I their authority from God. 1 They bend themselves under the 1

judgment of the ieaders. 30 Those people are I dry canals." I

But I said, "I am afraid -because I of what you have told me, that 80 indeed little (ones) are, in our view, the I counterfeit ones, 1 indeed, that there are multitudes that will mislead I other multitudes of living ones,

• • 5· and destroy them among I themselves. And when they speak your name I they will be believed." 1

The Savior said, "For a time I determined for them in 10 proportion to their error they will I rule over the little ones. And I after the com-

-pletion of I the error, the I never-aging one of the immortal understand-ing 15 shall become young, and they (the little ones) shall rule over 1

those, who a·re their ruiers. 1 The root of their error I he shall pluck out, and he shall I put it to shame so that it shall be manifest 20 in \all the impudence which it I has assumed to itself. And I such ones shall be-come I unchangeable, 0 Peter.

''Come, 1 therefore, let us go on with the completion 25 of the will of the I incorruptible Father. 1 For behold, those who will I bring them judgment are coming, and they I will put them to shame. But me 30 they cannot touch. 1 And you, 0 Peter, shall I stand in their midst. Do not be I afraid because of your cowardice. 81 Their minds shall be closed, 1

for the invisible one I has opposed them.''



When I he had said those things, , I saw him 5 seemingly being seized 1 by them. And I I said, "What do I see, 1 0 Lord, that it is you yourself 1 whom they take, and that you are 10 grasping me? Or who is this one

I '

1 glad and laughing on the tree? 1 And is it another one I whose feet and 1 hands they are striking?" 15

The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw I on the tree, glad I and laughing, this is the I living Jesus. But this one I into whose hands and 20 feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, 1 which is the substitute 1

being put to shame, the one I who came into being in his likeness. 1 But look at him and me." 25

But I, when I had looked, said, 1 'Lord, no one is looking at I you. Let us flee this I place."

But he said to me, 1 "I have t'old you, 30 'Leave the blind alone!' 1

And you, see how I they do not know what they are saying. 82 For the son of I their glory instead of my servant I they have put to shame."


And I saw someone about to approach 5 us resembling him, even him . 1 who was laughing on the tree. 1 And he was (filled) with a I Holy Spirit , and he is the I Savior. And there was a great, 10 ineffable light around them, 1 and the multitude I of ineffable and I invisible angels


blessi~g them. 15 And when I looked at him, 1 the one who gives praise was revealed . 1

And he said to me, ,-" Be strong, for you are the one to whom I these mysteries have been given, 20 to know them through revelation, 1 that he whom they crucified is I the first-born, and the home I of demons, and the stony vessel (?) 1 in which they dwell, of Elohim,

25 of the cross


which is under the Law. 1 But he who stands near him I is the living Savior, the first I in him, whom they seized 30 and released ,

1 who

stands joyfully I looking at tho~e who did him I violence, while they are divided among themselves . 83 Therefore he laughs I at their lack of perception, 1 knowing that they· are born blind. 1 So then

5 the one

susceptible to suffering shall come, since the body I is the substitute . But what they I released was my incorporeal I body. But I am the in-tellectual I Spirit filled with rn radiant light. He I whom you saw coming to I me is our intellectual I Pleroma, which unites I the perfect light with 15 H l S . . my o y pmt.

"These things , then, 1 which you saw you shall present I to those of another race I who are not of this age. 1 For there will be no honor

20 in

any man I who is not immortal, 1 but Qnly (in) those who were chosen 1 from an immortal substance, 1 which has shown 25 that it is able to contain him I who gives his abundance. Therefore I I said, 'Every one 1

' I \·. ,, ''1 , I . 1· .,, . ,, ,i: ii '


who has, it will be given to him, and I he will have plenty' (Mt 25:29). 30 But he who does not have, that is, 1 th·e man of this place, who is 1

completely d~ad, who I is removed from the planting I of the creation of what is begotten, 84 whom,· if one I of the immortal essence appears, I they think that I they possess him - 5 it will be taken from him and I

be added to the one who is. You, 1, therefore, be courageous and do not 1 fear at all. For, I ,shall be I with you in order that none 10 of y~ur enemies may prevail over you . 1 Peace be to you. Be strong!'' 1

When he (Jesus) had said these things, he (Peter) came I to himself. 1

Apocalypse of Peter